Pic from HERE
A jubilant President Obama signed the health care bill into law today, calling its historic expansion of insurance coverage "reforms that generations of Americans have fought for and marched for and hungered to see."
"Today, after almost a century of trying -- today, after over a year of debate -- today, after all the votes have been tallied, health insurance reform becomes law in the United States of America," Obama said at a White House ceremony packed with ecstatic supporters. From HERE
Hi All;
People have a LOT of questions following the signed health care bill.
Please take a moment to read the following.
Sent to me by Move On Political Action
Even with the bill's flaws, health care reform is the most important piece of progressive legislation in decades.
Below is a list of ten of the most important things health care reform will accomplish for everyday Americans—none of which would've been possible without the dogged efforts of grassroots progressives and the support of Representative Steve Kagen.1
Republicans are already unleashing their spin machine to target Democrats who voted for reform, so we've got to show that we've got their backs.
***Big Insurance and right-wing extremists are already ratcheting up their campaign to spread misinformation about the bill, so it's critical that we get the truth out as widely as possible.
Thanks for all you do.
1. Once reform is fully implemented, over 95% of Americans will have health insurance coverage, including 32 million who are currently uninsured. 2
2. Health insurance companies will no longer be allowed to deny people coverage because of preexisting conditions—or to drop coverage when people become sick. 3
3. Just like members of Congress, individuals and small businesses who can't afford to purchase insurance on their own will be able to pool together and choose from a variety of competing plans with lower premiums. 4
4. Reform will cut the federal budget deficit by $138 billion over the next ten years, and a whopping $1.2 trillion in the following ten years.5
5. Health care will be more affordable for families and small businesses thanks to new tax credits, subsidies, and other assistance—paid for largely by taxing insurance companies, drug companies, and the very wealthiest Americans.6
6. Seniors on Medicare will pay less for their prescription drugs because the legislation closes the "donut hole" gap in existing coverage.7
7. By reducing health care costs for employers, reform will create or save more than 2.5 million jobs over the next decade. 8
8. Medicaid will be expanded to offer health insurance coverage to an additional 16 million low-income people. 9
9. Instead of losing coverage after they leave home or graduate from college, young adults will be able to remain on their families' insurance plans until age 26. 10
10. Community health centers would receive an additional $11 billion, doubling the number of patients who can be treated regardless of their insurance or ability to pay. 11
1. Final vote results on motion to concur in Senate amendments to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, March 21, 2010
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11. "Affordable Health Care for America: Summary," House Energy and Commerce Committee, March 18, 2010
4. "Insurance Companies Prosper, Families Suffer: Our Broken Health Insurance System," U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Accessed March 22, 2010
5. "Affordable Health Care for America: Health Insurance Reform at a Glance: Revenue Provisions," House Energy and Commerce Committee, March 18, 2010
8. "New Jobs Through Better Health Care," Center for American Progress, January 8, 2010
9, 10. "Proposed Changes in the Final Health Care Bill," The New York Times, March 22, 2010
11. "Affordable Health Care for America: Health Insurance Reform at a Glance: Addressing Health and Health Care Disparities," House Energy and Commerce Committee, March 20, 2010
This is also a moment of history, a culmination of the legacies of Truman and Franklin Roosevelt.
On Nov. 19, 1945, Truman stated facts that are true to this day. "People with low or moderate incomes do not get the same medical attention as those with high incomes," he said. "The poor have more sickness, but they get less medical care. People who live in rural areas do not get the same amount or quality of medical attention as those who live in our cities."
The nation, Truman added, needed to resolve "that financial barriers in the way of attaining health shall be removed" and "that the health of all its citizens deserves the help of all the Nation."
Nearly 65 years later, Truman's wish has come to pass.
It is also worth remembering that when Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act in 1935, he was properly modest. FDR insisted that "we can never insure one hundred percent of the population against one hundred percent of the hazards and vicissitudes of life."
He knew that his bill was more a beginning than an end. The Social Security Act, Roosevelt said, "represents a cornerstone in a structure which is being built but is by no means complete."
That's exactly true of the reform Congress enacted Sunday night. It does not quite cover everyone -- Social Security didn't, either -- and that must be taken care of.
There will be years of wrangling over the system's costs and how it works in practice. Every successful health system in the world confronts such arguments.
This new law will not end all our health-care problems (no law could), but it does a great deal for access, and it makes solving other problems a little easier. Above all, it puts us on a new path." end quote
It should almost go without saying, but I would be remiss not to express my gratitude.
THANK YOU PRESIDENT OBAMA! and the 219 others that cared enough to pass this bill.
These seem to be the most wary of all the truths stated above:
ReplyDeleteRepublicans are already unleashing their spin machine to target Democrats who voted for reform, so we've got to show that we've got their backs.Big Insurance and right-wing extremists are already ratcheting up their campaign to spread misinformation about the bill, so it's critical that we get the truth out as widely as possible.
Please take care in your words that you post the truth. Not fear. Not lies.
Say what you will.. feel however you want... I believe that this is a huge mistake... Im heartsick and feel totally betrayed by those in Washington DC
ReplyDeleteDo I believe anything they are saying... Nope I dont...
Do I believe that forcing people to buy a product be it insurance or a car is a good thing?.. (isnt that unconstitutional, somehow?)
NO! I dont and to have the IRS in charge of it... Oh MY GOD WHAT ARE THEY THINKING??????? Oh I forgot.. they know better than me or how many million others.
To vote for something that over half of the people of the United States said NO... tells me they are disconnected from the people and they dont care... Well... I will show my anger and distrust at the polls..
I know your pleased and you think this is the best thing since sliced bread.. but when they end up taxing the beegeebers out of you and me and countless others to pay for this.. and then in the process bankrupt this country... maybe then you will understand why this particular bill was &*#*
I was here, read your blog. Hope you have a great evening!
ReplyDeleteTuesday, March 23, 2010 2:23 PM
I'm writing to you on a great day for America.
This morning, I gathered with members of Congress, my administration, and hardworking volunteers from every part of the country to sign comprehensive health care reform into law. Thanks to the immeasurable efforts of so many, the dream of reform is now a reality.
The bill I just signed puts Americans in charge of our own health care by enacting three key changes:
It establishes the toughest patient protections in history.
It guarantees all Americans affordable health insurance options, extending coverage to 32 million who are currently uninsured.
And it reduces the cost of care -- cutting over 1 trillion dollars from the federal deficit over the next two decades.
To ensure a successful, stable transition, many of these changes will phase into full effect over the next several years.
But for millions of Americans, many of the benefits of reform will begin this year -- some even taking effect this afternoon. Here are just a few examples:
Small businesses will receive significant tax cuts, this year, to help them afford health coverage for all their employees.
Seniors will receive a rebate to reduce drug costs not yet covered under Medicare.
Young people will be allowed coverage under their parents' plan until the age of 26.
Early retirees will receive help to reduce premium costs.
Children will be protected against discrimination on the basis of medical hi
The note from the president which I have just received is posted.
ReplyDeleteYou will note that small businesses, seniors, young people, early retiress, children, uninsured Americans, insured Americans- ALL AMERICANS are noted within that missive.
That's who I was/am/WILL fight for.
Your reply has only mentioned "I" "I" "I"...
Are you truly against paying additional tax to save peoples lives?
Surely you would not gripe and grouse about that? (Or would you)?
"PEOPLE BEFORE PROFITS" comes to mind...
Like you my voice, and many other will also be heard at the polls.
Unlike you, I will be thanking those who have had the backbone to stand up to the lies the deceit and the misinformation that has pervaded this entire last year.
I will proudly (and loudly) vote for the "YES WE DID" people.
Will you then turn down any benefits of this healthcare bill that positively affects you?
Or will you just believe in things that even the Brothers Grimm could not conceive?
Yes, and sixteen states have already decided the same thing - because they're banding together to sue the Federal government over that very issue.
ReplyDeleteWhile there are some very good intentions here, the current bill is flawed. The problem will not be solved by forcing people to purchase insurance they can't afford right now.
I don't know how it will all wash out in the end, but the stock market certainly does seem to like that it passed...
ReplyDeleteBetween you, me, and the world, I posted this blog so people COULD know the truth of the matter. Sadly, many may not realize these truths until they have their first heart attack. Some may not realize the benefits until the 10th...IMO, it speaks volumes of a persons character and integrity to deny truth, or to 'spin' it dizzy.It is people that inherently DENY these truths that seem so dough~headed and thick. Hmmm...Speaking of lies... I so had to check first...Do tell JT that the interpretation of the picture he has posted of our President removing his shoes is incorrect- (as are all that commented). Since JT has me blocked from his redneck site, I will respond here.Background first- from arkansasredneck... CLICK the name...Here's the email he received:
Subject: Fw: LOOK WHO'S PRAYING!And what was it he said to all of you that were in Washington, DC last week..... don't question my religion?HE PRAYS WITH THE MUSLIMS!!This is OUR President at a MOSQUE prayer session LAST WEEK AT THE WHITE HOUSE, on the site where the INAUGURATION is held every 4 years!He canceled OUR CHRISTIAN "NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER"
NOW... THIS.For Obama to continue as our president is an INSULT TO OUR FOUNDING FATHERS! AND DISGUSTING TO EVERY RED BLOODED AMERICAN***Forward this
ReplyDeleteThanks Brat!
Mr. Will
ReplyDeleteI see where that list grew by 3 or 4 even today.
I stand firm on the good intentions that clearly WILL save lives. (Perhaps even my own daughters, not to mention more than a few of my friends).
As stated within my blog, "This new law will not end all our health-care problems (no law could), but it does a great deal for access, and it makes solving other problems a little easier. Above all, it puts us on a new path."
ReplyDeleteGreat point Sweetie!
And right you are about the stock market... Since I know little about how that works I shall leave it up to someone/anyone else to explain to me on an 8 year old level why the market liked it so much?
Flint, I don't doubt you're correct. I've never doubted that we need universal health-care. The real problem is that the bill doesn't go far enough, and the notion of forcing people to buy insurance is flawed.
ReplyDeleteIt's also against the law, if I've read the constitution correctly.
As with most things, Obama has compromised himself to the point where the bill will serve no purpose, and will be challenged immediately - he should have stuck to his guns and created a program with a universal, single-payer public-option, on the model currently available in Australia.
I'd pay an additional 1.5% in taxes for that - which is what it costs there.
Instead, the Fundies tied it up with incessant needless blather about 'socialism', 'Communism', 'abortion', and 'euthanasia'. The rest of the Neocons chimed in, and what resulted is -- well -- an abortion of a bill.
Sorry. Had to.....
No apologies necessary Will;
ReplyDeleteI have said all along that the Public Option was the very best way to go.
Am hoping against hope that I live to see the day that it will be readdressed for all.
Now about people paying... You. Me. Everyone.
You do realize that although you are not writing a check every month specifically toward health insurance for the uninsured, that you are still already paying for it, don't you?
And we are paying one hell of a lot more than 1.5%.
Either way we are paying for it all.
ReplyDeleteI love the way you stated this!
Can't wait to see how this is gonna pan out for those of us on the low end end of the income status who have no insurance and no money left over to pay for any. If the job situations don't improve in the next 4 years, there better be a whole lot of space in debtors prisons for those who cannot buy insurance because there may be many many people being fined when they cannot buy that insurance.
ReplyDeleteWe have desperately needed something for a long time that would work for all individuals. The way it's been so far sure hasn't worked out too well. I sure hope they get the kinks worked out of the bill and get this started pronto. Like..... YESTERDAY!
I am NOT a fan of Obama. But there have been many presidents through the years I was not too fond of. But If this bill can in fact, help us and not hurt us as a nation, then I am willing to give the guy/and the bill, a chance. A fresh idea or two may actually be what we need.
I pray this is the right path.
ReplyDeleteRemember that under that same constitution Federal Laws trump State laws.
Sweet PeachieBaby;
ReplyDeleteI hear you on the "can't wait to see" part.
I believe that Truman and Roosevelt shared this same anticipation.
People have whined about not being able to pay their medical bills because they didn't have insurance. Now they are whining about having to have insurance.
Wish they would make up their minds and get their priorities straight.
You said, "We have desperately needed something for a long time that would work for all individuals."
You are right. And that my friend is the Public Option. Like I said, I hope I live long enough to see that implemented for all.
Keep those prayers coming!
thanks for posting this Annie! :)
ReplyDeletethanks great one :)