Good Afternoon!
Are you tired of the numbers yet?
I hope not. Because here is still another one for you to think on...
The answer: "1115"
The question: What's the average number of dollars per premium of employer-sponsored family coverage per month in 2009?
Per year then- per America's families, that is $13,375.
Note: If one is working a full time job at minimum wage, that's their entire years wages!
Additionally, if nothing is done to reform our broken health care system, a recent survey found that over the next ten years, out-of-pocket expenses for Americans with health insurance could increase 35 percent in every state in the country.
Remind me again... Exactly WHY are we against this?!?
Stay well my friends.
Love to all.
*** Please feel free to cite any/all of these special HealthCare blogs, or to simply pass along this information to everyone you know.
The World revolves around numbers and figures Anne so no one should get sick of them at all.
ReplyDeleteYou are right Lester. The word does revolve around numbers.
Odd to me, (but grateful too), that the person that replies is Australian?
Thank you Mr. Lester, from the bottom of my blogging heart. And yes, I do know how you feel about this three~ring~healthcare~circus that Washington is putting us through.
What a laughingstock we must be to the rest of the world!
And that makes me ill...
I cannot believe that we are one of the last countries to even think about providing healthcare to its people.... China? Yep... England? Yep... Canada? Yep... And these countries have NOT failed and fallen to the ground as the GOP members would SO like us to believe... In fact, I would be willing to bet that they grew as a result of passing nationwide healthcare.... Also, we must look like the fools that we are for even arguing AT ALL to pass healthcare that is available to EVERYONE!
ReplyDeleteMom-- we truly must be the laughingstock for the world... When will they learn and pass this???
I wish I could answer your questions, but all that I've heard from those who don't support it is all the things coming from the fear mongers... Those people are OBVIOUSLY not able to look at only the facts and make up their own mind about this bill.... I guess, then, that the answer to why people are against this: False Fears.... Instilled within them from the people who are getting paid millions and millions of dollars to LIE LIE LIE about this bill.... Nice, huh?? Nice to see how much we ACTUALLY care about others in this country...
PASS THIS BILL! I cannot stress this enough... We NEED nationwide health coverage so desperately and we need to decrease every single one of these awful numbers to zero....
Being someone who WAS mistreated every time I went in when I was completely uninsured.... Being someone who had to live without insurance for years... And being someone who almost didn't get to LIVE at all... I KNOW how much we need this bill passed.... I've lived that life, and almost died doing so.... Think of all the people we can save, not of the few dollars you'd have to give up.... THINK!
Love you MUCH MUCH
ReplyDeleteMy Dear Sweet Casey;
I lived your final paragraph too.
Somehow we have grown from living it. And that is a very very positive thing.
I love you.
Mama D.
Health care organizations that employ or have doctors on staff Oriental. Many of these facilities is added acupuncture traditional western medicine oriental medicine practitioners massage therapists physiotherapists health facilities including fitness classes yoga nutrition professionals and holistic practitioners. There is room in the world of medical treatment rather than the view of Western medicine and more and more western medical facilities are recognizing this.
Last night Joyce's daughter Amy (ya'll remember Sunshine from 360 days) took her daughter Jecika to the ER...her gall bladder needs to come out....well..the ER doctor told them they must pay $300 before he will do the operation...(she has no insurance) and they told him that they didn't have $300 ...this Dr then proceeded to ask them...then how are you going to pay a $3000.00 ER bill? I am told he made some other comments as well and that Amy left the hospital with Jecika (doubled over in pain) home...and was going to another hospital in another town this morning ( I have not heard whats going on today). Amy will be calling the hospitals adminstrator today to report this Dr. I'm sure she will not let it rest. Jecika just gave birth to twins about 2 months ago ( her 1st child was born still born)...Desiree and Daimen don't need to loose their Mom...and heaven forbid something happens to Jecika before they can get her gall bladder out.
ReplyDeleteThis has had me fuming all morning.