[My] Life in Wisconsin

I love tests!

Good Morning Everyone!
Everyone should take this (short, 15 question) quiz. I took it just to see if I could distinguish stuff from the 1930's, or the 1960's, or the 2000's...

Since I ♥LOVE♥ taking tests, I decided to push the little "begin" button. (Hindsight being what it is, perhaps I should not have been so blithe about it all). This is what popped up when I was finished with it:

"You got 45% correct, which is an F for FAILURE, (which was luckily the fate of the Republicans in 1935 and again in 1965 when they tried to scare the country into doing nothing" {re: Medicare and Social Security}).

Oh crap! I haven't gotten an "F" in anything since 1st grade when I spelled "perpul" wrong!
(Her name was "Miss Berg" -and I have been mad at her ever since

Hmmm... Must rethink my title now-

Have a great day!  And have fun with this quiz. Challenge your mates and your children to see what they know too!
Of course you don't have to report back here- But I sure would like to hear that you did better than I did!


"Republican Attacks on Health Reform: Dèjá Vu All Over Again"

Republicans say heath reform will cause an economic disaster and create a socialist society that would take away our freedom and end America as we know it.
But didn't they say the exact same thing in the 30s and 60s in protest of Social Security and Medicare? And hasn't history proven them wrong?
Those programs have made our nation stronger and now enjoy widespread bipartisan support.

Dèjá vu all over again: can you distinguish GOP attacks from decade to decade?
Take the challenge:

Cong. Steny H. Hoyer
House Democratic Majority Leader
H-107, The Capitol
Washington D.C. 20515

Official Site of the US House of Representatives


  1. 40% lol, but really it was all just guesses for me........pfft! I really don't listen to the news and well I wasn't around in the 30's and just a babe in the 60's.

  2. I did worse... but then again I avoid quotes anyway because they are generally just gaseous emmissions anyway

  3. not up on politics and I sure didn`t do the best on this test lol ..

  4. Goodness! I got an F too! Now...many of those questions sure sounded like they would apply to this time period.
