Bears really DO bite? Really?
What a revelation!
How stupid, or drunk, do you have to be to do what this woman did?
The woman whose fingers were bitten off by an Asiatic black bear at Lincoln Park Zoo on Friday had a blood-alcohol content that was twice the legal limit, Manitowoc Police Capt. Scott Luchterhand said Thursday.
Tracy Weiler, 47, of Manitowoc, tested at 0.16 percent several hours after the incident, Luchterhand said.
Her boyfriend, Lawrence Bosworth, 51, tested at 0.26 percent, three times the legal limit, he said. Bosworth was tested almost immediately after the incident.
Weiler and Bosworth each were cited for violating park rules, including having alcohol within the zoo, feeding animals and crossing safety barriers. Each will pay a $681 fine, Luchterhand said.
Police could have issued a separate citation for each violation but Luchterhand said police took the physical trauma "into high consideration." He also said police could have sent the case to the district attorney's office but chose not to.
"We believe she (Weiler) already has a serious injury as a consequence," Luchterhand said. "We thought it was an experience they would learn a lifelong lesson from."
Weiler was released from Theda Clark Medical Center in Neenah late Wednesday afternoon, spokeswoman Megan Wilcox said.
Wilcox said she could not comment on what doctors were able to do for Weiler's hand.
Weiler has declined to do any interviews or let the hospital release more information.
Bears do not make good drinking buddies. hehehe
I hate to make the reference, but this is one dumb broad.
On the news yesterday was also the fact that they had their young granddaughter with them!
I don't know how they got to the zoo- am guessing they don't live within stumbling distance.
Da Bears
ReplyDeleteDid they get done for being intoxicated at all I wonder they must have driven the granddaughter whom they love to the park whilst drunk.
ReplyDeleteHope nothing happens to the bear
stupidity all around but definitely extra stupid having this little child with them if they were drinking ..shame on them
ReplyDelete*shakes head*
ReplyDeletePeople never cease to amaze me!
I hope the Bear is not going to get sick from biting stupid, dear Lord some of us should not be allowed out of the house without a leash and keeper. I mean truly hope she is going to be OK, but commme-on now.