[My] Life in Wisconsin

"More On" Glenn Beck.

Good Morning All;
You already know how much I love to laugh in the morning. (Know that I found this particular tidbit- very hysterical).
Thank you Kris!

Here's the quote from Beck himself:

“If you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.”

Since I don't think that he would willingly tell this to his fans/fanatics/followers/others, I thought I would post it for them. If he does admit this, then there are always those with 'selective hearing'. (Perhaps seeing this in print will have a better translation for them)?

From Forbes magazine...

Note that Beck gave this interview to Forbes magazine, a magazine serious people (not his radio or tv audience) read. There is no danger of his core audience reading this interview." (Thanks to stunvega)

Read on!

This, from here.

Fox News host Glenn Beck’s media “empire” is the cover story of the newest issue of Forbes Magazine. In the story, Beck reveals that his media company Glenn Beck Inc. made $32 million in revenue in the period between March 2009 and March 2010. The host also explains that he sees himself much more as an entertainer than a political activist, saying that he doesn’t “give a flying crap about the political process”:

With a deadpan, Beck insists that he is not political: “I could give a flying crap about the political process.” 
Making money, on the other hand, is to be taken very seriously, and controversy is its own coinage.
We’re an entertainment company,” Beck says.

“I don’t necessarily believe that [what Beck says] is reflective of his own personal politics — I don’t even know if he has personal politics,” Michael Harrison, the publisher of Talkers magazine tells Forbes.  "I  see him as a performer.”

This isn’t the first time Beck has suggested he isn’t as radically conservative as he seems. In February he told USA Weekend that “you’d have to be an idiot” to “not notice the temperature change” caused by global warming, and that he thinks mankind may play a significant role in the phenomenon. Beck has previously described himself as “a rodeo clown” and conceded, “If you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.”


At least now we all know the truth of the matter... 

I am still giggling...


  1. Who IS Glenn Beck anyway?? I hear his name often, but I don't believe I have ever seen him on TV. He must be one of those perks that come with all those extra cable channels. I'll check out the link and see whats there.

  2. I have never heard of him, his show or listened to him but I do believe that idiots feed off of rumours it's human nature Anne, some people believe what they want to believe unfortunately. Anyone in the media area sees themselves as an informer, a celebrity, thus an entertainer.

  3. I really don't think much of the discernment of people who grew up in the Roman Catholic church and never saw its roots in Babylon, the breeding ground of the anti-Christ. It's dead Christianity. It's the same as Obama having sat at the feet of Jeremy Wright and never realized his false Christianity, called "Liberation Theology."

    Also the heresy that clergy shouldn't marry. That in a religion of which the main symbol is the fertility obelisk. Paul advised in 1 Cor 7:8
    But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am; 9 but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
