Good Morning All;
Know that there is something abominably wrong with my cursor/key/board...
Seemingly, it has a mind of its own, and scrolls by itself, zooming all over. Kinda funny.
Would be funnier if, (oh never mind)). hehehe
My new 'link' posted, so I shall try to post this also.
As many of you have figured out, or know, Casey has been in Southern California for the past week. Greg is also there, attending a computer genius' conference. He has gotten his promotion. (Say "YAY")!
When his convention came up, and given the fact that Casey has always wanted to go to California, Greg knew there would be no leaving her behind. Casey is staying with Sweet Pea; Greg stays with his work buddies at the hotel and convention center
Since they are gone I have one ear always tuned to the news, and on high alert for the word "earthquake".
That alert went off yesterday afternoon while I was reading National Public Radio.
Seems as though Utah, Idaho and Wyoming had an EQ.
My friend Polly (think chokecherry jelly), lives in Wyoming.
I dashed a note off to her. They are well.
Gosh, even my fingers aren't cooperating today. Grrr...
The 'backspace' key is a great friend to have! hehehe
As the 'kids' should be back this evening, I shall just catch you up on the events of the past week or so, (at least weatherwise).
We got between 4" and 6" of new snow late last week...
It covered everything!!!
Yes, the chives have recovered- ........ And are almost ready to cut and dry!
I wish this one would have turned out better- It really looked like a painting!
A row of tulips, protected a bit by the bushes above them.
The rest will open shortly!
The hyacinths also recovered just beautifully!
Then there was the little blossoms- this one of pears...
Gritters deer will be darn disappointed if they don't have pears. (So will Sue for that matter)! hehehe
My pussywillows...
And of course my Punk!
Lovin' every minute of it!
And just an FYI for y'all who mistakenly believe it is always cold and snowy here near Green Bay, the last two days, (Wednesday and Thursday) topped out around 80°
Even warmer than Southern California!
Not sure if the clicky~things on the maps will work for you or not...
I'd better close and get on with my day.
First to shower and check out my toe...
Then to grab the camera and get outside!
Have a Friday!
Clean your mouse......
ReplyDeleteyou are a funny one..... Casey and I have been having fun playing while Greg is off working 24/7...
ReplyDeleteI changed the privacy settings on this picture.
I think you can see it bigger if you click on it now?
© All rights reserved.
ReplyDeleteSweet Pea;
Mowiss is squeaky clean now.
..... Zoom. Zoom. Zoom.
Please send Greg home so he can stop the zooms.
Mama D
hmmmm, does it have a scroll wheel? Is that clean?
Probably not.
(Mowiss will not allow me to see its privates)
Glad Casey is doing well and enjoying Calif. Glad Greg got his promotion ... The pics are lovely Anne .. Have a wonderful weekend and I hope the weather is lovely ... Take is easy though , don't overdo things
ReplyDeletepin it down on its back...
ReplyDeleteor wait for Greg and let him do it... Or, switch to a spare.
Only if it doesn't like that.... maybe your mouse swings that way...
ReplyDeleteCalifornia is very much like Australia Anne she will be enjoying it, Yes Anne it looked like a painting :P Wonderful Photos mate
ReplyDeleteWhen I click on the pictures now, I get the message "Opps. You are not allowed to view this picture." Which is odd, cuz I can already see them. But can't leave a comment.
ReplyDeleteThat yellow tulip looks positively HAPPY.
I guess Casey should get to see California before it no longer exists. But darn it....lately...that could be just about anywhere, huh. I sure hope all goes well while she and Greg are out that way. My old friend Lola once lived in the Chino Hills area years ago. She couldn't wait to get out of Texas when she moved to California to be near her other daughter. Then she had to battle those darn fires and all that smoke. Her lung problems forced her to move back to Texas.
ReplyDeleteAnne...do you eat while at the computer? Well...I do. And I have from time to time dropped a crumb no matter how careful I was. Then one day I was typing some word that had the letter "x" in it...(no...it wasn't the word sex)..and all of a sudden, the letter x just took off and made several lines. LOL! Can we say "Ghost?!" Well....unfortunately...it was only the letter getting stuck because it needed to be cleaned. Really bad.
Maybe I'm just not that into my mouse...
ReplyDeleteSweet Carolyn;
ReplyDeleteWho said Casey is doing well?
But yes, she is- And as I type she is already home and in bed.
Weather more 'springlike' now- High to be mid 50's tomorrow (Carbon copy of today).
I haven't been overdoing things; but my spine doctor did say that I can try to be without my brace.
I try every day.
Once I even made it 24 hours!
But must have done something in the meantime because it has really been painful.
THEN, the dog stepped on my toe.
No big deal. Usually. But yes, she nailed the big one.
I will live. (Stop your sighing). hehehe
Mr. Lester!
ReplyDeleteGlad you liked the pictures! (Glad you survived your little EQ too).
With one sadness, Casey LOVED SoCal!
Originally Casey and Jenny Mella were going to go off to see California. They were so much like sisters that who would have doubted that they would see their dream come true.
Til Texas came along that is
Then all bets were off.
God only knows when Casey would get another chance, so off she went with Greg.
I don't blame her. Methinks I would have jumped at the opportunity too if I were in her shoes.
Sorry Mr W, but I didn't make the tulip one nonprivate.
Love that you like it though!
(I am thinking that if you were that tulip that you might be very happy too, especially after Winter)!
Sweet PeachieBaby!
ReplyDeleteWhere is California going? hehehe
(That is one of the reasons I never wanted to go there). But I have many friends and relatives that just love it there... One of these days... maybe.
As for eating at my computer.
No I don't. (There would be no room for Punk to do her puppy~dog~eyes while I eat).
But I smoke here. And I also turn my keyboard over and do the thump~and~dump to get the dust out.
It is an old keyboard. (It came original to the computer). Likely it is outdated too.
How did you end up cleaning it? Cuz there is no way I am taking all the keys off and redoing them all.
I clean mine by cleaning out my wallet of a $10 bill and buying a new one.
ReplyDeleteThey're very inexpensive. :-) (I know someone who takes off all the keys to do a cleaning, but she's got a lot of patience and seems to love tedium. Me, I'd never get the letters back in the right places.)
try this link: http://support.microsoft.com/fixit
ReplyDeleteI was having some of the same problems and this site really helped me. Your flowers are beautiful! Your dog looks extremely happy :)
Best wishes for Casey and Greg!
Ooooo, I had a FABULOUS time when I went over to LA. Loved the place. So if it disappears down a big hole at least I'll be able to say 'I went there!' xxxx