Having had my TV on in the background all morning, there are 2 things that I overheard that really bothered me...
# 1
The 'president?' of Mexico...
Coming to The White House and loudly decrying anything about America. Whether I agree or disagree with Arizona is not of importance here. What concerns me is the disrespect shown, on OUR soil. I do not abide that.
Furthermore, if this were you or I, at The White House, angrily condemning our laws or proposals, we would be in jail before we even finished the sentence.
# 2
While I am not sure if this is true or not, (and I haven't the time right now to check), is that John Morton, head of ICE, (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) may refuse to do his job where Arizona is concerned. This reeks of insubordination.
Again, if this were you or I, would we even HAVE a job?
Gotta run for now... Looking forward to your own thoughts on this matter.
The sad part concerning statement #1 is that Democrats and the Attorney General Eric Holder and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolianto all stood up and APPLAUDED. What a disgrace. And of course, this socialist regime that is in White House is allowing it to happen...on American soil~that my son puts his life on the line every single day to defend. Absolutely unacceptable and I cannot wait until November to vote this Socialist Regime OUT OF MY GOVERNMENT!!
ReplyDelete#1 Yes, we would be in jail right now.
ReplyDelete#2 Mr Morton DID say he would NOT co-operate with AZ LEO's. If he has the backing of the WH and of Ms Napolitano then it can't very well be insubordination. And, no, we wouldn't.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I am not fond of the Mexican President directing our policies, this whole thing started years ago, under Republican rule. The maquiladoras have been there a long time taking jobs away from Americans and Bush supported the global economy (NAFTA). I don't like it now and I didn't like it then but this administration did NOT start this.
I didn't say they did. All I said is that Mr Morton has the backing of the administration in his refusal to enforce the law.
ReplyDeleteNAFTA was initiated in 1994~Clinton was President NOT Bush
ReplyDeleteNAFTA was initiated in 1994~Clinton was President NOT Bush
ReplyDeleteBush supported it wholeheartedly.
ReplyDeleteAnd the maquiladoras have been around for over 30 years. I hate it, but you can't blame it on one party or person.
That's true and that is also something I don't like.
ReplyDeleteMexico is famous for do as I say not as I do. Their policy decries everything WE do and yet does the same thing or worse.....
ReplyDeleteanyone who is in the employ of the government to uphold the law is required to uphold the law.... if they don't they are to be removed.
Ah Duh! on my behalf where this is concerned sorry; I should read more overseas papers, I have a folder full of shortcuts
ReplyDeleteWell....I have no problem with anyone coming here legally...willing to learn our language....and willing to follow OUR rules and laws.
ReplyDeleteBut to get really technical, with the exception of the Native Americans, all the rest of us are pretty much immigrants anyway. But...the difference between most people and those coming here illegally is that most people are law abiding. The immigrants flooding into Arizona (and other states) appear to be unwilling to do as they are suppose to do once they are here. (And yes....I know that Our prisons are already occupied by our own citizens here)
But there are also those who are being forced from their homes by drug lords who apparently are the ones running that country down there. I feel bad for those people who are just trying to stay alive. They leave in a hurry and head north as fast as they can and hope they can make it to safety.
Their prez should be helping his own people instead of coming over here and telling us how we should "bend our policies" to suit him.
Well said Peachie.