NOTE: Head was sent in for "scientific research".
We await results from the necropsy too...
Hi Everyone;
I should be shot for not blogging. My apologies to all.
Due to the restrictive pain in my back, I have been physically unable to blog... I can/do go from site to site. I tip my screen to accommodate standing or sitting- Just can't sit long enough to even get my thoughts together, let alone to bring my pictures down to size.
Yes, my back has been THAT bad. Kelli comes and takes the pups to the woods for me. Thank God for Kelli.
I have a few questions for you today...
1. How dangerous are windmills, aka wind turbines to our health?
(I found the following article here).
Can all that be caused by living near to a wind turbine or wind farm?
I ask because there is a rather ugly debate growing in our county about this matter.
While I am all for conservation of any kind, and most especially the conservation of fuel, I do not know enough about this all to make an honest point.
I know a few of you have a bit of experience with this matter. Please let me know.
2. Is the pet food recall beginning all over again? Did it ever end?
Nothing has come through on my own list from the FDA, and so, I am trying to find out more info on this all, thanks to Sweet Pea's quick thinking (CLICK) as her own dogs have been refusing to eat their usual Pedigree Dog food.
Sput and Punk
Though not happy to hear of this recall BS, they would use any reason to go to the woods.
Foraging is only one of those excuses.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man." - Mark Twain
Menu Foods has NOT updated their recalled products! Sadly, that only makes me wonder why not?
3. Are dog food labels too ambiguous for you to read?
CLICK HERE to learn how to interpret ingredients and nutrition panels.
Know and realize exactly what you are feeding your pet!
Punk gets "Taste of the Wild" dog food. CLICK. Her formula has no grains.
4. How do I get past this awful back pain?
I even went in to the pain management doctor last week. My option is to "up" my pain meds.
I will learn today whether my Xrays show any additional breakage. I must sleep, but really don't stay comfortable for long enough to even rest. I did nap for a while today, missing out on a simply gorgeous day.
By the way, I do not take these pills unless I am in some awful pain. Then it is time to make sure I keep it at bay as I can.
My sister Barbara wrote that her and her hubby's backs are bad too. I nodded and smiled when I read her words, "Haven't read much about your back lately. How's it going? Rod's continues to get worse. His lower spine is just crumbling. We need someone who can VACUUM. It kills our backs."
If I look around here, I can see a few fur balls- both grey and blond, that need to be gotten rid of. Like the vacuuming, Sweet Sister of Mine, they will keep until we can" get 'er done"
Until then, if people are coming to see me they will also see a few of those dust bunnies and fur balls. Such is "Life in Flintville"
I have all I can do to keep up with my dishes. I pull a weed or three. The animals and I get a bit of exercise. Most days of late that is all we do. I told Punk I would understand if she hates me.
5. How does Casey even function? She will be receiving 6 weekly infusions for her anemia. Her counts have consistently gone down since her most recent surgeries in January, and at this point in time, are nowhere near to acceptable at a mere 5~point~something.
By contrast, if I remember correctly, Dr. Sutherland gave her whole blood when her counts went below 9 when she was in Minnesota. (It amazes me that she is still up and walking around)! She has had any number of transfusions already since her TP/AIT in December 2008.
She also received an injection of B-12 yesterday.
6. I am deathly afraid of storms. Are you? The ones we are to get tonight could be "potentially dangerous". (Those are the worst kind). Maybe the storms will miss us, although the flower seeds I'd saved and planted could use a bit of watering.
I am in part of the 6-15 area. (That is not a comfort when their tornado sirens are going off).
7. Do you have a garden? Nothing fancy this year as far as my seeds go. I found a bag of seeds that I had saved from last year and 'scattered' them around. We'll see if even one or two survived the scatter. hehehe
8. Does this menu board make you smile?
Mean of me I know, but I giggled a while when I saw it
9. How about this picture?
Are you smiling now?!?
I have seen (and had) many 'rolls' in my life, but have never seen one on top of anythings head!
Leave it to Punk.
10. Does this make you hungry?
Lawrence and his dad went fishing last weekend.
William said Lawrence had a great day, catching 2 bass and 2 bream.
11. What's a bream? (If you say 'fish" I shall swat you).
12. Was this an awful waste of gas to drive to Pulaski to order one of these last night?
Hope all is well in your little corner of the world.
Love to all.
What IS a "bream?"
ReplyDeleteYou can't re~ask a question!
How dangerous are windmills, aka wind turbines to our health?
ReplyDeleteI don’t know , I do know they produce what is described as a low level hum but then apparently so does my Hoover and I sure as hell wouldn’t want to live next door to that noise every day ( slightly quieter than a kettle boiling)
Is the pet food recall beginning all over again? Did it ever end?
Not been an issue here as far as I am aware.
Are dog food labels too ambiguous for you to read?
Make that most food labels period.
How do I get past this awful back pain?
Don’t shoot me down here but...... cannabis is an awesome painkiller.
How does Casey even function?
Guts and determination I would imagine.
I am deathly afraid of storms. Are you?
Nope love em.
Do you have a garden?
I do even though right now all the veggie patch has is potatoes and rhubarb.
Does this menu board make you smile?
It did although I really wouldn’t want to try one.
How about this picture?
Got to love the collar flab.
Does this make you hungry?
Uh no, now cleaned and de-headed is a different matter
What's a bream?
Bream is a general term for a number of species of freshwater and marine fish belonging to a variety of genera including: Abramis (e.g. A. brama, the carp bream), Acanthopagrus, Argyrops, Blicca, Brama, Chilotilapia, Etelis, Lepomis, Gymnocranius, Lethrinus, Nemipterus, Pharyngochromis, Rhabdosargus or Scolopsis. *
Was this an awful waste of gas to drive to Pulaski to order one of these last night?
If it tasted as yummy as it looked then heck no.
(Stolen from
1. we have plenty all over Aust in isolated areas but I have not looked into the dangers of them However I have heard of complaints similar to the one's above.
ReplyDelete2. I have been waiting for some recall Anne but have heard nothing however I did learn about the Doggie Blood Banks the other day
3. Once one learns to read the ingredients ( if trusted ) it is easy.
4. I honestly wish I could tell you Anne, I just put up with the pain however what justsoph says cannabis is an awesome painkiller one can get the Medical prescribed one.
5. With a lot of courage is what I imagine a lot of courage.
6. Love em myself but Gunny hides under my feet in the PC room.
7. We are yet to plant any thing but I thinking of some veggies really soon, we do have a garden with mainly flowers.
8. Not really one would think that in a hospital healthier choices could be made more available.
9. Punk looks happy yes animals cheer me up a lot.
10 No I like my fish filleted and Grilled :)
11. Yes I love fish, Bream are very fussy eaters and love the shallow bays and weeds a good catch for recreational fisher people.
11. No not really I would prefer a nice fruit salad but I know that Hospitals don't offer a large variety :(
ReplyDeleteStorms a coming- Will be back when they are gone.
Love to all
How dangerous are windmills, aka wind turbines to our health?
ReplyDeleteNo idea... I do know that this and yesterday's newspaper article are the first mentions of it that I've heard...
Is the pet food recall beginning all over again? Did it ever end?
Hmm... Will have to wait to hear more from the FDA about this... Seems as though you have been very smart over the years to keep the dogs and cats on nothing that has the grain in it... That seems to be the culprit in the food recalls...
Are dog food labels too ambiguous for you to read?
Yes, they are! That's why I like the ones that are all natural and you can understand what the ingredients are!!! Will have to educate on all these ingredients when we move, before I get my Great Dane...
How do I get past this awful back pain?
You just do the best you can... That's all we can do in these situations... AND don't overdo it!!! I know it sucks to take it easy for so long, but in your case, the activity will cause more damage to occur... I wish I felt better so that I could do more for you, but I can barely take care of myself right now... Which brings me to the next question --->
How does Casey even function?
Very carefully!!! It wasn't so bad last month, but these last few weeks have gotten to the point where it's almost as though I can feel the counts dropping down! Last night was painful, to say the least, and was throwing up...
In March, my counts were at 30... Now, they are around 5... I couldn't believe that stoopid nurse that tried to tell Dr. Szabo that she could get me in on June 1st!! Okay, do the math... My counts will be so low by that point that (like the doctor said) I'll be in the hospital by that time!! I can sure feel it now... I'm weak, my muscles just won't stand my normal usage without cramping up, and my stomach is barely tolerating anything...
I sure am glad that they start the transfusions next week... I can't stand feeling like this... At this point I feel as though I'm barely functioning...
I am deathly afraid of storms. Are you?
Nope, love them!!! Just don't like being on the computer when it is lightening... So I'll have to speed this up as it's really picked up outside... I hope you are doing okay with dealing with this storm! Call if you need anything...
Do you have a garden?
No, I have a black thumb and kill every single plant that I touch, so there's no gardening surges running through these veins! I think if I do plant anything it would be grasses, those you can just let go and some are REALLY pretty!!!
Does this menu board make you smile?
LOL!!! YES!!! Leave it to Wal-Mart to market "nut sacks"!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
How about this picture?
Yes! It looks as though the collar has just pushed up the loose fur that's on the back of her neck, but it looks really cute!! Oh Punkie, you're just cute at everything you do! :D
Does this make you hungry?
YES!!! YAY! Fresh fish, it is SO good! MMMMMMMM!!!! I like to hunt, but never really did like to fish... Wonder why I didn't pick that up from the entire family???
What's a bream?
I know what it is! A bream is a fish!
**ducks, and runs screaming from the room**
Was this an awful waste of gas to drive to Pulaski to order one of these last night?
NOT AT ALL!!! I've been craving ice cream for so long... I really should pick some up one of these days... Maybe a tasty blizzard from Dairy Queen! MMMMMMMMMM!!!!!
Okay, now I must get off the computer and shut i
going to get ice cream is NEVER a waste of gas! oh that looks yummy!
ReplyDeletesorry you are still in such pain! my sciatic nerve is still bothering me and I had to cancel my appt. with my neurologist on Monday because my belly has been more painful than that of my leg. good thing I did too, cuz I've got the diverticulitis again. sigh.......I am sick of getting old.
do they know WHY Casey is losing blood counts? was the surgery going to do this to her? I hope they can get it figured out and fixed.
dang it... now I am going to dairy queen.
ReplyDeleteI need a peanut buster.
do wind turbine cause health problems?
Apparently just as much as living near ANYTHING just as noisy....
and they aren't really noisy.
Larssen approves. Two licks up!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I always thought those wind turbines were the best way to go. Aren't they just powered by the wind only? I don't know. Maybe I don't know as much about them as I thought I did. But that constant noise of hearing something like a plane that never lands may be stressful enough to cause the problems they are having. As we all know, stress alone and lack of restful sleep can cause all sorts of problems. I guess I would need to be in their situation before I could give a better opinion on those things.
ReplyDeleteThose darn recalls. We may have to start turning the pets loose to fend for themselves some day if things keep going like they are now. We may be right out there huntin' with 'em!
Nut sacks. Hehehehehe!
I know how those back problems are. We have our good days and bad days. Makes me wonder sometimes if the barometric pressures with the change of the weather causes us to have more aches and pains than usual. I know that affects people with arthritis, so why not us people with back problems? Bone joints are bone joints. But it is so difficult to function when you're in so much pain and can barely move. Our backs control the functions of our entire body. It don't work, we don't work. LOL! I don't need to tell you about that, do I. You are living it from day to day.
I hate those darned tornadoes. I'm down there in that dark red section of Alabama where the number is 25. The other day, about 3 days after that tornado hit over in the next town, I was in tears while driving down through the middle of that damaged area and seeing all the trees missing their top halves and what remained was twisted and shredded while others were completely uprooted. Debris was everywhere. My banks parking lot was basically the place where they parked all the heavy equipment being used to replace power line poles and tree grinding machines. As of yesterday, they had restored power to all but 300 places in that area. My bank is one of those 300 still without. I could drive to their branch bank 2 towns over....but I think I will wait till I just have to go. Maybe they will have power and damage repairs done soon.
the nut sack thing has me laughing thinking about the store in Paris called Le Fur Sack....
ReplyDeleteI laughed every time I passed that store... I even have picture of it
Mild chronic GI blood loss may present without any noticeable bleeding. It can result in an iron deficiency anemia. Other signs and symptoms include weakness, pallor, dizziness, or angina.
ReplyDeleteThere are tests to check for blood, even trace amounts, in stool.