Yes, it is most decidedly a rant. It is a can of worms, almost guaranteed to upset a few of you.
Grab a cup of coffee- it is also long. (PLUS, the caffeine is good for you).
If you are fortunate enough to still have your job 4+ years into this crap, you are indeed lucky.
I will begin by quoting: "If you voted Republican in the last three elections, you ought to go to Hell."
From my email came this, "Oh, and by the way, for your next multiply blog please note that not a single republican is willing to vote ‘yes’ on the current jobs bill…. Even tho dems have ripped the guts outta the bill trying to please them."
GOP: Stop Punishing the Unemployed (CLICK)
Democrats are working hard to fix the economy Republicans nearly destroyed.
In the meantime, struggling American families must rely on unemployment benefits to pay the rent, put food on the table and keep up with bills. Unbelievably, Republicans are filibustering an extension of these benefits in yet another attempt to make President Obama fail.
Sign the petition (CLICK). Give Republican leaders a piece of your mind. Tell them to stop playing political games with people’s livelihoods. It is simply unconscionable that Republicans would hurt out-of-work Americans to make a political point. The obstruction must end.
Republicans Kill Senate Jobless Aid Bill
- House Democrats Mulling Standalone Jobs Bill After Senate Failure
- Jobs Bill Fails In Senate: Democrats Say Thursday's Doomed Vote Was The Last Chance
From # 1 came these words:
"The demise of the bill means that unemployment benefits will phase out for more than 200,000 people a week."
"Governors who had been counting on federal aid will now have to consider a fresh round of budget cuts, tax increases of state workers."
To refresh our collective & 'all too convenient' memorys: (March 2010)
GOP senators emerged Monday to caution that the health debate had taken a toll on the institution, warning of little work between parties the rest of this year. "There will be no cooperation for the rest of the year," McCain said. (WTH John? & no matter who it may harm)?
"They have poisoned the well in what they've done and how they've done it."
So, we were warned? And warned well ahead of time too? WHAT?!
Do these GOP 'games' make McCains words 'right' or decent then?
Or, are we all simply just believing the crap we forward/read/hear about without checking the truth out and verifying it for ourselves? (How utterly st00pid)!
SpaceStevie said it well, "We have a new class in this country. One that doesn't serve, doesn't care, watch(es) "American Idol" and "Dancing With the Stars." One who the contemporary news is made for. The News that is obsessed with celebrity and gossip, rather than news of substance."
end quote
Time and again I have literally begged people to search, read, (and most importantly to comprehend), what is going on.
I have offered links as proof that there was/is no death panel, and that Congress really does pay into social security. Ad nauseum, I still receive the emails proclaiming crap like this to be true.
It is my belief that every bill will be waylaid, since McCain spoke those words.
Replying to the McCain quote- Frum, (former GW Bush speechwriter) claims, "Rigid conformity is being enforced, no dissent is allowed, and the conservative brain will slowly shrivel into dementia if it hasn't already."
MJW Stickings, "Conservatism these days is about
a) blind loyalty to the Republican Party,
b) anti-government teabagging extremism,
c) theocracy -- or
d) some contorted combination of the above."
"The American mind may very well still be closing, in a cultural way, but the conservative mind seems to have been shut down altogether."
Are they all his little puppets then? Are we?
* Grandstand * Oppose * Postpone
This morning, still hopeful for our nation of unemployed, I read this-
House May Push Stand-Alone Jobs Bill
* Meanwhile, unemployed workers actively seeking work are faced with an emerging concern: companies are now only interested in hiring workers who are currently employed! According to, employment experts have noted an increase in companies putting out job postings with restrictions such as “unemployed candidates will not be considered” or “must be currently employed.”
CNNMoney interviewed Rich Thompson, a vice president of staffing firm Adecco Group North America, who said, “I don’t have hard numbers, but three out of the last four conversations I’ve had about openings, this requirement was brought up.” It was also noted that after such listings were brought to the attention of media, most companies immediately took them down.
However, experts say that even if companies don’t put out such listing, most unemployed applicants are usually “ruled out right off the bat.”
For gods sake people, who/what have we elected?
Are we this blind, or apathetic, to our own fellow Americans?
The answer must be a resounding "yes".
Note the sheer volume of dollars being sent away from America- (and those being misspent in America too).
(quoted now from the above link):
- We can afford to GIVE Pakistan $7.5 BILLION to arm and train Taliban to kill AMERICAN soldiers
- We can afford to GIVE Egypt $7 Billion
- We can afford to GIVE Haitian earthquake victims over $2 BILLION dollars
- We can afford to GIVE $30 MILLION to Palestinian refugees
- We CAN AFFORD to keep the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 1 percent of the country
- We CAN AFFORD to bail out Wall Street and buy GM
- But we CAN’T AFFORD to take care of middle class AMERICANS who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own?
- This is being decided by people that ‘We the People’ are paying!!!
- ‘We the People’ are ALLOWING these people to GIVE our tax dollars away to others, but they won’t help us?
- I am absolutely ASHAMED of the Senators and to be called an American!
- And Senators, you should be ASHAMED of YOURSELVES!
I am hoping that, come November, this record of dissidence, disagreement, and disrespect toward Americas citizens, will be voted out of office.
From my email:
"Elections are all about choices, and Republicans have made theirs.
They've chosen to stand with British Petroleum against small businesses, with big banks against Main Street, and with health insurance companies so they can roll back health care reform.
They have had myriad chances to stand alongside American families. They simply refuse.
Now, the choice is ours. We can sit on the sidelines, or we can fight back.
Sen. Dick Durbin"
I am choosing to fight back, thank you very much. With any intelligent voting the intransigent, game~playing, bipartisan, doctrinarians will be gone.
So there it is. You knew it was coming.
I am p*ssed, and I am out of cigarettes.
And that is no way to go through life. Not even in Flintville.
PS Wait.
Let's do a little 3rd grade math...
- 200,000 people every week?
- That's one million people by the 1st of August!
- Almost 2 million by Sept- and these people have children that will be returning to school.
- How is that going to happen?
- And if you think teachers can afford to help, (with their 40~student classrooms), think again!
- How is that going to happen?
I await the GOP to be whining about the "free lunch" programs now, [or blaming immigration for their (gop) adamant refusal to cooperate with our current administration, and to stand behind our American workers].
pic from here
Also of note from my email:
ReplyDeleteI wanted to make sure you saw this email from Sen. Bernie Sanders.
He's right: Democrats simply can't let this new breed of Republican extremists run rampant within the halls of Congress.
Dear J.B.,
Why is the longest-serving Independent in congressional history writing to you on behalf of Democrats? Like you, I'm angry. I'm frustrated. And I want action. I've had my differences with both sides of the aisle, but I have never seen tactics as dangerous as the ones Republicans are using.
Republicans have said "No" to the very changes Americans elected President Obama to make. No to health care reform. Jobs. Clean energy. Regulations so big banks can't wreck our economy and get rich in the process.
They're saying "No" for one explicit reason - to make President Obama fail.
Sen. Bernie Sanders
More email:
ReplyDeleteSunday, June 27, 2010 1:15 PM
Dear Anne,
Act now! Fight against a GOP comeback. Every dollar you give will be matched. Contribute
I believe in diplomacy - but sometimes actions speak louder than words.
Today, ultraconservatives are pushing the Republican Party perilously far to the right. President Obama is leading our country in a way that reflects our highest values and our deepest hopes - but the Republican right wing wants him to fail.
As the president works to restore our country's reputation and to mobilize support for solutions to the many problems that confront us -including the struggling world economy, the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, terrorism, nuclear proliferation, energy insecurity, and risks to the environmental health of our planet - partisan Republicans have offered nothing except criticism, obstructionism, negativism, and defeatism.
This leaves the rest of us with a choice. We can keep fighting to solve problems and to promote change, or we can surrender. I choose to fight, and I need you fighting beside me.
In today's political environment, it is not enough to have better ideas. We must get those ideas across to our fellow citizens. In order to defeat our right-wing opponents, we must back our principles with action, and that means supporting President Obama and Democrats across the country.
Our reputation abroad is finally beginning to recover. Each day, President Obama is showing that America wants to work with friends around the world to build a future based on law, justice, human rights, and a commitment to peace. We cannot afford to lose all that we have gained. We must show the world that the real America - the best America - is back.
Holding the line will not be easy. The Republican Party is more energized now than it has been in years. The problem is that Republican candidates are also more extreme than they have been in years. Many embrace policies that would make it far harder for our country to promote peace, reduce the danger of nuclear war, and curb climate change.
President Obama's agenda - and our nation's reputation - are at stake. I support the DSCC because I know its track record of success in putting Democratic leaders into power and keeping Republican partisans out. Will you please join me?
The president is doing his part to move our country in the right direction; we need to do ours. President Obama needs help from Congress to bring about lasting change. He needs a Democratic Congress. There is no other option.
Madeleine Albright
ReplyDeleteand do you want to know what the outsource company told us at our last meeting? companies, now days don't look to have people employed for more than 5 to 7 we all don't need to worry about how old we are! basically, the corporations JUST DONT WANT TO PAY OUT ANY BENEFITS TO ANYONE ANYMORE! America's way of living has all been changed. No longer will you have 401K's or pension plans and have health insurance coverage by your employer.....YOU ARE A LIABILITY and NOT an ASSET to the company! GO SCREW YOURSELVES PEOPLE! You will NEVER be able to retire, you will work until the day that you die and it will be sooner than later, because you won't be able to afford to go to the doctor, so you will stay sick and won't get any treatments that could save your life. Fuck all the employees, they don't mean a damn thing to the employer.
sorry for swearing, but I had to I am pissed!!
ReplyDeleteEverything I write, save for my own opinions is linked.
please write to your senator and congressperson and tell them exactly how you feel.
I get my letters answered, even if I am not a constituent of the person I wrote to.
It is that important.
You need to add that these companies are paying in to the UC fund - No breaks for them whether or not UC extensions pass or not.
ReplyDeleteThose 401k's are coming back up though- slowly but surely. (Well some are anyway, and that is something).
ReplyDeleteNo worries.
I swore as I wrote too.
I guess as long as you are swearing about something and not at someone I can handle it.
Annie, I'm about to give you some VERY ugly truth to add to your rant:
ReplyDelete1. The government figures are kind. You have to dig, but the 10% overall unemployment to which the Feds are owning-up is closer to 17%. Given the losses since these figures were last compiled, it's probably closer to 20-22%.
2. It's not just the unemployed worker who winds up on the street. It's his/her kids (in a nation where over 60% of children are being raised in single-parent households, we are actually looking at between five and eight million people living on the streets in time for Christmas.
3. Now, think about this: In Germany during the period 1922-1924, they had roughly the same number of people living on the street. These were the people Hitler used to recruit his brownshirts.
Conclusion: It's not just a bad idea to cut off unemployment insurance - it can be catastrophic for the nation. We could easily see a change of government - and history tends to show us that revolutions NEVER turn out the way anyone wants.
Sleep well.
Now, for something positive you can do:
1. Petitions rarely work. They're ignored. What works are letters - Google your representatives and senators; write them individual letters. Yes, it takes more time - but they are effective; far more so than petitions.
2. Better yet, call their office. Ask to speak to someone who takes input from constituents on behalf of the representative/senator. Keep it civil - but make sure they understand you will be keeping a close eye on this issue, and voting accordingly in the next election.
ReplyDeleteI just HAD to copy you on this.
Very well said!
Thank you
Geez Will, i don't sleep good the way it is. Thanks for that.
ReplyDeleteAll joking aside, I had seen the numbers underinflated- Must have been on your own blog as I recall- from a while back- and figured then it was closer to 19%.
And know it sickens me to see all these people, children too- even years and years ago, living on the streets- Weather and holidays be damned, they don't belong there!
My own thoughts were, as the old Howard Johnson hotel in West DePere, stood empty, abandoned, for years was to allow the homeless to live there.
So what if it would have been destroyed? The owners were already paying to heat and electrify the building, why not.
Besides, they sold it a few years back- Just to tear it down and turn it into a gas station. (And since this blog isn't about the Gulf of Mexico, I won't bother to tell you which brand it has).
God only knows how many of these hotels are just waiting to be torn down and rebuilt with something else we don't need any more of. Let's put them to decent use?
Maybe far-fetched but it's something.
I signed that petition, but didn't give them any money...I have none to give! but I did leave quite an extensive comment!
ReplyDeleteThank you Sweetie-
ReplyDeleteI know that I always get feedback when I sign- (I cannot donate either)- But in contrast to what Astra wrote, the things I have signed have passed-
Even f those boys in DC use the polls and petition for feedback, it's worth the click to me.
But I do write my congress peoples and senators people too.
Me, Just doin' what I can...
I'm not saying 'don't sign the petition' - I'm saying that Congresspeople and Senators pay far more attention to individual letters than they do to petitions. It's about the personal contact from a constituent, and the relative effort taken.
ReplyDeleteYou are correct-
20 years ago, it was for every letter they receive, there are 10,000 others that are in agreement.
I have no idea what that number has become now.
What a wealth of information you are Anne.. great job getting the words out there. More of us need to speak up. This last year i have signed more petitions and called my congress folks more than i ever have. I maybe shouldn't be but i continue to be shocked that the Repubs vote in lock step per McCain's wishes. Don't ANY of them have an independent thought? Don't any of them have any guts to stand up for what they believe in? I have heard it said that trying to get the Dems to all vote the same way is like herding cats. Give me cats any time rather than a brain dead politician with no guts.
ReplyDeleteWell......I need MORE coffee and probably a VALIUM or two! Just thinking of our futures with the way things are now is really depressing.
ReplyDeleteAnna can you find out if the American Tax System have tax exempt status for religions.?
ReplyDeleteas they are here, I was wondering because they are worth billions
Uh, Lester?
ReplyDeleteI can answer that.
The answer is 'yes', as long as they uphold a few provisos, which are outlined in IRC 501 (c) (3).
The entire text is here.
" •But we CAN’T AFFORD to take care of middle class AMERICANS who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own?
ReplyDelete◦This is being decided by people that ‘We the People’ are paying!!!
•‘We the People’ are ALLOWING these people to GIVE our tax dollars away to others, but they won’t help us? "
Hi ya there yes I was asking Anna about the Tax exemptions of Religions because there are lots of them out there that are out of the normal ( some way, way out there ) that call themselves a "Religion" just so as they don't have to pay taxes to the governments and are therefore ripping the ppl out of Billions of Dollars EG: and Scientology plus many more Bizarre Religions and Cults around the World also have Tax exemption within the Western countries when their CEOs, Gods, Messiahs and leaders earn millions of dollars. Just think how much money these organisations earn per fiscal year that that should be going into the public purse.
Here's a great idea on how to take care of unemployment...GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND GET A JOB! There ARE jobs out there if people would get off the damn computers and go find them. And yes there are jobs out there. My job comes from making uniforms for companies and we've been on overtime for over a year and a half now. We've averaged over 20,000 new accounts EVERY DAY. So, yes, there are jobs out stop blaming the Republicans.
ReplyDeletethis is in reference to doubtfire:
ReplyDeleteI highly doubt that your company is getting 20,000 new accounts every day. Exactly what is your hourly wage and is your company hiring? Can you afford to live on a 40 hour paycheck? AND the thing that is happening now is that people who are unemployed are being turned away by prospective employers because they don't currently HAVE A JOB. Nice, huh? They only want to hire people who are actually already working somewhere. If people cannot be hired, they NEED to have unemployment benefits. What are we to do? Just let these people live out on the streets? Do you want more crime in your area? Cuz, I will tell you that if people can't afford to pay rent or buy food, crimes will definitely rise. It's a survival situation.
Doubtfire i don't know you but you clearly haven't read much if any of the information Anne has provided above.. and there is a lot more info out there you could research yourself. Anecdotal stories about your particular job don't really speak to the difficulties people face every day across the country. It's easy to judge others until you or someone you love is in their shoes... Check out Wikipedia regarding anecdotal 'evidence'... "Misuse of anecdotal evidence is a logical fallacy and is sometimes informally referred to as the "person who" fallacy ("I know a person who..."; "I know of a case where..." etc. Compare with hasty generalization). Anecdotal evidence is not necessarily representative of a "typical" experience; statistical evidence can more accurately determine how typical something is."
ReplyDeleteLester, they're ALL 'way out there' - then again, most people have no clue why they practice a religion, save for the fact that their parents/grandparents/great-grandparents did the same thing.
ReplyDeleteThey've never studied comparative religion - they've never called into question the very notion of an Imaginary Friend, 'looking out for all of us'; ad-nauseum.
Yes - most religious people are sheep. I said it. If they'd do their own research and insist on proof, then religion would die out in a generation.
I'd also posit that we'd be a whole lot better off.
That said - we Americans have a 'thing' for preachers. They tell us how to live; we give 'em money. They live well; we are perfectly willing to Eat Shit and Die, as long as we go to some nebulous Greater Reward afterward.
It's lunacy - but there you have it.
I am a democrat and in favor of unemployment benefits BUT I wish that there was some way to stop the practice of not accepting a job that the wages are less than the unemployment due to the prior job held being a better job. I wish people could have the difference made up while working at a lesser paying job with the unemployment. I know of people choosing not to get a lesser paying job because the unemployment is higher than the jobs available. I think more people would be working and the costs go down if the differences were made up rather than the all or nothing way it is. But then I guess it would not be called unemployment if this were the case.
ReplyDeleteThis is not new. It has always been true that it is easier to get a job when you have a job. That is why it is best to take what you can get and keep looking for something better. I have always advised my kids that no matter how upset they are with a job situation, try not to quit until a new job is obtained.
ReplyDeleteSuzy this is so true and so frightening. Sorry to repeat myself on blog after blog but it is a GOAL to destroy the middle class. There are powers that be that want a serf and land owner type scenario. And the "land owners" are snowing the "serfs" into supporting them politically. Unions were not perfect but they were the voice of the working class. The republicans have destroyed all of that voice that they could and continue to attempt to destroy the rest. The good jobs are a thing of the past. Our standard of living will be lower. Get ready to work harder and have less. Those that voted for the party that supports big business instead of the working class can blame no one but themselves.
ReplyDeleteBut not jobs like people had. The jobs have less pay and less benefits. They are jobs that are harder to do than what people had. And they are jobs that are not as prestigious. People in this country are used to good jobs, with good benefits, that they are proud to be affiliated with.
ReplyDeleteAnd while I am complaining, it is obvious that while jobs are paying less, costs are going up. I guess instead of a raising a family with two incomes - mom and dad working - it will take mom and dad working two and three jobs to do so.
ReplyDeleteCrime rates will go up for sure.
ReplyDeleteAfter this, I think I will pour a glass of wine.
ReplyDeletethis made me feel better.
ReplyDeleteOK Kids-
I will get to/through all of your comments very soon.
I see we had a bit of a very ignorant visitor too, who never fails to show her uncompassionate side.(I shall also get to hers).
Just give me a few moments. I had company last night, and have overslept.
Sweet CCK;
ReplyDeleteYou are correct that more do need to speak up. Like their elected counterparts though I see a lot of aping and puppeteering going on.
ie: "If Joe Szhmoe said it, then it is easier to just repeat it than it is to verify it and make up my own mind"
That is a sorry state of affairs, and speaks loudly to the fact that most peoples IQ's and abilities are more comparable to a rock than to any other living creature. (Amoebas excluded).
You say "guts" - I say gonads. Same difference. Ole John boy must have something on everyone in his party. (Of course, running for president, he would have to). And with that comes the shriveling, the bad snifflings of putrid hatefilled old men and hatriots.
ReplyDeleteI hope you found that caffeine- Too bad about the Valium, but I don't think it would work anyway. Not when these people keep showing us that they can be dumber than dumb.
You are correct that it is depressing. And it will remain that way until we show them this is NOT acceptable.
Like the puppets they are, they have learned it, repeatedly, from our own inability, and refusal, to offer anything more intelligent to them. Like many, they only need an education!
Astra has answered your question already.
But to thank you for a spectacular, secular angle on it too.
Churches and pot. Those 2 things, TAXED accordingly, would cure a lot of ails.
Thank you Will.
ReplyDeleteI am back on my PC now and still have to configure the pdf files... Grrr... (I thought I had gotten everything yesterday afternoon).
So much for 'thinking'
I promise to get to your file as soon as I can though.
Back in the mid 70's my BIL told me he was going to start his own 'church', that there was money galore under such a tent, and that I was to be the VP, treasurer, and secretary too.
ReplyDeleteIf not for the fact that between the 2 of us we couldn't even afford a tent at that point, we would be very rich right now! hehehe
Life goes on...
"Have teeth. Will shoot off mouth."
ReplyDeletePam, Pam, Pam...
There you are again, speaking out as though you have ever had an informed opinion of your own.
Please go here and at least read the comments. Most will actually confuse your own putrid point of view-
(I should hope so anyway).
You write as though you have a family, a home, and real employment with benefits.
(2 out of 3 ain't bad).
Just always remember that those 2 out of 3 are temporary, at best. They always have been, and they always will be.
Like the Republican you think you can afford to be, some things never change.
You have raised a daughter by yourself, working a job that, more often than not, you have whined and complained and gossiped about. (That same job that did not even afford you the ability to purchase a new bra for your daughter as 'back to school' had threatened to all but sink you). You're welcome.
You are still in the same rent controlled pit for a rental, and you are still whining about that also. Some things never change you see.
All that, and still you are thankless, sterile, and immobile.
Those people that you want to get off their asses, job hunting from their computers, that you speak so insensitively about probably do not even had ready money to go on an interview anymore! Why would they leave the computer in search of? Or would you rather that they just burn up our precious fossil fuels to drive around and [maybe] see a sign that someone is hiring?
Rest assured oh Pam, these people will not even have their internet anymore- Not after you take away those few dollars that might have been coming in to them.
How hard is it to believe that most of these people have lost their jobs through NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN! Not for insubordination, not for not sewing a straight enough line- not for any other reason that you might "think" -(know and believe that I use that word very loosely when applied to replying to you).
You have forgotten what it is to not know where your next meal is coming from- or maybe you never knew?
That you believe everyone, except for yourself of course, to be taking advantage of life, speaks loudly to your own ignorance. Quite ill too.
Stop blaming the Republicans? You really ARE kidding, right? Who was it that could not even stand o their own to sign an extension to these UC benefits? "Not a single republican is willing to vote ‘yes’ on the current jobs bill"
... and THAT was at the very beginning of this post.
Next time perhaps you will read (and comprehend) before you think you can shoot off your mouth and be taken seriously.
As for those 20,000 new accounts every day? In the words of 'Boner' himself, "You Lie!"
You see, if that really were the case, your company would be at the top of the Fortune 500 and not tucked away in some backwoods in Kentucky.
ReplyDeleteNot me.
And not on my page.
Since her fear will not allow her to reply to your questions I will.
ReplyDelete"If" her company is hiring it is only because someone failed to show up for work after a 3 day absence for imbibing.
Her hourly wage does not even afford her the ability to buy her daughter her undergarments- (which she failed to note that she cannot sew herself).
She would allow anyone to live on the streets because that chip on her shoulder would never allow her to help them out.
Her car has been broken into numerous times (not sure why, as it is old and unreliable), so about the crime, she probably cannot afford any more than she has already had.
As for your thoughts on crime, and the idea that crime will rise, you are right. It is scary and it is a truth that we will all have to live with.
it will be survival of the fittest in a dog eat dog world.
Nothing good can come of this if we allow it to continue for even another month.
ReplyDeletethank you
Your words are a gift to my heart.
yep, that is what I was thinking Anna.....maybe we will all just work at walmart and mcdonalds for the rest of our lives.....a few bucks above minimum wage......I wonder who will be shopping in the future? no one will be able to afford to....... or go out to eat for that matter! you're right, dog eat dog world is what is coming.....sad but true.
ReplyDeleteFunny that before I had come back online I was thinking yesterday about religion and why people are what they are, (or even claim to be).
ReplyDeleteThe draw I believe is the 'community' and not the communion (holy or otherwise).
This is not to say that religion should be banned.
Nor is it meant to decry any of my own personal beliefs.
But to comment on your "most people have no clue why they practice a religion", makes me think deeper about even my own Catholic roots.
In every mass/service/catechism that I ever attended, there was always a chant to be repeated, a prayer in unison, (which you said exactly so if you were to be a 'real' Catholic). Or the priest would say something and we would reply AS WE WERE TAUGHT TO, again i unison.
I have never attended a service where this was/is not required. Not in any church. Not in any religion either.
Sheep is a very apt term, and you are not talking about the Lamb of God. People do not think that their 'God' will love them if they don't practice a certain way. And in my own little opinion if that is ones concept of God, then it is very wrong.
Being loving, kind, and thankful, is enough for my God, no matter 'how' I say the words.
The fact that I pay no church to sponsor my beliefs doesn't really matter to God.
The fact that 99 times out of 100 there is no getting down on my knees to pray doesn't matter to Him either.
And all these things matter to someone else. Therein lies the problem Will.
ReplyDeleteI do know what you are saying but it is the difference between living and not.
Contrary to the line of prevailing thought, these people are only asking for a hand, not a handout.
To accept a job where it does not even afford you the babysitter, or the money enough leftover to put in your gas-tank would not even be a lateral move, it would only be a quick downward spiral.
or then to be fortunate enough to get a second job to cover these expenses too, and never be home a waking moment to spend with your kids...
it is only a vicious circle for too many.
Stands. Applauds.
ReplyDeleteYou are right to guide your children this way.
Something being better than nothing works for the person. But it doesn't always work where there is family to be responsible for, or a commute to go nowhere fast.
Don't apologize. Ever. We ALL have to keep repeating ourselves until something sinks in and truly sticks.
ReplyDeleteWith God as my witness, I will never be one of those people who do not take my right to voice, and my right to vote, indiscriminately or uninformed. Ever.
Ignorance is not a right. And stupidity is often inherited. A sad fact for both.
ReplyDeleteIt is high time for us all to be pulling in our belts and readjusting our priorities as well.
ReplyDeleteAll of that- Just so someone can complain that no one is watching the kids...
ReplyDeleteI hope you had one for me too?
ReplyDeleteThank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you
thank you for posting this blog
ReplyDeleteYes Anne - you posted a good one!.
ReplyDeleteSuzy and Mary-
ReplyDeleteThank you for appreciating it as well.
When shit like this happens, I read what I can about it, then I must allow myself a few days to cool off so I can get my thoughts together. It still doesn't always work.
I envy those of you who can just read and react, and make sense of it all. hehehe
One person wrote and asked why I link so much to Astra's blogs- It is because he can shoot from the hip reacting to the govt crap on a minutes notice, and I appreciate that he has never complained that I borrow his thoughts too.
I thank you again for even appreciating it.
Our country needs JOBS. We need policy that creates jobs. Why don't you put your fine brains to work thinking of what our Federal government could do to help create jobs. Remember, too, that those who work for the government draw their salaries from taxpayers. True they pay back through income taxes, but it is still a net out. We desparately need MORE PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS. What do you think should be done to create jobs?
ReplyDeleteThere are two issues here.
ReplyDeleteFirst, we have over eight million people out of work. Between three and five million (if everyone is counted) are long-term unemployed (they were the first to be let go, and have never been able to find work). No matter how you cut this, failing to fund their unemployment compensation is dangerous. That many unemployed people - many of them with children - will wind up on the street by December if something isn't done.
That is a recipe for revolution.
Secondly, the best stimulus is simply extending unemployment - virtually 100% of it winds up right back in the economy, as that money is spent - it enables the worker to systematically look for work, and avoids the problem of so many third world nations, where massive unemployment leads to crime, civil unrest, underemployment (it does not good to take an accountant and make him/her flip burgers or wash cars) and potentially civil war.
Creating jobs requires massive amounts of investment. This is the second part of the problem.
The banks took the bailout money we gave them, and bet against us. It's parked in overseas investments, rather than being loaned-out (as the Bush administration intended, but never required). As such, the banking system is betting against America.
It's too late to deal with that - unless we pass banking reform with some teeth in it, like we had beginning with T. Roosevelt and McKinley, and ending with FDR.
Unfortunately, I don't see that happening.
sometimes a good long rant is just what you need!
ReplyDeleteOk. guess I'll get my say in here...I won't go through and address things comment by comment but I WILL address a few things... company IS hiring and has been hiring for several months....and NOT because people failed to report to work for being drunk. What a rude thing to say!!! At the location (which is what each plant in this corporation is called ) that I am employed at (and for over 7 years now) has hired over 100 people in the past month and a half and again not because people failed to report to's because WE ARE SWAMPED WITH ORDERS FOR UNIFORMS FROM COMPANIES THAT ARE HIRING!!! and YES, we ARE averaging 20,000 plus new accounts a day and have for some time now...and that doesn't count the constant renewals of accounts.
As for the comment about my daughter's undergarments...that is NOT what was stated on my page last fall. I said and i quote "my daughter told me that all she needed for school was new bras". Yes, I said that back to school would/will break me but EVERY SINGLE PARENT SAYS THAT AND HAS SAID THAT ABOUT BACK TO SCHOOL!!! And if you say you haven' anne's own words YOU LIE! My daughter has NEVER gone without the things she needs...and she never will.
let me see...oh, my car was never broken into. My car is not old and unreliable. You make it sound like I drive an antique or something. Oh and by the way, my car gets great gas mileage too.. a tank of gas lasts me about three weeks...does yours? I doubt it unless you don't go anywhere of signifigance.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to bed. I'm up at 4 in the morning to get ready for work. Unlike some that are up at that hour to play on the computer.
I am often up playing on the computer late because I work second shift and don't sometimes clock out till one am or after.
ReplyDeleteno one NEEDS to explain the why or wherefore of their time on their computer.
ReplyDeleteI still don't believe you on the 20,000 new accounts every single day, lol.....sorry! and you haven't answered what your hourly pay rate is....I don't mean yours exactly, but the starting wage at your company, please? and please, for those of us who are currently looking for employment....what is the name of your corporation, then people can look online and apply for a job.
ReplyDeleteThanks! (That is very true)!
Hmmm You Pam, brighten my day with your odd sense of humor.
ReplyDelete"in anne's own words YOU LIE!" (and there I had even pointed out that I was quoting someone else).
Last Fall was when you made your blogs private. Which is a good thing because then the general public cannot be overwhelmed by even more inaccuracies and hatred.
But that's OK. We both know I was NOT referring to a blog I couldn't even see! hehehe
For clarification purposes, and a fact you have always refused to acknowledge, is that an order for one apron is NOT a "new account". It is but one piece of an order FOR an account.
The 'drunk' comment came from some twit you were whining about 2 years ago. It did not come from me so don't be calling me rude.
As did your car being broken into. (Oh Pam you really MUST go back and read your own blogs for Heavens sake)!
This convenient memory you have is underwhelming, and not entertaining in the least.
I honestly cannot remember the last time I gassed up. But then KMart is not on my list for anything.
Any place of significance? Yes, you are right- I do bring my daughter to the doctor quite often-
Anything else?
OK then, off to work with you now...
Don'tcha just love this? (It is called bullheaded ignorance).
ReplyDeleteWhen/where/what we spend our own time doing is our business unless we choose to share it.
ReplyDeleteStands. Applauds!
Those accounts? We shall just have to Google that one and send it in to CBS news.
I will lay 100-1 odds that the companys name will never be revealed.
At the risk of repeating myself, over and over again:
ReplyDelete"Some of you are getting by.
Some have lost their jobs already.
Still others do not even have the money for food.
Some are working- having their hours and wages cut.
Some are working two jobs and still trying to raise their children.
Some still believe they can sit on a pedestal and denigrate those that cannot even 'see' a pedestal. But their pedestals will crack.
Many of us are ill or incapacitated in some manner. (Through no fault of our own).
Some even are fortunate enough to know what they need, but lack the funds to take their medicines.
To those that are still working... Does your job offer security?
Do you really feel safe?
Should you?
"Every 10% rise in HealthCare costs the economy 120,000 jobs." Source: Rand
How much has your health insurance gone up?
How far have your interest rates on savings gone down?"
"Lash those traitors and conservatives with the pen of gall and wormwood. Let them feel -- no temporising!"
ReplyDelete- Andrew Jackson to Francis Preston Blair, 1835
20,000 new accounts per day would make the news all on its own; no need to send anything anywhere.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, the cut and sew apparel business is headed overseas at a frightening rate. Most of those companies have four or fewer employees, and pay minimum wage with no benefits.
ReplyDeleteThank you Will
Well, when someone goes off about '20,000 new accounts per day', that gives anyone with a basic understanding of the meaning of the word, 'account', and a sixth-grade understanding of math some serious pause. As was pointed out, what was likely meant was an order, not an account - and this, in turn, gives pause to the reader, who would have to ask about the size of the order (number of pieces) as well as the dollar value - an order for one apron or one uniform has far less value than an order for 10,000 pieces from a restaurant chain.
ReplyDeleteThus, the number of orders per day has almost no meaning, save for a vague statement about volume.
The real issue here is the attitude of the writer of these missives - she appears to be jealous of anyone who has an education - she is, as are most of America's working-class, inordinately proud of her job - because that's the only yardstick most of them have to measure their own self-worth.
The puritan/Calvinist ethos which their ancestors, the Border Scots-Irish, brought with them to America kicks in here, as Calvin's value-system in turn placed inordinate emphasis on a person's productivity and wealth - he posited that 'god' 'blessed' people with material wealth if 'god' approved of them; as such, poor people were in 'god's' disfavor, while wealthy people were clearly favored by the Almighty.
It was this perverted belief-system which gave rise to the notion that the unemployed are lazy, shiftless - and therefore clearly out of 'god's' favor.
From an anthropological standpoint, it's always fascinated me that this has gone so long unnoticed (although a couple of historians have connected the dots on this behavior, beginning with D.H. Fisher's "Albion's Seed") - but that was the subject of an article I did for Subversify a few months back.
Regardless, there's not much anyone can learn from this gal. She's stuck, and if anything, we should be a bit sympathetic - she obviously never got the chance for an education; the working-class in America has very little opportunity to rise above where they are; their only value is measured in what they produce - and their jobs are being outsourced to India, Mexico, and China at a frightening rate.
I disagree with doubt's statements about the unemployed just being able to go get a job right now and the statements she makes that make the unemployed seem like a bunch of lazies on the computer. I tried to offer my situation as that some people are on the computer at late hours because their life style is non traditional but they still have jobs. But, I have to differ with the idea that it is somehow wrong to be proud of your work. As a nurse, my work is closely tied to my identity. I am proud of my job and the work I do. I don't think those that don't have jobs are lazy or out of anyone's god's favor. But the feeling of self worth that people get from earning a living comes from more than lack of education.
ReplyDeleteI do agree that the American work ethic is deeply ingrained in many of us. Not sure if it is from the Scotch Irish or the Germanic roots people have though. Actually there are several cultures that are in many of our heritages that value the work ethic.
ReplyDeleteI thank you again!
As for the highlighted? you have got to link to these blogs of yours. (Sometimes us crones need a refresher course ya know). hehehe
You wrote, "Regardless, there's not much anyone can learn from this gal. She's stuck, and if anything, we should be a bit sympathetic - she obviously never got the chance for an education"
That is all well and good, (and acknowledged).
Yet, as you might know I have NO sympathy toward anyone who won't take advantage of even 5 minutes TO actually "LEARN" anything!
)"Perverted" is right)!
People like her make up their minds, (long ago I might add), and nothing will sway them away from their untruths.
Sadly then the lies only live on and on. ~Ad nauseum...
How can you believe in anything if all one believes are lies?
ReplyDeleteThank you too for spelling this out.
I am thinking that she is so angry- perhaps- because she DOES know just how precarious her own future is! But then is just so upset she cannot stand to hear the facts. She is very afraid to become that "lazy" unemployed worker herself. (And we all know where uninformed FEAR gets anyone).
ReplyDeleteI do not think that Astra meant you, or learned people like yourself. You have an educated pride in your work Sweet Mary, You are not just paying the bills every other week, while living hand to mouth waiting on the next paycheck (after you run out of money on the 4th day).
AND you are helping people with your education! What's NOT to be proud of?
Personally I know professionals- electricians, plumbers- those that began with a tech school education only, and did well enough to get that apprenticeship. From there they have worked themselves up their own ladder-
Self made millionaires? Not a chance. But 5 years ago they had enough money AND benefits to secure a bit of savings to maybe send their own children to college or tech school- and their health to ensure that they can keep working...
They do not have that any more.
My father is/was Polish.
Mom is/was Flemish and Black Belgian.
They both worked their tails off, on the farm, and at other little enterprises. (Pa sold new and used machinery on the side; mama and us would sell our produce at the farmers markets).
We learned to work then.
Then biologically for me, Irish and Native American, the roots are fairly much the same.
That all, I have no idea if this can be traced back to ethnicity, or just plain ethics itself.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the misquote.
This was Wilson