Look closely for the tractor... Finally! ~ a bit of badly~needed attention for the fields...
Good Afternoon Everyone;
I am behind. (So what else is new)?
I wanted to try to get a bit caught up before we left for Casey's treatment this morning. Didn't work. But here I am, finishing it now - hehehe
I am on my laptop- Greg will be rescuing my desktop computersaurus one of these days.
Seems as I broke it...
I repeat, "So what else is new?!?
Casey had a rough week, last- They will be doing blood tests before she is treated today, and hopefully we can all remember that she is to get her B-12 shot also. (Forgotten last week, but she is on quite a regimen of daily vitamins/mineral by mouth also).
I brought her to the hospital on Friday. Too much pain.
They treated her pain, I brought her home and that was that.
Mostly, as you well know by now, she does cope quite well with that pain- Just that sometimes it becomes very overwhelming for her. (For me too -as I can only pray and have to watch her to be in pain).
This is the first time since her TP/AIT (12-2008), that her pain was at a level 10. She said it is very comparable to her chronic pancreatitis pain! No one seems sure of whether this is from the iron, or possible adhesions from one of her surgeries.
Her blood pressure has been screwy too- I sent her home with my little b/p machine to check it every now and then.
She goes to about 130/90, at her highest- But then drops way down to about 80/40. Normal (for her) is about 90/58. We run borderline low in my brood.
We are told that her b/p shall regulate itself once her iron treatments are discontinued.
Last week, in an effort to counteract some of the immediate side-effects of the iron, they gave her benedryl, 50mgs, -and a Zantec for her tummy.
The Zantec was octagonal but not parallel - a weird looking pill that didn't show up in my picture.
I was having fun playing with my camera that day- editing a few pics while Casey's IV ran.
I found an edit feature on my camera that is tagged "partial color". That's what I used for the above shot.
Ready with the saline, just in case...
A few shots from her hospital visit...
(The '59' was her heart-rate at that point in time).
Disregard the "ADMIT PATIENT" as I brought her home that same evening.
Casey- 5/28/2010
Showing off her pokes and bruises, (and of course the fancy jewelry issued by the hospital). hehehe
WARNING! ~This picture is not for the feint of heart...
Every once in a a while someone turns my camera on me...
OK. Quit laughing already-
Driving to pick up Casey, I go past this gas station.
For some odd, strange reason, I was quite happy I did not need gas at the moment.
I was also happy that I didn't need anything swatted that day. hehehe
Going back to the woodsafter we got home, I was thrilled that the boys were finally attempting to clear the field.
Rumor has it there will be cabbage this year...
Boring... (stinky too).
I'd better close for now...
Have plenty more blogging to catch up on, (and like cabbage I don't want to be boring you).
Love to all!
I like cabbage too! :) And you looked wonderful sweet Annie ;)
ReplyDeleteWhat an absolute lovely shot of Casey there second on down :-) I was expecting a really gruesome photo of something Anna and then I saw you so yes; I did laugh. Going past the gas station Oh my whats she done now ? I thought.
ReplyDeleteA pain level of 10 !!! that's awful :-( Sorry Casey that's bad mate hey. I get a pain level of about 5 in my legs and I'm asking for an amputation :o
Cabbage Yuk and that's all I have to say about that veggie, Oh by the way let us all know if you get any "Crop Circles" they have started in the UK already although if ET flies over they probably say the same as me :-o
ya look fine there sweetie, quit cutting yourself down now.
ReplyDeletedid you ever hear what went on at the station? curious to know! take care!
Oh Sweetie!
ReplyDeleteI used to LOVE cabbage! (Before they took out my gallbladder in 1984 that is).
Now I still love it, but it doesn't love me. hehehe
I eat it if I ever think I might be constipated. Works like a charm-
But that certain affliction does not "run" in our family.
Pardon the pun.
ReplyDeleteeven if you are a thief.
So, Mr. Lester,
ReplyDeleteDo you think Casey is cute enough to keep? (Or should I throw her back)? hehehe
You laughed at me?!? Yeah-
- Rethinking...
... Maybe I should throw myself back?
Casey has been doing so well since that transplant surgery- So this is a whole year and a half with well regulated pain. That my friend is something she would not be able to say ahd she NOT had the TP/AIT. We shall see what relief these infusions bring to her. Perhaps it's a "no pain, no gain" type of thing.
She has 2 treatments left, come hell or high water, she will get those. After that to get her blood checked again and see if she needs more.
I get that migraine pain, and I do pray for death sometimes- Just to make it go away, not necessarily to make ME go away). But at that point in time I could care less.
I have no crop circles.
I do have 6 migrants planting something green out there though. hehehe
Furthermore I shall let you know if I see any'thing' riding a bicycle overhead. (And I will wave).
Sweet Suzy-
ReplyDeleteI know. I am tough on myself- I always looked 'different'
is all. Not used to having a bit more of me this year. I really don't care. (It's been a tough decade or two what can I say)?!?
Even my sister thought I was fat in that picture.
Though she said it very nicely, like this, "You look great. Is that a little 'meat' on your bones I detect?"
In my own defense, the picture- a full length one is on the other computer so you will have to take my word that I am still not stopping any trains. (Nor do I have to be bagged).
OK that was my wholly unchristian thought for the day...
Oh well. Still laughing at that. (How very delicate)!
The gas station?
I asked Casey-
She said that the cops were having a cookout.
At least that was her version.
The most common woman's dress size in Australia is Size 14 ( Metric ) also females who are size 14 seem to be the most desired size by males; I think that is size 12 in the USA ?
Neener neener.
ReplyDeletewhat did I thief?
I haven't been around much lately and just thought I'd check in to see if everyone was well. (So much for that.) I'm so sorry to hear that Casey is in pain again and I hope she feels better soon. Cabbage huh, well I do love coleslaw. You're looking pretty tan in the picture so you must be getting some yard work done.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry Casey is still having problems. Melanie was doing great and then this last week she has had pain like before surg too. I have been reading lots and it seems that because food just doesn't digest with them etc. could this be mainly food that is rotting in them. I know beef takes 14 days to digest and only 4 hours to start rotting in the normal stomach, so must be much worse in theirs. You more than likely already know all of this, but I just wanted to confab a bit with yoou. Melanie is as thin as Casey now, she is fine with it, but hope she doesn't lose much more, she will blow away. We are sweltering here in TX. My oldest daughter Robin wil be heading to the great North county of WI in a few days. She will be staying in Muconomawak, I know I slaughtered that spelling....sorry. Well good thought and prayers to you all,my cats said that Punk looks alright, for a DOG.
ReplyDeleteWe go again this morning at 9- Her 5th infusion
Casey does seem to be better, (MUCH better than the past week anyway)!
Perhaps that was the make/break point for it all.
I sure hope so. Prayers anyone?