From The Celestial Navigator:
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I am not military, and cannot speak for anyone there.
But all I can say right now about this article, is Yes! Yes!! And YES!!!
Do the click. I believe you'll agree.
...Now I wonder what theTeahadists & Hatriots will have to say?
Photo from here
For the complete text and/or video of President Obama on Afghanistan, General McChrystal & General Petraeus Please go here:
Thanks for the shout-out.....:)
ReplyDeleteAnne...what worries me about this is the secrets kept by not being allowed to speak out. We all know how the press has in the past twisted things out of context. They most definitely are good at that. But knowing "something" about what is going on, is better than knowing "nothing."
ReplyDeleteMcC may have said more than he should. And he should "think" before he speaks. But I can't help but wonder what he was he was actually trying to tell us.
Oh to be a fly on the wall in that oval office!
he never denied what he said, in fact apologizing for his words. He sounded frustrated a good choice was made today I believe for everyone.
ReplyDeleteje needed to be fired period--
ReplyDeletehaving been in the military there was really no other recourse for the President--and that this general thought he could get away with this is well from a military point of view sick
It was the only decision the President could have taken what the general said was treason and in most other military's he would have been canned right away period--
ReplyDeleteActually, it wasn't 'treason' - but it was forbidden speech according to Article 88 of the UCMJ.
ReplyDeleteI know astra should have used a different word-your article was great and thanks --
ReplyDeleteMoral is a very important thing in a war zone, it flows down hill fast amongst other things :-) I don't know your Article 88 of the UCMJ, however I do know about how the Military operates, the President took the only action he could take, good decision.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't sedition, nevertheless "treason". Pfft.
ReplyDeleteTechnically, the General could have received an Article 15 ( Commanders non-judicial punishment ), been reprimanded, and returned to command. But Obama wanted to show he was HNIC, and show that white boy who was boss. Now we have lost a counter-insurgency expert in the war, which demoralized our troops and mission further. I realize under the UCMJ that Obama had the option to dismiss the General, but he didn't have to for the sake of the troops, and the mission effort. It does go to show that Obama is more concerned with his ego than he is at winning this war. And the Taliban are laughing their fool tails off.
ReplyDeleteVerbal is not "formal". If Obama wanted to press it, he could have charged him with a minimum of an Article 15, which would have been sufficient, but not grounds for removal from command. McC blew holes in his own boat, granted.......but Obama sank it.
ReplyDeleteI am offended by this choice of words.
ReplyDeleteBe offended. It's the truth.
ReplyDeleteWhy? It's true. Had it been a black General, this whole thing wouldn't have even been an issue. This is similar to the Cambridge police officer incident. White officers.......automatically deemed to be "stupid" by Obama, without him even having knowledge of the incident. This incident with McC is nothing more than Obama's ego being bruised, and his retaliation against someone in the "white" establishment. Hate it for ya, but the truth is the truth. No other way to word it.
ReplyDeleteRacist or doesn't make it any less the truth.
ReplyDeleteIt is an inappropriate choice of words Patty.
ReplyDeleteBlacks call white people that all the time on you object to THEM?
ReplyDeleteI do not watch much television and do not watch the Black Entertainment Television channel. But there is certainly plenty of material on TV to get offended about.
ReplyDeleteJust strikes me funny.......they can call me "white boy", and that's acceptable, and no one raises hell about it. But if I make reference to that, I'm automatically deemed a "racist" for speaking out against something that was done. Quite hypocritical.
ReplyDeleteI did not say that it was acceptable. We are discussing the inappropriate comment that you made on Anne's post. We are not discussing what comments may or may not be appropriate in other contexts.
ReplyDeleteObama is a narcissist, and has an ego that could fill rooms. And this "firing" was nothing more than a show that his ego had been busted.........thus he fell back on the UCMJ with this General. It was his way to show "who is boss". His only justification WAS the UCMJ. But he could have administered an Article 15, and been done with it. Return the man to command. But no, he had to make a sacrificial lamb......and McC was it.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny.......when someone other than Obama makes a decision that the left doesn't like, it's "racist" and "inappropriate". But if HE makes a racially motivated decision, it's automatically praised. Being black doesn't make you right.
ReplyDeleteObama does not have to show he is boss because he is the President hence the Commander in Chief. He is not an insecure individual who needs to prove the obvious.
ReplyDeleteCalling white officers "stupid" without having the details of the incident, isn't racial bias? What is? Had GWB said that about a black cop and a white perpetrator, the mainstream media would have ran with it for YEARS! I also don't remember GB Sr of relieving Colin Powell of command, even though he was openly critical of some policies. See where I'm going here?
ReplyDeleteWe were not discussing what belief systems motivated Obama's actions today, we were discussing your inappropriate comment on this blog. You keep changing the subject away from the fact you made a racist and inappropriate comment here on Anne's post.
ReplyDeleteI'm a veteran. Already did my service. And what makes you think I'm not supporting the war? Do you know me? Being critical of policy makers is a 1st Amendment right. Seems to me, liberals have done their fair share, have they not?
ReplyDeleteIt's "racist" in YOUR opinion. And you're entitled to that opinion.
ReplyDeleteThank you. That is spoken like a gentleman. And you are entitled to your opinion. We can agree to disagree and mind our manners at the same time.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing "politically correct" about me. I call it as I see it. And when I do, there will be those who are "offended". I accept that we'll disagree, and that's fine.
ReplyDeleteA Democrat in the "hole".......imagine that! LOL!!
ReplyDeleteonly a jerk would post this photo.
ReplyDeleteI think you got the idea intended and not the convolution of it you stated.
ReplyDeleteI shall address your concerns momentarily, (but oh!, what a morning to sleep later than usual)...
ReplyDeleteWill, when you write something this good I will happily give you that shout out!
There will always be 'those' secrets that we/he can do nothing about.
ReplyDeleteAnd even McChrystal is allowed to speak out. Bt speaking out while wearing those stripes is not allowed within the letter of the law.
You are so right about the press too. BUT, when words are withing parentheses it is a drect quote.
McChrystal knew well before then that his actions/words would not be tolerated. That he chose to share them with this reporter was his choice.
It is America's choice not to put up with that.
And it is our Presidents responsibility to take care of business.
That he did.
ReplyDeleteYou are quite right!
ReplyDeleteAgain, quite right!
Did McChrystal really think he was untouchable and irreplaceable?
ReplyDeleteAlso correct.
Here you go Mr. Lester:
ReplyDeleteArticle 88; U.S. Uniform Code of Military Justice
From Wills page here:
"“Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.” --
Not "may"; "may potentially", or "is liable" - shall. This leaves little room for maneuver, and even less for argument."
end quote.
Correct once more, President Obama made the right decision.
hehehehe anne
ReplyDeleteI am unsure about the claim that this was not sedition- I am 'assuming' that you say that because no one has rioted over it?
ReplyDeleteBut, here is that definition.
1. Conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state.
Makes you wonder now?
But whatever it was, it was disloyalty to the President, and most notably that president is his boss.
definitly :)
ReplyDeleteNot sure what your HNIC means, but wth does race have to do with not controlling one's mouth? (If applicable, I would ask that you please control your own).
ReplyDeleteRacial slurs of any kind are not permitted on my page.
From comes this comment, quoted,
"Love Obama or despise him. He is the Commander In Chief. You report to him.The fact this article even happened says a lot of him. He cannot be so stupid for this to have been accident. He either wanted to embarrass Obama or save his own skin as history goes down in the AfPak region."
end quoted comment
I must say that I agree with these words.
Maybe he (McC) may have just wanted out, and opted for the cowards way out of the Middle East?
"for the sake of the troops" ?!?
Not to worry, those troops KNOW their mission inside and out and will be MORE THAN happy to inform you of their intelligence, (where it can be shared- and most preferably on an IQ level).
They are not little puppets to be lead around by the nose by some archaic General who believes himself to be above the law.
They know their jobs.
They do them.
For you to infer that the troops need him is also beyond comprehension.
Those troops took their oaths.
He took his.
In simple terms, he violated his.
He has been 'reprimanded' any number of times already. There comes a time, even on civilian soil of a ballpark that says 3 strikes and you're out. So whether he was officer or civvy, he is out.
I stand by our President.
And I didn't even need an oath.
Then again, perhaps you missed the article itself.
Find it here:
Taken from that
"I'd rather have my ass kicked by a roomful of people than go out to this dinner," McChrystal says. He pauses a beat. "Unfortunately," he adds, "no one in this room could do it."
Maybe he was correct, no one in that room could...
(What a small world)!
ReplyDeleteThis reeks of paranoia...
ReplyDeleteAnd what example for the 'up and coming' then?
ReplyDeleteKeep your story correct-
Not only did McC begin apologizing even before the article was in print, he WENT to DC with his resignation in hand.
He offered his resignation.
It was accepted.
ReplyDeleteMary and Heidi,
Just to clarify, I too am completely offended by that choice of words.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Heidi and Mary. Most notably on the grounds that you cannot possibly know that.
Good grief.
The rest of your comment shows more obvious fear than obvious intelligence.
Not acceptable.
ReplyDeleteCorrect me if I am wrong. There is a matter of that resignation...
Nor does calling yourself a patriot.
ReplyDeleteA skunk is nonetheless a skunk no matter what he calls himself.
"Hatriot" IS more like it... (I thank you for not leaving me to wonder what that mind would offer).
ReplyDeleteDid Powell offer his resignation then?
ReplyDeleteThank you.
There are always those...
Who cares if anyone is Repub or Dem here? The law applies to both sides. (Although there are plenty that would not agree with my own choice of words)-
ReplyDeleteI do not know you, but I do respect you for your service to our country.
But because I do not know you, I am wondering if you "chose" to enlist, or if you received your papers in the mail when you turned 18?
My own family is filled with veterans, Army, Marine Corp, CG, AND Navy- that fall under both of those categories. It means something real special that they know their duty and were/are capable of doing it without complaint.
My train of thought just derailed...
Still giggling at that...
This quote now, very applicable...
ReplyDelete"There have been many psychological studies that tell us what we see and what we hear is shaped by our preferences, our wishes, our fears, our desires and so forth. We literally see the world the way we want to see it. But the Dunning-Kruger effect suggests that there is a problem beyond that. Even if you are just the most honest, impartial person that you could be, you would still have a problem -- namely, when your knowledge or expertise is imperfect, you really don't know it. Left to your own devices, you just don't know it. We're not very good at knowing what we don't know."
David Dunning
My apologies for losing my temper on your page Anne, in the wee hours of the morning. Thank you for your support of the underlying intent of my communication.
ReplyDeleteSweet Skeez!
ReplyDeleteNo worries, and NO need for an apology!
You simply stated what was on your mind- (that I agreed completely is a bonus)! hehehe
But that IS what the comment area is for, and whether I agree or not with people, they are always free to comment.
Know too, that I would be much more concerned if this whole thing wasn't upsetting people.
Get mad anytime... even if it's at me.