Good Afternoon All;
Something just blew up. This is not a joke- I have already called Miss Kelli, all is well there; and to look eastward out my window tells me it is probably not Sam and Katies, or Wouters' Front either. (Not to say that I don't love anyone else in Flintville, but those are the 3 closest to my heart).
I see no smoke anywhere, so that is always a good thing.
Nor was it me, (even though I was attending to a potty break before hitting the rider and mowing the lawns). hehehe
As you know, my 2010 MRI showed that I have now had 5 fractures in my back- Due to that my 'weeds' have not been taken care of properly this year; and so, much has grown where normally I must have pulled these plants out.
That said,
Looking past this mess the lawns do need mowing. Badly.
Below... My question-
What are those purple flowers? (They are a shade or three darker than the photo shows).
I have no idea if they are very, very, pretty weeds, or if I have pulled them out in Springtime in earlier years. Please let me know?
I see a few scattered clouds now, (rain is predicted- again- maybe- for this afternoon).
The old farm girl in my blood proclaims that it's high~time for me to get my backside outside. My thermometer shows 87° already. Ugh.
Yes, I do respect those of you who would think 87° to be a slice of Heaven. I assure you that such is not the case in Flintville. Punk will love to go swimming later. (Maybe me too)?
Hope all is well (and a little less weedy), in your own little corner of the world!
Love to all.
I do want to thank all of you that remembered my birthday this past week, and have sent your wishes to me!
Just thought I should post this alternative for next year?!?
Have a wunnaful weekend!
I don't know what they are but they're pretty. I'm trying to get my backside outside, too, as the weeds are overwhelming the flowers.
ReplyDelete87 is not my idea of heaven, but it's a vast improvement over the 93 sticky degrees we've had all week. I have the baby pool filled and can go soak my feet, or my head when that's warranted.
Hope you find out that whatever exploded was intentional.
LOL!!! maybe ya don't have cash or airline tickets..anyway nice flower garden..:) :) hehe
ReplyDeleteThis may be the wrong flower (knowing me!) but from the photo, comparing it with my little 'wildflower' book which I've fetched (!!!) there's only one that looks close: Wild Bergamot.
ReplyDeleteIf it is that, it says that the Native peoples used it for flavouring salads, cooked veggies and stews and for making a pleasant minty tea. Dried,powdered leaves were sprinkled on food to keep flies and other insects away and were rubbed onto hair, skin, clothing AND favourite horses as perfume!!!! Apparently the name comes from the citrus used to flabour Earl Grey Tea - bergamot (learn something new every day!).
It says that it will attract butterflies and hummingbirds into the garden.
So there you go! I hope it is that, it sounds a really useful wild flower to have growing and your photos are really pretty. Prince Charles would be proud of you (he's 'into' natural gardens). xxx
Ditto on the wild bergamot.
ReplyDeleteno news here on explosions.
I am inside- dearly ready for a shower-
ReplyDeleteSkies are dark- warning for the county west of us, so am thinking I do have time to wash at least the top layer of dirt off. hehehe
Stopped over to Kelli's as soon as my weather radio went off to tell them if it gets bad that i will be expecting them sooner than later.
Yes, Punk did get her swim in.
My turn to be soggy other than sweat.
Love to all- I will get on replying as I can.
Hi Mommy!
ReplyDeleteWhat a GORGEOUS picture of that flutter~by! It’s so pretty! Hard to believe that it was once a fuzzy little caterpillar that most people would walk by without noticing… The metamorphosis is so drastic that I believe this is one of God’s most splendid wonders…
SOMETHING BLEW UP?!?!?! I do hope it was not anyone we know. I’m glad you were able to get ahold of Kelli and that it’s probably not Sam and Katie’s or Wouters’ Front.
HAHAHA!!! I’m glad it wasn’t you… I hate it when you blow up! LOL!! Speaking of blowing up, the excitement of tonight’s game has my guts sounding like they are percolating! Maybe it was me…
I just can’t imagine how incredibly frustrating and painful your back is. FIVE FRACTURES! Ugh… I had a hard enough time yesterday when my lower back was acting up. I couldn’t believe how hard it was to walk and was even more surprised at the fact that it made my feet feel as though they weren’t connected all the way! I can’t wait to see my normal chiropractor on Monday so I can tell her about the immense pain I had that day and ask what it could be… It is much better today and I can walk more than I could yesterday. If I stand too long, though, it acts up and gets more painful. I’ll have a patch on tonight for game and hopefully that and not moving around too much will help it… I just can’t imagine living with this everyday… I feel for you and wish I could make it better…
The picture of the lawn doesn’t look that bad, actually! The flowers are most beautiful, so we can all focus on that instead of the lawn, right? :D I think those flowers were ones that I picked out when I bought all those purple flowers… I know that when I saw purple on the picture on the front of the seed packet, I picked it up! Though they also could be from any one of those wildflower mixes that you put in the soil from time to time…
OH! I know what they are: FOWLERS!!!!! :D I know you are sitting there right now going “Hey! That’s MY line!!”
Had to… You’ve gotten me with that one too many times not to! :D
I tried to lay down when Greg was getting ready, but the butterflies in my stomach wouldn’t let me settle down from the excitement! I don’t know why I’m so excited… It’s just a “birthday” party for my character tonight and I think the only thing that’s really different about it is the fact that a couple people will be getting me gifts… In two weeks is the one I will be nervous about. I will be able to borrow that book from Hugo’s and I’ll be taking notes on everything I need to know every free second that I get… I will probably be taking notes tonight before game if I get there early enough… I still have to decide what shoes to wear, get in the shower, do my hair and nails, and make myself transform from a hairy caterpillar into a butterfly! :D
When I tried to lie down before, it started pouring buckets of rain outside! It was coming down so hard that I questioned if it was hail! Nope, just REALLY big drops of rain! My patio was staying dry so I went outside for a while to enjoy the sound of the rain and the distant rumbles of thunder. When I looked down at the pavement, I noticed that there was steam coming up. I thought it was from the drain in the parking lot, but then realized that all of the lot (and the lot at Oneida Family Fitness) was steaming! It must’ve been so hot on the pavement that the rain made it do that! I tried to get a picture of it, but I don’t think I captured it… It’s so hard to get pictures of stuff like that… It was a cool experience; I don’t think I’ve ever seen that happen before so it’s a first for me today!
I thought the weather was supposed to be less muggy yesterday through this weekend… What happened? It’s been MISERABLE!! It would be one thing if it wasn’t humid out, it might even be tolerable then. However, with the humidity so high it feels like you walked out and were covered by a heated, soaking wet wool blanket… When we made the trip to Texas, it was hot but it didn’
Hi Sweetie-
ReplyDeleteI agree! They really are pretty!
Oish! Was it hot and muggy- Squishy hot...
It has cooled down considerably now, and I have my windows all open though it still may rain.
We didn't get but a few big drops out here... We need a bit more!
I 'catch' the rain in the old washtub- Can soak either/or at my leisure, and I do!
I still have no idea what the BOOM was- Maybe kids with unused fireworks? But one would think they would wait til dark?
ReplyDeleteIf you have ca$h or tix (or even chocolate at this point), I shall be quite happy! hehehe
I don't want my lawn to grow anymore/anywhere.
ReplyDeleteSo is the grass a weed? (Or is grass always weed? Or is it vice-versa)?
Those Purple "Flowers"are weeds pull em out that's what I say hahahaha and if you had the choices where would you like to travel to ?
Sweet Mrs. G.,
ReplyDeleteYou rock! Too cool that you went and looked it up for me! And I do have hummingbirds, (and obviously also butterflies)!
Do you still have that great book handy?
I had cross-posted this blog at the Jungle-Blogs group, (
The 1st lady said it was "Beebalm, [which is] also known as Monarda".
Are either of those 2 the same as "Wild Bergamot"?
~~~ Or shall I just go eat some and find out if indeed it is better suited for bees? hehehe
I know at one time (2 or 3 years ago already), I had a plant that also was a cover for insect bites- It was also in that mess of weeds.
Sigh. I will have no luck finding that one again. Ever.
Sweet Pea!
ReplyDeleteI am SO happy when your hand works well enough to type!
I shall do a little dance!!! (Just 'later' is all).
See what I wrote in my last comment? Do you know if these 3 things are the same?
No news here either...
'Cept that I love you!
Mama D.
Yes! I am talking to myself here. hehehe
ReplyDeleteThat shower was the best! (And I am almost 'human' again)!
ReplyDeleteHi Baby!
ReplyDeleteI love you too!
Mama D.
What kind of flutterby is it?
ReplyDeleteWhat the dickens blew up? I still don't know, (but Kelli most definitely felt it too)
Your guts are percolating? Simple to fix. Please unplug er, eh, um, "something"?!?!
Oh pained girl of mine-
ReplyDeleteYour back does sound more like a disk problem if you are having feet problems because of it.
And I am way sorry that the chiropractor you had on Friday was an 'abnormal' one ...
(Hey, I know people like that! -Some of those I even love)!
What you cannot see in still photography is the slightest breeze that ripples the grass. That is the barometer I use to see if I have to mow...
ReplyDelete"Fowlers"? Hey, that's MY line!
ReplyDeleteNow I know where my butterflies go...
ReplyDeleteYou are fog virgin?
Methinks those butterflies in your tummy must have been doing a rain dance!
I can't tell because when I click on the photo to enlarge it, your flicker page is private.
ReplyDeleteand I think I have missed your birthday, there have been so many lately! I am sorry, but I wish you a belated Happy Birthday.
ReplyDeleteThey are all three the same.....
ReplyDeleteLook at these pictures.
well befor we humans started making things like we like them everything was a weed but not really it was nature--lol --so leave them I do till they reseed for next year and they are beautiful
ReplyDeleteNo really. I had lots more to say when Multiply's "site maintenance" came up last night.
ReplyDeleteThat lower humidity was in my eyes and dripping off the rest of me too.
I didn't know you could get any prettier!
ReplyDeleteBring that camera when you come today!
Mr Lester-
ReplyDeleteI am not of a mind to be pulling them out. Heck if I am going to pull anything out it will be the little nettles that keep coming up all over. (These, because the seed is in the birdfeed I use; and while the birds may like it, I do not like it when it 'gets' me)!
Wow, I get 5 choices?
1. Alabama, Lawrence
2. Texas, Isaiah and Wyatt
3. Sault Ste Marie, MI, everybody, especially Uncle Chum who is doing "as well as can be expected"
4. Ireland, to visit the other half of my heritage
5. Australia, to meet YOU!
AND, I would have to be able to take Casey to Ireland with me. She loves the old architecture as much as I do. And the 'greens' as well.
Sweet Suzy-
ReplyDeleteJust hit your control button and 'scroll up' with your mouse at the same time. That will make it all bigger for you, including the picture.
I have almost 9,000 pics on Flickr, so I do choose to keep them private.
ReplyDeleteNo worries. I have 3 daughters that missed it too.
And I thank you for your sentiments; even belated means a lot!
Awesome link Sweet Pea!
ReplyDeleteI can't stand it when people say Wikipedia is a bad and uninformative site. After all, if you can point out misinformation you can always change it- But you have to link your info too.
I also found this story in the reference part of that page:
Sounds like something I would need to be protected from!
Sweet Heidi
ReplyDeleteI generally do the same thing as far as letting them stay until I have a reason to yank them out.
I am giggling at your definition of weed!
Have just learned that the butterfly above is a Red Admiral.
Time to add now to my pics at Flickr- Soon as I get them uploaded, maybe a new blog?
Anne, many things, if left to grow to their maturity to reproduce that flower, can prove to be something of beauty. Even a weed. I don't have a clue what the purple flower is. But it grew right there amongst the other flowers as if it belonged there and has proved to be complimentary regardless of what it is. I think maybe I would just leave it there. And this time next year, it can grace you with its presence once again.
ReplyDeleteDid you ever find out what made that explosion sound? Back here in my bedroom where the noises are muffled most of the time, I hear things that I thought was a car wreck out at the traffic light and I grab my phone and run in that direction to see what happened. Nothing. Minutes later....there it goes again. Turned out to be thunder. And of course, there are times I thought I heard thunder and it turned out to be a car accident out at the traffic light! Not all accidents can be deciphered from the sound of screeching tires and crunching metal parts I guess. Especially when the person driving doesn't have time to react. And once, several years ago, there was a late night explosion that shook the house. Found out the next morning it was house over on the street behind me that blew up. Someone was cooking meth and they must have cooked it too long or something. And the "chef" in that incident did die.
Anne.....I am so sorry I have missed your Birthday. I have had my niece here with me helping out with my yard sale stuff. I've spent so little time online these past few days. And when I did have the time to be online, my niece was using my computer. To have her here to help me was worth giving up some of my own time online to let her use my computer. I just don't think I could have accomplished getting rid of so much stuff already had she not been here to help. She's a BIG girl and is strong like her mom use to be.
So I will say now........HAPPY "belated" BIRTHDAY ANNE!
Bee Balm
ReplyDeleteSweet PeachieBaby!
ReplyDeleteThe audacity of it to grow there!!!! hehehe
But you are right, even the weeds can be pretty- (Methinks that is why I see the beauty of a dandelion, whether singly or a whole field full of them)!
I have decided to leave it right where it is, and perhaps to share the 2nd plant that came up with Miss Micki- Purple was Baby Mariah's favorite color! And I should also find a little something for Miss Morgan too.
I thank you for including your wishes also- (But it's OK about missing my birthday Silly Girl). Casey must have called about 10 times, (in addition to coming out to see me too)- And she sang almost every time! So very very cool.
Jenné called- (Well actually she tried calling but I was online so she emailed me my wishes for the year. Whatever works.
The other 2 were MIA once again.
(Sheesh, I hope Berta isn't in jail again- and who knows with Zoé)? How woodeye know?
Dang kids anyway.
I am happy your niece was there to help you out once again! Very very nice! Many kids just can't be bothered...
Happy Belated Birthday!
ReplyDeleteI used to be good with flowers and such...once upon a time! Now the lawn maintence people take care of the plants around here. I have lots of yellow Lantana outside our front door thanks to the lawn
Hope your and Casey's backs get to feeling better. Bruce's back still gives him troubles from time to time.
We tried that Dr Scholls foot machine that they advertise on the TV ( at our local Walmart..well ..Bruce tried it) You stand on the machine and follow the directions and answers some questions and it tells you which of the orthodic shoe inserts you should select for your feet. So far Bruce is saying good things. A friend at work had tried them and told him about the inserts.
Ok..need to go share whats been going on around here..hope you can see this
Thank You Sweetie!
Happy to hear you have color around your place too!
My mom knew every plant that ever graced her gardens- between Upper Michigan, and here on the farm too. Sadly, and obviously, I did not inherit that knowledge. hehehe
I have never even heard of that foot machine, but I would be very hesitant to put my foot on something that the multitudes have too. Cool that Bruce is getting a bit of relief!
My sister Barbara had sent me a pair of magnetized insoles once. I used them, loving every step, until there was no more magnet within them. If you ever have a chance to pick those up, do so. Do not worry of the cost either. I promise it is well worth it!
They were solid magnet- not the here and these cheap ones.
I shall have to cruise in on your blog soon!