You have GOT to be kidding!?!
"The most expensive commodity we have in this country is ignorance."
While I will admit that there are 39 "special" circumstances within the Democrats, (blue dogs, et al), there still remains the fact that Republicans are partisan, ACROSS THE BOARD.
Those of you who are using the phrase "well, both parties are corrupt" and "neither party cares" are being quite simple minded.
Quit with the lame cop outs, stay on topic, and try to defend your party, (and their record). Then tell me what to do about the hungry people on unemployment.
Just me
I am with you all the way :)
ReplyDeletePhoto from here
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I thought it was just me...
I'm also fed up with the canard that Obama has poured endless amounts of money into entities like the auto industry and has socialized it. These were loans, not gifts or purchases, and helped keep our remaining industrial base alive. It's not big spending to inflate the deficit and create dependancy (now that's a special brand of crazy-talk I read sometimes) It's big investing.
ReplyDeleteI just responded on my local paper's website to a letter for a GOP candidate. His plan is to reduce or freeze all "low-priority" spending and make all funds available to the military. wtf. Haven't we been on this road for 10 years now? Food and health care is low priority, but Blackwater and Halliburton are essential? And people freak out about God on the currency. How about a little God in our domestic lives?
I'm off to work before I get even crankier in this heat. Enjoy your days, you both.
Exactly well said!!! reminds me of the old 60's saying..."turn on tune in drop out" it solves nothing.
ReplyDeleteIt is not just the Presidents that are not doing the people work. It is the entire legislature also. so our economy is in the toilet, unemployment for most states sucks,Both parties are accusing each other for all of the mess we are in. People can not get loans to buy a home , even if they are financially solid, thanks to Fanny and Freddie. Bank bailouts, auto industry bailouts. Unions having too much power in what is happening in our country. Illegal immigration is not helping us in any positive way and what an insult to the legal documented immigrants. Our Health insurance is going to bite us in the ass. How that working for you? Sorry but I do blame both sides, All of this could not have happened without both sides. I guess ignorance is in the eye of the beholder.
ReplyDeleteand the conservative answer is.. just say "NO" all legislation presented by our Democratic leadership and that will solve all of our problems...
ReplyDeleteI agree on the partisan crap going on, we are losing ground. I have been watching CNN a bit more and it looks like the Democrats are not happy with the President , so maybe bipartisanship will start. Maybe we have been fooling ourselves for too long for it to make any difference.
ReplyDeleteoh yes I'm convinced that conservatives' primary objective is to see this President fail..regardless of what it does to the country.
ReplyDeleteI am still waiting for him to do something that I agree with. Same as with Bush. I was and am a Clinton fan and I do believe this country would be in better shape with Hillary. But that is water under the bridge.
ReplyDeleteWell said Sweet Annie, I agree.
Anna - my head is not in the sand when I say that the Dems are as much to blame for this countries problems as the Republicans. Unfortunately, the (majority) people who are in office are all too focused on what is important to them and their party and not what is important to the people in this country. Besides, the Dems have had the majority vote since Obama took office and they haven't really been able to get their act together all that well either. So maybe that mascot is shared by both parties.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Happened with JFK also. I think having both the house and senate is not exactly a positive thing.
ReplyDeleteIs that why Republicans voted against unemployment benefits for millions of Americans H.R. 4213?
ReplyDeleteThe Democratcs have had a numerical majority, but not a filibuster proof majority. If all the republicans vote in lockstep as they have been doing these two years nothing can be done. It's not as simple as having a "majority" and thuis being able to hold sway. It's a super-majority required, and the right has filibustered more in two years than any other congress in history.
ReplyDeletethis is what conservatives voted against which will leave millions of unemployed Americans with no income..
Just my opinion but yes, that's certainly one of the main reasons. As I said, both parties are more worried about making the other look bad.
ReplyDeleteTrue - but other than threatening to filibuster... they haven't done it or needed to.
ReplyDeleteLOL!!!! wow Republicans hold the record for filibusters these past two years!!!! where have you been?
ReplyDeleteYou must live in another world...
besides Huffington post where did you find the actual record of filibusters? I trust Huffington as much as any politician and that is not any
ReplyDeleteFirst, I was not rude to you, but since you raised the question... I Iive in a world where the Dems get things passed like healthcare reform passed by buying votes and jamming pork everywhere. Now they bitch and moan that they can't get things done because of the evil Republicans. What I see is a bunch of politicians who hold a majority of seats but can't even get all of their party members on board to prevent a filabuster. I never once said that the Republican's were any better than the Dems. I pointed out what I believe to be true, the fact that the moment ANY politician gets into office they lose sight of who they represent... which by the way if you hadn't noticed is EVERYONE in their district, state, etc. Not just the people in their party, maybe that concept is lost one you.
ReplyDeleteexactly your facts
ReplyDeletewhat i meant was did you go to the official record, not a one sided web page.
ReplyDelete New York University School of Law
ReplyDelete see page 11 of the pdf
The official record is in nearly every news source but I was looking specifically for those who can't be dismissed as partisan. There is a far cry between political blogs and main stream media, but I've heard people dismiss all of them as left leaning, except of course Fox.
To Everyone-
ReplyDeleteThank you for your input, not only your opinions, but the fact that many were/are linked.
It matters not where they came from, save 'the onion' etc., it is our job to separate the truth from the fallacy.
EVERY link has that grain of truth.
It may be late, but not too late, for me to expand upon my thoughts above.
What I should have said in more detail, that this is taken from my own experiences on your blogs...
The simpler people that come in and just write, "well, both parties are corrupt" and "neither party cares" and then leave their commenting at that. Even when a blog has nothing to do with partisanship or the like, they interject their words, and go away!?
Why? BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY WILL BE QUESTIONED! But alas, they are too fearful and ignorant to return and state where their proof is.
That anyone would want to appear to be so shallow speaks volumes about those people.
About filibusters. Your comments prove that very few actually watch C-Span. I cannot count the # of times that Casey and I have tried to watch these hearings, (and HUNG IN THERE), over sewing or whatever- and what was being discussed had nothing to do with the agenda on file.
You want official record- Just turn on C-Span when they are in session- (or hey, even watch a few of their older broadcasts).
Otherwise, proof can always be found at (for senate) (for house of representatives)
Want 'state' info? There IS a site for each state also.
And still the worst problem is either just plain laziness, or a failure to comprehend the facts.
As was pointed out, regarding the filibuster- the democrats LOST their "filibuster-proof majority" when Teddy Kennedy died and was replaced by Brown.
So yes, they hold a majority of the seats, but cannot pass anything due to the fact that the republicans say "NO" to everything.
I will say this. Both places ARE leaning- FOX wins hands down when there is a bullshit meter.
AGAIN it amuses me (not) that ANY of us would just believe what we hear on TV without taking the time to read about, and comprehend what words may/may not have been aired!!!
After all, we are ALL online-
We ALL have search engines, encyclopedias, and dictionaries.
It should follow then that we should ALL then have a modicum of brainpower to assess the facts
I am done being amused by the crap I hear (about).
That people actually believe crap without verification, and continue to post little catch phrases and the like, only shows blatant ignorance and/or stupidity. It proves nothing else.
That there is a base failure to grasp logic and fact is very very sad.
Again I thank you all for your comments to my post.
ReplyDeleteI would love to read your reply please? It sounds very intriguing!
Do you (or will you) have a link when it is published?
BTW - the Unemployment Benefits didn't pass because the DEMOCRATIC Senator from Nebraska voted No. Damn those Republicans for ... um.. oh wait. It's the Dems who couldn't sway one of their own.
ReplyDeleteTo say nothing of ALL the republicans that voted no?
ReplyDeleteAs I have already said, " I will admit that there are 39 "special" circumstances within the Democrats, (blue dogs, et al), there still remains the fact that Republicans are partisan, ACROSS THE BOARD."
Therein lies the problem.
You really make her point for her, you realize that? All of the Republicans voted against it- all of them, but it must be the fault of the Democrats. As you were the one who believes that that the GOP has ony threatened to filibuster, your credibility is rather thin. Please pay attention, or as Anna suggested, watch a little C-Span. It's much more reality based than Fox and Friends.
ReplyDeleteAnna for Senate :-)
ReplyDeleteReality based- Aired from the floor.
ReplyDeleteAnd that is as good as it gets.
No a freakin' chance in hell.
ReplyDeleteBut thanks Lester
Facts can just get in the way...
ReplyDelete“The simpler people that come in and just write, "well, both parties are corrupt" and "neither party cares" and then leave their commenting at that. Even when a blog has nothing to do with partisanship or the like, they interject their words, and go away!?
Why? BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY WILL BE QUESTIONED! But alas, they are too fearful and ignorant to return and state where their proof is.
That anyone would want to appear to be so shallow speaks volumes about those people.
About filibusters. Your comments prove that very few actually watch C-Span. I cannot count the # of times that Casey and I have tried to watch these hearings, (and HUNG IN THERE), over sewing or whatever- and what was being discussed had nothing to do with the agenda on file
You want official record- Just turn on C-Span when they are in session- (or hey, even watch a few of their older broadcasts).
Otherwise, proof can always be found at (for senate) (for house of representatives)
Want 'state' info? There IS a site for each state also.
And still the worst problem is either just plain laziness, or a failure to comprehend the facts.
As was pointed out, regarding the filibuster- the democrats LOST their "filibuster-proof majority" when Teddy Kennedy died and was replaced by Brown.
So yes, they hold a majority of the seats, but cannot pass anything due to the fact that the republicans say "NO" to everything.
I will say this. Both places ARE leaning- FOX wins hands down when there is a bullshit meter.
AGAIN it amuses me (not) that ANY of us would just believe what we hear on TV without taking the time to read about, and comprehend what words may/may not have been aired!!!
After all, we are ALL online-
We ALL have search engines, encyclopedias, and dictionaries.
It should follow then that we should ALL then have a modicum of brainpower to assess the facts
I am done being amused by the crap I hear (about).
That people actually believe crap without verification, and continue to post little catch phrases and the like, only shows blatant ignorance and/or stupidity. It proves nothing else.
That there is a base failure to grasp logic and fact is very very sad.” Flintville
Well said!
There was really no need for to duplicate your message, but when there is agreement duplication can hopefully add emphasis,
Please link to research found at another site….
Of course there are many who will not let research and documentation by individuals with excellent academic credentials and accolades from their peer’s interfere with well held belief contradicted by well established facts…
translucence wrote on Jul 13
“BTW, have you ever read anything from George Lakoff, the cognitive linguist? He's done some great work around this issue."
Here's the link to an article I ran into today:
An excellent link
ReplyDeleteThank you SO much Mr. W!
You rock!