Triskaidekaphobia (Click on the word if you don't know what it is).
I don't have it...
(Probably one of the few things that doesn't run in the family too)! hehehe
Good Morning all;
Storm warnings are out... So I will be typing fast- Forgive any errors.
It is just beginning to get dark. Quite dark. Which is an odd thing to say at 9AM.
Flash flood warnings are already out- My weather radio went off 3+ hours ago telling me that there was a storm watch. I don't really pay attention to the watches, but am happy for the heads~up too.
Checking the radar on weather channel was this (then).
That blob has now morphed and is much closer...
Then came this on the news-
He said to pay attention in about an hour because winds could be in excess of 60mph.
What? Does he want me to watch as everything goes flying across the yard?!?
Funny guy...
At the risk of making my son in law, William laugh out loud, I have a complaint.
I've been hot. Too hot. (And miserably humid as well).
I do not get along with these nasty hot and humids...
Those who live with it, and like it? I think the weather has fried your brain. hehehe
The weekend begs me to be rich, and to get out and enjoy.
If I had the means, I would happily go for a sail on any of these ships!!!
The Tall Ship Festival is once again in Green Bay, and OH! I would LOVE to go!!!
Wouldn't you love it too?
Spendy though, and they are even charging just to walk acro$$ the bridge from one side of the Fox River to the other?!
WTH? That's crazy!
♥ Another place I would ♥LOVE ♥LOVE ♥LOVE to go is Sault Ste. Marie, MI.
(Yeah, that sorta goes without saying). hehehe
But, at the end of August the Kewadin Casino in Sault Ste. Marie is having a 2-day Paranormal Convention-
Billed as "the largest paranormal gathering of its kind in the
By now, you all know how intrigued I am with this subject. Casey is also, and of course wants to go too. I don't think it's going to be possible- One thing I have learned in these 50+ years of mine is that a body can dream forever if need be...
Please visit their page here- Very interesting stuff!
Their top page even says the head office is located in Sault Ste. Marie in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where people are affectionately referred to as Yoopers!
Just returning from Sault Ste Marie is my Cousin Tiffany (known affectionately as "Buttercup"). She is on her way back to Colorado to return to her teaching job, having spent her summer at her home in The Soo.
She stayed overnight Wednesday- a nice break in her travel, (even nicer that she came here)!
This morning she woke in Iowa City, spending the night with friends. "So far so good" reads the text I got from her earlier- A good thing!
Her T-Shirt says Tru-Native-Yooper! hehehe
"In winter we shovel snow and in summer we swat mosquitoes. During the spring and fall we rest up for swatting and shoveling". (Peter Oikarinen's reply to the often-asked question of Yoopers, "What do you people do up there?" 1987-)
If you want to giggle, do the click... hehehe
I made a Shrimp Scampi for a lighter fare Wednesday evening- The stew can wait til tomorrow- too hot to be simmering that all day!I also made a fresh (Michigan) peaches "crisp"
Casey brought out ice cream and everything was perfect! (If I do say so myself)! hehehe
Yesterday morning just an 'farmers wife' fare for filling up before the heat of the day kicked in. Fresh (local) blueberries in the pancakes, Wisconsin smoked sausage, Wisconsin bacon, Wisconsin potatoes, fresh (Door County) cherries, and a bit of caffeine for medicinal purposes too!
(I done good)! hehehe
Tiffany remarked that I was a good cook! (Loving to cook, I also love the compliments)!
Are you hungry yet?!
No blog is complete without seeing Punk with 'her' Casey! I swear the dog gets depressed if she doesn't see Casey for a few days...
They are both (basically) healthy for now.
Doc Spires called to check on Miss Punk yesterday. Nice that. I told him that Punk seems to be doing much better, (and I was very happy to report there have been no further barf episodes).
Gee, are ya still hungry?! hehehe
Hmmm... Maybe it's not so 'nice' of him. Perhaps it is his way of thanking me for repaving his parking lot and making his truck payments.
Casey goes in next week for her recheck for her blood testing. This will be the final test for whether she needs more iron infusions, and to maybe tell us how her body is processing it all.
We will have those results the following Monday or Tuesday- Seems like such a long wait. Sometimes I think that is what we do best.
I'd better close for now- a few 'rumbles' outside, but no rain yet. The field hands are all still working.
Have a 'wunnaful' weekend!
Love to all
Until I found out what the heck trithewhateveritwas meant, I didn't even realise it WAS Friday 13th August (shows how much notice I take of things!!!!). I DID however, remember to go and have my eyes tested yesterday, so at least I knew when the 12th was! That's got to earn me SOME brownie points?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I can hardly be afraid of the number 13 as my gorgeous boys were born on that number. For me, the luckiest day of the year. Being a school teacher, we DREAM of Friday - being the end of the school week. So put the two together and there you have it. Friday 13th? This schoolteacher's dream date! xxxxx
Not so humid today up here, lovely sunshine and a lovely cool 21C. Bliss!
Have a great weekend yourself xxxxx
Nice to see the dog smiling.
ReplyDeleteStorm Force winds are bad for square rigged vessels unless in deep water.
You have me hungry...may have to give in and go get me something to eat shortly.
ReplyDeletePuppy seems in much better spirits. Good to see Casey with Punk..and both happy.
Waiting is something we here are good at as well.
Hope the storms didnt do much damage to anything. We were hoping for some cooling with the
storm out in the Gulf..but it fizzled out. Now its hotter and more humid..if that is possible. It was just
stiffling at 3am when I wanted to step out and see if I could see any of the meteor showers last night.
Stuck my head out and right back in..wasn't happening. I couldn't breathe.
Have a good weekend.HUGS!
You're weather is downright chilly comparatively speaking. It's 106 today with the H.I. of 113. Quit whining and go put on a jacket before you catch a cold.
ReplyDeleteP.S. That weather man better duck! Those storms are coming right at him!
not even hearing about Punk barf could kill my hunger for some of that yummy food you cooked up!!! 113 here today, but I'm indoors all day so who cares. its a dry heat anyways.....rolls eyes, hot is hot!! Oh to have the money to do and have what we really desire latest fantasy is to visit Tahiti !!.....water so clear you can see the sand and your feet siiiiiiiiiiiiighssssss....Have a great weekend my Sweet Sweet Annie. xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
ReplyDeleteoh yeah , I married Paul on a Friday the 13th !!! just another day.
ReplyDeleteanyone who needs to know what it means won't get past that yellow box up top.....
ReplyDeletehope you have your ark ready and still laughing that you think THAT is hot... it is running about 95 here AT THE BEACH today... you know where it is cooler.
da yoopers are a great band.....
starving... sheesh... I know what I am having for breakfast.
Punkie misses her buddy.... only fair since her buddy misses her too.
It has been 107 to 113 here including the heat index. Hot and humid and miserable. Right now I need to mow my lawn, it is 6 pm and 102 degrees. I am waiting for it to cool off a smidge first. It will be light until about 9 pm. By 9 it should be a cool 96 (99 with the heat index)
ReplyDeleteLike you, I don't care much for the hot and humids. The muggies makes me miserable. Here in New Mexico, so far we have had many days where the rains just appear and then it goes away. Better yet, drive through a heavy rain and then cross the road where there hasn't been a single drop. It is hot here, but the heat tends to dry up the moisture so quickly there isn't much of a chance for the humidity levels to stick around and become sticky. So yes....I am loving this "dry heat."
ReplyDeleteI would love seeing those ships. But that Paranormal convention would be pretty darned interesting to attend as well. You know I love that kind of stuff. Unraveling the mysteries of the unknown is what I really like to know about. Heck....go to both. I want to see photos of tall ships. I want to see photos of ghost ships. LOL! I want to see photos of ghosts on tall ships! :)
Casey and Punk both look happy. Maybe all they need is just to be with each other all the time. They yearn for each other and don't even realize it.
Still sounds very, very hot and humid there for more than a few people and I'm not looking forward to it coming down here; it is thundering and raining here at the moment about 16C so it's a nice day. Triskaidekaphobia means I didn't even look at my calender yesterday Anna.
ReplyDeleteWinds of 60 MPH is moving = 52.14 knots not good for the hair to stand out in that :D
Do you get your wind speeds in Knots there Anna ? and you have the poor ole worker out there with they're heads down and bums up Tisk, tisk :D
Have to go to town now back later mate
Sweet Mrs. G.;
ReplyDeleteBrownie points are on back order. hehehe
I had Roberta on the 13th of July, 1908. Lucky day for her!
Great article here:
Kinda neat to read about Friday the 13th...
Talk about bliss- Our low Monday night is to be 59° I shall sleep naked with the windows open!
And nice that we will be able to breathe inside AND outside too!
Mr Bill;
ReplyDeleteAs I type she is sleeping- Kinda real tired this past week. Not only because she was so sick, but the weather isn't nice to our 4-legged family members either. Plus the meds make her drowsy.
The storms that were coming?
Didn't make it here- Although Casey said it was raining real hard in Green Bay before she came out.
I forgot to bring it in yesterday after it got baked on the line, but my wash got a little extra softening on that clothesline today! It was sheets too- (Can't wait to use them now)!
Didn't hear anything about the ships sinking...
Time for me to eat a few leftovers Sweetie- Thanks for reminding me I am so hungry. hehehe
ReplyDeleteNo storms- Barely even a drop of rain. (Maybe 3 or 4).
A rumble or two- Might have some more tonight.
But heck, now it's not only the weatherman that lies, it's the radar too!
I go out with Punk around 2 or 3 also- But at least here it was about 82°, with only 70% humidity.
Even with that, I didn't stay out long...
I didn't even think of the Perseids, and should have remembered. Mad now.
You have a good weekend too!
Sweet StangerBabyGirl;
ReplyDeleteYou are crazy and apparently your brain is fried.
Didn't your mama teach you anything??!?
I only wear a jacket when it is 85° or less. (Sheesh, get with the program already)...
Ummm... Did you just call the weatherman a duck? hehehe
113° is freakin' whacked!
ReplyDeleteThe "dry heat" explanation always makes me giggle. Anything over 80° is too hot for me, whether or not you have humidity or not.
Guess I baled too many wagonsful of hay and straw in the heat and humidity when I was young(er). Took a few hits of heat exhaustion, and one of heat stroke, that it makes me ill to even think about it when it's 85° or higher. I get headaches and then the diarrhea if I am outside for any length of time.
Casey and I took a little walk with the animals today- Stole some tomatoes too. One for tonight, one for tomorrow (and the one that is on the kitchen sill that will be ripe by Sunday)!
I don't have any BIG dreams about going places- But I sure would like to see the 2 things above!
You have a great weekend too, staying inside...
ReplyDeleteAgain, a giggle...
♫ C'mon Sweet Pea, don'tcha laugh at me ♫
ReplyDeleteYou are right about getting past the first picture... hehehe I have only had 24 different visitors today from Multiply and my email list.
If I had a beach I would be there in a heartbeat. It is never hot at the beach, though the heat still adversely affects me... (Figure THAT one out please).
Da Yoopers are a PEOPLE Sweet Pea.
The band is only a secondary tribute to da U.P. (But I do enjoy dere zingin' too).
Just wondering what you did end up having for breakfast? (I would have made more if you were here ya know).
I've even got a few hard sweet rolls-
2 days old now... They only need butter -and a 10 second microwave blast
Sweet Zusi;
ReplyDeleteThose temperatures are effing outrageous... And would kill me too.
I can't believe what the human body is capable of living through...
I would buy a goat before I would ever cut lawn in that heat!
Sweet PeachieBaby!
ReplyDeleteDoes that "appearing rain" ever reach the ground? Or does it just evaporate?
My freind CAB on here posted a picture of the rains you described- 3 steps were wet, and the bottom ones were dry.
That's sure is some persnickety rain! hehehe
The ghost ships? Many of them are at the Shipwreck Museum at Whitefish Bay Point, in da U.P.
I have been there twice- saw and learned much each time too.
Don't think they have any photos of ghosts on them though. hehehe (Sorry about that)!
My 2 'girls' do need each other. You are so right about that.
And I need them both too.
ReplyDeleteMr. Lester-
Hope you had fun in town! What did you buy today?
We have wind speed forecast in knots for boaters only.
On a regular inland forecast those wind speeds are in MPH.
Hair is braided today so no worries about the wind. (To tell the truth, I am more worried about the barns blowing away).
Hey, we picked some tomatoes today so they must not have picked too well.
Sweat in the eyeballs does that to a person...
I'm so glad Miss Punk is feeling better! She's such a good dog!
ReplyDeleteJust got back Anna had a coffee and we brought some Honey Soy Sce for marinating Chicken Thighs in and Julie got some Imigran Nasal Spray ( Migraine ) again :-(
ReplyDeleteOur Land wind speed is 90KMP at the moment I think it is because most of our population lives near or on the coast that we get our wind speed in knots mainly sometimes in KPH.
Hair is braided hey well mine is shaved today so it's cold Brrrr not matter I save on Shampoo.
Both Casey and Punk are looking well all the best Casey for your blood check.
Keep an eye on our guys Anna and show them some good Old American hospitality mate they left L.A. yesterday and should be passing by you in some time in the future :-)
Daily Route
It has crossed my mind. And I'd rent it out to the neighbors to trim their lawns and then milk the goat and make cheese... Nevermind, Sounds like work!
ReplyDeleteyeah.. it is probably running well above 100 inland
ReplyDeleteand I knew that about people versus band but was trying to be funny....
I had a cup of coffee and toothpaste... then I got to work...
Tomorrow I will do the whole breakfast thing... and pancakes on sunday.
I am eating home made eggrolls right now...
She has a lot of love!
ReplyDelete('Specially for her Casey)! hehehe
Love those tall ships! Great blog :)
ReplyDeleteYou and your darn links... hehehe
Been away too long once more...
I see they will come via Chicago- (About 5 and a half hours south of me).
You might save on shampoo, but ya still have to wash your darn head!
Maybe. Maybe not.
ReplyDeleteBut I do know that it sounds like more fun than mowing lawn when it's so freakin' hot.
ReplyDeleteYou are very strange!
I have used milk, cream, sugar, sweet-n-low, brandy, and whiskey in my coffees.
But I have NEVER tried toothpaste.
Must taste really funky...
That's just bad.
ReplyDeleteI love them too! Wish I could go!
But to thank you for the compliment too!
I know.... but sometimes it just works.
they were yummy...
WELL!! Looks like you've had an interesting time. Good to see your beautiful Cousin. Always a pleasure to see Punk and "her" Casey. The peach crisp sounds divine. Could you spare a spot of Scampi for your snotball? LOL. Hope the storms aren't as bad as predicted.
"But wait there's more" hahahaha :D
ReplyDeleteMiss worte......
ReplyDelete"Sweet Mrs. G.;
Brownie points are on back order. hehehe
I had Roberta on the 13th of July, 1908. Lucky day for her!"
Was wondering about you having Roberta on" 13th of July...1908"?
No wonder you poor old body Mine would ache too at your "age"
Nineteen hundred and eighty.
Wow is she old!
Hi Mommy!
ReplyDeleteI wish we were rich, we could've gone to the festival of the Tall Ships!!! There was one there from the Pirates of the Carribean movie!!! Would've been great to see that one... And the others, too!
I'm so glad that Miss Buttercup was able to stop in for the night! That was great to spend some time with her! The food was EXCELLENT by the way!!!
I love the pictures! You always happen to catch the best ones! What happened to the one of you?? I think I took one that day... Maybe I didn't... No, pretty sure I did.... (Arguing with myself... Just a minute... :D )
Okay, done arguing :)
I can't believe the storms that are coming! They really ARE heading right for Pete! He'd better get out of the way!!! Glad the ones that have come through here haven't caused too much damage, but enough is enough, right?? :D
Love you MUCH MUCH!