[My] Life in Wisconsin

Casey Very Ill

Just a short note all...

This is the first year, in all of my years, that there will be no annual Labor Day Picnic here. It was planned that last year would be the final, so this is not 'news'-
It is a good thing though because I will probably be bringing Casey to the hospital.
I will know more when she wakes up again, and lets me know.

Love to all. Be safe- and Happy Labor Day to everyone.



  1. hope all is well with Casey. Life can be hard sometimes

  2. echo's the above, keep us posted. xoxoxoxoxox


  3. I finally called her.
    She is soooo out of it.
    Dehydration from all this?

    She will call back in a few hours, if that, and let me know what I should do.- Besides worry that is.

    Thank you all.
    Love to all


  4. Thinking of you and yours. Take care and keep your chin up. Will check back after work and see how things are.

  5. Positive thoughts to Casey & to you. Please keep in touch with progress?

  6. Hope she gets to feeling better. Hope ya'll don't have to go to the ER but better than her being all dehydrated and feeling yucky.
    Drew is much better today. No fever to speak of and other than be a bit testy(which happens when he spends days on end in the house)..he is doing well today.
    Prayers for you both..hugs!

  7. I hope Casey gets well Anna it's sad to know she is unwell, you take it easy my friend

  8. Dehydration can make you "feel" really awful. Hopefully, that is all it is. But I know she drinks plenty of fluids....right? So, is some of her meds causing the dehydration? We should all have IV bags at home to keep ourselves properly hydrated with all those little goodies they have in them at the hospitals. Too bad what we drink doesn't always work as quickly or as well as those things put directly into the veins.

    Anne...its always a sad thing when our traditions, whatever they may be, dissolve. But I'm sure all will remember the good times and the good memories those picnics had for everybody who came.

    shout out to casey..........FEEL BETTER CASEYFACE!! YA HEAR???

  9. Still no word from either herself or Greg.
    (I didn't even think to ask if he went in to work today or not).
    I do not wish to wake her again either- But I only want to know... This has been the worst day of this whole month!!!

    She has been sick for too long now. And I mean just this- not the 6+ years...
    She took ill about 3 weeks ago- and when she wrote last night had been so damned ill all over again.
    She will need more help than what her spleenless body has been able to give her with this all.

    I thank you for all the positive thoughts and prayers too- (If you really know me, then you already know that however they are offered makes no nevermind to me).

    Love to all


  10. Sweetie, I don't understand. Is she in hospital or not?
    If not, the ER is the very best thing to do. I can't remember how often I've been there, but they saved my life twice. Once I had to go for a severe ankle sprain, & with all the tests they took, they discovered I'd also gotten a PE. If I hadn't called 911, I would have died.
    If she's dehydrated, she needs fluids through an IV.
    But more than that, why is she dehydrated? Someone needs to diagnose her illness!
    Is Greg her husband? If so, he should call the paramedics immediately.
    I think she needs an advocate who will do the right thing for her.
    I know nothing about the six years, but after five years of pain, I was finally diagnosed, & I'm taking medication.
    I'm so confused...& I really care!

  11. Just checking in before turning in ...hopefully Casey is feeling better or has gone to the hospital for some fluids. I know how much she hates going to the hospital...Drew is the same way. He fought yesterday not to start throwing up ..knowing it would mean a trip to the ER immediately.
    More prayers...and HUGS!

  12. I had to go into town last night, texting her before I left.
    I stopped at the store, and as I am picking out my toilet paper, who should appear but Casey herself. Greg had woke her after the text had gone off. By that time she knew how worried I would be so came to the store. (It is only 4 blocks from their home).
    She looked like absolute hell if I may say that-

    Today she goes in. Period.

    Greg will wake her- (and she has also set the good alarm).
    She is preferring to go to clinic, but I am not sure how I feel about that-
    The diarrhea tells me that she lost a multitude of those precious red blood cells, not to mention the ferritin- (And besides, I just don't know if I am up to dealing with that damned idiot Lori either).

    I prefer the hospital, and the more immediate results of everything- She has been "ill" for weeks already- Just not going in
    Back and forth with fevers- with everything else too.
    The completely irretractable and unmanageable migraines -and all else too.
    Yes. It has been too long.

    More later.

    I thak you all again.


  13. I "THANK" you all once more too.

  14. Already I know you care.
    She did not go in yesterday.
    With herself being so sick for this many years, when she wanted to rest for a 'couple' of hours, I tried not to worry overmuch.
    (Obviously my efforts were in vain).

    She has had no further dx since her last surgeries in January; and later in Spring, those godawful infusions.

    Greg should be her husband. hehehe
    They do have a solid relationship, so no worries there.
    He is also a very smart man.
    They live in town- about 20 miles away. (Shorter as the crow flies).

    Casey really is her own best advocate Sweetie-
    ... Until she is facing going back to the hospital that is.

    Time will tell once more.
    I promise to keep everyone up to date as I find out what is going on.


  15. Oh! I'm so sorry to hear this-
    (These darned kids of ours)!!!!
    Hope all is well with him today?


  16. Just cathcing up... I hope Casey is feeling better

  17. More smoke and love to all of you. I just realized I send love to you, sometimes Casey but forget poor Greg who loves you both and is as involved in Casey's illnesses as you are. Duh! Sometimes, I'm not right bright so I send love and smoke goes up for all three of you.



  18. Casey will be here in a few moments.

    More then...

  19. if she is out of it... it may be because her sugar has dropped. She needs to remember to eat MORE when she gets sick. What leaves her body too fast and the excess strain on her body drops that blood sugar FAST.

    she gets to feeling and and just sleeps rather than remembering to eat normally. Make her wake up and eat something.

  20. She was here, and has just left now-
    She ate oodles while she was here, but still looks very peaked.

    "Claims" she is better...

    Time for me to put my widdle feets up now!

  21. Casey (like Andrew) I'm sure dreads even hearing the word "hospital"...knowing that each time they cross that threshold they may end up in temporary residence at said hospital.
    I pray the clinic folks ..if they see they can not handle her current condition send her on to the hospital.
    Sometimes..much like some of the treatments...hospitals are a necessary "EVIL" . Drew just cringes at the
    thought of having to go to the ER in fear he will end up being admitted.
    Praying things are better today..HUGS!!

  22. Just visited to find you have these concerns.
    My thoughts are with you.

  23. hi..i am praying..
    miss u so much
    love u and Casey Face,

