Mentally. Psychologically. Some people are just sick.
...And I am still not sure if the linked post above is religious or sexist, or both.
Please let me know.
...On a somewhat related note, I hope no one I know supports that Florida BS about burning the Q'uran.
ReplyDeleteSome, are but there is a lot of good folks also.
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of nuts out there girl..All we can do is disagree and tell the world how we feel. For some reason i keep thinking ." Let there be peace and let it begin with me."
ReplyDeleteI went in and stirred the pot a bit.
ReplyDeleteTess, I agree with you with your wish for peace, but if you read the comments there, they are advocating violence. People like that scare me for good reason!
Of course they are advocating violence they are full of fear and hatred. Having said that they do have the right to burn the books. Our constitution protects the rights of the nutzos also. Talking sense to them is talking to a brick wall. If the media would walk away his so called message would be like a tree falling in the forest and no one heard it.
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering if you went to the link and read it? It wasn't about burning the Koran.
ReplyDeleteI do agree with you about the media making the Koran burning bigger than it should be.
I read it, , you are preaching to the choir here.
ReplyDeleteIgnore it.
ReplyDeleteThere is no logic in a madhouse so don't waste your time.
Most of the time I do ignore the ranting and raving, but ignoring the violent can get the innocent and uninvolved hurt.
ReplyDeleteThe only way for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.
ReplyDeletethat is very true --
ReplyDeleteI wonder if he could be held responsible for lives that could be lost from his hatred and ignorance.
ReplyDeleteNeither do I... But one inbred bigot with a gun is plenty dangerous all by himself. And if he whips other inbred bigots to violence, the problem just compounds.
ReplyDeleteSupports what?
ReplyDeleteThe burning or the opposition to the burning?
Very interesting blog... and the comments on various things there actually ended up proving my "theories" about some people I have seen around other blogs.
ReplyDeleteThat guy is ummmm, interesting. and scary, very scary
Sadly, the stats are proving otherwise....
ReplyDeletewhat stats please
ReplyDeleteI oppose the burning of the Q'uran,not because I think the book is worth the paper its printed on, but because I am afraid the backlash from it may endanger our troops .and they are in enough danger without a publicity seeking preacher adding to it .
ReplyDeleteThe Koran is as valid as the Bible, the Gita, and any other book about Imaginary Friends.
ReplyDeleteI would have to agree with that ,but I don't like the idea of the troops being endangered by the act .
ReplyDeleteThe Gita is a new one to me tho, now I have to go look that up
I respect your not believing without snide comments, it would be nice if you returned the favor. Imaginary indeed friend.
starsandstripes1 wrote on Sep 8
Another fool trying to interpret the bible into HIS OWN terms and conditions, lol.
Hmmm, and what does the bible say about "blasphemy"..."
I stopped here because CJ's black background makes things impossible to read & I got tired of blocking every comment. I may go back, but I doubt it's worth my time.
In reference to the above: Personal interpretations of the bible are tremendously diverse, but this person is a "fool" because starsandstripes doesn't agree.
No, it is not blasphemy.
I would say that man created God in his image & likeness.
Men wrote the bible. Perhaps something to think about.
My best friend is a retired priest, & doesn't for a moment believe the bible is "the word of God" nor does he take the allegories literally. I very much doubt that he would consider the changes blasphemy.
I briefly saw "world" as a substitute for "Mankind." How about "Humankind?"
I realize that my thoughts seem rambling, & I'd like to come back to this blog later to read the comments here.
"God" = "Imaginary Friend". I use the terms interchangeably....
ReplyDeleteCouldn't resist. Great attitude there. Let's all feel that way about each others' faiths & perpetuate ignorance, hatred & wars.
ReplyDeleteI'm an Atheist & I respect every faith, as well as I find I relate to a little of all of them. I simply don't believe in a deity.
Do you believe in the bible, & if so, do you believe it's worth the paper it's printed on?
"..And I am still not sure if that post is religious or sexist, or both"
ReplyDeleteBecause I didn't read all of it, it's hard for me to judge. From what I did read, I'm inclined to think that it's both.
I find the post as just a lot of ranting of a single person myself that one can simply choose to ignore or like some there seem to want to rattle some chains as well, I prefer not to comment on posts like that myself.
ReplyDeleteI see it as neither religious nor sexist.
I'm glad that the Q'uran book burning in Florida is cancelled because I also see that as above; why help in the recruitment drive for al-Qaeda and incite more hatred from people who believe in the Q'uran; they see the Q'uran as their religious book.
actually I am a Atheist .not that that alters my opinion , I was concerned with harm coming needlessly to our troops .book burning is not the answer to the worlds problems .no I do not believe in the bible .I was raised as a strict Southern Baptist ,all hellfire and brimstone . I have explored other religions ,but none of them hold any logic for me .to each his own . I figure everyone can choose their religion and I choose none .I do have my own standards and moral code ,I can't just summon up blind faith the way some can .Doesn't make me a bad person
ReplyDeleteI'm an atheist - and I don't.
ReplyDelete"We're required to respect the other man's religion in the same vein that we're required to say that his wife is beautiful and his children are smart."
- H.L. Mencken
I found the rant and the comments sexism and fear wrapped up in a claim to religion. I've encountered this creep ad some of his followers before, and if I recall correctly he suggested I should be killed for my political views. Several of his friends piled on as well, good religious folk that they are. Somehow I suspect they wouldn't find much of a friend in Jesus.
ReplyDeleteThere also seems to be some pyschosexual undercurrent to their hysteria. This freaking out about a genderless deity, this insistence the god has a penis is bemusing to me. There has to be something behind that frantic rage at the idea of not being better than all the women, because "God made MAN" (not humankind) in his image. That, and his reliance on guns makes me suspect CJ has a tiny malfuntioning penis.
Of course that doesn't make one a "bad person." You obviously care about the potential harm by burning that book.
ReplyDeleteI just couldn't refer to someone's faith in such a derogatory way, you know?
I don't agree with Mencken at all. I'm not "required," I just do.
ReplyDeleteReligions are built on so many things that we don't know unless we study them. Histories of religions are fascinating, I don't have to embrace them but I believe they deserve respect.
If not respect, at least...not superfluous derogatory comments.
Insightful your post.
ReplyDeleteLoved the last sentence!
ReplyDeleteBhagavad Gita is the Hindu "bible" Most american people will know it as the home of tantric sex.
ReplyDeleteI did actually go look it up lol, learning something new everyday is a good thing :)
ReplyDeleteI can't respect a decision that's not based on any form of real logic.
If that makes me a bad person -then that's cool with me.
that and he has an even smaller functioning brain lol
ReplyDeletewhy on earth do you even read these horrid things! lol....we will have to have a brain washing soon to rid you of all the negativity!
ReplyDeleteGood Evening Everyone;
ReplyDeleteMy apologies to everyone, but there is no way I can reply to all of your comments. You are all so into 'thinking'. (And are to be commended for that).
Not replying one at a time here, I will just add one of my own thoughts.
Not only did I get thumped on the head with the bible again, but am now a blasphemer!
(AND get this, I even got an English lesson)!
This "hatriot" person had posted this blog calling for blasphemy when the Scottish Episcopal Church removed masculine references to God.
In my little opinion here it begs the question, what does it matter?
How did God get to be a 'he' in the first place?
I have 2 thoughts here.
So, furthermore, why would this omnipotent entity need us mere mortal people for defense?
Clearly, takes no sense...
Do I refer to God as a He? Yes. I do.
Do I believe that God has a gender? No. I do not.
Always being taught that God was perfect, I really never thought there would be any need for any sex organs!?
The person who wrote those words only incites hatred and bigotry.
I don't believe he knows any middle ground at all. And perhaps in his own little mind there is none.
However, to my mind there is...
... And my thoughts all go back to "what does it matter?"
As for why I read these entries...
I believe to not read them does not make them go away.
Pretending these hate-filled people are not there does not make them go away
Knowledge is power.
And personally, I like to stay one step in front of the butterfly net.
*I like to stay one step in front of the butterfly net.* I love that line :)
ReplyDeleteAs for the preacherman down in Florida... My friend Peachie had posted her thoughts on this all and I will copy a few of my comments from there.
"'Those who refuse to learn from history are bound to repeat it.'And because of these idiots, we are heading straight back to the crusades...How stupid!Personally, Christian or not, I would not/DO NOT want my name associated with any of that {premeditated} pain and suffering!"As far as the email above states, all we have to do is substitute 'Christian' or 'Jew' for Islam.We are all that involved by virtue of our religious Faith- or even the lack of it.People who are sitting on the fence or disagreeing with your thoughts of '2 wrongs' are part of the problem.Sadly it is because of them that the history will repeat.XOXOMe
then...Any intolerance of another religious belief or Faith is simple prejudice.
Somebody has got to stop saying that "mine is best"
Of absolute note and truth, there are many examples of blood, lust, and tears in any Christian bible.
Again, substitute your own 'bible' for what is printed in the email..
Melater... What I did highlight is your comment about Muslims burning the flags etc.Don't you see these are both prime examples of the radical elements within any society. Just because one is Muslim (right now) and one is American (at this point) does not justify the actions of a few.To label "all" and for some that means "all or nothing"- is still wrong.We are all Americans! We can no more do this- or support it- in the name of our flag, than we can justify burning that same flag. Be the 'flag' Q'uran or KJV.</
Dearest Annie,
ReplyDeleteTake you Back?? How can I take back something as precious as your friendship if I never was iggorant enough to throw it away in the first place??
All my love,
forever your snotball.
Please click on the link to Peachie's blog to read the email I mentioned in my comment.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to add the "hehehe" in that comment you Silly Snotball!
ReplyDeleteNow you have made it hysterical to me!
...still laughing!
I saw that. Notice, I didn't add the hehehehehe here either.
Perhaps you should have quoted everything I said. I wasn't referring to philosophy.
ReplyDelete"scootch2 wrote today at 4:52 PM
astranavigo08 said
I'm an atheist - and I don't.
"We're required to respect the other man's religion in the same vein that we're required to say that his wife is beautiful and his children are smart."
- H.L. Mencken"
My response:
I don't agree with Mencken at all. I'm not "required," I just do.
Religions are built on so many things that we don't know unless we study them. Histories of religions are fascinating, I don't have to embrace them but I believe they deserve respect.
If not respect, at least...not superfluous derogatory comments. "
I never even suggested that you base decisions on lack of logic, but what is to be accomplished by disrespecting, religions? That was my point, & if you can't see it now, you never will.
Disrespect encourages & perpetuates dislike, heat, & fear. Your comment contributed nothing to this discussion.
I don't believe I have called you a bad person. I wonder why this even came to your mind.
Ok I tried to read it but couldn't get past the 1st sentance...
ReplyDelete"This is nothing but blasphemy! Those who preach something like this need to be taken out and SHOT! Read on ....."
I agree with Peachie. Those who sit on the fence and do nothing, or those who ignore the problem thinking it'll go away need a thump on their own head. "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me" of COURSE, but peace must be worked for. "Ignore it"?! WHAT?! I'm a big believer int he amendments to the constitution, but um.... Murdering our troops is not an expression of free speech that should protected by law, and that should NOT be ignored. Let their be peace, let us not ignore the evils in the world. LETS DO SOMETHING!! This is not about God or Allah! This is about our men and women over there fighting for our rights. Paying with their LIVES for our right to comment on our blog, or burn a holy book to kill THEM. This right winged Nazi a-hole is no different from the Al Que da suicide bombers who believe EVERYBODY must die who DO NOT agree with their beliefs. For the record, the Bible has killed far more people than the Koran ever did, and is about to kill more, if these idiots in Florida go ahead with their "statement". It's murder pure and simple. The bible does NOT preach that. It's peoples own twisted takes. We can't all be that stupid.
ReplyDeleteyeah, that made my head asssplode too.
ReplyDeleteTo believe that there is NOT a female side to God is completely ridiculous... Here's a quote from one of your books that you lent me:
ReplyDelete"For those who may not have read any of my other books, it bears mentioning here that all religions, INCLUDING CHRISTIANITY, have featured female counterparts to the male deities. It's almost ridiculous to believe that God has only a male side, and virtually none of the major religions would agree. I'm sure that Gode doesn't care what name we give Her, whether it's Azara, Theodora, Sophie, Isis, or some other name. In Catholicism, it was Mary. In Turkey it was Anatol. In Buddhism, it's the Lady of the Lotus. In our Gnostic church, we call Her Azna, which is the ancient Gnostic name for Mother God."
So how is it blasphemy when it is clearly stated in MULTIPLE religions that there is both a Father and Mother God????
Does he not know of Mary??? REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!
As for the violent act of burning the Qu'ran, I just pray to both Mother and Father God that this person does NOT do this... Yes it's covered in the "Freedom of Speech" and blah blah blah, but ONLY so long as this person's rights do not infringe on the rights of others... I believe that endangering our troops would definitely be an infringement on others' rights... By burning the Qu'ran, they are angering Islamics all over the world to the point that they are risking them taking it out on any American they see... Who is over there? Our troops: our neighbors, friends, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters... Why risk it just to make an arrogant, intolerant point to the few idiot-minded people out there who are dumb enough to think that Islamic people are who we are at war with???
Need they be reminded that it's the terrorists we are against? Those who have butchered and blasphemed the Qu'ran so that the version they use somehow justifies their violent acts... It is extremists that have done this. People who are so far removed from the good word of their religion that they somehow think any God would condone slaughtering...
Need they also be reminded that violence begets violence???
Oh, and about throwing a tantrum over the mosque that's being built, give me a break... I'll say what I've said since this whole matter came up, and what I also heard President Obama say today: If a Catholic church could be built there, if a synagogue could be built there, if a greek temple could be built there, then a mosque can be built there... Islams have just as much right to practice their religion as Christians, Buddhists, the Jewish, and anyone else...
Wake up people... Be tolerant, peaceful, loving, and above all obey the golden rule: do unto others as you would have done unto you...
Thank you, Mom, for sticking up for what is right... You are wonderful!
Love you MUCH MUCH!!!