Man with Parkinson's Disease
(Does anyone know his name)?
(Does anyone know his name)?
Good Evening All;
Grab a cup of coffee and get your attitude on. But check the BS at the door.
Do you know anyone with Parkinsons? I do. My Uncle Chum has this awful disease.
Perhaps by now you have already seen this video. It became viral shortly after its release.
If you haven't seen it, please watch it.
Tea Party protesters campaigning against health care reform on Tuesday berated and mocked a pro-reform advocate whose sign indicates that he has Parkinson's disease.
Got Parkinson's? I do and you might. Thanks for your help- as the older man's sign reads.
He wandered over toward the anti-reform teabaggers protesting outside the district office of Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy (D-Ohio).
The Tea Party's responses, captured on video by the Columbus Dispatch, were unflinchingly callous and cruel.
"If you're looking for a handout, you're in the wrong part of town. Nothing for free. You have to work for everything you get," one teabagger chided, bending over to get in the face of the seated older man. The next Tea Partier dropped a dollar in his face, saying, "Start a pot, I'll pay for you. I'll decide when to give you money," in a mocking tone of voice.
A class act if I ever saw one. NOT.
A Few Thoughts to Ponder...
First of all, I am more than bored with those of you who cannot stand to have your cowardice exposed.
There have been many recent posts concerning the upward anger of the American voters.
There are posts that think this anger is misplaced.
Oh really? Because I sure don't think so!
"Oh please stop writing of hate", they cry, "or 'disagreements'"- yada yada yada-
If you have written any of that, you may now return to your viewing of Billy Jack.
The rest of us have better things to do; and need to leave an impression upon those who are willing to learn.
In any political field:
- There will be disagreements.
- (You cannot pretty that up).
- (You cannot pretty that up).
- There will be anger-
- (Such is the nature of the human animal).
- (Such is the nature of the human animal).
- There will be heated discussions.
- "If it's too hot in my kitchen",
- (well, get out of my damn kitchen)!
- "If it's too hot in my kitchen",
Still with me here?
As most of you know, I was never political; aside from voting for people I thought could best lead us. That all changed when Casey got sick, and there was a possibility that she would have to live out her life without basic medical treatment and/or diagnoses.
Back in '08 there were 2 suggested health care options that came from our presidential hopefuls.
One actually had a plan that offered hope for all Americans, sick or healthy.
The other thought that transplants and facelifts warranted the same level of insurance and medical care.
That was enough to get me to vote for # 1.
That there are still so many fallacies, (that means "LIES"), circulating about our HealthCare, is almost laughable- (if it wasn't so damned pathetic). The ones spreading these lies are the ones who HealthCare will benefit the very most! (Yes, that IS ignorance)!
Though not interchangeable, "Stupid is as stupid does" comes to mind.
Ignorance too- about God- or whatever you choose to call Him, -or not...
"We need to invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity" - Ann Coulter, denouncing Muslim terrorism by advocating Christian terrorism.
Um, what?!
More "stupid is as stupid does"
I salute! Twice.
Thank you Will.
And yet...
Where are YOU?
Where are you now?
Now where do you see yourself?
"Obama is a Muslim."
We have ALL heard this allegation. Some even go so far as to pass it on!?
The fact is that he is not a Muslim.
But what if he was? What is the big damn deal?
You all sound much like others back in the 1960's when JFK was running for President, and he was Catholic!
Good grief people, wake up!
Hopeful I am, that it is fatal...
Know that there IS a far better rally just around the corner. This one even sounds decent.
CLICK for Info!
Get thee there if you can. hehehe
From here.
Participating in the march will be Midge Hough,
On Fear...
From Al, or Jim or... Mouse over pic to view link. Or click here
I found it posted here. (Great post by the way)!
There are those that sneer at the following picture.
Is your Creator "better" than someone elses?
No really. What does it say to you?
Is there no room for another point of view?
He got it.
When is your last unemployment check due?
Have you forgotten the reluctance and game playing that abounded in Summer when you had to fight to get a few dollars? Or maybe you are one of the very lucky, and very few whose job and benefits, have not been adversely affected?
From here: "I've come to believe that almost anything I see in popular communications via the internet is suspect. I say "popular communications" because bloggers and tweeters and facebookies and other users of the generally available venues of internet communication have no real incentive to fact-check or authenticate what is put online. Emails come into my Inbox with revelations about Obama, the Tea Party, this politician or that, and it's almost always hystrical (and false) arm-waving and flame-bait.
Five minutes fact-checking on Google shows how bogus this stuff is, if anyone cares to check.
There is a real world out there, where real people do real things, and it used to be that there was an appreciable lag between the doing and the reporting. That lag is becoming an historical footnote anymore; I'm not sure that we're the better for it."
I wholeheartedly agree.
Use it -or vote indiscriminately at your own peril.
From here, "Boehner and other Republicans would even like to roll back the New Deal and get rid of Barack Obama’s smaller deal health-care law.The issue isn’t just economic.
We’re back to tough love.
The basic idea is force people to live with the consequences of whatever happens to them."
Well, isn't THAT nice?! What if you were the man with Parkinson's above?
I do not like this Boehner Man,
I do not like his every scam.
I do not like these dirty crooks,
Or how they lie and cook the books.
I do not like when Congress steals,
I do not like their secret deals.
I do not like this dirty man,
I do not like him.
I do not like his fat red nose,
I'm smart; I know where he gets those,
I do not like his smug replies,
When we complain about his lies.
You are trying to kill our hope.
Remove our HealthCare? Nope, nope, nope!
...And I plan to vote, vote, vote!
A few quotes worth repeating...
From our 'Truth and Justice Now' group came these words. "People like to believe in nonsense. It is far easier than thinking."
From your algebra classes, or your other semi-advanced mathematical or political classes remember this: "There is no such thing as unsustainable debt. We cannot pass debt to our children."
That is not to say we spend frivolously or unwisely. That is not to say this is correct as it reads either: "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer."
"What is dangerous about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents." -Robert F. Kennedy
Sadly, Bobby Kennedy could not have even guessed that this level of intolerance would be rampant among Americans of all races, creeds, or even sexual preferences.
* Bobby Kennedy could not have known what a Freeper is. (Freeper fail English? Unpossible)!
*He would not have known the term 'Astroturf" save for what was fake grass in the 60's.
*He would not have known Tenthers, 14th Repealers, Birthers, Gay bashing, and other not~so~subtle attempts at what essentially is ethnic cleansing.
*He may or may not have seen the level of filibusters that take up time, only hurt people and destroy credibility...
Also from the mid 60's came this powerful quote. “Racism negates two aspects of man’s life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination. ... A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race -- and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.” -- Ayn Rand
On Lies: “Lies are a tool: they can be used either for good or--no, wait, I've got a better one. Lies are like children: hard work, but they're worth it because the future depends on them." Dr. Gregory House
On Ignorance: “The wise understand by themselves; fools follow the reports of others” Tibetan Proverb
On food for thought: "$ometimes it pays to follow the money — $ometimes one hand holding a million dollars is not as valuable as a million hands in a million voting booths."
And the winner is: "I don't want facts because my mind is made already made up!"
I must close for now.
Have much to do before I sleep. hehehe
I do hope that a little bit of this has given you something to think about.
This is not Republican.
This is not Democrat.
This is about you!
Do feel free to pass this on through Multiply or through your emails as well.
Special thanks to all whose thoughts and links I might have borrowed.
The pictures are credited, either in the picture itself, or by mousing over.
Those that are not are from emails and google searches.
top photo credit from here
"Without health care reform, some of those very protestors yelling and tossing money at this man — whose sign read "Got Parkinson's? I do and you might. Thanks for your help" — might find themselves among the human consequences of a failure to pass health care reform."
ReplyDeleteVery thought provoking blog Anne.
I am very shocked at the attitude of these TPM how they think, I'm sure that this is not what Emma Lazarus had in mind when she penned her poem.
ReplyDeleteOne day we may be endowed with what we need however that to can soon be taken away, then what, who will help?
Really Shocking attitude people
Thank you muchly Sweet Snotball! hehehe
ReplyDeleteI have so much just 'saved' on here "for future reference" or whatever...
Thought it was time to share.
Mr. Lester!
ReplyDeleteI am no longer frustrated, or shocked.
As stated above, "stupid is as stupid does"
Check out this line where I wrote, ...And the winner is: "I don't want facts because my mind is made already made up!"
That tells me the IQ of the voter public here. It also says a LOT about motivation and a willingness to learn.
How can people even write crap like that? Makes them look so much like a 4 year old...
But, I really DO care how everyone votes, simply because they will take myself, my kids and my grandchildren DOWN with them!
And I can't even begin to tell you how pissed off that makes me!
I'm lost for words.
ReplyDeleteYes I can see your need, but do you think you will ever have it serviced?
Ours is CONDITIONALLY free at the point of sale. (We pay for it all our lives)
Ours is run by experts who recruit anyone from anywhere with MD after his name.
Ours is limited if you over 80 unless you have money to buy it.
Ours is nothing like it was, in fact the Government is trying to stop the service contaminating us.
They won't succeed of course.
love this post!
ReplyDeleteGreat blog!!
ReplyDeleteWell stated.
ReplyDeleteTo stangerdaze
ReplyDelete"Lets play truth or dare, or maybe just dare because no one knows how to tell the truth anymore."
Tell the truth; it's the easiest to remember
I wanna know just one thing....if this Obamacare is sooooo great (cough cough)...then why have several older friends of mine have to now decide whether to buy their oxygen or eat? Yeah, you read that right. Since Obamacare went into affect, several have been notified that they will now have to pay for their O2. That is just plain wrong. These people are elderly...somewhat though I don't call 60,70something old...and have COPD. Now they have to decide whether to eat or breath. yeah, great reform's telling me one thing...let's kill off the elderly.
ReplyDeleteOh Pam- - - - -
ReplyDeleteOnce again you are full of shit.
The ONLY reason they would pay for this is because they do NOT have a doctors prescription for them.
"Bandages, home health-aids and other OTC items may still be eligible QMEs. The following are examples of some of the items that may remain available without a physician’s prescription:
Artificial teeth Elastic bandages and wraps
Band-Aids® First aid supplies
Birth control Hearing aids and batteries
Braces and supports Insulin and diabetic supplies
Braille books and magazines Ostomy products
Catheters Oxygen and oxygen-equipment
Contact lens supplies and solutions Pregnancy test kits
Denture adhesives Reading glasses
Diagnostic tests and monitors Wheelchairs, walkers and canes
end quoted text.
Go figure.
Now if only you wouldn't have won the blue ribbon prize for saying, and I quote,
"I don't want facts because my mind is made already made up!"
THEY DO HAVE SCRIPTS FOR SAID OXYGEN!!!! There doctors are trying to find out why all of a sudden their patients are having to pay for their oxygen. This is coming from people that ARE dealing with the idiocy that IS Obamacare....and they are going to and are suffering because of it. I don't care what your little list says....THESE PEOPLE ARE HAVING TO PAY FOR THEIR OXYGEN EVEN THOUGH THEIR DOCTORS ARE 'SCRIBING THEM!!! THOSE ARE THE FACTS, JACK!!!
ReplyDeleteThose are not the facts and you know it.
ReplyDeleteFor you (and most specifically YOU), to know the facts,
"1. You would have had to ASK these people if they had said prescriptions. (IMHO, You are clearly not bright enough to have thought of that in the first place).
And # 2, you would never have said anything like:
"I don't want facts because my mind is made already made up!"
Of course you don't.
ReplyDeleteSee, those would be the FACTS - You would have to open your eyes and your brain to understand those from a common perspective.
ReplyDeleteRepeat this line- over and over and over again. If need be.
Look, you moron....I KNOW THESE PEOPLE PERSONALLY AND HAVE FOR YEARS. THEY DO HAVE SCRIPTS FOR THE OXYGEN AND THEY ARE NOW BEING TOLD THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR THEIR OXYGEN. Don't sit there and tell me I do NOT know what I'm talking about. These people are long time friends of mine and they now have to decide whether to breath or eat...or more aptly, decide whether to live or die!!!! Get over yourself and face it...your obamacare is a joke. I may lose some really good friends because of this if they don't get this straightened out. You can post all the so called facts all you want but these people are suffering because they are being refused. DON'T SIT THERE AND CALL ME A LIAR AND STUPID!!! I'm fighting for my friends right to get their oxygen and live and not die at the hands of the moron in the white house. My friends are not liars either....hard for you to believe i know because you think you are the only one that is right...these wonderful people are being refused their oxygen even though they have scripts for it...THOSE ARE THE FACTS!!!! And just so you know...these people were obama supporters...note the word WERE!!!
ReplyDeleteNo. THESE are.
To better understand health reform and the new preventive care guidelines, go to
ReplyDeleteHowever, for your reading pleasure, I do have to highlight the above...
I don't care what is on your democratic website. I STATED that those ARE the facts when it comes to what my friends are going through right now. See, you see read only what YOU want to. Your little website may say that oxygen is covered but my friends are being told they now have to PAY for theirs. That's not right and you know it. Guess I can understand why the logo for the democratic party is an ass.
ReplyDeleteThe Golden Rule of Life is to treat others the way you want to be treated. You have clearly shown how you'd like to be treated, so I will oblige...
ReplyDeleteSince you really wouldn't know how to hold your tongue in any situation and have decided .... You'd probably be one of those hateful, heartless, crude, and immoral dark souls yelling, mocking and destroying the people around you like the man above with Parkinson's disease....
You stated above:
Haven't you realized by now that the proof that your words and actions have shown over the years is pointing toward something much worse than just "liar and stupid"??? Seriously, this is actually a nice comment when speaking of one like you... You wouldn't know a fact if it was right in front of you and bit your head off...
What's with the line you used: "so-called facts"??? That's an oxymoron if I ever did hear one!!! Gave me quite the laugh!!! I guess I'll have to use the KISS method with you... (Since you have no clue what that means, it stands for "Keep It Simple for the Stupids"...
"FACT [fakt] –noun
1. Something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact.
2. Something known to exist or to have happened: Space travel is now a fact.
3. A truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true: Scientists
gather facts about plant growth."
SO, these are PROVEN things... This means they are unquestionable... Like the fact that 1+1=2... The phrase you used, "so-called facts" means literally that you looked at what is true and decided that since it didn't fit your belief it wasn't true (even though it can be proven over and over again from a whole plethora of credited and reliable sources).
You see, facts don't change, but lies do... Notice how the scare tactics that you are trying (very unsuccessfully) to use here keep changing? How your stories keep changing as often as the position of the sun changes in the sky??? That's because once a lie is spread, you can't remember exactly how that lie is structured because you can't just look at the truth of the matter. If you tell the truth, you never have to think about it when you decide to inform others and the story doesn't change... Yet yours do constantly!!! Even from one comment on this site to the next, it'll change. Your so-called opinions (based probably more on the National Enquirer than on actual truths) are always changing as you attempt to fit them to your tangled web of fallacies. And the lies that you try to back up these funny and ridiculous, yet pathetic, view points on are always changing...
Seriously (*yawns*) same shit different day dear... Do you have any new material?? Didn't think so...
If you care so much about these friends, why not research every single fact about the issue? If you really cared, when Mom stated that there are ways that these oxygen pumps or whatever can and would be covered, you would've actually thanked her for possibly finding a way for you to help your friends. Yet you are one of those people who decide that if you have enough bad things going on and you bitch about them constantly, you'll get more attention. Poor poor pitiful Pam... This is proven from the fact that when you are given ways to CHANGE a bad situation, you bitch about that idea and wallow and moan in whatever situation you decide to dwell on, and never do a damn thing to fix it. Instead of being gracious for the entire world of facts at your finger tips, you have decided that your need for pity and attention are far more important than actually finding solutions for your problems or the problems of those you supposedly love... Remember, God helps those who help themselves!
Get over yourself and fix the issues... Do NOT dwell in them!!! The very definition of
No. I actually "read" what is going on, and can even comprehend what it is I read.
ReplyDeleteThat said, that is not my website.
shakes head... and 'tsks' a bit too.
Go figure
And there they are, taking credit.
And sometimes ya just gotta go choke on a rat...
We have an appointment now so I must close.
ReplyDeleteIt's all yours. Have at it kids.
Please link any pertinent information
(That means simply to give proof).
Thank you.
I have all the proof I need and that's the words of my friends that are being denied their oxygen unless they pay for it. THOSE ARE THE FACTS!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is NOT about's about some very good people that are being denied the care they should be getting but thanks to the new healthcare will now not be getting that. Oh and by the way, don't think for one second that I haven't been helping my friends get the information they need. Thankfully there are other social networks outside of multiply where I can do just that without a bunch of demcrat's saying I'm wrong. Just so you know, MY life is just fine and is none of your damn business. This country will not get better until we get rid of the moron in the white house. These friends that are being denied are or should I say were avid obama supporters but have now changed their thinking. You are one of the most hateful people on multiply and if anyone complains and whines about all their aches and pains on a daily basis...well, you know who I'm talking about.....
ReplyDeleteYou are aware that "Obamacare" hasn't kicked in yet right? Whatever problems your elderly friends are running into is not because of the current health care bill which only makes sure that college kids (the FUTURE of the country) can stay on their parents insurance, and CHILDREN get the insurance they NEED. I feel for your friends,and this country NEEDS to care for their elderly, but let's not blame the wrong people. Let's not fuel the flame of fear. Shame on you. The rest of the bill doesn't kick in until 2014. It is a topsy turvy world when we can blame the present on the future. Your Republican friends really are magicians.
ReplyDeleteName calling is the last resort of the dim witted.
ReplyDeleteKinda calling the kettle black aren't ya?
ReplyDeleteReally? Check on it and get back to me. Where have I called you a name? So much for believing your "facts". hee hee
SD has already replied to this...
So... if you don't know them, and if they aren't 'good' people, then they deserve not to have health care?
ReplyDeleteYou MAKE it all about you!
You could truly care less about others.
And that is APATHY.
Go look it up.
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Therein lay your priorities.
You really are doing your homework, now aren't you?
ReplyDeleteJust highlighting the entire comment so you can come back and NOT delete it.
ReplyDeleteGuess I am dimwitted then.
Oh well.
At least you're factual in your name calling.
ReplyDeleteFYI For those of you who want to be in the know.
ReplyDeleteBy KEVIN SACK
Published: September 22, 2010
Sometimes lost in the partisan clamor about the new health care law is the profound relief it is expected to bring to hundreds of thousands of Americans who have been stricken first by disease and then by a Darwinian insurance system.
Starting now, insurance companies will no longer be permitted to exclude children because of pre-existing health conditions, which the White House said could enable 72,000 uninsured to gain coverage. Insurers also will be prohibited from imposing lifetime limits on benefits.
The law will now forbid insurers to drop sick and costly customers after discovering technical mistakes on applications. It requires that they offer coverage to children under 26 on their parents’ policies.
It establishes a menu of preventive procedures, like colonoscopies, mammograms and immunizations, that must be covered without co-payments. And it allows consumers who join a new plan to keep their own doctors and to appeal insurance company reimbursement decisions to a third party.
ReplyDeleteIt is nice to know that I am not the only one who thinks so...
My apologies, but when I realized who she was writing to, I lost it.
ReplyDeleteThank you SD
... For being the voice of reason when I am ready to spit nails.
And for posting the truth of the matter.
Social networking sites: yeah, great place to find truth of the matter... How about actually attempting to find facts and reading the damn bills??? THAT would help your friends.... NOT Twittr, NOT facebook, NOT ANY other social networking sites... Those just allow you to sink to the level of spreading fear with your lies...
ReplyDeleteYOU are the one who continually brings up your life in these comments... Check out all your replies to Mom's blogs... You will see who REALLY brings up "you".... Seriously, you can stop blaming others for your own faults anytime now...
ReplyDeleteToo bad you have yet to read Miss Stangerdaze's comment to you... Obamacare is not going to be fully in effect for 2014... Duh... Again if you had all the facts, you would know this... Unfortunately you are one of those who decide that it is easier to believe the lies and fear people are spreading... You are a sheep to follow them without having a brain of your own and the true passion for finding out the TRUTH!
ReplyDeleteHATEFUL??? REALLY???
ReplyDeleteWow, you are seriously in need of that psychiatrist... There's obviously some serious transference going on here... I accept people and spread love all around to those that need/want it... Like I said in the beginning of my comment, you treat others the way you want to be treated. Since you have decided to treat everyone on here with nothing but hate and intolerance, I decided that is how you obviously want to be treated...
Just so you know, a little English lesson here... "If/then statements need to have and "IF" and also a "THEN"... The last part about your sentence here makes no sense....
As to apparently not letting you complain about your situation?? I said you complain but NEVER try to fix it! THAT'S WHAT'S WRONG!!! Complaining about stuff is just fine IF you plan on doing something about it! YOU, however, are one of those people who never fix the issues you complain about, and when someone tells you how to fix it, you tell them they are full of shit and never bother to check it out to see if their suggestions would really work!!! THAT is what I was referring to... Many people rant to me, and I help them with their problems... It's only those who rant but never try to find solutions that I can't understand... You are one of those people... Check out all your comments on here and you'll see what I mean...
As far as you hating me, I could really care less... Like I've told you on SEVERAL occasions, we are who we are on this site, and if you don't like it, GET THE HELL OUT!!!! Apparently you don't understand that concept though... Sad that you can't understand a concept my 5 year old nephew can understand...
I'll make it nice and easy for you... After dissing my mother, my friends, my family and myself countless times, consider yourself blocked... We don't need your negativity and fallacies and lie-based fear that you try to spread... Nor do we want to listen to your childish whining or intolerance...
Again, have a nice f-ing day bitch....
Hi Mommy!
ReplyDeleteStill working on my appropriate comment on here, just wanted to grab the pictures so I can finish it. As I loved all of the pics and videos, although some disgusted me... That's mainly the videos and the treatment of these Tea Baggers toward others who they deem as a threat...
Will be back later tonight or else when I wake up! Hope you're sleeping soundly and that your migraine has gone away...
Love you MUCH MUCH!
ReplyDeleteI am fine.
AND I love you very much!