Anti-Obama Billboard Owners Angered by ‘Orwellian Attack’ on Freedoms | ChattahBox News Blog
Again kids, the truth is in the comments:
"This pre-occupation with President Obama’s birthplace, religion, political philosophy, the number of times he attends church services, and other unimportant things has its basis in something, but whatever that “something” is, those pushing these ideas don’t seem to want to admit. It has to be more than the fact that President Obama is a duly-elected president. It has to be more than the fact that he’s working to fulfill his campaign promises. It has to be more than the fact that he has broken no laws in passing his policies. It has to be more than his party affiliation. I’ve watched president’s in office since Eisenhower, but I’ve never watched a president be subjected to this amount of nit-picking. The only remaining factor that separates President Obama from his predecessors is the amount of melanin in his skin."
Somebody has it right...
Like to invite u to a new group site. A couple months old. We're political . Got something to say.
ReplyDeleteCheck ur mail. =) Kim .
What kills me are the ones I know who absolutely hate Obama (and it's obvious why) swear up and down it's NOT because of his color.....I may have been born at night but it sure wasn't last night. It may be 2010 but I'm still in the deep South.
ReplyDeleteI do not hate Obama, I just think he should not be President because he is not experienced. Is an ego maniac
ReplyDeleteAnd Sarah Palin had experience? She tried terminating federally granted Native subsistence hunting and fishing rights so her family's hunting/fishing guide service could profit.....and she quit halfway through her term.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you see more of this than most-
ReplyDeleteBut if Mr. Obama hadn't been elected, it would still be hidden. It seems to be out in the open now!
neither did GW except in drinking and living of his dadys money
ReplyDeleteUmmm ...
Experienced at what?
Or would you still have Hoover in the White House?
*scratching my head tonight, trying to figure out if you took that sock off yer head.
Guess not.
He had experience at Maxwell AFB in AL working a desk job to avoid being sent to Vietnam and helping Winton Blount try and get elected to the US Senate (didn't win).....
ReplyDeletegreat comment Anne
ReplyDeleteIt's bad to say, but I'm actually glad all this B.S. is on the table. The angrier people get about this the more likely something will be done about it. Squeaky wheels and all. That said. Fear mongering should be illegal. Whoever ended up with hairy palms?
ReplyDeleteFor the most part I think the comment in quotes at the top is correct.
ReplyDeleteThere was plenty of closet racism left in this country before the election of a partly Black President. The fact that he's now running the country (and seems eminently capable of doing so, despite being handed the largest mess ever handed to a new President) has simply brought the screams of the warped, racist and under-educated to the surface. (Along with the desenting opinions of a number of apparently sane, level-headed people, which I don't quite understand.)
The other major factor which can't go unmentioned is the fact that 90% of political talk media outlets in this country play to the fears of older Americans and undereducated ones. The signals of but a very few liberal, progressive radio stations can actually reach beyond large urban areas. And people getting the one-sided viewpoints (i.e. - lies, distortions and hate speech) as spewed by the likes of Rush Limbaugh tend to believe them for reasons unfathomable to me.
Then there's Fox "News", which is the modern day American version of Pravda.
One can't reasonably label everyone who believes what they hear from Fox or Limbaugh as racists. They're simply less than fully informed and are being unwittingly played by the equivalent of the Public Relations departments of greed-based, corporate America.
Anyway, that's my take on it.
aka "Faux News"
ReplyDeletelove that :)
ReplyDeleteSoon to be known as "FUX" news.
ReplyDeleteAs in "Fux with your brain"...
LMAO good one