[My] Life in Wisconsin

The Right to Know

"Right wing groups like those run by Karl Rove are spending millions to help attack Democrats and put Republican back in charge.

And if the GOP wins control of Congress, their priorities are clear: They'll repeal health insurance reform, roll back Wall Street reform, and take us back to the economic policies that led to the loss of 8 million jobs.

Those are the consequences of this campaign and why we must demand to know the identities of those contributing all the secret money.

That's why we're calling on Karl Rove to show exactly who is funding his attack ads.

Will you sign this letter?"

Karl Rove --

Americans have a right to know the identities of those spending tens of millions of dollars to influence our election. It's time for you to open up your books and disclose your donors.


My own thoughts are that this wouldn't even be an issue "if" there was nothing to hide.

Do the click. Sign the letter, (or kindly tell me why you won't)?



  1. so this is shady but voting on passing the Healthcare Reform and it's over 2000 pages on Christmas Eve night wasn't shady......there are dirty politicians on both sides.....face it.....

  2. Ummm...
    Heathcare wasn't passed til March?

  3. Have I ever said there weren't?!

    Clicking this will ensure that this gets taken care of FOR BOTH SIDES in the future.

  4. it went through the Senate on Christmas Eve, pardon my faux pas.....was finally passed in March.....when I'm wrong I will admit I'm wrong

  5. I would say if you are going to ask someone to do something then first you do it. Why should the Republicans start ? have the Democrats opened all of their information? I think not

  6. Duh.
    Repeating my comments now.

    "Clicking this will ensure that this gets taken care of FOR BOTH SIDES in the future."

    Please read (and comprehend) before you comment?


  7. This isn't a game Tee.
    This is in response to the GOP who has taken how much money already from the Camber of Commerce.
    It is unknown where the funding for their (CofC) money came from...
