A favorite October flower-
Just a short note-
While I should probably wait for Casey to reply, I am not that freakin' patient.
Nor will I be as accommodating as she can be.
Know that this note does NOT apply to my 'friends' on Multiply-
It applies ONLY the lowly lurkers that come from another site to disrespect them, and others.
I am so pissed right now that if this person was standing in front of me I would level her straight to hell and back again.
Since her being in close enough proximity to me will never happen, I shall reply this way.
In a reply to CaseyAnne, this 'git' wrote, -AND I QUOTE:
I leave (most of) my blogs open to review and comment by anyone...
To the author, and perhaps her milieu-
YOU WILL RESPECT these few things:
You may call me ANYTHING you want.
You may "diss" my house. My life. My car. And my politics.
You may even slight my dog. (Though I wouldn't recommend it).
You may laugh at my hair. My clothing. My home. You can even make fun of my little aches and pains.
You cannot, and will not ever, (EVER), slight any of my children or grandchildren.
Those ARE my rules, BITCH!
If you don't like them then get the hell off my site and my blogs.
- Will I block you?
- Why not?
That is simple.
Because you deserve to read every bit of the hell you'll get in my comments.
If you have something to say to me, then have the gonads to say it to my face too.
OMG..........Casey is NOT a hateful person and as for any of her complaining about her aches and pains, simply put if she does, she has the damn right to! I have been to Casey's page several times and have never seen anything by her or from her as being hateful. I think that many times people should just keep their mouths shut, they really do not have a right to judge others.
ReplyDeleteDear Anne,
ReplyDeleteOkay. I may have an idea who this is. The problem that started between you two over health care and politics has now gotten VERY ugly and VERY personal. Yes, you complain about your aches and pains. It's your page, you can say what you will. Casey, as far as I have seen, doesn't complain, she just puts her head down and goes on. Bless her strength and bless you for teaching her the moral courage to continue going when you feel like saying FTW!!! May God continue to bless both of you, continue to guide the hands of the physicians treating you both and may you always know that there are those that love you and will stand by you. I don't understand why it's okay for some to complain about their aches and pains etc but it's not okay for others.
forever your snotball
OMG ...this is so familiar ..... maybe because I was the target of a similar attack. Lay down the law, it's your page!
ReplyDeleteYour page - your rules. Some people behave badly on purpose. They like stirring the pot because they have nothing interesting going on in their own lives.
ReplyDeletewonderful happened to me to --
ReplyDeleteUgh. Some people are like slinkies. Not very useful, but fun to watch when you push them down a flight of stairs.
ReplyDeleteSweet Suzy;
ReplyDeleteYou are right. Casey is the least hateful of almost anyone I have ever known!
I am with you and I fully believe that she is entitled to complain if she so desires. And since I see her LOTS, I can and will attest to the fact that when she does complain she feels the damn need to apologize for it.
Unlike myself. I can whine and complain just to make myself feel better. hehehe
Why is it that the ones that judge so harshly are so very put out if anyone does it to them?
Casey did write a new blog which begins,
"There are moments in everyone’s life where the seemingly tabooed and equally cursed questions are asked: “WHY ME?” and “WHAT NEXT?”…
I’m writing this post for two selfish reasons and must apologize profusely for taking your time for my own selfish needs right now. Here are my reasons:"
end quote.
You can find it here: http://edbdkcn.multiply.com/journal/item/137
Sweet Snotball;
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words, and your compassion as well.
I have many people on my pages that do not agree with my politics or the fact that I obviously fight FOR healthcare because I have a sick kid.
But to disrespect the same kid is beyond acceptable in my little book.
"Kid" hell. She is 23. hehehe
See my reply to Suzy just ahead of yours- Casey has a new blog.
Hey Sweetie;
ReplyDeleteOh I do get so very mad whenever anyone attacks my kids or their kids.
(I can do that, -no one else can). hehehe
But you know what I mean anyway... It is the only thing that ever sets me off bigtime.
When we express our certain truths we can expect others to have their feathers ruffled.
But to say that to Casey? WTFH?
Damn fine thing I won't be in on judgment day.
As I had replied in a previous blog about someone who claimed to have done her homework:
ReplyDelete(After I'd done a very quick Google search).
While it does not explain or dismiss behaving poorly, it does give a certain insight into this type of person, and their willingness (or ability) to learn.
_____________________________ quoted text...
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Therein lay your priorities.
You really are doing your homework, now aren't you?"
end quoted text...
Did you have a contrary opinion?
ReplyDeleteIf ever there was an appropriate time for that, it is now!
I am sorry that I could not comply with my own idea above.
ReplyDeleteAs of shortly after I'd posted this blog, said person was blocked.
Like I said, you can pretty much do anything to me.
But you may not attack my kids- literally or figuratively-.
Well........OK then....guess you told that effin bitch a thing or two! I respect anyone that has the guts to publicly face an asshole and set the record straight. I've had issues on Facebook with a few people and have on a few occasions refreshed the ground rules. The rules are simple....my page my rules, don't like it? Get the hell out and stay out. Simple enough I think! Loved this blog :)
ReplyDeleteDoesn't matter how old she is.....she will always be a "kid" to Mom.....I know, I listened to my grandmother tell someone on the phone that her boys were all in town for her brother's funeral.....the youngest boy at that time....55.
ReplyDelete~Like~ >>>>>MP doesn't have a button!
ReplyDeleteYOU go Miss Melanie!
ReplyDelete(I am laughing because you sound so very much like Casey)! hehehe She is also quite passionate- Passion first, but it takes a long time for her to get pissed off too. (Once she does, someone is going to pay dearly).
If only 'they' would understand that... *sigh*
Such cowardly and contemptible individuals will never "get" that -through their heads.
You have made me smile even though I am still quite angered by anyone attacking my kid, you know?
I thank you for that!
Mr. George;
ReplyDeleteI don't have a FB account, having dropped it a while back.
I admire the way you state that you "have -refreshed the ground rules"
That is what I did isn't it? hehehe
What a nice way to say that!
Isn't that the truth!?!
ReplyDeleteYou are quite right Sweet Donna! As was your grandmother! ;-)
ReplyDeleteI ~Like~ that remark too!
That was my Cherokee grandmother.....she was a healer.....she laughed after she made that remark, telling the person that she guessed that no matter how old they were they would always be her "boys"!
ReplyDeleteHere's My "Hateful" comment back to her... Couldn't stand it anymore so I might have gotten a bit angry at here and appologize that it had to happen in your comment section:
ReplyDelete"HATEFUL??? REALLY???
Wow, you are seriously in need of that psychiatrist... There's obviously some serious transference going on here... I accept people and spread love all around to those that need/want it... Like I said in the beginning of my comment, you treat others the way you want to be treated. Since you have decided to treat everyone on here with nothing but hate and intolerance, I decided that is how you obviously want to be treated...
Just so you know, a little English lesson here... "If/then statements need to have and "IF" and also a "THEN"... The last part about your sentence here makes no sense....
As to apparently not letting you complain about your situation?? I said you complain but NEVER try to fix it! THAT'S WHAT'S WRONG!!! Complaining about stuff is just fine IF you plan on doing something about it! YOU, however, are one of those people who never fix the issues you complain about, and when someone tells you how to fix it, you tell them they are full of shit and never bother to check it out to see if their suggestions would really work!!! THAT is what I was referring to... Many people rant to me, and I help them with their problems... It's only those who rant but never try to find solutions that I can't understand... You are one of those people... Check out all your comments on here and you'll see what I mean...
As far as you hating me, I could really care less... Like I've told you on SEVERAL occasions, we are who we are on this site, and if you don't like it, GET THE HELL OUT!!!! Apparently you don't understand that concept though... Sad that you can't understand a concept my 5 year old nephew can understand...
I'll make it nice and easy for you... After dissing my mother, my friends, my family and myself countless times, consider yourself blocked... We don't need your negativity and fallacies and lie-based fear that you try to spread... Nor do we want to listen to your childish whining or intolerance...
Again, have a nice f-ing day bitch....
I know she won't get it as she is blocked, but I had to get it off my chest....
This didn't really hurt me as she is not a true friend of mine and her words will never hurt me... It's still not the greatest thing to read, though...
ReplyDeleteI've seen time and time again how much the friends on here can rally together and give support to each other... It's so needed in this case as she thinks she can get away with hurting anyone she doesn't agree with...
Love and Hugs to all!
Sweet Mommy!!!
ReplyDeleteI am so grateful to have you! You've said so much to support me on here, and even though she isn't a "true" friend, she has said some pretty ugly stuff to you, your friends, and to myself... She has got to be stopped, unfortunately, I don't think she'll ever change her ways as hate to her is so ingrained in her mind that nothing else seems normal. Spreading LOVE to her is a foreign concept that she'll never understand...
Know that I love you very much, and I"m glad I won't be seeing the likes of her on here anymore... :D
I have said it before, and I will say it again, with pride-
ReplyDeleteI do have the very "bestest" friends anywhere, on any blogsite.
ReplyDeleteI love you more...
ReplyDeleteI miss a day or two on here and the classroom gets unruly! Am I gonna have to assign someone to take names??
Enough silliness from me....just trying to lighten the moment. Anyone who attacks a very loved and very sweet young lady as our Miss CaseyFace apparently DOES NOT KNOW HER VERY WELL.
But they must know that when Judgments are made against others.....those others are gonna bring the claws out!
If this was all caused by who I think it was..heaven help her! This person is hell bent on being such an ass towards everyone who doesn't "fit" into her little ideal world. F-her!
ReplyDeleteCasey has every God given right to complain if and when she feels like it( I like how she also apologizes for doing that like someone here does..lol..they could be twins..). I would pay dearly to let this person for just one day go thru some of the pain ..she how she would fair. Bet ya bottom dollar she'd be begging for something before that day was out. She best get down on her knees and pray that she and hers never have to face such obsticles in their lives...as they would never make it.
Why people have to be so hateful towards young people who have chronic illnesses is beyond me. Yes...outward appearances are deceiving...when inwardly they are covering up the suffering they are going thru...mostly to help those that care for them not to be so worried about them hurting. Most people look and see a smiling face and think "there is nothing wrong with this person" when they have no idea of the trials they have to go thru to pull off that smile.
Here's hoping that one day this person's "light" in their feeble little head goes off...or that karma drops a big surprise at her front door for her to deal with..and lets see how much she whines.
Happy they found something...and that they can change her meds...hope that works. Sorry ya'll had such a wait..paitent Punk..in the car..I know she was happy to see ya'll return.
Now off to tend to my youngin'
* Beware the fury of a patient person *
ReplyDeleteI actually like writing to these types of people Anna as my correspondence to them can make them very furious indeed
In one case the person I was forced to write to she became so enraged by my letter to her that she closed dow the site. ( She was the moderator of the site I did not know this )
The site was a free speech site and I posted about illegal immigrants coming to Australia
Another person was on this site she left me a comment in my guest comment area so I replied her name was warkattwolf her comment is about 50 comments down hahaha
Anna and Casey I'm sorry you are having a problem with this person, maybe she does not know that maturity is a high price to pay for growing up or then again perhaps she doesn't want to grow up
ReplyDeleteI send great honor to Grandmother!
Well stated!
Not to worry Sweet Baby Girl-
ReplyDelete"Someone" will ensure she does get it.
(Like I said, I have the bestest friends)... As do you.
ReplyDeleteShe only has to stop herself.
ReplyDelete... is what we all need to do more often!
I love you too.
You have made me laugh out loud!
ReplyDelete(I didn't even know I had a soapbox)...
But there I was.
No names. No detentions- (But she was suspended). hehehe
And the reason I posted this was to get those claws out.
As you know, Casey has hit a particularly rough patch.
She just didn't need that BS on top of everything else.
And besides, she is my kid! hehehe
First of all she does not live in an ideal world- Not even her own.
ReplyDeleteAs far as sharing the pain... Let's do one better.
Give the person an entire hour of all the pain these 2 kids of ours have in one day. Maybe 2 hours, separated each by Casey and Drew. No meds either.
And then let said person be denied the right to whine a little.
What a bitch! And I suppose that makes me one too. But I don't care, (never have and never will) what people think of me. If they think good things, then they are here.
If they think bad things, they can be here too- As long as they don't SCREAM AT ME incessantly. Though I will try to set them straight, and I WILL point out how intolerant they are.
Good grief, right?!
Perhaps these people are hateful because they hate their own lives. (And maybe there is no "perhaps" about it either).
I have already told Punk that we will go back. She is OK with that as long as we don't ever leave her behind. I really think that would kill her.
She gets lots of love when we come back out to the car, so no problems there either.
Karma. Yes, I do like that...
I never minded arguing with her, no matter how ugly it got. It actually made my day to be right more often than not- (See? I am a bitch)!
ReplyDelete"More often than not?" (I may have misspoke). hehehe
The more these types are confronted, the more they realize they are wrong.
The more they are wrong, the more of an ass they make of themselves.
My person is most infuriated by the fact that SHE IS WRONG AT THE TOP OF HER VOICE!
Maybe by the fact that I have repeatedly said how proud I am of Casey, even though she does have so much on her plate... Perhaps this makes said person mad? I don't know.
And now I don't have to care either.
So much for your "free speech" moderator eh? I giggled at that.
What??? I miss everything juicy. How am I to crawl through the computer to sit her karma on herself, if I miss everything?? Now she's blocked and I have no recourse. How rude. :)
ReplyDeleteI am still trying to figure this Multiply thing out..I just am not sure how it works all the time. Hopefully this is no reflection on how school will go...."humpf".
Lester, my Dear, I'm glad you didn't have to deal with Cara very much. She's not screwed down very tightly and anyone that disagrees with her is "dissing" her, or attacking her. Her idea of free speech is for it to all go her way and for no one else to have a differing opinion. Heaven forbid a Military Wife stand up for her Husband. She will come under attack because Cara claims to be a Soldier's GF even though she has never seen him and he's supposedly been deployed for 3 years straight.
ReplyDeleteSorry about the off topic my Dear Anne. You would get a kick out of warkattwolf. Her ignorance is even deeper than the person you've been feuding with.
ReplyDeleteSorry Lester... I just HAD to.
She is all over my site- Click on healthcare or politics tags on my top page, and you can pretty much bet her replies will be in the comments sections...
ReplyDeleteYou have recourse. You always have that.
Multiply? I still am not sure either- And I have been here a long time!
Didn't you start today? Today was the day Casey was to begin also.
Hope it was fun!
ReplyDeleteYa means dere's even more idiotz on here, and out there?
Oh Anne,
ReplyDeleteThis "person" jumped the wife of a Soldier for posting a proud Military Wife song and video and expected H, the Soldier/husband to choose and support warkattwolf over his wife of 13 years. As if!! LOL. Anytime someone doesn't agree with warkattwolf, she yells and curses at you that you are disrespecting and attacking her. She's a riot.
your snotball.
Are there really that many IDIOTS in the world, or are they just so full of shit that they automatically rise to the top of the dung heap and make tons of the worthless noisy Hot Air that is so annoying? Annie, isn't she lucky that Multiply allows morons to make stupid remarks from a safe distance. Of course that is the way of the uneducated, opinionated, cruel, thoughtless cretins of the world. Keep on keeping on A&C...
ReplyDeleteNow there's an honorable woman. Not.
Sweet Beth;
ReplyDeleteI am so happy you have written! YAY! How is Miss Melanie doing?
I am sorry you are going through so much right now...
As far as your comment goes, I think there are even more of those IDIOTS around- Just that they don't all rise. hehehe