[My] Life in Wisconsin

Where I Have Been-


Good Morning Everyone;
"Oh, my dear Annie, I haven't seen any alerts from you for a very long time."
A nice little quote to quietly remind me that it is high time I wrote a little something-

I have been 'around'-
reading a bit, commenting a bit, etc-
The fact of the matter is that last week I was sick- When it continued over the weekend, on Monday Casey actually made me an appointment to see my doctor.
I am OK- Just left feeling much like I was hit by a bus- Tired, and tired. (Did I mention how tired I am)?! hehehe

Yet, this tiredness I can explain- kind of.
When I get sick(ish), I stop taking a lot of my pills- When I get a migraine, I take nothing, except for the migraine meds. Sometimes those work, sometimes not- (Suffice to say they weren't working much, if at all). 
At any rate, I was not taking my Synthroid. I have restarted that med- It will take a day or two for my energy to come back to near 100%, maybe a little longer.

Add to my own garbage the fact that Casey has been real sick...  She did receive word from Minnesota, the hematologist, regarding all the bloodwork she'd had done there.  The brunt of her results remain so very "off"- After a quick call to Minnesota, we wait to hear back.

We have been 'on' Lori at the clinic here to get Casey's Ferrlecit transfusions going once again. This lady just doesn't 'get it'- (Keeping in mind that this is the same gal who told Casey prior to her TP/AIT that Casey would be using up their entire budget if she had that transplant). Click for that story.
Oh that woman is so prone to 'attitude'-
While that orientation or disposition is acceptable to almost any other situation, I do not see it to be even remotely ethical when one is a health care professional!
Yes, Denise, my formal complaint will be written this weekend.
To have to call -and call -and call to be treated for what is a serious condition is ridiculous. To have Lori pass the buck toward Casey's doctor is just wrong.

After a call from Mr. Nick at the clinic, Casey's Ferrlecit treatments will resume next Tuesday.

I am going to stop writing for now.
Now that you know where I have been, where are YOU? hehehe

I will possibly write more later. If I don't, please have yourself a 'wunnaful' weekend!
Hope all is well in your little corner of the world?

My love to all.



  1. I've been drinking coffee and having a very late breakfast (or early lunch!) down at Cora's. Yummy! His lordship is at this very minute raking very wet leaves off the very wet grass and before you ask, NO! I do NOT intend to help (it's flippin' freezin' out there!). LOL!

    Keep smiling. Hugs xxxxxx

  2. Dearest Anne,

    I'm distressed that you're feeling bad again. Prayers that you will feel like yourself again soon.

    There is NO excuse for a health care professional to treat you two like you are being treated.

    I love you Lady.

    your snotball.

  3. Sweet Snotball;
    Thank you Sweetie- But please do not be distressed. We will be alright.
    But I just can't explain to anyone how this all makes me feel- It's bad enough when Casey isn't at her best.
    Somehow it is just so much worse when I am no good for her.

    Love to you too!


  4. *hugs*

    STOP STOPPING MEDS! The levels are important to stay LEVEL Messing with them is bad.


    (oh, OXOXOOXOX Love you)

  5. So sorry you're not well at the moment Anna however I do understand your tiredness, I hope you and Casey are better soon Anna

  6. Um. I didn't mean blog-blogs, the kind I can get my teeth into. I'd thought there might be news about Casey that I hadn't seen. For example, I didn't know anything about a transplant. With what's going on, I'd hardly expect you to blog like some people do. I know of someone who blogs at least five times a day.

    I've meant to ask what you prefer: Anne, Anna or Annie?

    I'm seeing red about Lori. I'll send it to you for the complaint you're going to write. (Not too red, of course, facts always seem to suffice for me).

    (When you're taking Synthroid, do you also take Boniva?)

    Fingers, & toes crossed for both you & Casey.

  7. I just throw them up Sweet Pea;
    Besides, anything going down makes me ill- (The whole 'slime in the throat' thing).
    This in turn makes my head worse...
    Can't win for losing.
    But like I said, those levels are on their way back to normal.

    Love you too!


  8. I'm getting there Mr. Lester-
    And Casey- well she is asleep upstairs- I will wake her soon.


  9. Oh Lord Sweetie-
    I just can't keep up with everything. My apologies.

    I know of someone who just posts thoughts as 'blogs' - intermittent, throughout the day. I do not like the mess in my inbox, though at least I am humored by some of thei8r stupid thoughts and all.

    You might be able to sink your teeth into this one?
    While a part of the thing is copied, no one has yet had the gonads to touch it. hehehe (And guess which way about 75% of them vote)?!

    Sending red sounds good to me-

    As for the Boniva? Nope.


  10. Just thinkin'. Cause Synthroid can decrease bone density in women.

    "I just can't keep up with everything. My apologies."
    No apologies needed. I only thought I might have missed news about Casey.

    I'll try your link. I'm really supposed to be writing a poem for my group, cleaning up the kitchen, & opening three days of mail...

  11. I have been all over the east bay lol
    glad all things are more or less--get some rest dear friend we need you to :)

  12. I read it... I didn't comment because I didn't feel up to getting pissed at the troll I knew would come along and attack...

    You know how I vote, I know how I vote...

    oh and multiply is being a PITA today about comments too.

  13. "(And guess which way about 75% of them vote)?!"

    Guess from which part of their anatomy they vote?

  14. It always distresses me when loved ones are ill. My prayers for you both.


  15. When you feel better let them have it! This "Lori" person needs to go..she undoubtly needs a job away from the public.

    I've noticed that I too feel draggy when I forget my Synthroid. We must not do that....lol It's the only pill I take on a regualar basis..you think I'd remember to do it...lol The Valium and Ambien they give me ..just sit in the bottle ..until Bruce or Drew get on my nerves..then I give it to them..lol (my Dr thinks if it works that way ..she all for it..lol She has met my "men" )...LOL The antidepressant..I couldn't tell one way or the other..so I weaned myself back off those(no need for a nasty side affect..not that I could tell the difference between them or taking a ibuprofen) and when she offered to change and try something else I told her no thanks. I'll just be the "crazy" lady.

    Hope this finds ya'll feeling some tiny bit better. Enjoy the weekend. I have things to blog about ..but will wait till tomorrow. Nite!
