Good Morning Everyone;
While I, like every other true American, is absolutely proud, and in complete awe, of our Navy SEALS who 'offed' Public Enemy Number One; we canNOT ever forget that they did not do this alone.
They have had help from ALL facets of our American Military for the last 9+ years...
...And from our allies as well.
Some are home. Many are not.
My godson, and oh, so (TOO), many others, who took their allegiances so far away from home, for so long, to fight for all of us...
Though I have replied to very few, I have read lots of your blogs here on our Multiply site - from one end of the 'hate' spectrum to the far other...
* Those written by/for/from "the pissed off" (aka 'dERanGed'), to our "elated proud".
The first listed above, I do not 'get' -unless written by a very selfish Billy Jack pacifist.
AND, I have basically held my tongue; and will continue to do so; unless there is something I don't understand. Trust me then I will ask for clarification.
Very shortly, I will clarify my own position; entitled "Methinks/thanks Navy SEALS."
I received the story below, purportedly true, from my friend Duane- who himself breathes and bleeds Marine Corps blood and air...
All thanks, always, Duane, and company, for the time and the effort, and the sacrifices you made during your tours of VietNam.
Methinks I would like to be this guys girlfriend- Read on...
With special thanks to Craig's List.
To the Guy Who Tried to Mug Me in Downtown Savannah night before last. Date: 2010-09-27, 1:43 a.m. E.S.T.
I was the guy wearing the black Burberry jacket that you demanded that I hand over, shortly after you pulled the knife on me and my girlfriend, threatening our lives. You also asked for my girlfriend's purse and earrings. I can only hope that you somehow come across this rather important message.
First, I'd like to apologize for your embarrassment; I didn't expect you to actually crap in your pants when I drew my pistol after you took my jacket.. The evening was not that cold, and I was wearing the jacket for a reason.. my girlfriend was happy that I just returned safely from my 2nd tour as a Combat Marine in Afghanistan .. She had just bought me that Kimber Custom Model 1911 .45 ACP pistol for my birthday, and we had picked up a shoulder holster for it that very evening. Obviously you agree that it is a very intimidating weapon when pointed at your head ... isn't it?!
I know it probably wasn't fun walking back to wherever you'd come from with that brown sludge in your pants. I'm sure it was even worse walking bare-footed since I made you leave your shoes, cell phone, and wallet with me. [That prevented you from calling or running to your buddies to come help mug us again].
After I called your mother or "Momma" as you had her listed in your cell, I explained the entire episode of what you'd done. Then I went and filled up my gas tank as well as those of four other people in the gas station, -- on your credit card. The guy with the big motor home took 153 gallons and was extremely grateful!
I gave your shoes to a homeless guy outside Vinnie Van Go Go's, along with all the cash in your wallet. [That made his day!]
I then threw your wallet into the big pink "pimp mobile" that was parked at the curb .... after I broke the windshield and side window and keyed the entire driver's side of the car.
Later, I called a bunch of phone sex numbers from your cell phone. Ma Bell just now shut down the line, although I only used the phone for a little over a day now, so what 's going on with that? Earlier, I managed to get in two threatening phone calls to the DA's office and one to the FBI, while mentioning President Obama as my possible target.
The FBI guy seemed really intense and we had a nice long chat (I guess while he traced your number etc.).
In a way, perhaps I should apologize for not killing you ... but I feel this type of retribution is a far more appropriate punishment for your threatened crime. I wish you well as you try to sort through some of these rather immediate pressing issues, and can only hope that you have the opportunity to reflect upon, and perhaps reconsider, the career path you've chosen to pursue in life..
Remember, next time you might not be so lucky.
Have a good day!
Thoughtfully yours,
Semper Fi
I hope you will be smiling when you are done reading this story.
Moreover, I hope this is true. I could find nothing, online, that denied its veracity.
A fascinating story- from both sides, hehehe, wouldn't you agree?
Nuff said? (Do let me know)...
I have seen this story for a while now and just love it!! SO glad to see you Sis.
Hello Annie! Great post and I haven't forgotten about all of the American Military forces and our allies. I can't believe the hate and inane theories I see Online since Bin Laden was killed. I've kept my mouth shut because those people can't see anything except their own viewpoint, so I say why waste my time. I like the Marine story too.
ReplyDeleteLove it thanks a ton :)
ReplyDeleteBeing an Air Force family that is our first allegiance but we appreciate ALL branches.....including the forgotten Coast Guard.
ReplyDeleteHot/Cold, Wet/Sweat, Asleep/Awake it's a Soldier's fate.
ReplyDeleteBoredom and fear are always near, it's another political mistake.
This week our Foreign Secretary proposed a new member for the U.N.
Yesterdays Foe just comes and goes, tomorrow he is your friend.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely LOVE this one! I surely do hope that it is a 100% true story... It's a shame that these boys put their lives on the line to risk the same rights that the mugger violates... It would surely teach him and maybe a few others a real good lesson...
This is just one of those right place right time incidents (unless you're the mugger then you might think the opposite) that will forever stick in the minds of the men and woman involved as well as in the minds of countless people who've read this over the internet...
I especially like the part where he called "Momma" and told her about the incident.... It reflects a wish I had the other day that teenage drivers be made to have a sign on the back of their car reading "How's My Driving? Call Mom/Dad at: #"... I sure would love to have called a few parents on idiotic teens who think they are invincible and are risking others' lives because of this naive notion... Wouldn't this be so nice to implement??
Love you MUCH MUCH!