RAOP- Restoring Faith in Humanity. One Slice at a Time? hehehe
Good Evening Everyone!
I mowed a little more on the lawns today, and was reminded of chopped hay. (That would be an "UGH" thought, as I do not have great memories of getting hay in the barn; whether in bales or chopped). hehehe
Done for the day, I came inside, more than a bit dusty, itchy too; but was in time to catch the tail end of abc world news.
Their last little segment being RAOP. Or "Random Acts of Pizza"...
The link is above (Do the click if you can help out anyone, you will be surprised. I was).
I tell you if I had the nerve I would ask for ramps for my wheelchair, or other stuff to make this easier for me somehow... But I am guessing this would be best in bigger towns than mine.
And crap, how very very selfish of me too.
There are pages to click on that will take you to a food pantry, or assi$tance, or clothing exchange...
A heads up too-
So read that first! hehehe
Please do the help thing if you can afford to.
I have heard it said that what you give is returned to you tenfold. I would love to hear YOUR end stories later on.
Then again, kindness should NEVER end...
awwwwwwww I tried twice now. My darned picture won't upload...
Good Afternoon All
I have been a true surfer online since about 4 this morning. My eyes are probably even crossed by now!
Yes. I mowed lawns. Friend Jim came yesterday to finish them- Problem is that they are so darned long that I will have to re~mow as soon as the cut stuff dries a bit... (Yes, this is what we farm girls call "hay"). hehehe
In my jogging around the internet, I read about New York legalizing gay marriage.
A great article. (And of course some not~so~bright replies).
As Mama used to say, "What a boring life would be if we were all the same."
Suffice to say her words are still accurate. She is still right.
CONGRATULATIONS NEW YORK, and to all whom this legislation may apply!
What a feat you have accomplished!
I can only hope that you are the sixth state of all of our 50.
Good grief.
Can anyone tell me why such a simple matter has to be 'legalized' to even begin with?!?!
When we start loving and respecting people for who they are, instead of whatever 'tag' we choose to feel the need to put on others, we will TRULY be far, far, ahead of the rest of the world.
Wet. Warmer too.

A little bit soggy...
... And yes, the fields 'were' planted-
... And yes, the fields 'were' planted-
It is no longer raining- I believe our skies finally settled down yesterday afternoon.
Hopefully it remains this way with the sun trying its level best to peek out and warm us up.
Flood warnings and watches seem to be the danger of the day. Not like Minot though- Not even close.
Wish me luck... John, Brandy, and Miss Ashley stopped by last Monday- They put the belt on the lawnmower so I could mow. (Butthe rains kept coming)...
Even though I think my lawns are past mowing, I am going to try. (I didn't get it done when I'd wanted to because I couldn't get under the mower back then).
A beautiful breeze should ensure that it's dry enough out there; though with the long grass, who knows?
Wish me luck- Out I go...
Have a 'wunnaful' weekend!
Love to all.
Rating: | ★★★★★ |
Category: | Other |

This is with Special Thanks to my friend Marie!
Here ya "Gogh" then...
- His dizzy aunt ------------------------------------------------ Verti Gogh
- The brother who ate prunes------------------------------- Gotta Gogh
- The brother who worked at a convenience store ----- Stop N Gogh
- The grandfather from Yugoslavia ------------------------ U Gogh
- His magician uncle ------------------------------------------ Where-diddy Gogh
- His Mexican cousin ------------------------------------------ A Mee Gogh
- The Mexican cousin's American half-brother ---------- Gring Gogh
- The nephew who drove a stage coach ----------------- Wells-far Gogh
- The constipated uncle ------------------------------------- Can't Gogh
- The ballroom dancing aunt ------------------------------- Tang Gogh
- The bird lover uncle ---------------------------------------- FlaminGogh
- The fruit-loving cousin ------------------------------------- Man Gogh
- An aunt who taught positive thinking ------------------- Way-to-Gogh
- The little bouncy nephew --------------------------------- Poe Gogh
- A sister who loved disco ---------------------------------- Go Gogh
- And his niece who travels the country in an RV ------ Winnie Bay Gogh
. . .And there ya Gogh! 
Anyone up? hehehe I hope everyone had a Gr-r-r-eat Daddies Day! As for me, I am still barfing- (I have a Dr. appt later this morning). Oh, I am just soooo tired. I have also decided *not* to get my pain pump implant. It seems to be wrong for me for right now. And I generally do listen to my guts. News and doppler is showing me that we have more than a few HUGE storms coming too. We are soaked already!! S/W states are dry as an old bone. somebody has to point these nasty clouds southward. Oh, maybe I shall try to nap a bit before these storms get here. XOXO, Me
7-UP Please?

Good Morning All;
I went in yesterday morning for 6 more shots in my spine...
They didn't work, but I did throw up all of last night.
Not too sure what that is all about? Though I had been having migraine problems, on and off, all of this past week. (Which I could not take my meds for that because of these upcoming shots).
I called Casey when I began barfing- She told me to take two Benedryl; as it makes your meds work better AND, it works as an anti~emetic too. (Glad I called her- At least I learned something). But I couldn't find any Benedryl to save my soul.
I did manage to sleep for about 2 hours- I will try that again soon; though waking up sick is not my cup of tea. (Anyone have a 7-up for me)?
It is not only my back- Unless neck is back- But there is something also wrong with my neck as my little fingers and ring fingers don't feel right. Both hands. (Sometimes they feel nothing- as do the tops of my toes). Mostly it's a sleeping, buzzing, feeling in my fingers. My doctor has already told me that he can do nothing about this.
Casey had hit a bump on our way back home, (admittedly these are impossible to avoid on this road), and my right hip gave an awful pain -as my back seized up at the same time. I don't recall ever making a noise like that in my life. (Sorry Casey, I didn't mean to scare you). Thank God we were so close to home, and off the freeway; or I would have just opened the door and allowed myself to fall out.
This has all progressed from bad to worse so frickin' damned fast that I just don't know what to do anymore. My hips are both killing me today, and my stomach wants food, but I can't feed it either.
Yup the picture above is accurate. This really does suck. I'll be lucky to even keep my pills down today...
Any suggestions?
I go in on Monday for a physical. (This is insurance required for the pain pump 'trial'). I am having that "trial" come the 27th.
We will have to make 4 trips into town that week- and even just thinking about having to do that sucks too. Casey will be bringing me to those.
Casey has been having problems of her own, adjusting to a new elixir. I do hope that those get better before this all has to happen for me. I really have no one else to ask for a ride.
God help me. Starving, and in pain, is no effing way to go through life.
How very odd that I still believe in karma...
Am going to try to sleep a bit now. Have a grand weekend. My love to all
image from cafepress.com
Mouse Infestation- NOT FOR KIDS!
There is a concern about an outbreak of mice in most US shipping warehouses.
Health-(Care), Ellsburg, ~and Woodpeckers? hehehe
That's more like it!
Good Morning All;
I have decided that I am going to be very busy today. I am even going to try to mow lawn, *if* I can get that darned (new) belt on.
(And then *if* I can get *on* the darn thing). hehehe
Truly, the grass (and weeds) are to the point I cannot stand to even look out the windows anymore.
What the hell difference will it make, honestly, if I fracture a few more vertebra?
Either way, it hurts like shit anyway, so who cares the difference? Not I. Not anymore.
Besides, then I will be able to at least peek out my windows from time to time, and not just *wish* I had a better view.
(Besides, it is to rain tomorrow and I won't be going out to mow then).
I have been up since about 2:30- And CAB, that darn site just ate my comments and I wasn't about to repeat them. (I will tell you tho, that I happen to like "Son of a Preacher Man"). hehehe
I had the TV on too- As I listened to Daniel Ellsburg (AKA "The Most Dangerous Man in America") speak about the Pentagon papers that are all open to the public now, I was intrigued by what he had to say about The Vietnam War...
Ellsburg is the man who got his hands on leaked Pentagon papers some 40+ years ago. This morning he said that he had sat on those papers for 2 years after reading them- This was his ONLY regret about reading them- having them in his possession and all, and not doing anything.
Ellsburg also said, "...that made me believe that what I was involved in, in Vietnam, was NOT a noble cause that had gone wrong."
Why is he just now saying this?
Furthermore people, don't you see what the Republicans are going to try to do to the HealthCare we fought so hard for?
They will be having those same regrets in another 40 years- And that THEY WILL BE SINGLEHANDEDLY RESPONSIBLE FOR KILLING EVEN MORE AMERICANS than the Vietnam War that Ellsburg "regrets" today.
(Why am I not surprised)?
To quote Jefferson Adams of the San Fracisco Examiner, (and from 2 years ago),
"Every two years, 1,700 American children die from lack of healthcare. That's the equivalent of a World Trade Center disaster every four years-with kids as victims. Over the last twenty years, America has lost nearly 17,000 children because they lacked access to health care, this according to a study released by the Johns Hopkins Children's Center."
end quote

I ask you all, and all over again, How many MORE of our children must, and will, die, if these Republicans of ours REMOVE the insurances that our children were just given in September 2010?
That's more like it!
Good Morning All;
I have decided that I am going to be very busy today. I am even going to try to mow lawn, *if* I can get that darned (new) belt on.
(And then *if* I can get *on* the darn thing). hehehe
Truly, the grass (and weeds) are to the point I cannot stand to even look out the windows anymore.
What the hell difference will it make, honestly, if I fracture a few more vertebra?
Either way, it hurts like shit anyway, so who cares the difference? Not I. Not anymore.
Besides, then I will be able to at least peek out my windows from time to time, and not just *wish* I had a better view.
(Besides, it is to rain tomorrow and I won't be going out to mow then).
I have been up since about 2:30- And CAB, that darn site just ate my comments and I wasn't about to repeat them. (I will tell you tho, that I happen to like "Son of a Preacher Man"). hehehe
I had the TV on too- As I listened to Daniel Ellsburg (AKA "The Most Dangerous Man in America") speak about the Pentagon papers that are all open to the public now, I was intrigued by what he had to say about The Vietnam War...
Ellsburg is the man who got his hands on leaked Pentagon papers some 40+ years ago. This morning he said that he had sat on those papers for 2 years after reading them- This was his ONLY regret about reading them- having them in his possession and all, and not doing anything.
Ellsburg also said, "...that made me believe that what I was involved in, in Vietnam, was NOT a noble cause that had gone wrong."
Why is he just now saying this?
Furthermore people, don't you see what the Republicans are going to try to do to the HealthCare we fought so hard for?
They will be having those same regrets in another 40 years- And that THEY WILL BE SINGLEHANDEDLY RESPONSIBLE FOR KILLING EVEN MORE AMERICANS than the Vietnam War that Ellsburg "regrets" today.
(Why am I not surprised)?
To quote Jefferson Adams of the San Fracisco Examiner, (and from 2 years ago),
"Every two years, 1,700 American children die from lack of healthcare. That's the equivalent of a World Trade Center disaster every four years-with kids as victims. Over the last twenty years, America has lost nearly 17,000 children because they lacked access to health care, this according to a study released by the Johns Hopkins Children's Center."
end quote
Continue reading here:
I ask you all, and all over again, How many MORE of our children must, and will, die, if these Republicans of ours REMOVE the insurances that our children were just given in September 2010?
Lord I am getting SO tired of asking questions that boggle our minds, crush our spirits, and murder our children, and other loved ones!
It is "ethnic~cleansing" by law - nothing more, nothing less. Please vote accordingly next year.
Yes, it's a long way off.
That said, I can almost guarantee that you will be angry with me if you don't like the HealthCare Bill. ;-)
Please think twice- Save your anger for our babies.
I promise to post the FACTS, not hearsay. I further promise to post ALL linked documentation.
Back to Flintville...
I see that my woodpecker is back-
It is almost time for my next doses of medication, but I will rest a bit for a while first. Maybe eat a sandwich, or for sure I will hear from Polly. hehehe
She says I do not eat well enough because of the pain and the drugs- that it is a vicious circle.
I know she is right. But I do try. After that I will go wrestle the machinery.
I'd best get going then if I am to accomplish anything today.
I hope all is well in your little corner of the world...
My love to all
It is "ethnic~cleansing" by law - nothing more, nothing less. Please vote accordingly next year.
Yes, it's a long way off.
That said, I can almost guarantee that you will be angry with me if you don't like the HealthCare Bill. ;-)
Please think twice- Save your anger for our babies.
I promise to post the FACTS, not hearsay. I further promise to post ALL linked documentation.
Back to Flintville...
I see that my woodpecker is back-
-and nesting in my house?!?!
Pretty darn ballsy of them if you ask me!
Pretty darn ballsy of them if you ask me!
It is almost time for my next doses of medication, but I will rest a bit for a while first. Maybe eat a sandwich, or for sure I will hear from Polly. hehehe
She says I do not eat well enough because of the pain and the drugs- that it is a vicious circle.
I know she is right. But I do try. After that I will go wrestle the machinery.
I'd best get going then if I am to accomplish anything today.
I hope all is well in your little corner of the world...
My love to all
Milwaukee Breakwater LightHouse for Sale
Wouldn't it be cool to live in a lighthouse on the lake? And a FREE one at that?!!! Free? Well sort of...
This is the story that dreams are made of!
I won't be in contention for bidding since I don't have a boat. hehehe
Please click on the link above-
More of an upbeat blog coming soon...
Police: 9-year-old girl stabs a Fond du Lac man who threatened to kill her mom
Please click on the link above.
I hope this brave little girl and her Mama are safe from this man forever.
You GO, Girl!
Just Another 'Broken~Hearted' Day...

My Sweet Polly, with Sputnik
(taken 2 weeks ago)...
(taken 2 weeks ago)...
A sad and long day for me- And Lord only knows how badly I need a nap...
Nothing bad happened. Though I woke with a bloody migraine. Not too bad, but enough to throw me off for a while. I cannot take my pills either as I am scheduled to get 6 more shots in my back this Friday.
I am lonely; and not used to feeling that way. And, Oh My, it was so pretty, and perfect, outside.
I wanted to get out there so damn bad. Just no one to help me do that.
Thankfully though, my week from hell is over- I have now seen more doctors than I ever expected to in my lifetime.
On Tuesday last, I went to see Dr. Izzy, who revealed how I did on the MMPI?-2 testing.
In his own words, he said, (ahem), I had "a very excellent profile"...
He also said that he only needed to clarify a few questions. (There were about 8 of those). So I clarified, and we left. He had been uncertain in the beginning if Casey should hear my answers- I told him that I would not change my answers to accommodate the fact that my youngest child was overhearing it all. (It was nothing she hadn't heard already, anyway). He lauded my honesty.
I really am proud that I have no skeletons where my children are concerned- I was always blatantly honest with them about my own life. Besides, I really don't have anything to hide.
(Now why is that SO freakin' hard for my trainwreck, and others, to understand and/or accept)?
At any rate, I can now wait for the phone call that tells me *when* I will get my pain pump implant. First, they set up a "trial" with it.
Don't ask me about that, I don't know about how that will work yet. (But I do think I'd better reinforce my darn pockets on every pair of pants because if I have to carry it around for a while first, as I have to lug around my TENS Unit, then my pockets will all need help).
* * * That, or my pants will simply fall down if/when I do stand up. (Damned gravity anyway).
Tuesday afternoon found me - (at a sweltering 94+ degrees, with the A/C fubar'ed in my car)- at my primary doctors office.
Another change in meds to try to get the swelling down in my legs- It is called Bumetanide.
From Wikipedia: "Bumetanide is 40 times more potent than Furosemide (for patients with normal renal function).[1]"
I am also to continue the Diurex from over the counter (OTC).
She is also thinking that because of my weight loss (30+ pounds, or 17+% of my body weight) since the beginning of this year "might" be cancer.
Methinks she thinks too much. hehehe
However, they will rule out cancer before proceeding with anything else.
(WHAT?! They rule out the worst scenario first, and work their way down from there)?
Um, ok? (I think)?
I am happy for the 30 pound weight loss- Problem is, I don't know 'where' it is lost from? My jeans, though a bit looser, still fit me fine. Same with the bra... (damn shame that). hehehe
Maybe because I am [supposed to be] 'tall'...
I always giggle when the nurse asks me how "tall" I am. Used to be 5'9+", but with all this sitting (and bending over onto the table or desk just to be able to fall to sleep some nights), who the hell knows how "tall" I am now?!
Personally, I don't want to know.
Course I didn't want this either-
No wait. "UGH" fits MUCH better...
(Taken from across the road).
No wait. "UGH" fits MUCH better...
(Taken from across the road).
Thursday was an appointment at the hospital to meet my "nephrologist", (kidney doctor).
He is from India- Both his 1st and last names begin with a "Q"- & with no "u" to follow. Looks odd to see, but interesting too. I recall after reading his medical degree- (1/2 written in English, 1/2 in ?), that I'd wanted to ask him how his name was pronounced, but he was quite the "by the book" type of doctor. All business-.
(And besides, I forgot to ask him once he appeared). Oh well.
Friday found me back at Pain Management for my monthly appointment- She changed my Rx again. Up. I just am not dealing with this all- Not too well anyway.
I still believe that the wrong drug in that infusion given erroneously in March is to blame for this swelling...
But I still have to figure how it all plays together. Help? Please? Anyone?
It seems strange that it would last so very long if it was- Then again, anything is possible in this day and age, especially where/what allergies do.
He will/has set up a Doppler ultrasound of my kidneys. I will need some decent drugs to be able to lie on my back for that. I refuse to do that to myself anymore in this lifetime. They (my doctors) are "SOL" (shit~outta~luck), when it comes to making me lay like that.
Speaking of laying...
I am off to close my eyes for a while.
Keep it down please. :-) hehehe
Hope all is well with all-
Current drugs |
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Disclaimer: Drugs.com and the content providers have utilized reasonable care in collecting and reporting the information on this website and have obtained such information from sources believed to be reliable. However, Drugs.com and the content providers do not warrant the accuracy of the information on the website. The clinical information contained in the information is intended as a supplement to, and not a substitute for, the knowledge, expertise, skill, and judgment of physicians, pharmacists, nurses, or other healthcare professionals involved in patient care. The absence of a warning for a given drug or drug combination should not be construed to indicate that the drug or drug combination is safe, appropriate, or effective in any given patient or under your particular circumstances.
I will not ever take:
- Ferrlicet
- Ampicillin, Erythromycin,
- Cats
I will not ever take:
- Methadone, (or any of it's other names).
- Diskets,
- Dolophine,
- Methadose
- Symoron,
- Dolophine,
- Amidone,
- Methadose,
- Physeptone,
- Heptadon
- -and many other names that Methadone has...
Please call Casey at 920-634-5150.
Leave message if no answer.
Leave message if no answer.
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