[My] Life in Wisconsin


awwwwwwww  I tried twice now. My darned picture won't upload...

Good Afternoon All
I have been a true surfer online since about 4 this morning. My eyes are probably even crossed by now!

Yes. I mowed lawns. Friend Jim came yesterday to finish them- Problem is that they are so darned long that I will have to re~mow as soon as the cut stuff dries a bit... (Yes, this is what we farm girls call "hay"). hehehe

In my jogging around the internet, I read about New York legalizing gay marriage.
A great article. (And of course some not~so~bright replies).

As Mama used to say, "What a boring life would be if we were all the same."
Suffice to say her words are still accurate. She is still right.

CONGRATULATIONS NEW YORK, and to all whom this legislation may apply!
What a feat you have accomplished!
I can only hope that you are the sixth state of all of our 50.

Good grief.
Can anyone tell me why such a simple matter has to be 'legalized' to even begin with?!?!
When we start loving and respecting people for who they are, instead of whatever 'tag' we choose to feel the need to put on others, we will TRULY be far, far, ahead of the rest of the world.



  1. "Can anyone tell me why such a simple matter has to be 'legalized' to even begin with?!?!
    WE have asked that question for decades...especially when there isn't any special bill or legislation that gives "str8s" the right to marry...just age laws and some of those are very young and liberal.
    But yes it all comes down to Religion and a specific southern fundamentalist eveanelical type that believes that the government must mandate their religious beliefs...gay mariage, abortion, etc etc....they believe the country must be a theocracy run by them.

  2. it needs to be legalized because some people would not "get it" any other way.

  3. In Australia, same-sex partners cannot legally marry, . The ban is stridently supported by the Catholic Church ( Typical ). However same sex partners are recognized Anna

    I just changed it in wikipedia

    What is the size of your picture Anna

  4. "Can anyone tell me why such a simple matter has to be 'legalized' to even begin with?!?!"

    My answer to that is, someone/s made it illegal first.
    Was it illegal to smoke marijuana before someone made it illegal?


  5. If so, then why do we think we know what God thinks?

  6. First of all, who is "WE"?
    It's not us or (or vs) them... from either perspective. Because if it is, then "WE" are as guilty of drawing a line too; and THAT is almost the entire problem. For some reason, it has become 'human' belittle our differences; or so we, as people, have told ourselves.
    How easy is it to see skin color first? I was a complete human being to some 'people' until I obtained my Indian card. (Something I was so very proud of was a reason to cast aspersions on me)?

    I didn't get it. And I still don't.
    On the opposite hand, I cannot count the # of times I have been told "But you don't look Indian."

    Then I have to ask myself if it Is specifically religion then?
    Or is it Southern Fundamentalists that have tried to 'make' some people less/more than they are? And if so, then why aren't all other religions (and Northern States) on board to treat everyone as a fundamental human being?
    Yet our silly church around the corner here in Flintville is run by ROME? And the Pope Himself must live according to what the 'church' dictates. Makes NO sense to live in the US -supposedly 'free'- and to live our lives according to what another country dictates.

    No. I believe it is the laws that need changing. With that comes (apparently slowly) the right to be simply human.


  7. As I somehow knew you would.

    Ah Sweet Pamela, my little rock in all things government. (And that means a lot to me ya know- I am sorry for not thanking you earlier).
    Being able to count on someone... Isn't that what friendship and life are all about?


  8. Mr Lester- I just had to do the click! hehehe (But will have to finish reading it as soon as I finish up on Multiply).
    Yes, I am so far behind (again) with my friends- Maybe I shouldn't have done all that surfing earlier...

    What picture? Do you mean the 3 that I tried to upload earlier? They are all smaller as that is the only size I download from the web or emails. Which is where they came from...


  9. OK.
    Supposing an explanation could be so simple, then WHY did someone feel the need to make it illegal first?

    And for the gods sake, why do people CONTINUE to blast away that being homosexual is going to ruin their straight marriage?
    Hell, that makes NO sense to me at all. HOW could that possibly be?

    And you are following me around on my surfing tour?
    Re: Pot
    Another link that I had replied to is at: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/06/23/137372951/ron-paul-barney-frank-to-introduce-bill-that-would-end-pot-prohibition?ref=nf#commentBlock?sc=fbc



  10. "OK.
    Supposing an explanation could be so simple, then WHY did someone feel the need to make it illegal first? "

    You didn't ask that question, or I'd have been typing all evening. :)

    Look. The last couple of days, I've decided that all the irrational decisions being made, all the stupidity, (not ignorance), is a virus. I've decided that most people are insane. How could someone expect to be taken seriously by anyone with half a brain, who wants to eliminate health care to veterans, in order to take the money to spend on maintaining troops in the Middle East where more will not only be killed, but come back needing health insurance? Can anyone explain the logic in that? Of course not!!

    As for religion explaining the 'illegality' of homosexuality, I think that's correct.

    "If so, then why do we think we know what God thinks?"
    Don't you know by now that God hasn't got anything to do with anything? Did anyone ever hear God say that homosexuality is a sin? No. Did God write the bible? No. But, "In the name of God" is on all the banners throughout history for the greatest bigotry, crimes & bloodshed.

    I think we ought to start a petition to raise money for research, develop an antidote for stupidity, & if we can't find one, just put them out of their misery, & ours.

    Hey, I'll have to look at that link...yep...I be stalkin' ye.

  11. Apparently Multiply is tweaking things again. Maybe they will be back to normal soon. I've not even had my computer on today. Saw no use in trying since my son-in-law plays this action game called World of Warcraft all weekend long, and my grandson was doing some downloads and my daughter was watching Netflix movies. Those downloads even stopped the online netflix movies we were watching. Yesterday, with all the online stuff going on around here, I had time to go to the bathroom, then go downstairs and clean the kitchen and come back only to see the site I was trying to get to still had not loaded! We have 3 laptops and 2 regular computer, plus Netflix, all working off the internet here. Most days it makes the dial up that I had a long time ago seem faster!

    As for the New York issue....to each his own. I personally know someone who is Gay and he and his partner have been together for about 30 years. They only wanted the same rights with their union as others have, because of insurance and other legal issues that heterosexual married couples have. I honestly feel that those who throw the biggest fit about the sexuality of others are those who have the most internal struggle with their own sexuality. I grew up being taught that homosexuality was wrong in the eyes of God. Then I met a young man in High School that became a very good friend to me. I loved him then and still love him now. No one should put anyone down till they know the "real" person. My Gay friend was meant to cross my path in order to teach me compassion for those I was brought up to believe were doing the wrong thing. It doesn't matter about anyone's sexuality. What matters is HOW we treat others. And that includes them!

  12. ScootchieBaby!
    Sometimes you make me giggle! hehehe
    Typing all evening? And on one of my blogs? I would be honored!

    You might want to start here: http://thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/michele-bachmanns-top-ten-anti-gay-quotes/politics/2011/06/02/21233
    Some of her quotes make me giggle out loud- and then Punk always looks at me weird.

    Your POV's on God vs Man are quite like my own, and I enjoy the smiles that come- You have a distict way of writing you know...
    Maybe you didn't mean to be funny, but either I laugh or tear my head off with the stupidity of them all.


    Stalk away. Any day! hehehe

  13. Sweet PeachieBaby!
    All this 'tweaking' is making me... 'sad'. (And anyway, tweak or no, methinks it's my comp00tersaurus)

    So after reading your note here I went to Flickr and am uploading those silly things now- Just stuff from my email and such.
    But it mad me... 'sad' that I couldn't post the pic for in the updates anyway. *sigh*
    Oh well.

    Do you have ANY idea how much space W.O.W. takes up on your computer?
    And, how old is your grandson by the way?!?

    Please (and I really mean please), stop saying us or them. It is all 'we' or nothing.
    Saying it that way makes it more believable that gay or straight, we are all human.

    I remember the story of your friend. I think your answer to having him in your life and being such a good friend is valuable to everyone. And I am glad you never put him down for it either. We were in HS about the same time, and I know (of) more than a few of our class were/are gay. And yet, back then, I giggled at the jokes and listened to the rumors etc. etc. etc. For that I am now so very very sorry; though I don't think I hurt anyone directly. If I did, I never meant to.
    You were much more open where you grew up. (This vs Brown County WI - We have the highest population of Catholics).
    I am proud to have you be my friend!

    You are SO correct too in HOW we treat others. Again you have hit the nail square on the head.
    Especially with Others = people, and no matter to their gender, sexuality, religion, skin, or creed. We have to treat them all the same or it bespeaks too loudly how bigoted we are as a person.


  14. Sweet PeachieBaby!
    All this 'tweaking' is making me... 'sad'. (And anyway, tweak or no, methinks it's my comp00tersaurus)

    So after reading your note here I went to Flickr and am uploading those silly things now- Just stuff from my email and such.
    But it mad me... 'sad' that I couldn't post the pic for in the updates anyway. *sigh*
    Oh well.

    Do you have ANY idea how much space W.O.W. takes up on your computer?
    And, how old is your grandson by the way?!?

    Please (and I really mean please), stop saying us or them. It is all 'we' or nothing.
    Saying it that way makes it more believable that gay or straight, we are all human.

    I remember the story of your friend. I think your answer to having him in your life and being such a good friend is valuable to everyone. And I am glad you never put him down for it either. We were in HS about the same time, and I know (of) more than a few of our class were/are gay. And yet, back then, I giggled at the jokes and listened to the rumors etc. etc. etc. For that I am now so very very sorry; though I don't think I hurt anyone directly. If I did, I never meant to.
    You were much more open where you grew up. (This vs Brown County WI - We have the highest population of Catholics).
    I am proud to have you be my friend!

    You are SO correct too in HOW we treat others. Again you have hit the nail square on the head.
    Especially with Others = people, and no matter to their gender, sexuality, religion, skin, or creed. We have to treat them all the same or it bespeaks too loudly how bigoted we are as a person.



  15. Getting stormy here- At least the skies say so...
    Probably should get offline for now, but have a few things to check first.


  16. LOL! Anne...my grandson is 12. But its my son-in-law who plays W.O.W. on his own computer downstairs. But with all these other computers connected to the same IP, its difficult for me to get online when my son-in-law is home. He blames all the rest of us for slowing "him" down in his game playing. Many times I have to wait for the days both my daughter and son-in-law are at work, or till everyone goes to bed late at night, before I can bother to get anything done online. Otherwise, I sit and wait and wait and wait and wait.And then everything freezes up.

    When I refer to "we"....I mean....We, the Human race. And that includes each and every one of us who either crawls, walks, rolls or just lays there. Our Human vehicles and our personal choices may all be different, but we are still the same.

    Anne, my grandmother was raised to strongly dislike anyone Gay. She often made her opinions known when she suspected someone was Gay by their behavior. I had no opinion of them and what they were never was an issue with me. When Richard moved in at the foot of the hill from where I lived, my grandmother instantly knew he was Gay but said nothing. Maybe she had mellowed a bit towards someone younger. I don't know. But she still knew. She knew, my mother knew, and my dad all knew long before I did. But once I "caught on" to his "gay-ness", it didn't matter to me. And....to top it all off....lol.....my granny got to know Richard as if he were her own grandson. As did my mother, my dad and my sister. Richard became more like family and we would have ALL defended him to the death if we had to. Especially my grandmother. Sounds ironic, doesn't it. But she would have. He thought of her as his grandmother too. Knowing the depth of a persons soul has little to do with their sexuality. Richard came into our lives to teach us all many things. And he accomplished that and moved away about the same time I married and moved to Texas. He moved to North Carolina where he would be more accepted. He struggled in the beginning. Even lived out of his car for awhile. But He became a professional hair stylist and he and his partner also have an Antiquing business together and they designed and built their own home. We have talked on the phone a few times to keep in touch. Like me, he has aged, and gained weight but he is still the Richard I always knew. Our conversations always went in a hundred directions and we would spend 2 or 3 hours on the phone. He was actually the best friend I ever had and I really miss that constant connection we had.

  17. itsallinasong wrote today at 6:18 PM, edited today at 6:19 PM
    lol ... " pompostic bubbles " ... you say ? ... lol ... oh man ...

    Me ... with my oh so vivid imagination ... and quite literal "visual" of the spoken word ... lol ... my mind comes up with some very ... "artistic" versions of what a " pompostic bubble " might look like ... lol ... complete with it's "humanoid" inhabitants ... lol ... oh man ... lol ...

    scootch2 wrote today at 5:38 PM
    "The other thing about all this is that when you do understand the interconnectedness of the Earth, it's life support ecosystems and all species who depend on that ... that understanding profoundly alters one's perspective on life itself.
    And reveals to us, how very "not alone" or "separate" we are."

    Everything is interconnected. Even the life of a star is dependent on what happens in 'space.'

    What silly little human creatures there are, in their bubbles of pomposity!

    Anne, I snitched this from another blog. (Okay, sue me.) I snitched it because I laughed like heck when I saw Scootch's comment, and Tamara's response to it. Scootch is a very funny gal, and one of my best friends. I know how much she's hurting and sometimes she can't even type, but when she can, she never skips a beat in making people laugh. I couldn't resist, and I know she wouldn't mind. The response was icing on the cake.

    So, laugh, dammit!

  18. aw geez, everything was going great until you added the links for the Bachmann quotes... Yeow..!
    anywho, ain't you sweet mentioning our friends in New York.. many people ignore or stick their heads in the sand. You are never afraid to take a stand and i love you for that.!!

  19. not sure why i got this all of a sudden but good post, i'm with you on your blog. thanks for somehow accidentally sending this my way. peace!

  20. Multiply seems to be having problems, but great post.
    There have been bigots throughout time. For the past several decades various discriminated groups have been pushing back for equality. The LGBT community has been working for equal rights since Stonewall. Just as some Christians twisted the Bible to condemn African Americans, so too today some twist a half dozen or so verses to condemn LGBT people. The Bible condemns neither group and God is the Father of us all.

    Shalom and nice to meet you,

    ~ Rabbi Yochanan

  21. You need a router that will allow you to meter out the bandwidth to each machine connected to the network. Most of the routers that you will find in the retail shops don't have such settings, although some might. If someone is downloading and they can not restrict the download in the software (for example, utorrent allows download bandwidth limits) then the person downloading can suck the bandwidth dry.

  22. Thank you all for your words- and for the hope that someday ENTIRE groups of people won't be so prejudiced against. Whether by skin, or gender, or religion, or or or...

    Admittedly, this blog was inspired by others-
    Here is one blog that I got involved in http://ginagain.multiply.com/journal/item/784

    And of course the original one that really pissed me off: And it was MY OWN!!
    As you see, it is simply entitled "People Are Different" - And just what is wrong with people being different?

    Mean people suck.


  23. 'Whether by skin, or gender, or religion, or or or..."
    Difference of opinion in inconsequential matters?
