[My] Life in Wisconsin

Spring Summer 2011

Hi Y'all;
Remember I have done exactly NO hoeing, or pulling of weeds.
Forgive me.


** Can anybody tell me what kind of bug that BIG black one was? Please let me know.
It was twice as big as any June Bug I have ever seen... (and THAT'S big)!


  1. this looks like a painting.......great shot

  2. my allergies are reacting from here.

  3. yet in all the beauty of the flowers I notice Punk!!!! now shes beautiful.

  4. wow how neat is this.......Ive never seen a flower like this before.

  5. wow, great picture. There is this man named Mickey on my friends list, a buddy from across the pond you two would hit it off great, look him up.

  6. Either a Rhinocerus beetle or a Dung beetle..

  7. Looks like what I have heard called a "stink bug".

  8. Happy you like my pictures!

    I shall go peek at Mr. Mickey, after I go and vote. And after I blog. Maybe


  9. I am so glad you wrote 'beetle' after the rhino! hehehe

    Thank YOU too for liking my pictures. They are hard to take for me. (I zoom. A lot)!



  10. Nope.
    Stink bugs are way littler than their huge spits.


  11. It's some kind of beetle.....now if it was a palmetto bug you would have been peeling me off the ceiling.

  12. These are all over my front yard....I like them!

  13. Miss Punk looks Happy with that big smile! I love seeing her. When is she going to blog again? Tell her she needs to get busy.

    Oh...look...there are flowers here too! LOL!

  14. I just love rivers, streams and waterfalls Anna

  15. I have no idea about this beetle Anna

  16. Ours did not come up this year

  17. And Punk :-) Don't forget the dog

  18. They are nice about $2.13 AU a punnet here Anna or $2.78 USA for 410 grams = 14.50 ounces or
    2.50 GBP = 4.02934 USD at 2011 Wimbledon for 10 Strawberries. ( I think I can go without thank you ) people just grow their own like Casey does here Anna they are so easy to grow hey mate

  19. Now who in their right mind names a plant Salvia, wait I have good news for you Anna.

    Salvia AKA Salvia Divinorum is a psychoactive plant which can induce dissociative effects and is a potent producer of "visions" and other hallucinatory experiences.

    Anna you have my address I'll be waiting for the mail mate :D
    ( Just some seeds and I'll become the gardener in the house ;-)

  20. Have seen this paddock in so many ways now, full of cabbages and workers I think ?

  21. You have lots of plants there and around your house

  22. That and the others are wheel hubs if I'm correct ?
    They look really nice

  23. DUH I should have read underneath before commenting up there

  24. All the plants and flowers you have in your garden look lovely Anna, we have mainly natives as they don't require a lot of water and they grow well in the area,

    Still waiting on that Salvia Anna :D

    Lovely photos all over Anna

  25. Sweet Donna;
    I noticed those "eyes" too! It must be able to see almist 360 degrees without even turning it's head!
    ...whatever it is! hehehe

    I don't know what a palmetto bug is, but I will look it up later. But this one was HUGE and completely pitch black.

    I love those little violets too. They sure are proliferate.
    I can't believe that some people spray to get rid of them! (that is very near to sin for me to even think of).


  26. Sweet PeachieBaby!
    Miss Punk sure has been downright lazy, hasn't she? I shall have to speak with her about this!

    Bee Balm (Mexican Hat), and some others. Too funny you are...


  27. Mr Lester!
    You "DUH"ed yourself, and make me laugh!!!!

    I love the river too- Canoe in? hehehe- Only if you know eactly where the rocks are. And ONLY when the river is this high!

    But look at all the topsoil in the river then. Sad for that.

    We do not eat bugs. hehehe
    Casey collected these! I think they are the japanese beetles before they morph into themselves. ick.

    Your WTH question? I have no idea. It was on Casey's car.

    Sorry about your daffodils! Probably because you are so temperate in Winter that they never got their freezing.
    Next time you buy some, put them in the freezer for a couple of months first. Then plant them. Dig them out every year.

    Notice the lilacs in the picture with Punk and me. She was trying to eat them! Too funny!

    Now, WTH is a "punnet"????
    (Should you be talking like that on my site)?!? hehehe ~<|:-)

    I do know about the salvia... Some people smoke it in place of pot. They swear it works. (Don't look at me. I have NO idea which kind I have)!
    Did you really want me to send you some? You are weird.

    Those pots you love? They are old axles off the old wagons.

    Those workers were out there yesterday in this godforsaken heat, with LONG SLEEVES too.
    I have come to the conclusion that they are legally insane.

    The field you like is the 'before' picture! I hated it because I couldn't see my flowers and my bush; save for the very top. Besides, too many ticks in field grasses.

    You can touch the Bee flowers at night. During the day it is full of bumbles. Will try to get you a shot of that. (Eek)!
    - Must remember I can't run... (But I damn well would anyway if there were bumbles coming after me)!


    I giggled at your comment on the gaggle of geese!

  28. Sweet SissyKrissiePoo!
    YAY!!! They really ARE poppyseeds!
    (I should have known I was missing the obvious)!



  29. Thank you Sweet Pea!
    It really does look the same, except mine had a bigger backside!
    I have NEVER EVER seen such a thing before!!!!!
    But I do know it would have taken me back more than a few steps had i seen it alive!

