but just look at how many places can be broken on one little vertebra!!!
Trust me it sucks.
You'd better grab a cup of coffee. I seem to have gotten a bit longwinded here!
Sorry 'bout that.
Good Afternoon All;
I have been totally remiss in writing. My apologies. Polly even called from Wyoming to find out what was up. (She knows when I'm not feeling the greatest by when I write).
The thing is there is nothing, (most days), beside pain to write about.
Yes, I have 2 more fractures.
I am now up to close to 2 dozen, if not more... (I don't ask, and it doesn't really matter to mu Dx.).
Check out the picture above and you can see that there are many sides and extensions to one vertebra.
I can easily break one little vertebra any number of times. What a cool trick! j/k
My back is directly related now to my teeth. And here I thought the ankle bone was connected to...).
I had a dental appointment yesterday.
My last 'plan' of attack with the DDS office was to have certain teeth gone, then to have a bridge made. That can no longer be done, and now I have to sit through a few (2) root canals.
Say "crap".
Then he referred me elsewhere as he doesn't even want to look in my mouth because I had taken the Reclast, (zoledronic acid), for my osteoporosis.
Once you take Reclast, you can have nothing done that might affect your jaw in any way.
guilty as charged. I dragged my heels long enough regarding the necessary work to my mouth.
Still, in all fairness to me, I could not have work done with going to Minnesota all the time. (By the way, that is NOT a complaint. It simply is the way it is).
I found a very good article on Osteoporosis here.
Do that click. I will have to reread it a few times so everything sinks in.
(I swear that I look like the lady in the picture)! hehehe OK, maybe not that bad.
A few sentences:
" Some 44 million people in the United States are at risk for this potentially debilitating disease, which is responsible for 1.5 million fractures (broken bones) annually. These fractures, which are often the first sign of the disease, can affect any bone, but the most common locations are the hip, spine, and wrist. Breaks in the hip and spine are of special concern because they almost always require hospitalization and major surgery, and may lead to other serious consequences, including permanent disability and even death."
- end quoted text
* I am also thinking on starting an osteoporosis page, somewhere, that would chronicle my own trip through this debilitating disease.
Speaking of root canals and dentists, they seem to be contagious somehow. Casey will be going in tomorrow. (Paying Midwest dental a TON of money a few short years ago, she has just learned that many of those fillings have cavities UNDER the filling itself). Mad to hear that, I would have her just go back and demand correction, but they closed down- out of business- a year ago.
One of her root canals just fell apart in her mouth last night while she was flossing. What an awful thing to have happen!
Greg's dad is a dentist, but he is not her dentist- as he practices 90 miles away.
I had my monthly pain management appointment last week. My b.p. was 162/108! This is comparable to the highest it has ever been for me. I have a call in to get a refill on the Micardis-80. It will help with my migraines too. Am battling a migraine as I type- It began about 10:30 or so, complete with the aura, and the barfies. (And yes, I took my meds for it). I hate when they don't work as well as they should! I took my blood pressure just to check and it was 147/97.
Keep in mind that we all, (my daughters and I) have always had borderline LOW blood pressure.
(Normal" for me is about 90/58).
Must make note to pick up that RX tomorrow.
I also ate one of Polly's chocolates for my head. Thank you Polly! These seem to help it too. Now if only I had a Mountain Dew laying around. (Yes, what sets off migraines also has a tendency to cure them).
According to the Bizarre Holidays section on my top page, it is National Nude Day.
(I am glad they made this 'day' in the midst of Summer- Whew. Things could get a little nippy)! hehehe
Speaking of naked... hehehe
Did I hear correctly on my news this morning?
Ted Danson is going to be heading up CSI- where Lawrence Fishburne left off? Should be interesting. (CSI is one of the shows that I record). And I haven't even finished watching the last 4 shows from this past season. Too bad that now i know how it will end. ;-(
Oh well.
The results from our first round of voting tells me that the real Democrats in Wisconsin have easily beat their "Fake" counterparts.
What is a "fake Democrat" you ask? It is but a Republican who puts his name on the Democrats ballot.
So happy I am that people were paying attention- AND intelligent enough to vote as they did!
Happy too that our infamous governor Walker was disrespected at Gateway Technical College. The protesters drowned him out! Click here for that story.
What else have I missed?
Oh yeah- Casey Anthony. As I had commented on several other blogs:
"I am at a loss for words here kids-
Am I the only person who was nauseated by those parents?
There is something horribly wrong with that entire family.
Brother is in love with his sister- Mama lies under oath (or maybe not)
Papa also lies on the stand.
Murder One? And all on Casey's shoulders? I don't think so.
Daughter hasn't ever been made to accept responsibility for anything. I sincerely believe Mommy and Daddy know one hell of a lot more than they are telling. I think they hold a certain culpability with this baby's death also. BUT DAMNED IF I KNOW WHAT IT IS
Methinks the jurors must have known what "innocent until proven guilty" means.
There was no proof of anything; save for the lies."
* Now can we please get on with our lives and stop the BS?
Stumbled on this cute little saying from The Old Farmers Almanac.
"Hoarfrost and gypsies never stay nine days in a place."
Maybe I shall become a gypsy now? Methinks it really would be a LOT of fun!
I like the weather forecast for today. High to be only in the upper 70's,, and almost none of that nasty humidity. Nice! So I suppose I should cut lawn today.
Tomorrow, and forward we are to be heading back up to the 80's, (and the 90's by Sunday), AND that godforsaken humidity will return too. Say "UGH."
Since I don't want to be mowing hay again I will try to get that done. ("Try" being the definitive word).
Interesting fact about the USA's weather from here. "There were close to 700 tornadoes in April, shattering that month's previous record by at least 400, and breaking the previous record for any month by more than 100. The approximately 1,400 tornadoes through the first half of the year are more than the US had in all of 2010!"
Another weather notation here claims,
"In 2011, there have already been eight U.S. weather-related disasters causing at least a billion dollars in damage, by far the most ever for the first half of a calendar year."
They just said we may get rain this afternoon, so outside I go!
My love to all. Stay happy and cool!
Me -aka- "The worlds first gypsy who owns a Cub Cadet!" hehehe
vertebra picture from here
I LOVE my Cub Cadet!!!! LOLOLOLOL
ReplyDeleteOsteoporosis is a horrible disease. One never knows who it will strike. I too need tooth work done. Need to find a dentist first, lol.
That sucks about your BP. Mine has been up a bit but I think it's because of my weight.
Mmmmm, chocolate and Mt Dew. All that caffeine should fix a migraine, LOL.
Don't think I'll participate in National Nude Day. Believe me, no one wants to see me nude!! LMAO
The weather has been interesting here also. HOT and muggy but now nice. Mid 80's. Moderate humidity.
Rain forecast for tomorrow and Saturday here, 40% anyway.
I love you and pray you have a wonderfilled day.
That's not what Rick said...
ReplyDeleteSweet Snotball;
ReplyDeleteYou are quite perfect the way you are!
I am now, up to, (down to?), 46 pounds that I have lost since the beginning of the year. Maybe that's a side effect of something too? God knows I eat enough. hehehe (And "good" too).
Sweet Annie,
ReplyDeleteYou din't lose it, it came to KY and is hanging around my hips!! LOL
Don't you have any Native American clinics by you?
ReplyDeleteYou have an Indian card. Call that clinic. They will take you and fix you in a heartbeat.
Otherwise, just call the number on the back of the card and ask them where you can go for help.
YAY! I just found you a dentist. (You're welcome)!!!
Except that real chocolate has bromine in it. No caffeine. But they are much alike.
ReplyDelete(If it has caffeine in it, it's watered down chocolate).
Dark chocolate is still best, and even GOOD for you.
Dearest Sister,
ReplyDeleteYOU are the one with a card. I'm the "poser" according to some as all the info I have is word of mouth and not concrete.
I love you!!!
VERY good for you. Even good for diabetics! LOL Rick likes that part of it, lol.
ReplyDeleteI thought carob was the one that didn't have caffeine and chocolate was the one that did? LOL See, i'm not real smart sometimes.
ReplyDeleteThat is NOT true Sweet Snotball Seester of mine.
ReplyDeletePunk has it hanging around her middle.
ReplyDeleteWell, go get one you silly woman.
I'll wait.
The dark chocolate does have a bit of a tang to it. But that is what's the best part.
ReplyDeleteJust received this note from Casey:
"Yesterday at around 5pm I noticed that my right ankle and foot was swollen. I decided to try ice and ibuprofen, hoping that would take care of it. It didn't so I called the on-call nurse at around 7:30pm. She told me to keep doing the ice and the ibuprofen, but since it was only on one side, and no pain was involved with it nor was there redness/hot area anywhere, that she wasn't too concerned about it... She told me if it got worse or didn't go away by today then I should call them again.
Well, it's still swollen.... AND, around 4am I noticed that the ankle on the other side was swollen! I slept until about 8am, and [have just called the doctor]."
After all the problems I have had with my teeth, I still cringe at reading about the dental problems others are having. I "feel" your pain! Literally!
ReplyDeleteYou said Casey's root canal "fell apart." How does that happen? Did the tooth come out in pieces? Did she have any pain with it when it came out while flossing? Years ago I had a crown put on a back tooth. Lately it has appeared to loosen a bit and has been causing me some pain. I honestly thought he did a root canal before putting the crown on. Because I didn't think it should be hurting if it had no root in there. Apparently the root is still with me.
Anne, from what I remember about what the doctors told my granny years ago, you can crack those vertebrates in your back just by inhaling and exhaling. And with bone issues, its even easier.
Sure hope your pain is manageable some for today. Back problems makes everything hurt. And when neither standing, sitting or laying down helps with that relief any, it feels 100 times worse. Gravity it our enemy! Wish I could afford a trip to live in outer space. Can you imagine a night of sleep with absolutely NO pressure points from a hard mattress.
LOL! National Nude Day?? Not for me. LOL! I still scare away all the Charlie Brown characters on the shower curtain!
Hello everyone....I'm back saying hello and sorry to hear your back is still causing you lots of pain. Is
ReplyDeletemowing a very good exercise for it??? I'm not being rude, I'm just wondering if you are causing yourself
much more pain.
I hope everything is ok with us because the last time I was over here I wrote to you and you never answered. Maybe you just missed it?
The dinner dishes are calling me and I am so cold I could cry. All the hot flashes are gone and I am left
with goose bumps the size of grapes!! jk Well they feel that way!
Take care and be safe. Lots of hugs and prayers are with you.
Bev xo
I just got here and we are going out for our morning coffee so I shall be back hehehehe I cracked a funny without knowing it
ReplyDeleteVery cool reply Sweet PeachieBaby!
ReplyDeleteAbout my teeth. They don't hurt, save for every now and then. That may or may not be because I am on some heavy duty pain pills for my back.
But we have been planning this since before Casey's TP/AIT-
Like my pain pump implant I will need direct supervision for about a week. Thus far, Casey is unreliable because of all her own problems. hehehe That's ok, I'm patient.
"Casey's root canal "fell apart." How does that happen? Did the tooth come out in pieces?"
It came out in more than a few pieces. Therefore the tooth was prepared wrong for the crown.
The pain YOU experience is because little bits of food and drink work their way into the crack(s) of that tooth. Use Listerine or peroxide as directed on the bottle after every meal, snack or soda. (Just don't swallow)! hehehe At the very least, it will buy you time.
The nerves are dead, I promise; or you would have had terrible, awful, excruciating pain from Day 1 & onward.
Those bits of food can cause infection to the tissues surrounding.
(Busted Peachie! You aren't taking your garlic, are you)?
As far as pain when the tooth comes out. I didn't ask Casey about hers, but I have had a few crack on me. I grind my teeth when I sleep, AND I used to eat popcorn seeds that I cracked before swallowing.
You asked if it hurt when they came out, or fell apart? Not one bit.
But before you play with it, or whatever, please o to the drugstore and get some "Temparin". In the event that it does hurt when it comes out at least you can apply that and stop the pain. It has to be cleaned (again Listerine or peroxide) before you use the tooth repair kit. Rinse thoroughly with fresh water, and wait til it's bone dry. I put guaze in around that tooth so it soaks up your saliva in the meantime. And yes, that is SO easy to use too.
I had to buy one of those vials when we were in Minnesota for one of Casey's surgeries, and OH was I thankful that CVS had them! It was way below zero, eating, drinking and even breathing made my tooth ache so deeply- It was awful!
My pain was gone (well, after I got through the mouth wash part), but just as soon as I put the temparin on.
My back was 'livable' until I mowed. Unfortunately I either re-injured one that is healing, or it's # 3 for the week. (Me no likey).
I need a cradle seat for the Cub Cadet! hehehe
Yes, my back just keeps getting worse and worse and worse. That is just so EFFING frustrating!
One would think all the Vitamin D, Oyster shell calcium and even the Reclast would have started working by now! Apparently such is not the case. I must not be metabolizing them right.
What?! Digestive problems in THIS family?!?! You have GOT to be kidding!
I will be putting my best effort into Nat'l Nude Day, And with my best foot forward too [groan]- (Just as soon as my Rx kicks in and I can crawl in the shower)! hehehe
Sweet Bev!
ReplyDeleteWhere have you been? I have missed you so! You are a big tease. You always say you are coming back... and then some months later, sure enough you do! hehehe
Have you had your thyroid checked lately? Mine makes me cold/hot if I forget to take my Synthroid.
If you do your dishes in some nice warm water, you will be toasty in no time. (That is why I leave supper dishes until morning in Winter. hehehe Works like a charm!
Have you had any of the stifling murderous heat this year?Does it get that hot where you are?
Now THAT is dangerous!
Take care
You may have written to me on a day that my fingers do not correctly function, and I can't type at all. Those are the days that I just read, and move on.
If you add a comment to the original note it will reappear for me. Please do this if you can?
ReplyDeleteToo funny you are! But Lester, are you going for coffee in the nude then?
hehehe (Sounds dangerous)!
Mmmm not sure if I like March 8th idea of Be Nasty Day Anna as I thought that was 364 days of the year for some people ahrdeat ( Damn I'm going to leave that word as I typed it, but is meant to be "already" )
ReplyDeleteIt is 8C or 46 F outside at the moment Anna and there is NO way on Gods green earth that I am stepping outside nude today LMBO
Nude day for me is really from November through to March as it is very hot here then and I wear very little then anyway, mainly Sarongs and Batiks from Asia, we do have a lot of nude beaches and Naturalist Holiday resorts around here but getting Julie to one is like pushing a mud up hill.
As for that awful disease named osteoporosis it is a shame that so many people have it and it causes such injuries as you have and the crippling outward signs of it, however it to shall be looked further into as we progress with new medical break through.
Good luck with everything Anna and please look after yourself to the best of your capabilities OK
( ahrdeat ) and you should here the things I say some times even Julie can make no sense of it.
Following the links ref quotes I saw that it was mainly Politician's who made most of the stupid quotes, that should warn us that some of them are questionable I think.
I had a bone scan and was diagnosed with Osteopenia in January of this year. So I am taking Calcium with Vit D twice a day. My dentist told me at my most recent dental visit (they always ask if there has been any new medical diagnosis) to stick with the calcium and not go on the other osteoporosis drugs. I see there is a reason now that I have read your blog.