[My] Life in Wisconsin

Now Wisconsin is on to bigger, (and vastly more important), things... OUT WITH WALKER!!!


  1. Annie, given the mixed results of the election (at least, that's how they appear to a fellow from the Left Coast here), do you think it's possible to 'get Walker'?

    As mentioned, the Teabaggers and their Koch-suckers are shovelling tons of money into this to sway lesser-developed minds....


  2. Thank you Sayn;
    We are SURE gonna try!


  3. Will;
    It IS mixed- and many people are thoroughly sick by the results.
    That said, "P*SSED" is not even close.
    Hell hath fury like a scorned Democrat in Wisconsin.


    Our motto is FORWARD for a reason. hehehe


  4. From my email...
    ANNE, Last night, we stood in a crowded square outside the state Capitol in Madison. Teachers, fire fighters, police officers, moms, and dads chanted, "This is what democracy looks like." It was powerful. And as the election results came in, something else was clear: The voters are powerful. When Republicans declared war on working families, we could have retreated. But together, we took the fight onto their home turf and put them on defense for a change. And in 2 of 6 Republican strongholds, we won. History will deem last night a victory for progressives. Here are some key facts: Gov. Scott Walker no longer has a working majority in the Senate. His extreme anti-worker bill passed by only 2 votes, thanks to 1 moderate Republican. Our 2 wins are game changing.If last night's election was statewide, Democrats would have won in a landslide. We forced neck-and-neck races in Republican areas. In 2012, if Democrats achieve last night's rate of success in Republican House districts, Speaker Nancy Pelosi will have a 274-seat majority.  We sent a national message that when Republican politicians hurt working families, voters will punish them -- even in Republican areas.We also proved that when Democrats stand strong for progressive principles -- as Wisconsin Democrats did -- they will be rewarded by voters and volunteers. Thanks for all you did to achieve last night's historic success.    PCCC members made 382,623 calls to voters, gave over 120,000 grassroots donations, and helped air 5 powerful TV ads. Yesterday, one "Call Out The Vote" volunteer even called Jennifer Schilling, who defeated Dan Kapanke last night -- she said to tell everyone thank you!   <div style="font-family: trebuchet
