I need a bit of a favor... Pretty please?
Out of curiosity, if you would look in your local papers, under the politics section, I am very curious to know what other places/towns/people might be saying about Wisconsin's recall elections? (And most especially in the comments sections of said articles).
Links are fine, but it will take me a while to get through them all (damned dial~up).
Quotes, with links- even better.
I have a pain appointment this morning, then maybe i will be OK to mow a bit of the lawns around here.
At any rate, I'll be back!
Have a 'wunnaful' Thursday!
ReplyDeleteNosy aren't you? (imho, you are gutless and bigoted too). <--- That's what i think of teabaggers.
Is that all you can do is lurk?
You keep coming by, and most days jump on my page the very moment I post something?! What's up with that?
You read, yet you seem to have lost your voice.
So gutless that you have me blocked, so perhaps I should return the favor?
I have a picture for you and will post it shortly... hehehe
ReplyDeleteI can't remember where I stole this from... Perhaps from one of my "tru" friends.
Well, you and I apparently disagree completely about the Tea Bag party and my guess is that you have never been to a rally. That aside....my local paper can barely be bothered to cover politics in our own town, so covering anything in WI is a bit outside of their capabilities. Are you guys recalling your legislature? You should you know, after the democrats showed their asses over the state budget debate.
ReplyDeleteYou know what I did look to see if others had posted. I have always read your posts. I do not post because You are a very unhappy negative person and for some reason decided I am an enemy.Sorry but I am no one's enemy. I am not a political anything. I am an American that thinks all of our politicians are corrupt . I am sorry you are so hate filled that you felt the need to attack me personally. We all must live ours lives as best we can. Sorry yours is so miserable. I will refrain from reading your posts here after. Best wishes for a happier life for you and yours.
ReplyDeleteI know this comment wasn't for me, but....
ReplyDeleteNo, I've never been to a Teabagger rally. I've never been to a Skinhead gathering, or puked in public, either.
I've never been to a Tea Party rally, because I know how to spell. I also know how to read. Both are, quite apparently, not necessary in Tea Party circles.
I also have an education - something else that's absent with their lot.
Lastly, I'm not a clueless moron:
That said, Annie, there's nary a peep in the local papers or other media here in Portland about the Wisconsin elections. I imagine we'll hear about it when it's over - it was front-page news here and all over TV and radio when the sit-in occurred earlier this year.
ReplyDeleteGo back to RD!
ReplyDeletelove this --
ReplyDeleteI am sorry that you are so ignorant that you cant associate with someone as kind, intelligent and humane as the person you are lying about.
ReplyDeleteMay God help you get over your bitterness and false righteousness.
Well, thank you for letting me know this all. I would never have known not to listen to you had you not tried to second-guess me about the Tea Baggers. hehehe
Apparently you own a town? I am duly impressed. That is, unless you might be wrong about what everyone in your town thinks. (And *that* would be impressive indeed)!
Most honestly because politics in Wisconsin has been heard all the way to Australia.
I guess this means my next favorite lurker won't be showing their silly face here anymore either? Gee, how sad. I trust you'll be staying on azlicks page from now on?
FYI, I have been to plenty of rallies- Why would you say such an inappropriate and inane little thing?
OH! You mean TeaBaggers Rally's? *WHY* would I go to something that would only sicken me.
(You must have missed the part about having no use for selfish bigots).
Our Wisconsin Fab 14 have much prettier asses than any TP'ers or GOPee'ers.
ReplyDeleteYou do not post because you already have learned the hard way that disagreeing with me gets you nowhere.
And THAT my dear is because I post the FACTS and the LINKS to prove them.
It's not my fault if you think otherwise.
Thinkin' don't (and won't) ever make it right, especially the way YOU think.
So go ahead- Keep on posting your lies- you know, the ones you can never prove...
Again, (yes, even with this wretched remark), I have only posted the truth.
Now should you like me to look up all the times you proclaimed that you ARE political, then change your mind, then see-saw back and forth between TP and GOP and Independent... I can do that too. (But I don't think you want that)!
No, Tess?Tee? (whatever you are called), I am not hateful. But I do abhor cheaters, liars and ignorant twits.
You have already been told about 1,000 times how much the truth hurts. (And that's only by me- you know there's plenty others where I come from),
If that makes me hateful, then it *must* be so. AMF.
Oh just go away.
"SHOO". (Just mean it this time, and keep your lackeys over at your place).
Thank you Will!
ReplyDeleteGuess I should read all the comments first...
Like yourself, I would NEVER ever want to be photographed holding onto such ignorance, on the outside, or the inside.
Now where is "Amercia", and why does it need Gods blessing?
ReplyDeleteBless me father for I have sinned- I puked in public.
In a snowbank.
After a few too many sloe screws.
ReplyDeleteAnd we LOVE you!
Oh my goodness!
ReplyDeleteMy heart is quite happy!
Thank you SO very much for your compliment!
Can't afford to buy a paper right now after having been laid off after 23 years because I'd reached the highest pay bracket, and a Chicago Tribune is now a buck. That's a lot for a daily paper. Especially since the $20 a week that I have to spend from my unemployment check after rent and utilities doesn't go very far, dispite my laziness and lack of desire to look for another job. (After all, I've got $20 a week to spend just about any way I want! To buy food, to feed the cats, get toothpaste, anything!.) But seriously, I'd be willing to bet that whatever is going on politically in Wisconsin is a long way from page one here in Chicago.
ReplyDeleteMr. Whatzit;
ReplyDeleteIs the Trib online?
Just curious- I didn't mean for anyone to go out and buy a paper.
But I do think Will is correct- It fired up earlier this year, and it will again... next week I bet!
Hang in there please!!!
ReplyDeleteAll I could find on latest news.
Associated Press
1:38 p.m. CDT, August 3, 2011
A government watchdog organization reports nearly 30 outside groups have spent millions in Wisconsin's Senate recall elections.
The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign reports 29 groups that are required to register campaign fund-raising and spending with state election officials reported spending $12.5 million in the recalls.
Campaign finance reports filed with the state show We Are Wisconsin, a coalition of labor unions, raised $9.7 million and spent $7.9 million.
Voters upset with legislators' stances on Gov. Scott Walker's contentious collective bargaining law launched recall efforts against nine senators this past spring.
Sen. Dave Hansen, a Green Bay Democrat, survived his recall election last month. Elections involving six Republican incumbents are set for Tuesday. Two more Democrats face elections on Aug. 16.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the link and the info.
I now have 9 windows open, and a plethora of tabs too.
Not all as it applies to this blog, but all due to thanks to you!
This from my email...
With the senate recall elections next Tuesday, we need just 3 more seats to take back the state senate. And it’s going to take all of us to make this happen!
We have come a long way since the protests in February: through the fight over the budget, the shenanigans of the fake Democratic candidates, the blatant gerrymandering of our state.
We’ve witnessed one abuse of power after another.
With your help, we can secure the 3 victories needed to stop this pattern of power-abuse and bring real leadership back Madison.
The momentum is on our side.
Senator Hansen’s landslide victory in Green Bay on July 19th was just the beginning, and Scott Walker’s cronies know their backs are against the wall. They are resorting to every last trick in the book to spread misinformation to the people of Wisconsin in a last ditch effort to cling to power.
They are backed by corporate special interests and we need your help to fight back.
We urge you to volunteer your time in the coming days to ensure wins in all 6 races. We are providing direct links to the candidates’ websites below where you can sign up to volunteer today!
Nancy Nusbaum – Senate District 2 http://www.nancyforsenate.com/
Sandy Pasch – Senate District 8 http://sandyforsenate.com/
Shelly Moore – Senate District 10 http://mooreforwisconsin.com/
Fred Clark – Senate District 14 http://www.clarkforwisconsin.org/
Jessica King – Senate District 18 http://www.jessicakingforsenate.com/
Jennifer Shilling – Senate District 32 http://www.jennifershilling.com/
This fight for the senate has been long. Let’s finish it, and let’s finish strong!
Your Friends at United Wisconsin.com
Happy Reading!
Good luck, Annie! This needs to happen, for several reasons - among them, showing the rest of America that if we focus and pay attention to these things, we CAN win against the big-money interests.
ReplyDeleteAll they have is money - which they use to brainwash the masses through the media. We're a minority, those of us who actually Stayed Awake in Class, but we CAN win!
Good luck!
Annie, I ran across this article this morning - if you can believe it, one of the GOP arseholes being recalled is now whining that the process isn't 'fair' - "If you don't like what we did, wait for 2012," was the statement.
ReplyDeleteThis person, and all the rest of them, should be happy they're not hanging from iron cages in front of the capitol building: http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/08/wis-goper-if-you-dont-like-what-we-did-wait-for-2012-instead-of-recalling-me.php
Nothing here in Australia Anna,
ReplyDeleteOh and while I'm here I am sorry I didn't comment on your
" Where's God While these things are happening?" blog,
I think you realise why my friend :-)
ReplyDeleteWe ARE trying, aren't we.
Too bad wealth isn't based on intelligence. I could use a little more of both.
The political recall/elect ads on TV here are nauseating and downright "st00pid"- Most not even election material.
... And if that's the way people get elected, or not, in Wisconsin, then I am even MORE embarrassed to be a part of any of it.
Thank you Will.
Now there's a woman that is scared shitless and witless.
ReplyDeleteDo they really think that their own actions have no consequences?
Thank you again Will.
As an aside, (and a silly break for my thoughts on this 'process').
From my gut came the "WHOA" when I saw such a -ahem- 'flattering' shot of her...
Then, as always I do, I read the comments... Came this one, by Nancy Irving "Given that all GOPers are two-faced, I'd hate to see her other one."
I couldn't help but smile. Sorry.
Also, this one- very much in line with your link Will.
"Prosecutors examine bribery claims in Wisconsin recall race"
Gee. Ya think???