Good Morning All;
Kelli called, waking me up- or I would still be asleep. (Thank you Miss Kelli).
See. she wanted to know what happened after the rescue squad took Casey away last night...
Still in the yard- Trying to find a vein. (Yeah right). hehehe Poor guy.
Casey and I had just actually sat down about 5 minutes before.
She was telling me that her arm hurt as she thought maybe she had a blood clot in it.
Remembering how they had measured Randy's leg when he had his stroke, I used a tape measure from my sewing box to measure the blood clot on her left arm.
There was little difference between arms, though I could easily 'feel' what she was talking about. A vertical lump flowing 'up' her arm toward the shoulder.
All the while I'm thinking she has never even had a PICC Line in this arm.
I gave her an aspirin. We agreed that she would go in and see her physician today-
Neither of us having any energy, we settled to watch some silly show about fishing- ?
This had been her choice.
She had said, "Oh I saw this once and it was pretty good."
(Yes, it was a very odd choice, for her, but we watched it anyway)...
Of a sudden, Casey leaned forward in the Lazy-boy and started stammering and mumbling her words.
Punk was just immediately standing in front of her-
Thank God for Punk- Casey was petting, holding on to her, tight. Had the dog not been there, I do think that Casey would have toppled right off the chair.
What I actually heard while this happened was very little-
What I *knew* was that this was NOT going to wait 'til tomorrow.
She needed to go to the hospital. Now.
No way was I messing with someone who might be having a stroke- getting her out to the car (how?), and driving her in.
I couldn't even have carried her, lest I drop her, with respect to my back...
She was flush- sputtering nonsense, and holding onto the dog (who stood very strong in front of her).
All that had happened in just a matter of a few seconds...
I called 911.
The rescue squad was here within about 4 minutes, though of course it seemed longer.
(I'd been told by the 911 gal to remove Punk from Casey and lock the pup in the bathroom).
I got Casey removed to the couch.
Long story short(er), she is ok. Casey, not Punk.
(Well, Punk is ok too, having survived being shut in the can). hehehe
I asked the 911 girl, Lisa, to call Randy and tell him what was going on. (He was still on duty)- She said she would do so immediately.
The poor guys in the rescue squad never were able to get that line started-
Once at the hospital, they ordered a bunch of tests- Along with a doppler U/S; some heart tests, and a head CT Scan-
Many blood tests too that won't be back for 72 hours- It will seem like a long wait for those to come back.
Mr. Greg got there as she was taken to the CT Dept. (Thank you "I guess" hehehe).
As I stated earlier, Punk is OK too.
I had called Kelli almost immediately when the squad had left the yard. (And holy crap!, the sheriff dept had even blocked off the road so the ambulance could be on its way).
Kelli had been on her way home- on her cell- and with a bad connection too. I'd asked Kelli to come over and let Punk out as I was only going to throw her some food and leave.
So I did.
Feed, and leave.
Kelli told me they had come down here, Punk had played and played- running around full speed ahead as dogs will do at times- (Kelli thought Punk was maybe looking for me).
At one point, Punk had even hid behind the willow tree- peeking out at Kelli- Literally begging a walk/run to the woods-
Kelli had no energy after a long day at work, so that was not going to happen; especially in the dark! hehehe
She came inside then, filling the water dish for the animals.
Then, unbeknownst to me, she gave Punk a little more food- She'd felt so bad for Punk.
When I got back here, Punk was all over me; and running to Casey's side of the car-
(I had tried to tell her that Casey was not in there). It didn't work, so she'd squealed a bit, I opened the car and let her see for herself.
Satisfied that Casey was not there, she ran over by Casey's car-
Then we could come back inside...
Feeling sorry for my little waif, I fed her again, knowing that upset causes hunger- (At least it does for me).
Punk was so happy about this that she actually took her time, savoring each little bite...
Weird that- She is quite the voracious eater. (I would hate to see her flunk that hand test they do on Animal Planet).
And so it was that when Kelli called this morning I learned that the old girl (Punk, not Kelli), had been fed her supper 3 times last night!
No damn wonder she hadn't waken me at 5 to demand her breakfast! hehehe
So now it is time for my shower- Casey has another appointment at 11:30 and I will be bringing her there.
Have a 'wunnaful' Friday- As always, I shall keep you all posted.
My love to all.
hope she and you are feeling better...keep warm it's starting to get chill around here.
ReplyDeleteThanks Neal-
ReplyDeleteOK- Off to shower!
Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers!
ReplyDeleteWill be keeping you all in our prayers. I know how scary blood clots can be...and its not been that long ago you know.
ReplyDeleteGlad you had given her a asprin and that they got her to the hospital quickly. Happy also she wasn't at home alone when this all happened. Punk is good at paying attention to you both. She deserved 3
Keep us informed. Hugs to all of you .
My heart is pounding with worry for Casey. Hope they find the cause of this incident and are able to patch her up for a little longer.
ReplyDeletePrayers and Big Hugs for you both! And Punk too! Bless her furball heart. She truly loves you both and knows when something is wrong.
yes please keep us updated. Prayers for Casey and You!!
Just checking in. Hope you all are just resting. At home.
ReplyDeleteChecking in to see if there's an update.
ReplyDeleteWorried about both of you. . .
Anna I hope that Casey pulls through this and I know it was a scare for you indeed, please take it as easy as you possible can Anna, our thoughts are with you all
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry- to ALL of you- for not getting back here sooner.
She was OK yesterday afternoon, around 5:30 or so.
I have not yet heard from either one of them today so I am guessing that all is well.
As for me, I am just so much a slug here. hehehe
Love to all
What was it? Any news yet?
ReplyDeleteand more importantly is she ok?
Hey Anne
ReplyDeleteThat was a scary thing. I'm glad Casey got to the hospital as soon as she did. I hope that what ever it is, it can be fixed with meds. Prayers going out your way.
She is fine. I promise! Finer than peach fuzz.Finer than frog fur.Finer than cashmere.Finer than split ends split 6 ways.Finer than... ... OK, your turn. heheheXOXOMama D.
ReplyDeleteI really don't know what it was/is.
ReplyDeleteThe blood tests should be back tomorrow at some point. They told us it took 72 hours before we know about those.
Not DVT though-
They said that because it seems to be a superficial blood clot that it shouldn't pose a threat of stroke.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if they even gave her any more Rx to take home-
... Save for the IV that helped manage the pain she had at the top of her brain. (NOT a migraine either).
Thanks Bob.
Glad to see she is ok. Those blood clots, even if you aren't sure it is one, is not something to shrug off lightly. Better to get help right away than to wait and find out later that something could have been done to prevent a fatal outcome. And sometimes, even that won't stop it.
ReplyDeleteI was just reading that the effects of any (that's what it said) stroke can be reversed if treated within the first three hours. Most people try to ignore the symptoms until it's too late. Good thing you took her in right away. (The aspirin was a good idea, too!) Glad she's feeling better. :-)
ReplyDeletefiner than english china....
ReplyDeleteI have heard that too.
ReplyDeleteFor (a few?) years now they have a drug to be given that will counter any potential damage to a body that has had a stroke.
But yes, the only way it works is if it is administered within those 1st three hours.
I was too afraid to drive her- it had the potential to get much worse during that ride, and I wanted no responsibility for that. Coward that i am, I called 911.
Even with the 5 miles to get here, they got her there much faster than I could have dreamed of; though I got there pretty darn fast myself...
I have NO idea where the county cop came from either- Just that all of a sudden he materialized in my living room. hehehe
(It was he who had the road blocked off so that the squad could leave quickly).
Miss Lisa, (on the other end @ 911), and after I had said that Casey was actually hanging in the dog to support herself, did manage to get the point across to remove Punk from the scene.
ReplyDeleteI think now what "might have happened" had Punk *not* been put in the bathroom.
Oh, she was mad!!! (I never put her in there and then close the door).
And most especially when/once the team was all here- She could hear them talking with myself, and with Casey too.
She ran like hell once I let her back out- No Casey anywhere in the house- (Wonder what she is thinking, "Geez Anne, you lost my Casey)?!"
But then she sat at the door...
A few moments later when I left her out she circled the now nonexistent rescue squad- Then checked where each and every one of the tire prints were in the snow- She chose to stop at where the rear of the truck had been (where Casey had gotten into the back of it).
Smart protocol there- Guess I never gave it a thought-
- Though I must have, once when Gabriel had eaten Rick's Glipizide; and then one other time when I had to call for Casey too.
Must bug the neighbors too- Though they are not the busybodies to ever ask.
Very happy that Casey is o.k. and also you and Punk. It must have been very scarey. Poor Punk, I'm sure she couldn't
ReplyDeleteunderstand what was going on. To be thrown in the bathroom with the door closed must have been really bad for her.
Glad it all turned out o.k.
Bev xo