[My] Life in Wisconsin

Full List - Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About the Green Bay Packers - TIME

Last link of the day.

I promise. hehehe

Much to do- Too much

Have a wunnaful Wednesday!

Officially removed from the Brett Favre era, the Green Bay Packers have come into their own under quarterback Aaron Rodgers. And they justified their billing as favorites by winning their fourth championship ring against the Pittsburgh Steelers in Super Bowl XLV. TIME takes a look at some things you might not know about the franchise's storied past.

This is awesome- not sure how I missed it either!
Thank you TIME magazine!



  1. From the first click"

    "The Green Bay Packers have one of the most loyal fan bases in all of sports. So it's no surprise that season tickets have been sold out since 1960.
    The current wait time for season tickets? An estimated 40 years.

    Yes, 40. Renewal rates for tickets in 2010 was 99.6 percent, meaning a measly 126 new season tickets were sold for the lucky few who were at the top of the list.
    There are now 83,881 names in line, and now that the Packers have won this year's Super Bowl, expect it to become even more difficult to score tickets."

    Read more: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2046390_2046393_2046415,00.html #ixzz1fsOkOYTn

  2. I clearly remember Curly Lambeau. He was one of the Three Stooges!

  3. You're bragging Anna now aren't you? Don't forget that Pride is one of the 7 deady sins! (Yea, I know, and the Pack losing a game is the 8th.)

  4. Green Bay Packers !! They are a football team ...... Right ?

  5. You are SO funny!
    And no bragging needed.

    Oh my gawd- it's been a year!
    And past that i will not comment- Because the years that I did, we didn't win- So no more of that-
    Jinx and all. My lips are sealed.
    Just know that i cannot stand to even barely watch the damned games when they get that close...
    My Heart Attack Pack.



  6. Oh Baby- You cannot even live Down Under and NOT know of The Green bay Packers!

