[My] Life in Wisconsin

Alternative Treatments To Bisphosphonates

G'Mornin' Again!
Are you tired of this subject yet?
As you know, I have over 25 fractures, and cannot afford to be ignorant.
Entire article found here.

In This Section: List Of Bisphosphonates | Antiresorptive Medicine |Alternative Treatments To Bisphosphonates

The dangers of taking Fosamax and other bisphosphonate drugs: information on alternative treatments

"It’s only in this country that people rush to chemical medicines and consider that first," says herbalist Ocoee Miller. “About 85 percent of people in the world use herbal medicines as their healing modality of choice.” Miller is the teacher of the class “Herbs Build Better Bones” at the Community Mercantile in Kansas. She states that people develop conditions like osteoporosis because they do not eat whole grains and exercise enough. This is actually paralleled by western medicine, which states that a healthy diet and regular exercise is one of the best ways of preventing osteoporosis (Livestrong.com).

Whether you choose herbology or not as your alternative method of treatment, it is important to know that legitimate alternative treatments exist for the ailments that bisphosphonates treat.

People have suffered broken thigh bones, painful surgeries, and some have even died needlessly from taking the drug Fosamax. 

The problem is that the general public is grossly misinformed about the long-term effects of taking the drug. Merck & Co., Fosamax’s manufacturer, still will not admit that there is a connection between long-term Fosamax use and the following severe side-effects:

  • Femur fracture
  • Brittle bones
  • Esophageal cancer
  • Osteonecrosis of the jaw

This is despite numerous research studies, testimonies, and prominent news articles.
If the public had been aware of these side-effects, many would have sought an alternative method of treating their condition. As part of weitzlux.com’s ongoing commitment to provide information and resources on Fosamax, we have created a whole section detailing alternative methods of treatment for the ailments for which Fosamax, and other bisphosphonates, are prescribed.

What are the ailments bisphosphonates treat?

Bisphosphonates are used to treat the following conditions:

  • Osteoporosis (in men and women)
  • Osteopenia
  • Paget’s disease

What are the alternative treatments? (WebMD.com) (Livestrong.com)

Osteoporosis/ Osteopenia


Calcitonin– this drug is often prescribed to treat osteoporosis in women. It works to bring in more calicium to areas of the body that need it. Men can take Calcitonin if they have normal levels of testosorome. The side-effects are very minimal.

Raloxifene– this is another alternative to bisphosphonates; however, the FDA has issued a warning that the drug puts its users at risk of blood clots.

Changes in diet:

Calcium– Part of the problem with osteoporosis is that the bones are not getting enough calcium. Calcium can be found in: dark leafy vegetables, tofu, low-fat dairy products, and almonds. Calcium supplements also help. The recommended amount of calcium intake is 1,500 milligrams a day for both post-menopausal and pre-menopausal women.

Vitamins– Increasing your vitamin K and D intake is considered to be a vital technique in fighting osteoporosis or osteopenia. Vitamin K is an essential factor in bone metabolism. A deficiency in vitamin K causes a loss in bone-density and fractures. Vitamin D helps bring calcium into the body. Studies conducted on these vitamins show that in three years patients showed less bone loss than those taking a placebo or vitamin D alone. Many people taking antibiotics and/or those that have decreased liver function have been known to suffer from vitamin K deficiency. Leafy green vegetables and vegetable oils such as canola oil or soybean oil contain a lot of vitamin K1.

Vitamin K2 is a very potent form of vitamin K, and is found in meat and diary products. A study conducted in Japan showed that vitamin K2 aided in bone density and reduced spinal fractures in people suffering from osteoporosis just as effectively as etidronate (a bisphosphonate).

Oils– Omega-3 fatty acids help you absorb calcium, reduce calcium loss, and aid in bone growth.

Decreasing Alcohol and Caffeine– Excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeinated beverages decrease bone density and the inhibit body's natural ability to absorb calcium.

Vegetables– Eating vegetables is essential especially to people suffering from osteopenia. A diet that includes lots of rich green vegetables can provide the body with the ideal amounts of phosphorus and calcium.

Changes in lifestyle:

Sunlight– Sunlight contains healthy levels of vitamin D. 15 minutes out in the sun, without sunscreen can help bone health.

Alternative Medicine:

Herbs– Some herbs such as horsetail can provide your body with necessary compounds that it may be lacking. Horsetail in particular contains high levels of silica, which is a component in collagen that is found in bones. Red clover is another useful herb for treatment. It contains isoflavones, which slow bone loss. The University of Maryland Medical Center considers horsetail and red clover to be common herbal treatments for osteoporosis and osteopenia.

Acupuncture– This is another widely used treatment; however, the positive results are not proven or guaranteed. Studies have shown that acupuncture may certainly decrease pain associated with osteoporosis (Osteopenia3.com).

Paget’s disease
It is important to note that there is no cure for Paget’s disease. The disease can only go into periods of remission.


Plicamycin– this drug is prescribed for Paget’s disease and for various forms of cancer. It can affect egg and sperm production and cause birth defects during the treatment period.

Calcitonin– this drug can also be used to treat Paget’s disease.


Calcium– A healthy diet with lots of calcium and vitamin D and regular exercise is also very beneficial for treating Paget’s disease (mayoclinic.com).

Alternative Medicine:

Acupuncture– This has been known to decrease the pain of Paget’s disease (WebMD.com).

Can I be compensated for injuries caused by Fosamax?

Yes. We can help you pursue compensation for femur fractures you have sustained from Fosamax use. Weitz & Luxenberg knows how serious these fractures can be and we want to help you receive compensation for them. Simply fill out the form on this page, and a representative will be in touch with you shortly to provide you with a free legal consultation.












Isn't it something that the best info I have found on Alternative Treatments is found on attorney's website?! 
(Thank you Weitz & Luxenberg P.C.).
Sounds as if these guys really DO their homework!
*** Click here for the history of their firm.  
Very nice! 
And yes they are here for all US Citizens. 
And no, I am not a client. (Too bad, eh)? hehehe

PLEASE do the clicks above. For yourself; and for those you love.

Your bones, once fractured, do not heal correctly, and remain quite painful.

Please also feel free to share this, and all (my) educational osteo entries with those you know that will benefit from them. 
Include all credits and links. (I really don't need a law firm on my back). hehehe


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Anna I have not seen this before, very in interesting.
    I am able to get around today thanks to the machine I was given; I put a comment in your blog about "New Years Resolutions ) but then not sure if you read it or not I deleted it, ( But still have a copy ) and my other little friend helps me out most of all Anna
