[My] Life in Wisconsin

Puppies and Dragons

We go.

Good Morning All;

Have a dog?

Since 2007, the FDA has tested a total of
371 chicken jerky treats for our dogs! (Click).
Good Lord that's a lot!
These are not the number of complaints; that list is a mile long.


From here:

Dogs Are Dying: Make the FDA Recall Chicken Jerky Treats


Please feel free to forward this to your friends & family.


Make the FDA recall chicken jerky treats

Dogs are getting severe kidney problems, kidney failure and even dying!
Because tests by the FDA are inconclusive, pet treat manufacturers are not required by law to recall their products, and none of them have volunteered to do so. But given that the tests have not pinpointed the contaminant does not mean it is not contaminated. The FDA issued a warning to pet owners in November, 2011 in regards to this issue. The question many are asking is how many dogs will have to die before the products are recalled? It is already estimated that the dead and dying are numbered at more than 500. This number does not count all of the cases that have not made the connection yet between a pet’s illness and the treats. The treats are causing kidney failure and Fanconi syndrome, with some cases resulting in death; others, in chronic kidney disease. Four months has passed since the FDA warning yet the treats are still being sold, and pets are still dying. When Purina began to receive calls from customers whose pets had become ill after eating their Waggin Train jerky treats, they initially discussed financial settlements, but when the FDA’s tests came back with inconclusive results, Purina took all offers off the table. Some consumers who have posted about pet’s illnesses on Purina’s and Dogswell’s websites have been banned from posting there any longer. At a news conference today in Cleveland, Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown, and Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich both petitioned the FDA to step up their investigation. They both called for the Food and Drug Administration to take immediate action to put a stop to their policy that allows dangerous pet treats and pet foods to remain on the market and to put an immediate stop to its continued sale.

I would like to thank the group Animal Parents Against Pet Treat and Food Made in China for the content and support. Please join them at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Animal-Parents-Against-Pet-Treats-and-Food-Made-in-China/235390426550583 

So far, the list of brands with treats made in China or that are being linked to pet illness and deaths are:
•Waggin Train
•Canyon Creek Ranch
•Booda Bones – Aspen Pet
•Milo’s Kitchen
•American Kennel Club
•Ever Pet ($$ General)
•Home Pet 360
•Walgreen’s new brand – Simple

If your pet has eaten tainted treats, symptoms may include:
•Decreased appetite
•Decreased activity
•Increased water consumption
•Increased urination

If your pet is sick and you have been feeding it these treats please report it to the FDA. For now, pet owners who find the current state of this situation unacceptable are urged by animal advocacy groups to take the following actions. •Download the FDA warning here, and print some copies.
•If you find the products in your store, remove them from the shelf, give them to store managers with a copy of the FDA warning, and ask that the store return the treats to the manufacturer.

Please share & pass around!

Susan Rhodes

[Your name]



From Susan Rhodes, author of above petition.
"The brand I was feeding my dog is hiding behind the words USA (read the fine print people) as they are made in China."
"I need more signatures on my petition, as a group we can be heard. Please spread the word and pass this around to everyone you can think of that may care."

How about we ALL start making our own chicken jerky treats???
CLICK HERE for the very simple recipe.

+ As the author states, it brings the price down from $20.00/LB to $2.00/LB.


My guess is that, slowly but surely, this will affect our cats too.
Not only do we need to READ ALL LABELS- on everything we buy; we also need to be ever-vigilant where our pets are concerned as well.

As stated in the link here, these packages read USA, but the fine print says China.
Even though not stated, the list includes treats made by Nestle, Purina, and Del Monte. 

These products are assembled in the USA.  
Even if they are getting all their ingredients from China, they do NOT have to divulge that info to us.
Why is that?

Somehow we have to Get RID of the damned dragon!

Love to all. 



Report to FDA

From the FDA,
We still invite owners and veterinarians to submit complaints and samples,” said Siobhan DeLancey, an FDA spokeswoman. “The more information we have, the more likely we can find a link.”
The move comes as the FDA is under growing pressure from consumers and lawmakers to address rising numbers of illnesses blamed on the China-made treats. Before the warning was issued in November, the agency had logged 70 reports of illnesses tied to the treats last year. Since then, more than 530 additional complaints of illnesses and some deaths have been filed, officials said.

Great quote:

At the slightest doubt, these products should have been recalled, especially knowing there was a link or at the very least a caution/warning label put on the packaging warning the consumers,” said Robin Pierre, Facebook, a co-founder of “Animal Parents Against Pet Treats Made in China.”  From here.

The real kicker?

06-03-06 Punk
"Please protect me."


  1. I would not trust anything eatable that comes out of China. Not human foods either.

  2. Thanks for this, Anne. I've forwarded it to all the people I know who own dogs (which are only three families, but I'm sure that they will, in turn, forward it to their dog-owning friends.)

    And this? "Chinese pet owners import American-made petfood for safety." It's like something you might have seen on the cover of one of those supermarket rags at the checkout line. That it's probably true is really too much.

  3. That was awful to read about Anna, animals being hurt even killed off like that however it was an eyeopener mate thank you Anna

    It's some thing that one would not normally think of is it?

  4. MORE:
    March 22nd, 2012 §

    New food safety scandal in China: Industrial heavy metal waste sold to animal feed manufacturers

    Guess no one was paying attention to that last link, and my comments therein- - -
    But I have to post this for me anyway.


  5. Because the last link has been broken since you posted it?
