[My] Life in Wisconsin

BEWARE THE BLOODSUCKING BASTARDS IN YOUR BACKYARD!!! I have just finished mowing, and am waiting for a little pain relief before I hit the shower. Already, I have removed one tick. Last week I had 1 on Tuesday, and 3 more on Thursday! Bumper crop of these little bloodsucking arachnids this year. Pain relief going to be sparse this weekend as I missed my Pain Dr. appointment this morning. I had every intention of going, trust me. Just that I thought today was Wednesday. Each Wednesday at noon they check the storm sirens, and I couldn't figure out WHY neither of ours went off. It dawned on me that it was Thursday a few minutes after that. Crap. Much to my continuing chagrin and embarrassment I have rescheduled for next week. hehehe [How fooking 'st00pid' is that]? Off to check for more ticks now... XOXO, "What day is it really?"


  1. Dearest Sister,

    It's Thursday. Ticks have been horrid here this year too. I had one walking down the pinna of my ear earlier and I hadn't even been outside.



  2. Great Timing Sweet Snotball!
    I came back in here to check if I had gone offline or not, and here is your comment already! hehehe

    Last week? One on my back- (Tuesday)
    Then mowed on Thursday- One on my left leg, and another in my temple.

    The one I just found?
    Down on my chest.


  3. Bumper crop in Shawano too.. the big ones are gross but i truly hate the little varmints..!

  4. yuck........and your yard is way too big to treat huh........better treat the pets instead.

  5. Never had a tick on me Anna, sorry you are forgetting some tings it's horrible mate. Hope you get to your pain Dr.

  6. Pain doctor you must never forget...he's one of the good guys!! People tell me that
    it's full of tics here too. I don't venture very far and I would probably freak out if one
    was on me! lol I was camping one summer and I felt something on my shoulder and
    when I put my hand there, it was a JUNE BUG!!! Ohh it really grossed me out, it was
    so big and I hate creepy crawlies so very much...I thought I would die. My kids thought
    I had really gone over the edge that time. LOL

  7. I have seen at least 3 more, (INside), since I wrote this-
    And even one more on Punk, even though she was treated TWICE this month!
    Tick Tick Tick.
    2 'in' my skin- but not long enough to even get a drop of my blood.
    Hers were in but no blood either.
    And i should add that these are your boring 'wood ticks'.
    Having been treated for Lyme disease once already I have no intention of ever being treated again. That was over 12 years ago, and had to run a double course of antibiotics; which, if you know me I do not do.
    "desperate times calling for desperate measures"

    Skin-so-soft generally works beautifully for me. Just not this year. :-(



  8. hehehe
    Cut lawns again yesterday-
    Get this--------- NO TICKS! (but I did inhale a gnat).


  9. grins - we also have an abundance of ticks in summer, but I guess all creatures have a purpose !
