[My] Life in Wisconsin

Gay Marriage? Kudos to our president.

It's getting real old Folks so I need an answer, or several...

How, exactly, does it affect [your] marriage if your next door neighbor is gay?
What a bunch of crap *that* tired line of BS is!

Thank you Mr. Obama for being our first president to have the gonads to say it right!

And now that it HAS been said, it will be a cold day in hell before another president of either party will dare to 'take it back'.

Don't understand? Click here... Or here.
Better,  just click on my tag...

[Added 12-10-2012] I am also finding that the 'petitions' I answer somehow try to qualify my thoughts. 
They ask whether I am gay, straight, transgender, genderqueer (I simply HATE that word); almost as if this is their business to begin with. At times I feel as though my own preference as heterosexual will come into play from some reverse 'hate' bs. 

Thus far, the only people who have shown me any kind of hate, or even opposition to what I know is right, have been of my own sexual persuasion. It is the hetero (straight) people that hate me for standing behind anyone who might be different from them.
Yeah that makes sense.
I am one of 'them'. 
Kinda like being a "Christian" these days. But that's a whole 'nother post...



  1. It doesn't not make any difference if my neighbors are gay. I don't care if they get married either, the point that everyone is missing is that no preacher should be forced to marry anyone if they feel it goes against their religion. There are now many gay preachers that will do the job willingly.

  2. One more thing to be proud of Our President Obama for!!

  3. I agree Annie and I think there are too many people who use the Bible to try to force people into their way of thinking.

    Fantaesia, that's a new one! I never heard anyone say or imply a preacher will be forced to perform a gay marriage.

  4. This is a very complex issue, but oddly enough I don't feel terribly strongly one way or the other about it. I think things will shake out the way they shake out, the way they always do in the end.

    The one objection I used to have against gay marriage was that in the countries in which it was legalized in Europe a number of years ago, there was a resulting increase in the number of heterosexual couples who lived together and bore children without getting married first. (Perhaps "marriage" had lost some of it's meaning?)

    The result of that was: people who live together and are married are less likely to split up and more likely to attempt to work things out because of the hassle inherent in obtaining a divorce.

    And that, in turn, results in many more children having to go through their own trauma of their parent's divorce, along with the general population's having to deal with a substantial increase in the number of children raised in single parent households.
    It seems as though children raised in a two parent household (unless it's a complete nuthouse) in which the parents are more pressured by their marriage vows to have worked out their differences and have therefore provided a more emotionally stable household for their children are more likely to have an example to follow if they themselves decide to marry one day. In addition, they'd be more likely to be saved the trauma of a parental break-up.

    So, without making any moral judgements about it, I just thought that calling a union between a same sex couple something other than a 'marriage', while providing all of the same other benefits, would be the superior solution. That was just my opinion. Right or wrong it's water under the bridge now. My crystal ball is still broken, so guess we'll all just have to lay back and wait a few generations to see how things turn out in the long run.

  5. Whether or not gays get married or not does not affect me. It is their business not mine. As far as my personal opinion on marriage, for me, I am not for it. After three divorces enough is enough. So why they want to is not clear to me as far as my personal experience on marriage. I enjoy the single life so much more than I ever did the married life. But to each his or her own.

  6. 1st "Marriage" is a legal-civil term and a civil contract and always has been it is not a religious item...the only thing that any religion ever did was "bless" the marriage by a ceremony...to this day it is a legal contract in law and society that the only involvement of any religion in the recognition of it is that because there where not enough Justice of the Peace to perform and sign the certificate the government allowed the priests and ministers to be legal entities allowed to sign the license which is still a legal contract and can only be broken through a court action. And a point of information is that even in the Catholic Church they had liturgies for same-sex marriages and it was mandatory to kiss at the end to seal the contract whether hetero or same sex and was common practice through the 14-15th century and it was still performed in the Pope's own perish in Rome in the late 18th century...the actual truth of the hoopla of it did not come into existence until after the civil war and specifically in the 1950's. Marriage is a financial legal business-partnership contract that is all it is and has nothing to do with procreating or "love", it is about legal and financial equality for all people, it is a legal terminology and not a religious term...you can have as many weddings in as many churches as you want but they are not marriages until that legal contract is signed...what religions part is in any wedding/marriage is a personal Blessing, but that has no legal recognition anywhere.

    When Same-Sex Marriage Was a Christian Rite

  7. Thank you! A "ceremony" isn't even a legal requirement. All that legally has to be done is get a license, have it signed by someone authorized to officiate and have it recorded, usually probate court. I'm sick of hearing the religious argument....the US is not a theocracy and we don't have biblical law.

  8. It doesn't matter to me if someone is Gay. Nor do I care if they get married. What other individuals do is their own business. A contract is simply a piece of paper that legally binds two people together by law. In the eyes of God, that piece of paper doesn't matter either.
    I am more worried about whether or not a person has the mind set of a murderer or a thief than what their sexual preference is.
    I know you remember my story about Richard from my teenage years. He was my first exposure to even knowing what a "Gay" person was. And he taught me what "tolerance" meant. He also taught me that being "Gay" is not necessarily a choice, but that some are born that way and they seek the same approvals that heterosexuals do. My whole family knew Richard was Gay and we all loved him anyway. Because we got to know him "before" he came out to us. ( Even though we all knew before he told us.) It was just that easy to spot. But we still accepted him.
    Then many years later, my mom moved to a new neighborhood and she had a male gay couple living right across the street from her house. This couple had Christmas party events for all the neighbors and they always spoke to everyone with respect and kindness. They were both gracious and caring hosts. My mother only knew them for a short time and she was always bragging about them and how sweet and helpful they were. She always looked forward to their parties and she always was made to feel welcome and they made sure everyone was having an enjoyable time. And SHE was raised to snub the homosexuals for their differences. I think Richard taught my whole family what "tolerance" and "acceptance" meant.
    No one should be labeled and judged before they have been given a chance to show the goodness that is within them.

  9. I am pro gay-marriage and have no problem with gay couples moving in next door to me!
    People should be way more tolerant and less homophobic !

  10. I am thrilled that I have so many friends that seem to accept all.

    Here are a few articles to add to this entry
    (Don't forget to scroll the comments; some are priceless).


    Will Obama's Julia celebrate a gay marriage?

    Obama’s gay marriage decision: 60% say it won’t change their vote

    Romney defends marriage and faith in Liberty University speech
    Keep in mind the foillowing 2 comments----
    >>> "Did [Romney} mittens tell them he was the governor of massachusetts when they became the first states to legalize gay marriage? Evangenitals are easily manipulated. useful idiots."
    >>> "liberty u" is not accredited by anyone.

    I shall reply to your comments as soon as I can sit a while longer.

