I am hoping you are all enjoying this beautiful weather? At least it is beautiful here, though a bit warm for my tastes as you can tell by the pic...
My own comfort zone being somewhere around 72.5° to about 76°; (with a nice breeze).
It has been over 250 days since we have been so warm!
Any warmer- or with any ugly humidity, and I just can't breathe well. This is not from my emphysema, although I am sure that exacerbates the choking feeling- but I have always been like that; even as a small child.
Baling hay was absolutely the most hideous chore I can recall.
Blowing the chopped hay and/or straw to the haymow was a very close second.
Blowing the chopped hay and/or straw to the haymow was a very close second.
I did all that all with no mask either. Ignorance was bliss when I was 12. hehehe
Question ...
As I was trolling around the internet the other day I found a few things that puzzle me still.
As I was trolling around the internet the other day I found a few things that puzzle me still.
I also 'found' it linked here, which redirects to here (CLICK)
There is also a 'flintville' on this blog, http://infinityrealm.wordpress.com/flintville/ which is written by a kid. I cannot access that part of his blog myself, but just found them all to be very strange.
But alright- I have digressed- how about I get back to Flintville here? hehehe
While Casey was out here last week, she cut Punks toenails.
There is also a 'flintville' on this blog, http://infinityrealm.wordpress.com/flintville/ which is written by a kid. I cannot access that part of his blog myself, but just found them all to be very strange.
But alright- I have digressed- how about I get back to Flintville here? hehehe
While Casey was out here last week, she cut Punks toenails.
*I hate that job almost as much as Punk does, (probably even more).
Punk was, at one time, just fine with having this done to her. Then I made a 'bad' and brought her to Petco for her bath- (Trimming the toenails is included in the price).
When I went back to pick her up, she was walking sort of gingerly. I noticed that her nails were very short. There were also the telltale styptic pencil 'leave marks' on almost every single one of her toes! I was even more than horrified to think of what this pup had gone through- (She was only about a year and a half old).
When I went back to pick her up, she was walking sort of gingerly. I noticed that her nails were very short. There were also the telltale styptic pencil 'leave marks' on almost every single one of her toes! I was even more than horrified to think of what this pup had gone through- (She was only about a year and a half old).
Not that I can blame her, but she now takes it most personally when she has to have her toenails cut.
No kidding, after her trimming, she lays like this for a few days; (especially if I leave the trimmer out where she can see it). hehehe
She has been sick- and being that she still has pain, she is still being treated for her ears- (that last dose of antibiotics really threw her system out of whack).
And STINK!- OMG, those ears are stinky- too smelly by morning if I dare miss a night treatment. PEEEE-You!
Yes, she also gets plain old yogurt- and lots of it, every day.
Doc Spires once told me that a quarter cup would do her well enough. I begged to differ; and so, she gets about a cup. (Aw heck, it can't hurt).
Come outside with me for a bit?
Aren't they lovely?!
They always look to be so delicate; but thus far, all of my flowering plants have withstood much wind!
Then the Orange Blossom-

... or a white lilac perhaps?
Then the Orange Blossom-
... or a white lilac perhaps?
Who knows?
Oh, we SO need "E-Smell" for some of these pictures!
On the east side of the house, and Randy's favorite bush to trim---
The double "Snowball Bush"
On the east side of the house, and Randy's favorite bush to trim---
The double "Snowball Bush"
... Still thinking about that "E~Smell".
My lilacs are not yet quite open-
My lilacs are not yet quite open-
I shouldn't say "my". Rather the dark purple, my favorite, came from Mom, (via Ginny Ryan)- and the lighter lavender ones out by my old garden I stole from Kelli and Tim before they built the duplex. hehehe
Y'all remember this pic?

Y'all remember this pic?
... A few weeks ago, Punk, Sput, and I were walking around when Punk spied my one and only 'tiger tulip' stand . One had opened to show off it's most beautiful colors...
Before I could stop her she ran to it, and pulled the blooms right off! (What a sassy dog)!
At hearing my sharp intake of air, she opened her mouth- The petals fell out one by one as she just stood there with her jaw open looking at me.
Nothing I could have done then, so no hard feelings- (Just my shock)! hehehe
At hearing my sharp intake of air, she opened her mouth- The petals fell out one by one as she just stood there with her jaw open looking at me.
Nothing I could have done then, so no hard feelings- (Just my shock)! hehehe
Over on the front lawn I have some more of the variegated columbine- A bird, or a mouse, or even Mother Nature, has dropped them in the grass by the front porch, and alongside some of my hostas...
Down at its base you can see a pretty bunch of baby trees taking root (and thriving too)-
These have been growing since late 2010, and I am not yet sure if they are plum, or pear. The leaves of both so closely resemble the other-
Either will be fine by me.
Speaking of the pear tree- (Was too...)-
Speaking of the pear tree- (Was too...)-
I will either have to board it close, or chain it up, this year...
It seems to split a bit more every year- And once the new pears are on it I don't think it will be solid enough to support them without giving in to their weight.
What you cannot see from this angle is the baby pear tree that has taken root right next to it. It is about 4' tall now- about 4 years old.
So when the old one finally goes to the great nursery in the great beyond, a new pear tree should be ready to take its place!
Question # 2 now-
I have never heard of a fruit tree blooming twice in one year, have you?
Question # 2 now-
I have never heard of a fruit tree blooming twice in one year, have you?
Because my D'Anjou pear did just that this year!
The 1st time was just after that hot spell we had in March- (about a week afterward). Those blossoms were so sparse- few, and far between, I was saddened, thinking what a measly year it would be for my pears.
Then it blossomed again, (showing off many many BIG and PLENTIFUL blossoms)!!!
I couldn't believe my eyes! My mouth waters even as I write!
What does Sputnik do while we are all out walking?
What does Sputnik do while we are all out walking?
Usually he will keep up, but there is a whole new batch of rabbits in the windbreak this year; and he lives most days just to keep an eye on the branch encampments we have built for them.
I have 3 BIG piles of old wood, branches and sticks and some leaves too; (taken as we prune the trees).
The 'wabbits' think we put that there just for them. We do!
Mostly though, Sputty keeps his distance because he does not wish to tangle with Mama Rabbit! hehehe
After wandering- (I try to get a decent amount of walking in each day), I do still mow the lawns.

I always leave the tailgate of the Buick open while I mow, using it to hold the phone and to have a place to rest my weary buns and back when I have to take a break.. The open tailgate seems to be Punk's personal invitation to recline in the front seat. Too funny she is!
And yes, Sputty had been right there with her as I drove up on the mower, stretched out on the dashboard; but he left before I could take the picture.
Those of us that live in Wisconsin had to vote on the 8th- A primary election for governor. (Know that IMHO, our Scott Walker is an ass).
After wandering- (I try to get a decent amount of walking in each day), I do still mow the lawns.
I always leave the tailgate of the Buick open while I mow, using it to hold the phone and to have a place to rest my weary buns and back when I have to take a break.. The open tailgate seems to be Punk's personal invitation to recline in the front seat. Too funny she is!
And yes, Sputty had been right there with her as I drove up on the mower, stretched out on the dashboard; but he left before I could take the picture.
Those of us that live in Wisconsin had to vote on the 8th- A primary election for governor. (Know that IMHO, our Scott Walker is an ass).
I made a special effort to vote early in the afternoon so I would miss the rush hours at the poll. In our little community- (⅓ of Suamico), I was already voter # 1119. I don't think I have ever seen such a high number on my slip. So that was very good to see!
Anyway, I vote about 3 or 4 miles up on County M-
As luck would have it, "M" was under construction...
Before I tried to drive all the way there, I pulled over to ask one of the road crew if I could even get to Calavera Springs.
He said 'yes, but take 'er slow, and with caution'.
I opted just to take the old Swamp Road, and then cut back to "M". (A longer route by a mile or two, but it would keep my car a bit cleaner).
I opted just to take the old Swamp Road, and then cut back to "M". (A longer route by a mile or two, but it would keep my car a bit cleaner).
Finally getting to the park, there is a big old sign on the gate. "Voting has moved to Town Hall."
I am not sure if this move is permanent, or if it was only like this because "M" was gettig a facelift.
I hope it is permanent- Easier to get to; especially in November when an early season snowstorm could make getting to the park almost impossible.
I'd better close for now- Am going to go scrounge up some lunch- my tummy is angry now and is letting me know it too! (Better late than never).
I'd better close for now- Am going to go scrounge up some lunch- my tummy is angry now and is letting me know it too! (Better late than never).
I hope everyone has a "wunnaful" weekend!
Good to hear from you....
ReplyDeleteOrange blossom is a white lilac methinks.
ReplyDelete2694 Flintville Rd, LMBO no less LMBO very good Anna
ReplyDelete85F or our 29C is a very comfy temp Anna, I consider any thing below the 70Fs getting cold. Our summer days get up to 115F or 45C some days that is really hard to breathe like the house around 66.2 F or 19C and all the windows and doors opened up at night for fresh air.
I consider any outside chore repugnant theses days mate :-)
I did find this "School drinking water contains toxins" and also you are in the the MeFi links. I have to translate the links though
Lovely photos Anna, all of them, in our family it is Julie who will not ask directions to any thing I go against the grain and always ask be it driving or shopping
Have a wonderful weekend there Anna
Hi Annie
ReplyDeleteI rather enjoyed your blog
Lovely pictures too
Hope you have a wonderful weekend as well
Love and hugs XOXOXOXO
Very hot and humid here in Canada too today...yesterday I went to turn my air on and it just "hummed " at me...Fortunately I have a friend who came to check it out, and it was just the fan was stuck, maybe from cleaning it with the hose before I put it away...working fine now...thankfully, the heat makes me feel weak...have a beautiful weekend my friend...love ya...
ReplyDeleteI love the flintville blogs!!!!........poor Punk, love the way she hides her nails though too cute....lol I remember the last time I voted for Obama I was sick and didnt want to go to the hospital before I voted......I ended up in the hospital for ten days.......totally worth it though.....lol
Love reading your blogs Annie...and I just think that Punk's smiles are the best!!! I would love to
ReplyDeletehave her. OMG it is amazing how she hides her paws. :))) They remember for a long time when
someone hurts them, whether it's a mistake or abuse. We have had beautiful weather also, not
as warm as you, but nice and sunny. Today was cloudy and it's supposed to rain overnight. Now
that we have moved, we don't have a vegetable garden anymore. I want to buy some flowers
next week and put them on my patio or some place. My daughter gave me a small fire pit, so I
am going to go looking for wood and make a fire on the weekend. I think I will wait until 10 p.m.
and watch all the little old ladies run around in their nighties thinking we are on fire!! :))))))) I
know I am very nasty....but it would be funny. agreed?? hahaha
Enjoy your beautiful days and your trees and flowers. It's so nice to smell the fresh air and get
out of the house. Love ya girlfriend....Bev xo
It got worse the next day too
Yes that was 93°
I was neither impressed by 'records' -Nor was i even remotely comfortable. UGH and DRIP.
So took a nap! hehehe
(Supposed to be that ungodly hot again come memorial Monday too).
Where have you been my little Sweet Pea?
ReplyDeleteI see that you missed a few entries while you were away.
Your explanation of white lilac/orange blossom 'splains why I have always been so darn 'cornF00zed' about the 2 of those bushes!
ReplyDeleteRight backatcha Baby Girl!
ReplyDeleteI think of you so often when I am blogging-
To put just enough info that might pique your interest and send you on a Google search!
85° is NOT comfortable. I beg to differ- It is drippy, sticky, and icky. (And it reminds me of baling hay).
Find me a place that is nonviolent- settled, English speaking, and between 50 and 80 degrees year-round; and i will move there.
I don't mind not asking for directions- Once Casey and I were hopelessly lost in "da U.P.", and we saw the most beautiful waterfalls that I probably would not have seen had we stopped to ask directions!
Dangerous, curvy, dark at midday, roads were the icing on the cake for us.
We had been going to the Shipwreck Museum, and had taken only one wrong turn. hehehe
Oh, but it was pretty!
Shopping? No thanks. hehehe (I detest it).
ReplyDeleteWhat the heck is that?
ReplyDeleteSweet Susan;
I am glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for saying so too.
Me? Not so much having to drive on the carved up road. hehehe
Sweet Barbara;
ReplyDeleteOh, I abhor the too "hot and muggies" Just WAY too uncomfortable for me...
"Weak" is the best description!
I will have to post about my air conditioner. Suffice to say that at the moment it is 'inoperable'
I have the whole house fan on today so it is nice in here-
(Come Monday I won't be saying the same thing though).
Happy you got yours fixed!
Sweet Pamela;
ReplyDeleteAnd I love YOU for saying so!
When I take a picture I always wonder how it'll turn out (and sometimes then wonder how I'll explain it when it doesn't). hehehe
I remember you voting before going to the hospital.
For me now they are going to mail my card, and I will return it to them.
(It's too crazy for me not to be on the mailing list).
Sweet Bev;
ReplyDeletePunk is still only a bit under the weather with her health- Slowly but surely is returning to be the dog she should be.
My friend Polly called and said the same thing about her hiding her paws.
Odd to that the ONLY time I ever even had to rim Miss Millys was right after she had her puppies- Of course at that point she was in the garage, and not out in the cedar-lined kennel which has a concrete floor. (SO easy to bleach it that way).
The concrete kept her nails trimmed quite nicely.
The "Mama-Hormones" not so much.
I so miss my garden-
And now watching the way the field has been treated, think "Monsanto"- (the dirty b@st@rds), I see that I will be having to go steal my groceries from elsewhere. (Sheesh- How bad is it that I won't even eat what grows outside my door)?!?
Your small fire pit? Is that what they call a 'chiminea'?
I have seen those, and LOVE them! And wish I had one. (Please have your daughter adopt me)?
Don't laugh- it is almost time for me to be getting my own nightie on! (Tho' I am neither little nor old).
But tonight I shall remain inside as the sky is fixin' to shake it up good tonight.
Oh we need rain too- So dry out there-
Randy recently planted a bunch of flower seeds for me to enjoy and I have been bringing water out for those-