[My] Life in Wisconsin

My Busy Weekend... (Really)...

Good Morning!
I am looking at the time... The daylight has arrived and so I must type fast and get back outside to finish planting. The picture above showing only the first staked row.



Punk had to watch; (because unlike Milly she does not yet understand that she can't go in the darned garden).




They were good (for the most part) and so after all was done for yesterday, they got a treat.



Milly on left; Punk on the right...



I have completed about 1/3 of my little garden at this point. I would like to get this done before tomorrow. Then we will pray for rain; it is SO dry still.

...I am thinking that with Caseys recheck xray tomorrow, the stent will probably still be there, (she has not passed it)... She will then need further surgery to remove this stent. A busy day ahead then for me to get these seeds and my little plants in the ground.

Mary has just called, and will return to the vet with Buddy this afternoon. She says her Buddy does want to play but that the vet has told her to keep him as quiet as possible. Hard to keep a good dog down, so she has him in his inside kennel until the vet says he can move about more. Hopefully they can avoid surgery. I do think these things heal of their own accord... (?) Hope so anyway.

Not much other news, but I sure wish it would warm up just a teeny tiny bit. Either that or maybe the winds could just go away while I am outside? It was quite the Don Quixote day yesterday. (And being sandblasted for 8 hours only makes me dirty)! Glad I didn't put my contacts in in the morning... And yuck, but I will pull on those same sandy jeans this morning too. I swear if I have to throw more clothes like that in my washer it will ALL turn to mud! hehehe Kind of like the shower last night after Punkin got out... She smells a far cry better now, but was not happy having to get in there so late. (Yeah, me neither)... And no, you cannot see how bad it really was!!!

I hope everyone had a 'fantabulous' weekend. Those storms and tornadoes we have all heard about? I hope that you are all safe and sound.

Now you have to let me know what YOU did this weekend...


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