[My] Life in Wisconsin

The Stent and The Gophers

Good Morning All!
I do realize I have not written, but I do wish to thank those of you who have taken the time to comment, and to write such nice notes about/To CaseyAnne!

First and foremost, KC's stent is still there. Her family doctor has told us though that it can remain there for a long time. Now, personally I cannot understand most people that have sought the advice of a physician and then do not heed that same advice. (What is the purpose in going to the doctor then in the 1st place)? But I question whether KC's stent should still be there... (or should be LEFT within)...



KC's stent is about 8" long...



I have found an article after searching for a long time about these stents. In two separate places, (including the opening statement), it claims that these stents should be removed within a week. (Yokes! Her surgery was April 17th)...

Please CLICK HERE for that article. (This is also where the above picture came from).

We are just a bit confused; especially given her pain levels still. Perhaps a call to the surgeon down at Froedtert is in order? Oh, I do hate to 2nd~guess these things; but it was her surgeon that had told Derek and I that this stent would have to be removed if it did not pass of its own accord. Perhaps we will know more tomorrow then.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Having been battling a nasty migraine for the past two days, I must report that my little garden is only maybe 2/3rds finished. And I can't wait to be eating those green beans either! But I'm getting there. More upset about this lateness than I should be as it is still only the 1st third of May. I am happy to report that I have caught up on more than a few hours of sleep too. (Chemically induced, but "sleep" none~the~less). After her own doctor appointment, Casey then brought me in for a shot for my stupid head... (I might have lasted all of 1/2 an hour after getting home). But get this; we called right after KC's appointment, got to my Dr. office about 15 minutes later, and was in/out of that office within less than ten minutes. Thank God that he has me down for a standing order. (And I have been thankful for that for many years now)...




Ready! Aim!! Scurry!!!



Casey has also taken it upon herself to be the terminator for these darned gophers of mine. She says it will take her all summer, (but what she doesn't know is that I flooded many holes in the back of the house already). hehehe It is amazing what a garden hose can accomplish! Thre were 2 holes back there that I actually had the hose down about 10-12 feet! But gave my gun to Casey once more... (She sounded a bit like Rambo at one point)... But I believe she got two of them critters too. They still can get down in their holes after being hit by a .22.



She quietly sneaks up on them; after spying them eating birdseed...



She fires one shot, and sends the darned thing back to his hole...
and so she sits in wait for him to come back out...
(Having gone deer hunting for the last 7 years, she can be VERY patient)...



I hear another shot, I see the gopher do a little dance after jumping straight up in the air, and I see the ground directly behind him spray upward. (All this happens within a split~second)... She goes to check and see if she can see him in his hole...




She snickers, but like myself, she does believe she hit that one...

I had bought a Burning Bush to put between two of the maples, and while we walked out there, she saw more gophers. I did get the small bush planted and well watered, she found about 10 more holes to choose from. We will have to get back out and maybe finish the garden today, (with a break or two to rid my garden, my yard and my lawns of these little varmints). I do not want to be using too much poison either because of the dogs. Sooner or later, they could find it; and even a little leftover would do them harm, and I do not want to be taking that chance.

Speaking of the dogs, Miss Punk still needs to learn that the garden is off limits to her. It is slowly sinking in, but I think this learning process might go faster if she wasn't deaf. (Oh, perhaps it is her selective hearing and not her eardrums)??? Hmmm... She sure can be sassy...

Brother Buddy is on almost complete bed rest for a month! He is very upset about this treatment, but is learning to accept it too. Mary is just thankful that there is hope for his ACL to heal better of its own accord.

I'd better close for now. Hope you are all having a great Wednesday! Since it has rained a bit, I will attempt to get some indoor things done... (like finding my floors and my tables all over again)?!?! And hopefully Caseys surgeon will concur with her family doctor here... ? ...>say "pretty please"?<


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Here's a nasty thought for the day too:

If it's in pet food, I'm sure it's in human food. What do YOU think?


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