[My] Life in Wisconsin

Just Plain Freakin' HOT.

Good Morning All;

I have been remiss in writing... trying to make my little "book" of entries; (and how it has grown)! Yes, I only do my own, but am wondering if I could 'steal' a few of your own for my own little memories?

It has been so beastly hot once more. And that is bad enough without throwing in that godawful humidity. One melts if one even thinks of going outside...

And yet, the kids (dogs alike) seem to make no never~mind about it.


Gasp. Chug. Choke. Blah.



And even the small fry lasts longer than the dogs!...
Dog DAZE???
This was the temp as Gabriel and I headed into town to do a bit of shopping.
(About noon).
(And you dont even WANT to know what it climbed to by about 5)...
Oh, you DO? (Are you crazy)? You really don't, but I shall tell you anyway...
The indoor/outdoor read a mere 97 outside.
(And yes, it is on the north side of the house).



Master Gabriel and I were still playing outside when Roberta arrived to pick him up. We walked out to the garden to collect some kohlrabi and some cucumbers for her to put on her salad. (Miss Milly always trying to steal those cukes, but had to settle for her evening corn).


Why do dogs always go "hide" when they get a treat?


Master Gabriel was a bit short- (by about 6 feet) to get to one of the sunflowers.
So Mama helped...


Berta is 5'8" tall... (and this flower is still growing)!!!



Not too much other news from these parts, the weather being more than stifling. Casey has a stupid migraine and had to cut her 'family night' short at Dereks dads. I went to feed the horses; they came running to me too. (Crazy animals... in this obnoxious heat)... KC stopped there on her way out to give them their grain. She got here, took 2 of my head pills, went up to bed, (and I haven't heard a peep out of her since). My own has been on/off for a while, but nothing that bad. (knock on wood).

Hope you are all enjoying this week. I shall try to get to your blogs at some point in the next day or so, if I haven't done so already. Getting even MORE behind with Gabriel being here. But loving every minute of that too! Still need to mow, (as is more than evident in a few pictures here), but shall wait for a bit of rain to fall... Which should be tomorrow...

Hope this finds you all happy and healthy, and getting through this heat.







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