Good Morning to All;
Oops, I mean "Good Afternoon" to All!
...I must have forgotten for a minute that I had gone back to bed earlier. My head felt like ca~ca, took a pill for breakfast, and went right back to Lala~Land. Snored for a while, (until even Miss Punk couldn't take it anymore), and here I am!
A few thoughts of my own on the rumor... (and my apologies to those of you that live in California for my insensate remark). hehehe
Miss SuzyGirl has written to say, " I hope I didn't offend your readers with my link. DeeAnne says it's stirring trouble with a rumor, and everyone from 360 will flee. Not true."
I agree with them both, given that some of us can/will read more into it than others.
First of all, there are those of us here on Y!360 that are not interested in numbers, (although with the sheer numbers that some individual blogs have, it would seem as there is NOT really a number problem).
These numbers, (real people reading real Y! 360 blogs) are coming from somewhere, and I refuse to believe that there is some Stepford computer reading mine at any point.
Maybe there are more 'numbers' elsewhere... (that 'elsewhere' being myspace, blogspot, facebook etc- blah, blah, blah). My own thoughts are once again redirected at the site I had linked to yesterday, and a bit what I had written there about this rumor.
"Of course my site is 360!
And I cannot understand why Yahoo! would close it down. To me it seems as though it would be an action of cutting off ones nose to save the face.
Why detract from this?
If Y! needs to add an additional "social network" then ADD one. But do not just close one site down.
This is reactive; as opposed to being PROactive (as anyone who has ever even thought about 'management' would know).
I have brought in more than a few people to Yahoo through my little 360 page. Sadly, due to circumstances within my own life, my page is currently tabbed as private. But when I was public, (and anyone in the world who might have been sick and tired of all the garbage at myspace and facebook etc) could come to visit, I had many many people in a global sense wanting to know what is going on in my own little Wisconsin world. I do believe that these people will somehow return when I re~open my page. And Yahoo! willing I WILL be doing that in a little while.
At 49, and staying home, one would think this life could be as boring as all get~out. It is not. And thanks to my 360~World, I have many friends that do not find it boring either.
One does not get over 120,000 page views by being boring or writing about "poor, poor pitiful me" all the time. This is the boring mindset of (most of) the younger people/generation. One does not acheive this by writing about how much they hate their parents, and how everything in their lives IS their parents fault. This gets way too humorous for those of us that have raised our children and have already heard those idiotic ignorant "lines".
I get sick of idiocy very quickly and do not want any other blog site.
This little corner of Yahoo! is more than enough for me.
In the meantime, I have had many requests to "join a friend" at MySpace and the others...
- If I wanted a MySpace account, I would have one.
- If I wanted all the crap that goes with those other sites, I would have that too.
...Although many a person HAS gotten their 15 minutes of fame by going to those sites.
...(I don't think I have EVER seen Y360 profiled on Primetime)?
So while I am sure that the 360 could be improved at times, I am still very comfortable here.
(Do correct me if I am wrong about the Primetime thing... I don't watch TV that much)...
But again, that makes no difference to me. If you are here, stalking children, then it occurs to me that you don't belong on my friends list to begin with. (However, if you are stalking me, then please make your presense known). hehehe
...ok. I am back again...
I had to make an exodus because Punk broke wind. Silent. Deadly...
As far as anyone that has sent me an invitation to all those other sites knows, I do not accept nor do I join them. I am not opposed to 'change', but the fact is that I am simply NOT interested in being anyplace else. (Unlike real life)?
All humor aside, I am thinking that if we go off half~cocked to join anyplace else, we are only feeding that frenzy, that gaggle of goners.
I will not be doing this.
My 360, and ALL of yours, provide me with enough inspiration to get me through my days, and to see how you are getting through your own too! *wink~wink*
And until this is all substantiated, then I shall try not worry overmuch. I will however, go buy some ink, and a wee bit of paper. My blogs are as much for you as they have also been written for my grandbabies; and they will have each of my blogs available to them on hard copy too.
I shall also go buy a new crib as I will be having Master Gabriel on a more consistent basis.
AND, I'll also be buying a few new bic pens, the little soft grips that go along with them... As long as I have pen/paper, a solid writing surface, and a few addresses, I can write to my hearts content!
So now ask yourself... Do I have YOUR address?
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