Good Morning All!
As I typed yesterday it was FINALLY raining, with just a few heinous claps of thunder thrown in just to keep me on my toes. That came and went all day long. And inbetween those storms came this awful heat. We stayed indoors for the most part~ To venture out while the temps are inthe 90's and the humidity higher than the cornfields makes you want to get back inside for a breath of very fresh air real quick.
.I had a wee bit of company yesterday too! After a late, (and fast) shower, it seems as though everyone came at once! And I couldn't have been happier. Well, unless ALL of my grandbabies could have been here...
.Not such a fresh breath with this thought though...
I am sure that by now, you have heard the rumors that Yahoo! 360 will be closing/ending.
As of yet, these are simple rumors. But maybe not? Having gone to SuzyGirls pages, she had posted the following link...
So I have only one question now...
(And of course that thought brings to mind another old song)...
Love to you!
"Wildwood Weed"
Wildwood flower grew wild on the farm
And we never knowed what it was called
Some said it was a flower and some said it was a weed
I didn't give it much thought
One day I was out there talkin' to my brother
And I reached down for a weed to chew on
Things got fuzzy and things got blurry
And then ev'rything was gone
Didn't know what happened but I knew it beat the hell
Out of sniffing burlap
I come to and my brother was there and he said,
"What's wrong with your eyes?"
I said "I don't know, I was chewin' on the weed"
He said, "Let me give it a try"
We spent the rest of that day and most of that night tryin'
To find my brother Bill
Caught up with him about six o'clock the next mornin'
Naked, singing on the windmill
He said he flew up there
I had to fly up and get him down
He was about half crazy
The very next day we picked a bunch of them weeds
And put 'em in the sun to dry
Then we mashed 'em up and we cleaned 'em off
Put 'em in the corn cob pot
Smokin' them wildwood flowers got to be a habit
We never seen no harm
We thought it was kind-a handy
Take a trip and never leave the farm
Big 'ole puff of that wildwood weed next thing you know
You're just wand'ring 'round behind the little animals
All good things got to come to an end
It's the same with the wildwood weeds
One day this feller from Washington come by
And spied one and turned white as a sheet
And they dug and they burned
And they burned and they dug and they killed
All our cute little weeds and then they drove away
We just smiled and waved
sittin' there on that sack o' seeds...
"Y'all come back now, y'hear!"
(c) Copyright 1974 by Famous Music Corporation, Ensign Music Corporation and Parody Publishing Co. by JIM STAFFORD, DON BOWMAN
I, for one, am only hoping that Yahoo really IS sitting on a sack o' 360 seeds.
As I do not care to be sitting here, smilin' and wavin' at ANY of you...
I know that many of you are much more in touch with what is going on, and if you could, would you please let me know as Yahoo has not responded to any of the rumors?
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