[My] Life in Wisconsin

9~11 "Doing?"

Good Solemn Morning...

I am thinking that I do not wish to offend anyone. And yet, I know that I probably will.

I have read through many of your blogs regarding September 11th, 2001.

Some have written about their own experiences.

Some about their political viewpoints.

Some have written about the feelings that this inspires within us.

We have all seen the conspiracy thoughts and videos, we have all seen the tragedies involved with the killing of innocents. We have all wrapped our arms around each other a little tighter too.

But I have yet to read ONE entry where there is a solution to any of this. Nor do I believe that I have that answer either.

I KNOW that Sept 11th, 2001 happened.

I know where I was. (Click).
I know where ALL of my loved ones were.

But it is not enough to simply acknowledge and know about all of this.

NO MATTER which side of the political arena we sit on, we need only to ensure that we do everything within our own power to ensure that the basic Preamble to the Constitution is met.

"We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

They searched for peace then. Trying to ensure it for all of us. It is all that we can hope and pray for now.

Good, bad (or ugly), this IS your land.
This is your home.
It is my home.

My parents taught me that there is honor in persevering.

And they taught me my own patriotic loyalty. That whatever happens, we all need to stick together, and never EVER waiver in that loyalty to our flag.

Too many have fought, many have died for us, since 1776, to turn our backs on any of it; in part or in whole.

Good. Bad. And everything inbetween.

I don't want to read about whether you think the war is right or wrong. Whether you want things to be different. We each have our own opinions sacred to our own souls.

I am waiting only to hear that we are SOMEHOW making/creating a difference for ourselves and for our babies.


**** As a VERY IMPORTANT end note here I am going to copy a note I had sent out late last night, after wrapping my head around our latest weekend... and the phone call that came late yesterday...

"Dear Friends and Family;

I know many of you have been keeping up with Caseys diagnosis' throughout this all, and by clicking on my blog at the bottom of my emails to you. I thank you for that. Your words, visits, and phone calls have helped us more than you can know.
(It will be 3 years next month that she has had all these health problems).
And with last Fridays diagnosis, we have had a wonderful weekend; (the first in a VERY long time).
She has not been without pain, but seems more settled. Kind of like the lifting of the veil...
We have spent hours upon hours of reading online, and quite an education thus far. (And when we cannot concentrate anymore, we move on to blogs of course)!
After another go 'round with UWGB today, (Grrrr...); she waited here to have that confirmation phone call from Froedtert about the Crohns Disease diagnosis she'd received on Friday.
That call came about 4:30...
It was not the confirmation we had wanted to hear.
She left, still in tears after Dr. Josh had told her that he wasn't too very comfortable with the Crohn's Disease diagnosis that she had received from the radiologist on Friday.
Dr. Dua will be back late (this) afternoon, and will be in touch with us again on Wednesday. They are looking at still more tests at Froedtert.
Casey has said that after those tests, that will complete it for them. (Damn the torpedoes, and full speed ahead)?
She has tossed it around for a while, and is now wanting to go on to the Mayo Clinic. She will need a recommendation, (though THAT won't be too hard to get from her doctor here)...

Please keep her inbox full of good wishes.

Yeah. ... Life. ... "It's kinda like that."



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