[My] Life in Wisconsin

Just Unloading on You...

Just Unloading... magnify

Good Morning Everyone;

Kind of a rough day yesterday... Casey to the doctor, and with an Xray that indicated she might have the beginnings of another bleb on her right lung; or it may just be a small pneumothorax... Time will tell;, but for now the best news is that there is no need for a chest tube. She is still asleep here...

I hope you all had a great, and safe, Halloween. I shall post later, but suffice it to say that my OLDest daughter, who has always brought My Little Miss Valerie to Grandma's home never did come this year. Perhaps next year Sam and Katie will have her to take trick~or~treating.
Yes, Zoe knows full well how much this hurts me. And yes, too; as Valeries mother, she can do whatever she wants.

But it really must be something to be proud of to get through life; to be able to look back and say, "Yeah, I 'got' my mother. I hurt her bad, and every chance that I could too."
Now that must be very fulfilling to her own soul, (wouldn't you agree)?

Like they say, "your mother must be very proud."
(Kinda sad, ain't it)?





Valerie and I; Halloween 2006
Yup, my granddaughter can't stand me! hehehe
(C'mon, can't you tell)?





The topic came up of course yesterday...
...And as I replied, had he lived, my father would only have said that 'she needs a good swift kick in the A$$.'
(And yes, after all of the garbage I have gone through this past year, I am also sure that he would have provided it as well).
Anyone that actually knew my father would know this to be true.
My mother would only have been as hurt as I am, probably even more~so, had she been alive now too.

May God bless both of my parents; and might He also turn their heads from this too.

For now though, I am content enough to know that children grow up. (Well OK, most of them do).
And I have so much faith in Miss Valeries love for me that she will be coming to see her grandma sooner than anyone can/will give credit for!
In a little over 11
years, she will be 18.

Valerie hasn't a mean bone in her body, her spirit or her soul...

And in these next few years; time, life, and love will teach Valerie that I always, ALWAYS, have loved her. That I have loved them all! And that, is ever so very comforting to this mothers/grandmothers heart.

Anybody not up to speed about this part of my life, won't you kindly drop me a line below. I will gladly fill you in on what I can say about it.

Time. Life. Love. How much do any of us really have?

Happy November!


Originally posted on 360  Thursday November 1, 2007 - 09:56am (CDT)


  1. Thers
    First off, I hope that this is a little bit of 'nothing' for Casey. Poor kid has been through way too much as it is. Secondly, I do not know if I could honestly go through what you are with Miss Valerie and NOT come unglued. It's so hard being away from my babygirl~I couldn't imagine if I wasn't ALLOWED to see her. My thoughts and prayers are definitely with you!!
    Thursday November 1, 2007 - 10:37am (CDT)

    Annie, I am so sorry to hear all this junk is still going on. I have not had the pleasure of talking with either of the 2 girls since once since I have been back. I wish all to be well with you all again and as I have stated i do not know what all went on but I know this is not good for anyone involved. I just hope and pray it works itself out before it is too late. Much love to you all there and sorry again!
    Thursday November 1, 2007 - 11:03am (CDT)

    Sweet Thers...
    What on earth would I ever do without you???
    And so easy to NOT think of being able to put yourself in someone elses shoes.
    (I think that is why we love each other so very well)!

    Sweet RubyBlue!
    YOU have done abslutely nothing to have to apologize for. I am the one feeling sorry for myself here, and should be apologizing to YOU all!
    As far as speaking to them...
    Me neither... although you are too kind to call it a pleasure. (Unless you want to consider that laughable counseling session). Nope that doesn't count.

    Anyway, everybody will be at Zoe and Erics for Turkey Day... (Wanna crash that party with me)? hehehe
    Or should we take a ride to my sisters house in Appleton?

    Oh well.

    There are worse things I am sure. Just can't think of any right now...

    Love to you both ~for your wonderful hearts, and for all of your kindnesses too!

    Thursday November 1, 2007 - 11:26am (CDT)

  2. I am sorry! I too know how it feels not have all of your family members around to love and cherish. I deal with this with my niece. I have not seen her in two years. I send her gifts and cards and I have no idea if she receives them. It is quite an unfortunate situation since her and my daughter are only two months apart in age. They look a lot alike and probably have many things in common. People can be so selfish sometimes. I hope my niece knows how much we love her and don't want it to be this way, but there is nothing we can do about it. My brother in law doesn't even send my kids cards for their birthdays, but what is funny (sad really) is when you say Uncle Mike my kids have no idea who we are talking about. :( At least my niece knows who Aunt Angie and Uncle Tom are.

    HUGS to you!


  3. I just still can't believe the bs that Zoe and Jenne are both pulling. This is absolutely insane. Do they not realize that not only are they causing you pain, but they are putting a large amount of pain and loss into their childrens' lives by not allowing them to see you? GRRRRRR...

    This topic gets me so upset. I guess that's why I came to you in the first place, but now I almost wish I hadn't for the pure sake that you might still have your grandchildren in your life. I know that I did the right thing, but sometimes the truth causes unrepairable damage. That's what I feel responsible for....

    Hopefully Miss Valerie will be around soon... Isaiah, too...

    Love you Much Much!

  4. I've learned through my own experiences that there are some situations in life that I simply cannot change, and to try to change them doesn't do any good and just ends up stressing me out.

    I wish I could think of something to say that would make you feel better. Just know that I'm on your side, and I'm sending you HUGS! You'll get through this!

  5. Good afternoon Snotball!

    What a wonderful picture of you and Miss Valerie.. you can see the love between you guys.
    Your right.. she might can keep her away now.. but one day Miss Valerie and Mr Issah will be old enough to make their own choices.. and these decidsions that the TTII are making now will come around and bite them square in the @$$.

    I, for one, am glad that your parents arent seeing the way they are treating you.. Im sure they both would be terribly hurt, as I know you are now.

    And Casey.. the truth may cause pain at first.. but in the end the truth is always the best. That pain will go away..
    The hurt of a lie, even if for good reason, never leaves. It can cause, as you have seen, unrepairable damage.

    Hugs to both of you! Both of you .. Please take care of yourselves!

  6. Thanks Cab... Somedays I need those hugs LOTS more than others!

    Miss Angie... Methinks your nieces fingers must have gone missing... To not be able to phone. To not be able to write a thank you note. Hmmm...
    I am glad to heare that at least she knows who you are. I am very fortunate that way, in that Miss Valerie at least KNOWS me. I do not understand the ignorance of causing any kind of pain to a young childs heart.

    Casey Know that this is NOT your fault. Ever EVER. They have chosen their paths by themselves, and now must walk them. We all grow and learn these things; some the very harshest of ways too. They know I love them... just like I wrote above.

    RT You said you wish....
    Yes, but don't you know you have just said what I needed to hear? And that, my sweet friend IS the definition of friendship.

    Miss BEEP! hehehe
    You said a mouthful.
    My TTII might not know it, or believe it now, but I can promise you that they will respect it later on in their lives. Too bad though for the babies, eh?
    But kids against these kinds of odds always do seem to prevail. Their inate, and inborn goodness does.

    Still, it all boils down to FAITH. My faith in those little ones hearts.
    And THAT is UNshakeable.
    As is my love for them always.

    Funny too, in an odd sort of way... That the sentence i wrote above about Mom and Dad not seeing this, just felt so wrong too. I am usually the first to say they are "around" me at many times.
    What does that mean? (Or do you think that just for now i can have it both ways)?

    Thank you too for the uplifting words for Casey. She still carries this on her shoulders. And that is SO wrong. Shooting the messenger is NOT an option. How silly is that?

    Love and hugs right back at all of you!!!

    ...And I cannot even begin to tell you how much your own faith in me means to me.


  7. Well.. you have a point about your parents... I'm sure they are around and I'm sure they do know.. But they have a view that is much different from ours in that they know the end results. Thats my belief anyways.
    It is difficult for the kids.. but children are very resilient and persistent.. and the things that you don't want them to remember.. are the very things they will remember..hehe The TTII will learn that very lesson. They have not forgotten Grandma Anne and I betcha they remind them occasionally..hehe

  8. Sigh... Sigh... My dear Anne... These are what we mothers & grandmothers had to go through.... After all that we've been through....? Irony, isn't it? After all that, our heart still care.... You just can't teach them enough. We can only wish, when they do learn, like we did, it's not too late for either one of us....

    Somehow.... it always make me forget my own hurts, when I read there are others hurting too...

    Take good care dear Anne. Always take good care of yourself....

    Lotsa hugs for you! Lots! & Lotsa!

    Btw, you look great in your profile photo! Too great to be a grumpy Gramma!

  9. I thought you'd worked all this out between you.... I'd no idea it was still going on. Anne I'm so sorry. As if you and Casey don't have enough to worry about. I wish I could wave my magic wand and all your troubles are fixed ...

    Keep smiling dear friend and keep in mind that when Valerie is old enough, she'll be able to make her own decisions!!! It's just such a long wait ....

    Hugs xxxxxx

  10. Anne so sorry you were unable to see Valerie! It is only to obvious from the pics Ive seen that she adores you and you her! Glad about Casey not needing a chest tube though!

    My love to your family and you!

  11. Sweet ConnieBeep! You are SO right! And to put it into perspctive for me... and how many times too? I love you for that.

    RR! hehehe I am just happy that you can finally READ my blogs! (And to be honest with you, I would make the print darker, if only for me... And maybe still a bigger font). Dang CSS crap.
    I do believe I taught them well. And I also believe that by the time they came into their teens that they could have survived just fine had I died. And there are not too many people that can say that about their, (or anyone elses) kids.
    I do love the hugs!!!

    Mrs/Mama G! hehehe No, this hasn't been worked out. But if I know my Little Miss Valerie, SHE will work it out fine for us all!

    And it really isn't that long... Think back 11 years. it went by fast, didn't it!

    Becca! You are SO right! (On BOTH counts)!

    Love to you all!!!

    Have a grand weekend!

