[My] Life in Wisconsin

Locked Windows~ The Trigger; Part One

My friends' ENTIRE family...
A Portrait from the South Side!

Good Morning!!!

Oooooh, a whole 32° as I write...
Now, is that 32° freezing, or is it thawing?
Or is it freezing in the Autumn, and thawing in the Springtime?
(And yes, I am serious kids... I just never could figure that one out)!

I know that in Fall, we do not want it to be thirty~two degrees... and yet, all Winter long, we look forward to that magical temp...
Go figure...

I had a friend to help me do the preps for winter within the flower bed. The darned thing followed me all over! Kinda spooky, but a BIG help too!

First it grabbed the rake to help me level the ground before it freezes.
Then to help me move a few rocks...
Working up a sweat, the poor thing tried to find water...
And none to be found here either...
So it sucked the old birdbath dry...
So then, thirst quenched, it is time to get back to work.
It helped me harvest the last of the garden...
We cleaned the cover for the sandbox...
And I had help to pick a few last apples too
And it helped me clean out the birdbox too
or two...
It helped me keep the dogs in line too...
First Punk...
Then even her Mama~Milly!!!
Miss~Mama~Milly didn't mind either...
(Until it tried to break into her kennel)...
And then it succeeded in breaking in her house!
But quick thinking and a quick jump
to the back wall of her kennel saved its life...
And from there, another jump to the pumphouse
But the window was locked,
...and my friend got
And all that anger is what fueled its crime spree.

(But you will have to wait til later to find out what happened then).

I must get busy... (Back to freezing or thawing or whatever it's doing)!

Life in Flintville goes on.
And all is well with our world...

And I hope all is well with yours too!




  1. At least you had a little FLOWER POWER help!

    It was cold here this morning with extremely dense fog (I could hard see to drive home!) but it's supposed to warm up to the mid 70s today. I guess you might call that a touch of Indian summer. Cold nights and warm days - it can't get any better than that to suit me.

  2. You are so funny! You and your flower friend! :)

    32 is freezing! I would be an ice cube! It is 61 and I am cold!

  3. ROFL~~~ Once again you succeeded in making me smile and laugh. :o) Have a super afternoon & hopefully those temps warmed up. I think it's up to 81 here today.

  4. So good of your friend to follow you around and help you get so much done. Its a shame there is a crime spree for you to have to share.. tsk! tsk! But the gossip in me cant wait to hear..hehe

    I dont know about that freezing thawing thing. I DO know that a cup of ice water is 32 deg f.... everytime.. I use that to calibrate thermometers.

    I end up talking out of both sides of my mouth when talking of colder weather.. by the time it cools off .. I am normally so ready for it .. and by the time it warms up.. I can hardly wait... I keep rushing it.hehe
    I love the spring because of the milder temps and the new flowers and all the greening up of everything. I love the fall for the milder temps and the crisp mornings and the beautiful colors of the trees in Arkansas...

    The weather here in Arkansas was just gorgeous.. Beautiful clear skies and sunshine with the temps in the low 50's this morning and I think it got up to around 72 this afternoon... Im lovin' it!

    Hope you had a great Saturday! Hugs

  5. Love the pics of the pups! Too cute Anne

  6. I STILL wanna hear about the crime spree. Com`on woman dish the dirt

  7. Love the purtty flower. 32 degrees is freezing no matter how you slice it. Right now where I live it's 52 chilly degrees. I stay warm by putting on winter weight clothes. It's supposed to get down to 35 or lower later in the week. Guess I'll have to call the gas company tomorrow to turn the heater on. Not in the mood to shiver. (My portable heater helps out in the mean time.)

    Now about this crime spree...Out with it.

  8. Sorry, Anne! I'll have to come back again to see if the pics come up!

    Take care & lotsa hugs to you & Casey!!!

  9. Pictures are awake. I'm not but that's another story.

    Have a great day.

  10. Anything below 45 is a bit NIPPY for me. You know my hot flashes will warm me up sooner or later. I know you know how this goes......if its warm outside and drops to 32 things tend to freeze. Once it is already cold and well below that level and goes UP to 32 then things will start to thaw. 32 is just the major turning point at which things tend to change. Now thats a thought! I haven't been the same since 32 either!!! LOL!

    Who came up with this wandering flower idea? Kinda reminds me of that "flat man" paper character that someone took pictures of a while back on peoples vacation trips and turning up in odd places.

  11. Anna, no matter what you photograph, your pictures always turn out so well!
    And Punk looks like her thoughts are written all over her face. "I'll do it! I don't want to do it! But I'll do it! (silent grrrrrrrrrrrr)" "The things she makes me do" (another silent grrrrrrrrr)

  12. Please post the latest one here, I'm unable to leave comments over there. I love this series.

    Will there be a Part 4?
