Where Do YOUR Kids Go To School? Air Quality and Cancer...
Use the link above to learn how bad off the air in/around your childrens schools are.
NOTE: The HIGHER the ranking, the SAFER the air quality is
USA TODAY Special Report – The Smokestack Effect – Toxic Air and America’s Schools
Then please take a moment to see what happened in Ohio. (Video is below).
Concerned yet?
I think we ALL should be.
What is closest to these schools, but homes... Maybe even your own.
Please click below and learn even more.
(Much to learn at top link "Stories in the Series").
The Perfect Way of Love...
Good Morning Everyone!
Sometimes you just have to take matters into your own hands.
...Er, "paws"...
The peaceful look of pure love...
A gentle kiss...
or ten...
or twenty...
Happiness Found!
A song without words...
Happy New Years Eve!
Wishing you ALL THIS, and more.
Be safe.
Be loved.
Need I say more?
There's something about a Marley-like Lab... ;-)
I am laughing out loud in the hotel room!
(I think I can relate to this story somehow)...
And have never wanted to see a film as much as I want to see "Marley". Has anyone seen it yet?
"There's something about a Marley-like Lab"
by Sharon L. Peters
Just before Christmas, Ed and Teri Capparucci got a call that was troubling, but not, truth be told, all that surprising.
Their sweet-natured young Gabriel had slipped out and, in some strange fit of passion, had ripped down a neighbor woman's outdoor Christmas lights and scattered them about the yard.
And then, in a second act of apparent bah-humbug-ism, he ravaged her two (very expensive) electric penguins. Obviously quite proud of his renovations, he stood waiting for said homeowner, hoping to engage her in his next project.
Gabriel — it will come as no great shock to those who have shared their homes, and hearts, with one — is a Labrador retriever.
For decades, one of Dogdom's best-kept secrets was that sweet-natured Labradors have the capacity to lapse into moments (or hours) of staggering craziness. Indeed, until John Grogan spilled the beans in Marley & Me — the book and then the movie — about the exasperating energy and exuberance that simmers in many Labs, much of the world (mostly those who had never had a Lab) remained blissfully ignorant of the breed's yin (unparalleled lovability) and yang (stunning ability to upend all routine and plunder all things).
FIND MORE STORIES IN: Georgia | Christmas | CDs | United Parcel Service | Jeep | Marietta | Aussies | Maltese | Gabriel | Film | Labradors | John Grogan | Waldo | Labs | Airedale
Even now, there are most certainly people who believe the tale was exaggerated to sell books and tickets.
The Capparuccis would be happy to introduce those skeptics to Gabriel.
"He's like an out-of-control teenager," Ed says, laughing.
"He's a menace," says Teri of the yellow Lab she describes in the next breath as "unbelievably sweet, lovable and affectionate."
The Marietta, Ga., couple and their son adopted Gabriel — one of two young pups that had been left tethered to a tree — just before Christmas 2007. The now-70-pounder knocks over or slams into all in his path when the energy demons overtake him. He consumes or destroys $50 worth of items a week, Ed reckons, including shoes, socks, the welcome mat, pillows and, recently, a box of CDs and books the UPS guy left at the door. "We're in lockdown mode now," says Teri. "Anything he can grab and chew isn't left at his level."
They've gone through one round of training with him, they make sure he gets the massive doses of exercise he requires, and they're counting the months until maturity overtakes him (in some Labs, that occurs at 3 or 4 years old).
In fairness, it must be said that some Labs are born placid and stay that way. I've met some. But my own life with a Lab was more Marley-like. My late, great Buck was a chocolate Lab of the most potent and irrepressible sort. His puppyhood was excruciating (for me; he thought it was quite wonderful). He hurled himself at anything he saw and gnawed on whatever fell during the inevitable takedown, and he invented hundreds of torturous (to humans) habits, pursuits and games.
One morning I was on the phone, not monitoring Buck's activities. The cleaning woman let herself in, glanced into the living room, gasped and raced out onto the sidewalk shrieking about a break-in. Police arrived. I had to explain to doubting officers that criminal mayhem had not occurred in our home, that in just five unsupervised minutes, 1-year-old Buck had hauled all the pillows (including seat cushions) off the sofa, shoved everything from the coffee table onto the floor, yanked books from the shelves, grabbed three corners of the carpet and pulled them inward, and even, apparently, leapt against the wall, knocking the prints akimbo. That was the moment when I finally understood he needed far more stimulation and exercise than any dog I'd ever known.
Buck eventually — by age 4 — became very well-behaved (three trainers; several hundred dollars helped), but his essence remained rock-solidly Buckful. He merrily launched himself at any high-fly ball or impossible mountain trail even in his dotage; he demanded that dinner (his) be served promptly at 6; and he had an intractable sense of right and wrong (when we rode around in the Jeep he'd erupt into frantic barking upon spotting any dog trotting down the road off leash, but a leashed dog elicited no reaction at all)).
"A character," "very enthusiastic" is how veterinarians described him on their new-patient sheets whenever we moved and introduced a new care provider to the Buckness of Buck. Until the day he died — an old dog — he could still make anyone, dog lover or not, laugh out loud. And even now, five years later, his picture makes me cry.
Every dog is special in some unique way. Some people become attached to a particular breed — poodle or Airedale or Maltese — and stick with it forever. And yet, at the risk of offending the millions of dog lovers who are besotted by their Aussies or bloodhounds, there may be truth to what my friend Deb has said more than once: There's just something about a Lab. Her yellow Lab, Waldo, died three years ago, and she now loves a beagle. But each time she sees a Lab or hears a story about a Lab, her heart melts.
The Capparuccis can relate. Gabriel is more trouble and expense than they ever expected, and they're seasoned dog owners. But they inevitably add at the end of any telling of his most recent outrageous act: "He is sooooo worth it."
Sharon L. Peters is an award-winning pet journalist who lives in Colorado. She has two dogs, Rufus and Jasper, and a cat named Gus.
E-mail her at pets@usatoday.com.
"Condometric" HAHAHA!
- a condom from Spain, with a measuring stick down the side - - allows men (and their sex partners) to see how they measure up.
Canada Really IS Mean!
- Good Morning Everyone:
I hope you have read last nights blog with the update on Casey's 2nd surgery.
If not, please click here.
Now in to my title. - This is ever so nasty of Canada-
(Please remember that Canada hates me). Click on those words if you do not recall...
I spoke too soon in last nights blog entry- Showing the all clear weather icon.
Here's the update:
Notice how the band of snow goes from Minneapolis straight through to Green Bay- With heavier bands coming straight at BOTH cities... (Just in case Canada misses me in one place).
Now that just stinks.
And here's the icons I should have used....
I spoke to Randy's mom the day of Casey's 2nd surgery. She too is more than ready for Spring to come. Knowing that "Winter" only began a scant 9 days ago is not anything to write home about.
Green Bay is to get 5+ additional inches of snow- Already December in Green Bay and surrounding areas (which includes Flintville by the way) has set a record for December snowfall.
And this little alert came out just an hour or so ago.
Severe Weather Alert
456 AM CST TUE DEC 30 2008 ...
(Stolen from HERE)
Current conditions as of 4:53 am CSTCloudy 16°
- Barometer: 30.1 in and falling
- Humidity: 55%
- Visibility: 10 mi
- Dewpoint: 5°
High: 20° Low: 4°
- Tonight Tomorrow Thu Fri Sat 6-10 Day?SnowPartly CloudySnowSnow ShowersFew Snow Showers
High: 20° Low: 4°High: 12° Low: 1°High: 23° Low: 12°High: 16° Low: 8°High: 23° Low: 17°
Prayers go out to all of my family and friends that will be traveling to/from work in this garbage for the umpteenth time this year.
Know that as I type, there is snow falling here- Fresh tracks in the driveway below tell me we have barely gotten an inch at this point. Just enough to grease up the roads...
Every now and then I chance to actually see a snowplow here in Minneapolis. Seeing them though, clearing the roads of the heavy wet snows, it never fails to amaze me that those plows shoot off some pretty decent fireworks as they screech down the road. Even in all the wet snow.
Cool to see all the sparks.
Still nicer back home where the plows go through on a regular basis, salting and sanding to keep us safe(r) than here.
Punk went back to sleep as soon as it became apparent to her that she wasn't getting outside anytime soon this morning. I have been fighting with my head for a couple of days, and finally took a Maxalt last night.
That keeps me very close to the toidy due to the effect it has on my innards.
Somehow this dog of mine always seems to understand...
My own anxiety attacks have been at an all time high. I take my little stuff, (which is supposed to help), and wonder how bad it would all be without those meds?
Nope. On 2nd thought, I really don't want to go there...
- Yet, I think I am lucky- Things could always be much worse on so very many levels, so I shall try not to complain (too loudly).
My love to all.
In closing...
These words have always been close to my heart. - ........I only wish the whole world was thus.
DesiderataGo placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all people.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to all, even to the dull and ignorant;
they too have their story.Avoid loud and aggressive people, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself to others you will become vain and bitter;
there will always be greater and lesser persons than yourself.Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.
But let not this blind you to the virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.Be yourself; especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it
is as perennial as the grass.Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline be gentle with yourself.You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have the right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
.Originally posted to my Y! 360, Tuesday December 30, 2008 - 07:05am (CST)
Beware of # 4... (Thank you Mr. Darwin).
Good Evening Everyone!
Kind of a rough day yesterday, with respect to spirit and health. Once again to thank you all for your prayers and kindnesses. (Not too sure what I would do without your friendship, and the upbeat thoughts)...
And so, "sanity" prevails. (As close to 'nermal' as possible anyway)!
Pre-Surgery # 2
Kasey and Casey, hehehe
pre-surgery # 2
Dr. Banton is one of Dr. Sutherlands most capable doctors.
She is the surgeon that operated on Casey yesterday.
So my morning was spent pacing the halls and climbing the walls; until Dr. Bantons assistant finally came out just before noon to tell me what they had done, and that Casey was well.
That little belly had held a full 2+ liters of blood and fluids.
(Sadly, in comparison, mine would have held LOTS more before anyone had ever paid attention).
And they'd removed a blood clot ~a bit bigger than a golf ball, like a lemon! They'd found that in her duodenum, (between her stomach and her small intestine).
He also told me it would be at least 2 hours before I could see her; telling me to wait. UGH, I really DO hate that "wait" word.
I came back here...
Loved Punk a bit.
And couldn't wait to see Casey.
Back to the hospital- and they wheeled her back to her room at 2 on a gurney.
The lady tells me to step out. (I politely decline).
As I am thinking...
Not this mom.
Not gonna happen.
She tells me again.
(Hmm... Didn't she hear me the 1st time)?
Sheesh. I politely decline again.
I'm not leaving.
Good grief! I am not going to faint or holler or scream, (even if Casey does) as they transfer her from the gurney to her bed.
Yet in all fairness, the lady doesn't know that I have had the privileges of seeing all my grandbabies come into this world, of having been in the little OR for Marys breast cancer surgery as well; of caring for Randy after his stroke---
And so I stay right where I am.
They get her back to her bed. (Neither of us freaking out by the way).
With another NG Tube.
Staples this time, (in case she has to go back for another surgery).
And back to being catheterized as well.
And she slept as her heart rate came down from the mid 140's, slowly but surely- She was in and out of it. I waited for it to be down in the 1~teens, I kissed her on the head, telling her I would be back around 5.
I picked up Punk, and we went for a ride. Stopped at CVS, and got Casey some lancets for her One Touch 2 to check her own blood sugar.
Back to the hospital at 5.
I just had to laugh out loud.
Thinking "NOBODY but Casey"
Dr. Sutherland and Dr. Banton were in this morning...
He told Casey she was quite unique! hehehe (Didn't we all know that)?
He ordered her NG tube and her catheter removed, as well as the extra IV they had placed in her left hand during surgery- it was backing up anyway, so it was time for it to go.
She is up and about. And feeling quite proud of herself.
As I am so proud of her too!
And even though I am afraid to jinx it, Dr. S also said that she might be released within a week or two if all goes as well for her as it has.
Holy CARP!
Love to all.
I truly hope your Monday was as good as ours!
Oh and PS;
Beware... I found this picture online while reading.
Survival of the Fittest
This frame inspired by Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
It occurs to me that Miss Casey is in position # 3 right now.
Methinks we'd ALL better watch out for # 4.
UPDATE IN COMMENTS! ~More Surgery... More Prayers...
The doctor, (Dr. Melena Bellin) has just informed us that Casey will be needing surgery ASAP to check the bleeding into her abdomen that was brought on by the heparin.
This surgery should only take about 45 minutes. Will keep you all posted.
More prayers please?
Not A Good Day
As I sit and watch Casey sleep, I know that somehow she is healing- Just way too hard to watch sometimes...
It might be hard for some of you to look at the pictures too...
(Maybe just close your eyes in~between sentences)?
Not sure how well the picture will turn out,
but see the red streaks forming above her PICC Line.
Red streaks ARE infection, aren't they?
We have seen plenty of nurses since.
Just no damn doctor.
(And yes, I am plenty upset)!!!
Knowing too that Dr. Sutherland is to be called 24/7 with his patients updates.
Love to all.
Top 10 Urban Legends of 2008
Found this almost unbelievable that there are still those that believe this nonsense.
Go ahead, click above...
By David Emery, About.com
ONE WAY TO take the emotional temperature of a culture is to eavesdrop on its rumor mill. Gossip, legends, and rumors tend to revolve around our passions — the things we fear, the things we hate, the things we yearn for, the people and things that enthrall us. Last year was a case in point.
2008 saw the election of America's first African-American president. It also saw an unprecedented degree of rumormongering about the relatively obscure Illinois senator who earned that distinction, Barack Hussein Obama. The subtext of virtually all of these rumors was fear — fear of change, fear of the unknown. "Who is Barack Obama?" they seemed to demand. Why had most of us never heard of him before he ran for the presidency? What does he believe in? Does he have a secret agenda? Could he (literally) be the Antichrist?
Sentiments of quite a different kind were aroused by Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, a staunch conservative and gun rights advocate who also happened to be, as some observers crassly put it, "a babe." A forged likeness of Palin sporting an American flag bikini and a rifle was one of the most popular viral images of the year.
Folks were also captivated by images of a dog as tall as a horse; scurrilous, longstanding rumors about actress Jamie Lee Curtis's sexuality; and a decade-old chain email promising frequent forwarders a share of Bill Gates' riches. And it appears that the only thing more terrifying to the average American than the alleged proliferation of a "zombifying" street drug called burundanga — Barack Obama aside, of course — is a nasty, hard-drive-destroying Internet worm masquerading as an e-card from Hallmark. By the way, did you claim your "free laptop" from Ericsson?
Here, in ascending order of popularity as measured by reader interest and overall Web traffic, are the Top 10 Urban Legends of 2008:
10. Burundanga Drug Warning
"In Katy, Texas a man came over and offered his services as a painter to a female putting gas in her car and left his card. She said no, but accepted his card out of kindness and got in the car. The man then got into a car driven by another gentleman. As the lady left the service station she saw the men following her. Almost immediately, she started to feel dizzy and could not catch her breath. She tried to open the window and realized that the odor was on her hand; the same hand which accepted the card from the gentleman at the gas station." Read more...
9. Free Laptop from Ericsson!
"The Ericsson Company is distributing free computer laptops in an attempt to match Nokia that has already done so. Ericsson hopes to increase its popularity this way. For this reason, they are giving away the new WAP laptops. All you need to do to qualify is to send this mail to 8 people you know." Read more...
8. Barack Obama Is the Antichrist
"The Antichrist will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal.... the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything. Is it OBAMA??" Read more...
7. Bill Gates Is Sharing His Fortune!
"Microsoft and AOL are running an email beta test. When you forward this email to friends, Microsoft can and will track it (if you are a Microsoft Windows user) for a two week time period. For every person that you forward this email to, Microsoft will pay you $5.00, for every person that you sent it to that forwards it on, Microsoft will pay you $3.00 and for every third person that receives it, you will be paid $1.00." Read more...
6. Jamie Lee Curtis Is a Hermaphrodite
"Dear Guide: I've heard from a few places that Jamie Lee Curtis is genetically male. I know it is genetically possible for something like this to happen — Ms. Curtis is the only famous person I've ever heard linked to this 'problem.' One of my best friends is convinced it's impossible." Read more...10
5. Gun-Totin', Bikini-Wearin' Sarah Palin (Photo)
A much-forwarded viral image purports to show Republican vice-presidential candidate (and gun rights advocate) Sarah Palin posing in an American-flag bikini with a rifle (actually it's a pellet gun, but nevermind that — she's a babe! Read more...12
4. Quick, Add Your Cell Phone to the Do Not Call Registry!13
Circulating for the fourth year running, this urgent message claims a directory of cell phone numbers is about to be published and advises users to add their numbers to the Do Not Call Registry to prevent an influx of telemarketing calls. Read more...
3. Hercules, World's Biggest Dog (Photo)
"Hercules was recently awarded the honorable distinction of Worlds Biggest Dog by Guinness World Records. Hercules is an English Mastiff and has a 38 inch neck and weighs 282 pounds. With 'paws the size of softballs' (reports the Boston Herald), the three-year-old monster is far larger and heavier than his breed's standard 200lb. limit." Read more...16
2. 'Postcard' Virus Warning17
"You should be alert during the next few days. Do not open any message with an attachment entitled 'POSTCARD FROM HALLMARK,' regardless of who sent it to you. It is a virus which opens A POSTCARD IMAGE, which 'burns' the whole hard disc C of your computer. This virus will be received from someone who has your email address in his/her contact list. This is the reason why you need to send this email to all your contacts." Read more...18
1. Barack Obama Is a Muslim19
"Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy. The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the U.S. from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level — through the President of the United States, one of their own!!!!" Read more...
Last updated: 12/24/08
Casey. Christmas. And "Severe Weather"...
Good Day After Christmas! And Happy Boxing Day to my Canadian Friends!
Hope your Christmas was 'wunnaful' in every way.
As one of Santa's elves, I had to sneak up to the hospital very early and deliver a few things for the pancreatic kid.
(Or would she be the NON~pancreatic kid now)? Hmmm ?
So sneak I did- Even going in the back way to her floor just in case her door was open and she was awake.
She was asleep.
And so her little gifts from Father Christmas were placed under her little tree. This tree, an added little bit of Christmas, sent by Sweet BethieBaby.
(Casey's one nurse -Sean- said she could keep that little tree as long as she had no roomies). Furthermore, the rootball is completely wrapped in plastic, which has been undisturbed since it was delivered. I shall worry about watering it when I get that tree back here. Sorry, but I would rather sacrifice the tree instead of compromising the child...
Not sure if you have seen the pics I had added to my last blog.
If not, here are a few.

And we each had our Santa hats too;
Although she couldn't wear hers for long- Too hot...
Then of course, one needs a bushel of presents!
And a bunch of cards too!
Even Miss Punk got a new pull toy.
She LOVED it!
And was very very thankful to Santa Paws
Casey found a bit of a damp spot near to her central line.
It was leaking.
The nurse had never seen any central lines that did this- She changed the dressing, and inspected Casey's sutures. All seemed well enough, but she needed to check with her doctor too. He said it was really not a problem, that sometimes the central line will be a bit sluggish etc etc etc. And not to worry about it.
I came back to the hotel a little after noon to catch up on some sleep. (I had been awake since 9:30pm on Christmas Eve). But couldn't even rest.
At about 3, I had the worst feeling that something wasn't right. knowing that my intuition has never failed me, I took Punk outside, and went straight back up to the hospital. The cardio lab had just finished putting a PICC Line in Caseys arn. So now, instead of the central line (which cardiology was not able to remove), she will be using the PICC Line. Her nurse was going to remove the central line in short order then. Certainly this was not catastrophic, but still I just knew something hadn't been "right" either.
Casey's blood won't thin down- Since her TP/AIT Transplant, she is on a 24 hour bag of Heparin, plus gets Coumadin every day too. She is now also on aspirin therapy as well. Darn stubborn blood...
Her nurse never did come back. And since I haven't heard anything to the contrary, I am thinking that the central line did get removed last night after I had left.
Casey has tummy pains- and hasn't really eaten much since her surgery; yet she is very nauseated most of the time. One of her 24/7 drips is the Protonics for the heartburn etc. And she gets Zofran? and/or Phenergan for breakthrough nausea. Another bag was added, Compazine to help with the nausea too.
She has just called- Awake now, and in awful pain. I am headed over there right now.
Love to all.
PS... Not sure why I found this so funny earlier.
My Saved Locations
View: extended forecast and map
Now THAT'S a really boring forecast!
The severe weather alert?
Seems as though every day brings yet another severe weather alert.
- For snow and ice-
- or ice and snow.
- Or for ice on the roads,
- or for snow on the roads,
- sometimes there is ice under the snow on the roads...
- Add a bit of a breeze and there is blowing and drifting too.
Ya think?
It's WINTER you fools! Learn how to drive or stay off the roads.
My proposal is this.
How about ixnaying ALL of the severe weather bulletins?
(They have all read the very same for Minneapolis too).
And how about, instead, just post a GREAT WEATHER Bulletin???
Have a good one!
FDA Warns Consumers About Tainted Weight Loss Pills
FDA News
December 22, 2008
Media Inquiries:
Rita Chappelle, 240-753-8603
Consumer Inquiries:
FDA Warns Consumers About Tainted Weight Loss Pills
Agency seeks recall of products that pose serious health risks
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is alerting consumers nationwide not to purchase or consume more than 25 different products marketed for weight loss because they contain undeclared, active pharmaceutical ingredients that may put consumers’ health at risk.
The tainted weight loss products are:
Fatloss Slimming
2 Day Diet
3x Slimming Power
Japan Lingzhi 24 Hours Diet
5x Imelda Perfect Slimming
3 Day Diet
7 Day Herbal Slim
8 Factor Diet
7 Diet Day/Night Formula
999 Fitness Essence
Extrim Plus
Imelda Perfect Slim
Lida DaiDaihua
Miaozi Slim Capsules
Perfect Slim
Perfect Slim 5x
Phyto Shape
ProSlim Plus
Royal Slimming Formula
Slim 3 in 1
Slim Express 360
Zhen de Shou
Venom Hyperdrive 3.0
An FDA analysis found that the undeclared active pharmaceutical ingredients in some of these products include sibutramine (a controlled substance), rimonabant (a drug not approved for marketing in the United States), phenytoin (an anti-seizure medication), and phenolphthalein (a solution used in chemical experiments and a suspected cancer causing agent). Some of the amounts of active pharmaceutical ingredients far exceeded the FDA-recommended levels, putting consumers' health at risk.
These weight loss products, some of which are marketed as “dietary supplements,” are promoted and sold on various Web sites and in some retail stores. Some of the products claim to be “natural” or to contain only “herbal” ingredients, but actually contain potentially harmful ingredients not listed on the product labels or in promotional advertisements. These products have not been approved by the FDA, are illegal and may be potentially harmful to unsuspecting consumers.
The FDA advises consumers who have used any of these products to stop taking them and consult their healthcare professional immediately. The FDA encourages consumers to seek guidance from a healthcare professional before purchasing weight loss products.
“These tainted weight loss products pose a great risk to public health because they contain undeclared ingredients and, in some cases, contain prescription drugs in amounts that greatly exceed their maximum recommended dosages,” said Janet Woodcock, M.D., director, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, FDA. “Consumers have no way of knowing that these products contain powerful drugs that could cause serious health consequences. Therefore FDA is taking this action to protect the health of the American public.”
The FDA has inspected a number of companies associated with the sale of these illegal products, and is currently seeking product recalls. Based on the FDA’s inspections and the companies’ inadequate responses to recall requests, the FDA may take additional enforcement steps, such as issuing warning letters or initiating seizures, injunctions, or criminal charges.
The health risks posed by these products can be serious; for example, sibutramine, which was found in many of the products, can cause high blood pressure, seizures, tachycardia, palpitations, heart attack or stroke. This drug can also interact with other medications that patients may be taking and increase their risk of adverse drug events. The safety of sibutramine has also not been established in pregnant and lactating women, or in children younger than 16 years of age.
Rimonabant, another ingredient found in these products, was evaluated, but not approved by the FDA for marketing in the United States. The drug, which is approved in Europe, has been associated with increased risk of depression and suicidal thoughts and has been linked to five deaths and 720 adverse reactions in Europe over the last two years.
Health care professionals and consumers should report serious adverse events (side effects) or product quality problems to the FDA’s MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program either online, by regular mail, fax or phone.
* Online: www.fda.gov/MedWatch/report.htm
* Regular Mail: use postage-paid FDA form 3500 available at:
www.fda.gov/MedWatch/getforms.htm and mail to
MedWatch, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852-9787
* Fax: (800) FDA-0178
* Phone: (800) FDA-1088
Information for consumers can be found at:
Consumer Directed Questions and Answers about FDA’s Initiative Against Contaminated Weight Loss Products
FDA has developed these questions and answers (Q & A’s) to help consumers, health care practitioners, and the general public understand FDA’s actions regarding weight loss products contaminated with various prescription drugs and chemicals. Many of these products are marketed as dietary supplements. Unfortunately, FDA cannot test and identify all weight loss products on the market that have potentially harmful contaminants in order to assure their safety. Enforcement actions and consumer advisories for unapproved products only cover a small fraction of the potentially hazardous weight loss products marketed to consumers on the internet and at some retail establishments.
1. What undeclared drugs and/or chemicals are contained in the weight loss products associated with this action?
Laboratory tests revealed the presence of sibutramine, rimonabant, phenytoin, and phenolphthalein. A summary of our findings are below:
Undeclared Drug Product(s) Name>
2 Day Diet
3 Day Diet
3x Slimming Power
5x Imelda Perfect Slimming
7 Diet Day/Night Formula
7 Day Herbal Slim
8 Factor Diet
24 Hours Diet
999 Fitness Essence
Extrim Plus
Fatloss Slimming
Imelda Perfect Slim
Lida DaiDaihua
Miaozi Slim Capsules
Perfect Slim
Perfect Slim 5x
ProSlim Plus
Royal Slimming Formula
Slim 3 in 1
Slim Express 360
Slim Tech
Triple Slim
Venom Hyperdrive 3.0
Zhen de Shou
Phyto Shape
Phenytoin (trace)
3x Slimming Power
Extrim Plus
8 Factor Diet
24 Hours Diet
Fatloss Slimming
Imelda Perfect Slim
Perfect Slim 5x
Royal Slimming Formula
Zhen de Shou
2. What action is FDA taking regarding these tainted weight loss products?
FDA is taking action to help ensure that these products and other products containing undeclared prescription ingredients are removed from the marketplace. FDA has inspected a number of firms associated with the sale of these products and is currently seeking recalls of the products. Based on these inspections and the firms’ responses to recall requests, FDA may take additional enforcement steps to include warning letters, seizure, injunction, or criminal charges.
3. What is sibutramine and what are the associated risks?
Sibutramine is a Schedule IV controlled substance and the active pharmaceutical ingredient in Meridia, an approved prescription drug to treat obesity.
Some of the identified products recommend taking more than 3 times the recommended daily dosage of sibutramine. Because of this, even consumers without a history of health problems that take these high doses of sibutramine may suffer serious adverse effects if they take these products, such as increased blood pressure, tachycardia, palpitations, and seizure.
Populations who would be at increased risk of serious adverse health effects from consuming a standard dose of sibutramine include:
* Patients with a history of hypertension, especially those with uncontrolled or poorly controlled hypertension.
* Patients with a history of coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, or stroke.
* Patients with narrow angle glaucoma.
* Patients with a history of seizure.
* Patients predisposed to bleeding events and those taking concomitant medications known to affect hemostasis or platelet function.
* Patients with severe hepatic dysfunction.
* Patients concurrently taking the following medications:
o Sumatriptan
o Dihydroergotamine
o Dextromethorphan
o Meperidine,
o Pentazocine
o Fentanyl
o Lithium
o Tryptophan
o MAO inhibitors
4. What is rimonabant and what are the associated risks?
Rimonabant is the active pharmaceutical ingredient in Zimulti which has not been approved in the United States. In Europe the drug is known as Acomplia.
In June 2007, the FDA Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee unanimously voted not to recommend approval of the drug because of increased risk of neurological and psychiatric side effects—seizures, depression, anxiety, insomnia, aggressiveness, and suicidal thoughts among patients. In June of 2008, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency of the United Kingdom linked rimonabant to 5 deaths and 720 adverse reactions over the past two years. In October, the European Medicines Agency recommended that marketing and sales of Accomplia be suspended due to safety concerns.
5. What is phenolphthalein and what are the associated risks?
Phenolphthalein was an ingredient in some Over-the-Counter laxative products until 1999 when the FDA reclassified the drug as “not generally recognized as safe and effective” after studies indicated that phenolphthalein presented a potential carcinogenic risk. Phenolphthalein has also been found to be genotoxic in that it can damage or cause mutations to DNA.
6. What is phenytoin and what are the associated risks?
Phenytoin is the active pharmaceutical ingredient in Dilantin, an approved anti-seizure medication. Because there were trace amounts of this drug in some of these products, the risk was not assessed. However, these products could pose a risk to consumers who are allergic or hypersensitive to phenytoin.
7. Who are the manufacturers of these products?
Many of these products do not list the manufacturer on the label or in the advertisements. However, most of the products appear to have been manufactured in China.
8. Does FDA regulate these products?
Although some of the identified products are marketed as “dietary supplements”, all of these products should have been submitted to the FDA for approval prior to marketing. Regulatory requirements for dietary supplements differ from those covering "conventional" foods and drug products (prescription and Over-the-Counter). Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), the dietary supplement manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that its products are safe before they are marketed. Generally, manufacturers do not need to register their products with FDA nor get FDA approval before producing or selling dietary supplements.
Manufacturers must make sure that product label information is truthful and not misleading. However, products which contain an ingredient that has been approved as a new drug such as sibutramine or an ingredient that does not supplement the diet are not considered to be dietary supplements. Consequently these products should also have been submitted to FDA for approval prior to their marketing.
9. Will there be recalls?
It is anticipated that several of these products will be recalled. Recalls and instructions for returns can be found at: http://www.fda.gov/opacom/7alerts.html.
10. Are there more contaminated products like these on the market?
More and more products tainted with prescription drugs, including drugs for erectile dysfunction, diabetes, and obesity, are finding their way into the U.S. marketplace. Many are labeled as dietary supplements or supplements. FDA takes this escalating issue very seriously, and is committed to doing all that it can to identify and remove these dangerous products from the market. However, unfortunately, it is not possible for FDA to test and identify all tainted products.
11. What can consumers do to help protect themselves from harm?
Consult with your health care professional before taking dietary supplements to treat obesity or other diseases. All consumers should be familiar with the following signs of health fraud:
* Promises of an "easy" fix for problems like excess weight, hair loss, or impotency.
* Claims such as "scientific breakthrough," "miraculous cure," "secret ingredient," and "ancient remedy."
* Impressive-sounding terms, such as "hunger stimulation point" and "thermogenesis" for a weight loss product.
* Claims that the product is safe because it is "natural."
* Undocumented case histories or personal testimonials by consumers or doctors claiming amazing results.
* Promises of no-risk, money-back guarantees.
To learn more about FDA’s initiative against unapproved drugs read FDA’s Compliance Policy Guide here:
For drug safety information, read: FDA's Drug Safety Initiative
Melamine and CYANURIC ACID Contamination ~ China
Melamine Contamination in China
(Updated: December 22, 2008)
Would someone tell me WHY we are dumb enough to continue buying crap from China in the first place???
The FDA is advising consumers not to consume the following products because of possible melamine contamination:
* G&J Hot Cocoa Stuffer Item 120144
* G&J His and Hers Hot Cocoa Set Item 120129
* G&J Cocoa item 120126, sold in 2 flavors: French Vanilla Cocoa and Double Chocolate Cocoa
* Wonderfarm "Successful" Assorted Biscuits New!
* Wonderfarm "Royal Flavour" Assorted Biscuits
* Wonderfarm "Lovely Melody" Assorted Biscuits
* Wonderfarm "Daily Life" Assorted Biscuits
* Topaz Hazelnut Wafer Rolls with Hazelnut Chocolate Flavored Creme Filling (photo page)
* Sweet Time Christmas Dressy Bear with Chocolate Bar
* Fresh and Crispy Jacobina Biscuits
* Koala’s March Crème filled Cookies
* YILI Brand Sour Milk Drink
* YILI Brand Pure Milk Drink
* Blue Cat Flavored Drinks
* White Rabbit Candies
* Mr. Brown Mandehling Blend Instant Coffee (3-in-1)
* Mr. Brown Arabica Instant Coffee (3-in-1)
* Mr. Brown Blue Mountain Blend Instant Coffee (3-in-1)
* Mr. Brown Caramel Macchiato Instant Coffee (3-in-1)
* Mr. Brown French Vanilla Instant Coffee (3-in-1)
* Mr. Brown Mandheling Blend instant Coffee (2-in-1)
* Mr. Brown Milk Tea (3-in-1)
* Infant formula manufactured in China
Topics on this Page
* Introduction
* Update on FDA’s Investigation
* FDA's Warnings/Advisories
* News Updates
* List of Company Recalls
* Information for Consumers
* Information for Industry
* FDA's Testing Methods
* Other Resources
On September 12, 2008, in light of reports from China of infant formula contaminated with melamine, the FDA issued a Health Information Advisory to proactively reassure the American public that there is no known threat of contamination in infant formula manufactured by companies that have met the requirements to sell such products in the United States. That advisory also warned members of Asian communities in the United States that infant formula manufactured in China, possibly available for purchase at Asian markets, could pose a risk to infants.
**** No Chinese manufacturers of infant formula have fulfilled the requirements to sell infant formula in the United States.
The FDA contacted the companies that manufacture infant formula for distribution in the United States and received information from the companies that they are not importing formula and do not source milk-based ingredients from China.
In addition, the FDA -– in conjunction with state and local officials – continues to check Asian markets for food items that are imported from China and that could contain a significant amount of milk or milk proteins.
The FDA has broadened its domestic and import sampling and testing of milk-derived ingredients and finished food products containing milk or milk-derived ingredients from Chinese sources. FDA has recommended that consumers not consume certain products because of possible contamination with melamine. A list of those products is below.
Update on FDA’s Investigation
November 28, 2008: FDA’s ongoing investigation continues to show that the domestic supply of infant formula is safe and that consumers can continue using U.S. manufactured infant formulas. FDA has concluded that levels of melamine alone or cyanuric acid alone, at or below 1 part per million (ppm) in infant formula do not raise public health concerns. FDA has updated its interim risk assessment, issued in early October, with this information:
The FDA has been collecting and analyzing samples of domestically manufactured infant formula for the presence of melamine and melamine-related compounds. To date, FDA tests have found extremely low levels of melamine in one infant formula sample and extremely low levels of cyanuric acid in another. The levels were so low (well below 1 ppm) that they do not pose a health risk to infants:
Melamine is not naturally occurring and is not approved to be directly added to food in the United States. However, melamine is approved for use as part of certain food contact substances. Low levels of melamine are present in the environment and trace amounts may occur in certain food commodities as a result of approved uses.
Parents using infant formula should continue using U.S. manufactured infant formula. Switching away from using one of these infant formulas to alternate diets or home-made formulas could result in infants not receiving the complete nutrition required for proper growth and development.
Transcript for FDA’s Media Briefing: FDA’s Updated Interim Safety and Risk Assessment of Melamine and its Analogues in Food for Humans
November 28, 2008
FDA’s Warnings/Advisories
News Updates
November 13, 2008: As part of its ongoing strategy to address the present problem with melamine contamination of consumer products exported from the People’s Republic of China, FDA has expanded its import controls on Chinese dairy products, and food and feed products manufactured in China that contain dairy ingredients. Since Oct. 10, 2008, FDA has had an import alert in place for specific products found contaminated with melamine and melamine-related compounds. FDA has collected additional information on the scope of the melamine contamination problem in China, and determined a countrywide import alert is warranted.
This action will help ensure that only Chinese dairy products and food and feed products manufactured in China that contain dairy ingredients are not contaminated with melamine and melamine-related compounds reach U.S. consumers. No adverse health effects have been reported in the United States from contamination with melamine of dairy products or dairy containing products. But melamine is not approved for direct addition to human or animal foods and no manufacturer is allowed to deliberately add it to any food for U.S. consumers.
As part of ongoing activities, FDA will also examine a range of protein-containing products beyond just dairy and dairy-containing products for contamination with melamine and melamine-related compounds. FDA will continue to take appropriate regulatory action if these efforts uncover additional contamination.
* FDA Detects Melamine Contamination in Flavored Drink (October 6, 2008)
* FDA Updates Health Information Advisory on Melamine Contamination (Sept 26, 2008)
* FDA Updates Health Information Advisory on Melamine Contamination (Sept 23, 2008)
* FDA Updates Health Information Advisory on Melamine Contamination (Sept.20, 2008)
* FDA Issues Health Information Advisory on Infant Formula (Sept. 12, 2008)
Company Recalls
* Dorsey Marketing Inc. Voluntarily Recalls Three G&J Gourmet Market Cocoa Products: 120126, 120129, 120144 (Dec. 19, 2008) New!
* Interfood Shareholding Company Issues a Nationwide recall of Wonderfarm Brand Biscuits Because of Possible Health Risk (Dec. 9, 2008)
* Walgreens Recalls 173 Teddy Bears With Chocolate Bars Sold Since Late September 2008 (Dec. 5, 2008)
* Everlasting Distributors Inc. Issues a Nationwide Recall of Fresh and Crispy Jacobina Biscuits Because of Possible Health Risks (Oct. 29, 2008)
* Lotte USA, Inc. Initiates Nationwide Recall of Koala's March Crème filled Cookies (Oct. 17, 2008)
* HUA XIA Food Trade USA, Inc. Recalls YILI Brand Sour Milk Drink and YILI Brand Pure Milk Drink, Because of Possible Health Risk (Oct. 10, 2008)
* Tristar Food Wholesale, Inc. Issues a Nationwide Recall of Blue Cat Flavored Drink Because of Possible Health Risk (Oct. 3, 2008)
* Mr. Brown 3-In-1 & and 2-In-1 Powdered Packets in Bag Coffee Mixes Due To Health Risk (Oct. 1, 2008)
* QFCO, Inc. Recalls White Rabbit Candy Because of Possible Health Risk (Sept. 26, 2008)
Information for Consumers
* Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on Melamine and Melamine Contamination
Information for Industry
* Letter to the United States Food Manufacturing Industry Regarding Melamine
FDA's Testing Methods
The FDA Field laboratories are using LC-MS/MS methods that are capable of determining melamine and cyanuric acid at levels of 0.25 ppm in powdered infant formula and other dairy-containing food products or ingredients. These and a GC/MS method for melamine and its analogues are:
* Melamine Methodology
o Determination of Melamine and Cyanuric Acid Residues in Infant Formula using LC-MS/MS
o Interim Method for Determination of Melamine and Cyanuric Acid Residues in Foods using LC-MS/MS
o GC/MS method for melamine and analogues
Other Resources
* WHO web site on melamine
* CDC web site on melamine
Christmas Eve Travel Woes ~(The Whole Country).
For everyone staying at home, I wish you little snow to shovel, a full tummy and all the joys that Christmas may bring.
But this story is about and for those of you who may find yourselves traveling today...
~and especially by car....
Vaya con Dios.
Be safe and be prepared for anything.
You mean the world to me!
National Weather Forecast - weather.com
Tom Moore, Lead Meteorologist, The Weather Channel
Dec. 23, 2008 8:23 pm ET
Midwest | View Regional Video
A storm system will be moving up through the Great Lakes.
As it does, a mixed bag of precipitation will continue into Wednesday.
It appears that a swath of significant snow will fall from central Iowa northeast through southern Wisconsin to northern Michigan.
Most locations in those areas will see at least 6 inches of snow while parts of northern Michigan could see up to a foot.
A messy combination of snow, sleet and rain will continue through Tuesday morning across southern Michigan, northern Indiana, northern Illinois and northern Missouri.
As slightly colder air moves in behind the storm, mixed precipitation will likely change to snow possibly accumulating 1 to 3 inches before ending Tuesday.
Elsewhere, look for some rain and thunderstorms from the Ohio Valley to the lower Mississippi Valley with one to two inches of rain possible through Wednesday.
The weather will be mainly quiet on Christmas day with chilly, but not bitterly cold, temperatures.
Thursday night and Friday will feature another storm system with rain and mixed precipitation.
Northeast | View Regional Video
Snow will move rapidly across interior sections of the northeast overnight.
By Tuesday morning, snow will mix with or change to sleet and freezing rain over many locations.
The ice may linger into the late morning hours, but should change to all rain by early afternoon.
The most vulnerable areas will be across the Mohawk Valley, the upper Hudson Valley and the upper Connecticut Valley.
Much of northern New York and New England will see snow mixing with sleet or freezing rain.
Most other areas will see mainly rain from Wednesday into Wednesday night.
The mountains and northern Maine may hold on to all snow with 4 to 8 inches possible.
Low clouds accompanying the rain should cause delays at the airports from Boston to Washington, D.C. adding to the travel woes nationwide.
Christmas Day should be much quieter with most locations having a sunny, cool and blustery day.
A few snow showers are possible in western New York and northwest Pennsylvania primarily during the morning.
West | View Regional Video
A couple of weather systems will produce more wintry weather conditions across the Northwest on Wednesday.
The more potent system will sweep into northern California.
This system will feature heavy rain and mountain snow over California.
A few thunderstorms are possible along coastal sections during the afternoon and evening hours.
Low cloudiness associated with the rain could hamper air travel from San Francisco south to Los Angeles.
The rain in the Los Angeles and San Diego areas could produce some mudslides especially in the burn zones.
Snowfall in the mountains could measure one to two feet, especially in the Sierra-Nevada south of the Tahoe area.
Moisture from this storm spreads inland to Nevada, Utah, western Colorado and northern Arizona by early evening.
Rain should fall in the deserts with snow expected everywhere else.
Meanwhile low pressure, and an associated front, will slide down from the Gulf of Alaska to the Pacific Northwest where more snow is expected.
The snow should change to rain along the Oregon coast and in southwest Oregon during the afternoon.
In Portland and the Willamette Valley the snow may mix with or briefly change to rain during the mid to late afternoon, but should go back to all snow at night.
Portland needs slightly more than 1 inch to record its snowiest December on record.
The snow should linger into Christmas Day before tapering off Thursday evening in the Northwest.
Christmas Day should be a snowy and windy one across the Intermountain West as the California storm moves inland.
South | View Regional Video
Compared to the other regions of the country, the South will have the least problems, but the picture is not all rosy.
A line of showers and thunderstorms will be moving eastward across Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and southeast Texas.
A few storms may turn severe with small hail and gusty winds.
This activity will move into the western Carolinas, Georgia and the Florida Panhandle Wednesday night and early Thursday.
Christmas Day could feature a few showers from the coastal Carolinas to the Gulf Coast.
The rest of the region will be dry and mild.
Florida will be balmy temperatures well into the 70s and lower 80s Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
A more serious severe weather threat will exist from the southern plains to the Mississippi valley from late Friday to Saturday as a new storm gathers strength.
Christmas for CaseyAnne!
I don't know why some of you get my blogs as I post them, and some do not. I have 'backed up' the posting time here...
I am ever so tired, and will be keeping this quite short.
Know too that I am going to post this as "network" as I know that many of your own family and friends have been praying for and thinking of Casey daily.
And a big OOPS on me...
*** If you are planning on sending flowers or candy, there are no live plants, or cut flowers etc, allowed on the transplant floor/wing.
And of course candy is out of the question with her blood sugars being so wild.
(She does NOT tolerate the chemical/fake sweeteners either).
My apologies for not posting about this sooner, I found out myself (the hard way).
~The tree below being the one I tried to bring to her room 2 days ago...
Caseys Address:
University of Minnesota, FAIRVIEW Hospital
Room 238, Unit 6B, Organ Transplant
500 Harvard St. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
I will also be posting a photo album from here in Minnesota.
(I might do that tomorrow).
what would you put under the tree for Casey this year?
I am SO looking forward to see your comments below & what ideas everyone has.