Good Evening Everyone!
Kind of a rough day yesterday, with respect to spirit and health. Once again to thank you all for your prayers and kindnesses. (Not too sure what I would do without your friendship, and the upbeat thoughts)...
And so, "sanity" prevails. (As close to 'nermal' as possible anyway)!
Casey getting her belly checked...
Pre-Surgery # 2
.Pre-Surgery # 2
Kasey and Casey, hehehe
pre-surgery # 2
Dr. Banton is one of Dr. Sutherlands most capable doctors.
She is the surgeon that operated on Casey yesterday.
So my morning was spent pacing the halls and climbing the walls; until Dr. Bantons assistant finally came out just before noon to tell me what they had done, and that Casey was well.
That little belly had held a full 2+ liters of blood and fluids.
(Sadly, in comparison, mine would have held LOTS more before anyone had ever paid attention).
And they'd removed a blood clot ~a bit bigger than a golf ball, like a lemon! They'd found that in her duodenum, (between her stomach and her small intestine).
He also told me it would be at least 2 hours before I could see her; telling me to wait. UGH, I really DO hate that "wait" word.
I came back here...
Loved Punk a bit.
And couldn't wait to see Casey.
Back to the hospital- and they wheeled her back to her room at 2 on a gurney.
The lady tells me to step out. (I politely decline).
As I am thinking...
Not this mom.
Not gonna happen.
She tells me again.
(Hmm... Didn't she hear me the 1st time)?
Sheesh. I politely decline again.
I'm not leaving.
Good grief! I am not going to faint or holler or scream, (even if Casey does) as they transfer her from the gurney to her bed.
Yet in all fairness, the lady doesn't know that I have had the privileges of seeing all my grandbabies come into this world, of having been in the little OR for Marys breast cancer surgery as well; of caring for Randy after his stroke---
And so I stay right where I am.
They get her back to her bed. (Neither of us freaking out by the way).
With another NG Tube.
Staples this time, (in case she has to go back for another surgery).
And back to being catheterized as well.
And she slept as her heart rate came down from the mid 140's, slowly but surely- She was in and out of it. I waited for it to be down in the 1~teens, I kissed her on the head, telling her I would be back around 5.
I picked up Punk, and we went for a ride. Stopped at CVS, and got Casey some lancets for her One Touch 2 to check her own blood sugar.
Santa Claus brought her that gift.
Santa heard that the testing is not as reliable as what they offer in the hospital, so he wanted her to check with HER machine at the exact time that they checked her with theirs. (I shall have to write to Santa and let him know that they are pretty damn close, and that he chose a great gift)..
Back to the hospital at 5.
And THIS is what I walk in on...
The little snotball out of bed... !!!
I just had to laugh out loud.
Thinking "NOBODY but Casey"
I just had to laugh out loud.
Thinking "NOBODY but Casey"
Dr. Sutherland and Dr. Banton were in this morning...
He told Casey she was quite unique! hehehe (Didn't we all know that)?
He ordered her NG tube and her catheter removed, as well as the extra IV they had placed in her left hand during surgery- it was backing up anyway, so it was time for it to go.
She is up and about. And feeling quite proud of herself.
As I am so proud of her too!
And even though I am afraid to jinx it, Dr. S also said that she might be released within a week or two if all goes as well for her as it has.
Holy CARP!
Love to all.
I truly hope your Monday was as good as ours!
Oh and PS;
Beware... I found this picture online while reading.

Survival of the Fittest
This frame inspired by Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
It occurs to me that Miss Casey is in position # 3 right now.
Methinks we'd ALL better watch out for # 4.
Survival of the Fittest
This frame inspired by Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
It occurs to me that Miss Casey is in position # 3 right now.
Methinks we'd ALL better watch out for # 4.
What a great surprise to see her up and about already!!! Will continue with the prayers for much healing so that she may be able to go home soon. Please give her a huge but gentle hug from Cee and me. Much love and lots of prayers!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe she was up and around when you went back! What a resillient young lady she is!
How great it would be if she got released in a couple of weeks!!
Will keep the prayers coming!!!
Love Ya's Both!
P.S. how does chili mac sound for dinner tonight??
Great news Anna. Will still keep praying - for good weather on the drive home in a week or two.
ReplyDeleteAnd the good Doctors say YEA!!
(send a little prayer for Mikey, his mom just found out 7 of her 10 lymph nodes are positive for cancer).
Heal...Heal...Heal !!! Just another bit of positive thoughts coming Casey's way.
ReplyDeleteShe does look so much better even if she is sporting her tube wear here and there.
Hugs and Prayers!
Oops Sweet Pam;
ReplyDeleteYou have probably gone 'nightie~night' by now...
It would be very cool to be back home in a few weeks!
So we shall pray for that!
I really do send everyones hugs her way!
Whoop! Whoop! (its an Aggie thing) yeah!
ReplyDeleteVery good news all around .. except for one little thing...
"And even though I am afraid to jinx it, Dr. S also said that she might be released within a week or two if all goes as well for her as it has."
Now correct me, if Im wrong here.. but they just had to take her back into surgery the second time.. Thats not so great in my way of thinking.. but then again Im no doctor.
But she is looking grand and so very good to see her up on her feet and with a great prognosis as well!
As for #4... well, maybe we should all give all the x-nurses and doctors that were a bit nasty to her a heads up... or NOT.... hehe
Hugs and mucho luv for you both
Sweet SlurkieBaby!
ReplyDelete(I thought you'd be here by now)...
We would have to stick around Minneapolis for a week or so after she was released, just to be safe. But that would even be a completely 'wunnaful' thing!!!
You and your pasta... Chili mac gives me heartburn. hehehe
still chuckling...
Oh btw.. thats the same machine I have..
ReplyDeleteYou made me laugh Mr Khoolman;
ReplyDeleteAnd that is a very good thing!
Thinking that it would really suck to be able to go home and not be able to get there!
Falls under "Murphys Law" I guess.
Sweet Pea;
ReplyDelete"WOOT" is right! ya can't keep a good kid down for long!
Please tell the good doctor my prayers are going out for his mama.
And also please tell him that Mary had 20 of 21 Lymph nodes that were positive- And she came through her surgery, and her weekly chemo 'well'. Not without pain or blistered mouth, throat, hands and feet, or all the heartburn and loss of hair etc etc etc
But she came through it and that is what counts.
Sweet PeachieBaby!
ReplyDeleteDamn fine thing I don't read these comments out loud. Punk would be even more "cornfoosed" than she is right now with your 'heal'...
And her tubes are all gone once more; save for the PICC Line.
Sweet Connie!
ReplyDeleteWhooping on my page is allowed- so no worries there!
As far as the release goes, she would have to NOT return to surgery of course, and she would have to be eating and all too.
This surgery was not like the last, even though it felt like it to me... She found immediate relief and was happy that she felt so much better afterward too.
I vote for the "OR NOT" part...
Let's just give her the spear and let her have at 'em! hehehe
ReplyDeleteThat Santa is a very cool dude if you ask me!
message passed.
ReplyDeleteWOW what a super duper improvement! YEAH CASEY! Thanks for letting me share in your not so pleasant experience. My prayers keep coming! Great job holding up emotionally Mom, I'm sure I may have crumbled by now! Get well soon Casey, hope they let ya go home soon;)
ReplyDeleteomg she looks so much better after the surgery. Great for her and I'll keep
ReplyDeletepraying that she will continue to improve and be home very soon. Thanks
for the info and the pictures. Tell her she has friends praying in Nova Scotia!!
Best medicine there is, prayers. Hugs & blessings...Bev
Hi Sweetie!
ReplyDeleteAnd I am so happy you came by!
Many thanks for your continued good thoughts and prayers too! You have no idea how much this all means to me.
While I have my own little secret to remaining calm, I can't always have her by me either.
That secret is my dog.
She has an amazing calming effect on me, (though she sure can be a silly one too)...
I will share your words with Casey in the morning when I see her.
ReplyDeleteSweet Bev;
She said she felt so much better almost immediately too. Medical wonders...
And now we all know one personally!
I shall pass on your message as well!
My many thanks to you too!
The difference in today's pics compared to Sundays are astonishing to say the least! What a strong girl she is! She perks right back up so quickly, it's amazing! Give her my best, and I'm sending big hugs for the both of you (I promise hers will be gentle.) And give that dog of yours a nice pat on the head from me for helping you through all of this. Bless you all, and the prayers will keep coming your way...oops, there goes one now;)
ReplyDeleteSweet Mrs Jerry!
She IS an amazing kid!!!
I am thinking that many 21 year old people might want to just lie there... hehehe (Myself included at times)
But after three years of suffering so badly, I am still almost speechless that she has bounced back from both of these surgeries now.
(I think that shows us all just how much she wanted/needed this TP/AIT Transplant).
How about if I hug the pooch,and pat the girl?
I shall relay your kindness as well
i keep laughing at the "snotball" caption... is that why she has a tube stuck up her nose?
I am so happy to hear this news!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely amazed she is up and walking so soon after the second surgery!!!
She'll be home making all kinds of plans in no time!
I've gotta shine up my hitch hikin' thumb...
ReplyDeleteI might make it by Casey's B-day...
What do I do if y'all are back in Wisconsin by then??
Oh and I have rolaids, tums, pepto, maalox, etc for da heartburn...
(have you not noticed I have an answer for EVERYTHING??? hehehe)
Ahhhh!!!!!..... Been so busy all day at work - couldn't get on-line! But - been praying for you all! And after seeing the pics yesterday & hearing your heat-rending words at the end of your torcherous day..... Can't remember back when I prayed so much in my life!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd - what's up with your camera? Do all of your subjects have a golden shadow?! Or could it be that's her very own guardian angel?! (Just to her left!)
Sooooo relieved & will continue with prayers!
ReplyDeleteGood Morning my Dear. Wow what a nice surprise to wake up to that last picture! Great news!!
ReplyDeleteAhhhhh those dimples of hers..Wunnaful news my friend..let the journey to good health continue!!! Love lots!!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteSweet BethieBaby!
From your heart to Gods ears.
Sweet SlurkieBaby!
If we are back in Wiscosnins by then, (and I believe we will be), you will just have to thumb it a bit further east.
I prefer the fruity tums please.
GOOD MORNING!!! Just stopping to say hello and see how things are going. Take care and know you and Miss Casey are in my thoughts and prayers! Love to all!!!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to see she is up and doing well. She's one tough cookie!!!
ReplyDeleteGood for you politely declining to leave the room. lol I probably would have done it too. I mean you are mom for goodness sake.
Prayers continueing for Miss Casey!
Yes, by now we all know that Casey is certainly unique!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that Casey is finally feeling better and on her way to a speedy recovery. She had me worried there for a while.
The only bad part is what you said about Casey being released once she starts eating again.... and that would be "hospital food"? Ewww! That ought to give her plenty of incentive to get out of there quick.
My sweet Anne I think of you and Casey so much during the day and prayers as many that can be said in a day and night. The strength and love between you and Casey is immeasurable one that is beyond compare, I actually marvel at your strength and pray that you always have this, please know how much I care. Itt is always great to hear that Casey is feeling better
ReplyDeleteOh Sweetie,
ReplyDeleteToday I really need someone to come take Punk out... hehehe
Wish I was in SSM...
I don't know what is going on with my camera- So many of those pictures I see the shadow which does not necessarily correspond with the flash of the camera.
Go figure.
It is in some pictures, others not at all.
I didn't sleep too good last night. I hope the same does not apply to Casey.
She hasn't called yet this morning, so I am hoping she is still asleep!
Sweet Bug!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't help but laugh when I saw her!
But it wasn't laughing AT her- More of a relief or amazement
ReplyDeleteSweet WyckieBaby!
I love those dimples too!
Sweet Pam...
ReplyDeleteGood Morning yourself! ;-)
From what I know, "no news is good news" right about now.
Wow! She looks, as you would say, wunnerful!! Prayer works and we will definately keep them coming your way for a speedy complication free recovery from here on out. Home in 1-2 weeks sounds great, I sure hope the hospital food there is better than what they served me here. Bleh. My husband Max (and some of the nurses) used to bring me outside food because I was barely eating anything (tho I can live off the fat of the land for quite some time, lol). Casey is such a pretty girl (awesome dimples, I concur) and seems to have your great s(punk) and attitude. I wish I was there to take Punk for a romp with my pups, Murray and Santino, and give you a few hours undisturbed rest. Have a wunnerful blessed day. Tell Ms Casey I send her hugs, California sunshine & warm sea breezes from San Diego!!!
ReplyDeleteSweet Tonya;
ReplyDeleteI do know that many people (I think mostly 'moms' too) just freak to see their child in pain and being made to move etc...
I am not hard hearted, but we just know it has to be.
Just one of those things.
Kinda like childbirth, it is over and done with as long as you just do it.
Casey is no dummy. She knows this.
I think that is why she has this "Up and at 'em" spirit.
Holy "CARP" Sweet RT...
ReplyDeleteShe had me so worried I didn't know which way to turn anymore.
I've been eating that hospital food too. Nothing exciting there at all...
I miss my stove.
ReplyDeleteSweet Toni!
Sorry I do not mean to make you dwell on negative things...
Truth be told, I was a bit sidetracked there myself.
It is always nice to hear that my friends appreciate the respect and the love that Casey and I share. That I have for all of my children as well.
"WOW" is right Sweetie!
ReplyDeleteI am with you on the complication free recovery as well!
And oh how I would love to feel that sunshine on my own face as well!
All this, and she says she's hungry too!
Punk says she would LOVE to meet your furkids too!
ReplyDeleteBeing a philosopher, I have a problem for every solution.
ReplyDeleteBeing a philosopher, I have a problem for every solution.
Lol, u r so crazy Anne!
PS: Murr & Tino send a shout out ("woof") to Punk!
ReplyDeleteAnd a pat from me as well. :D
ReplyDeletePlease excuse how messy my hair looks in that pic. lol.
ReplyDeleteAwww... no worries there Sweets! (You should see my own half the time)...
Those dogs of yours are just beautiful!
Thanks, we think they are pretty cute, and tons of fun. We missed them sumthin turrable when OOT this past week. They certainly give us a lot of joy and ask so little in return. Have a wunnerful day girl. Hugs, Sal
ReplyDeleteOOPS! Sorry! I meant to say "heart-rending"....not "heat-rending"!!!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see that you to are up & at em!
I do admire Casey's strength and spirit after going through such ordeals. Prayers for her quick recovery or shall i say..quicker recovery?? ...hoping that all goes well this time.
ReplyDeleteMay this year end bring joy to you and Casey...wishing her better and the best of health from now on!
Love and hugs to you both
WooHoo!! I know I'm a bit late here as usual! I am SO happy to see that she is up already! She looks wonderful! Here is hoping for a speedy recovery and no more issues!
ReplyDeleteHugs, thoughts, and prayers continue.
I was watching the National Geographic Channel the other day, and they are going to try to pass a law to allow dogs to accompany people who suffer anxiety into stores and such like guide dogs for the blind or disabled. Dogs are good for healing too. Maybe they'll let her see KC in the hospital? (A lot of hospitals do) Lots of prayers coming from far away that you will be able to go home soon, and get there.
ReplyDeleteI never even noticed that until you pointed it out!
Sweet Leticia!
ReplyDeleteHow nice to hear from you my dear!
"Quicker" sounds like a plan to me! hehehe
I love the sentiment for Caseys health too. I think this year was the absolute pits for her, and with the new year will come much new hope for a pain free life.
ReplyDeleteSweet Karen!
Do not ever worry about being late! You are always welcome whenever you can get here. I do know how very busy you are.
Hope all is well with you also! Merry New Year!
ReplyDeleteSweet Stanger!
A while back when Jamie was still on 360, she had told me that she had heard something along those lines somewhere. I wish it were true. Mostly I wish it was ALREADY true.
My love to all
God love that girl. She sure suprises us all with her feats of fearlessness. Casey is a don't knock me down I'll get right back up fighter.
ReplyDeleteSend her my love, along with hugs and kisses. Always thinking of you and Casey and praying she has a speedy recovery and comes home soon.
ReplyDeleteSweet Deneen!
She is either very stupid or very courageous. And since I know that she carried a 3.89GPA throughout, I guess that rules out stupid. hehehe
Although I do not remember ever hitting a female in a knock down drag out fight, I was always leery of the little ones.
Kind of like dogs that way. I would much rather be able to reason with a larger dog, than get chewed on by an ankle biter.
Those little women are to be avoided at all costs when they are mad.
I shall send her your thoughts as well.
Yes. I decked a guy once.
One Bob Boehm had said something really durogatory to me.
One swing to his face and he went down like the poo he was.
And I was seated.
As I had waited for my then fiance to join us for dinner...
(I have always been glad I had witnesses to that one).
What great news Anne....! I am so happy to see KC up and around.. love you both, k
ReplyDeleteCasey sure is a SPECIAL one, that's for sure!
ReplyDeleteUnique is one way of describing her.
She doesn't let ANYTHING get her, OR keep her down.
She's definitely proved that to all of us in these pictures!
Still loving, and thinking, and keeping you both in my prayers daily.
Much love and hugs to you both ~ Susan XOXOXO