[My] Life in Wisconsin

Crayons and Prayers Please... See comment section

Merry 2009 All;
I know that I have the bestest friends of any blogsite, anywhere; shown most recently through your own prayers and support for what Casey has gone through.
I am asking that if you have any of these items in your home to please send them on.

Love to all.



My entire blog today is stolen from here. Please CLICK.

Written by Baby Mariahs mother, Micki

I’m asking something of each of you…

I’m doing a project this year to benefit the patients at St Vincent’s Pediatric Floor.
When Mariah was ever in the hospital we would always bring her own crayons, coloring books and puzzles because she enjoyed doing those things.
I want to collect enough new coloring books, crayons and puzzles to be able to give each new patient something to be able to do in the hospital and to take home with them in memory of Mariah.

I’m naming this project Riah’s Rainbow.
I want to continue this throughout the year, not just for Christmas. I want it to be an ongoing contribution to the hospital.

(Won't) you help out?

I think this project will really reflect all that Mariah was about. She loved to color and to draw.

This project will definitely keep her memory alive in all of our hearts."

Our House:
The Kleins
3181 Trenton Lane
Green Bay, WI 54313
United States
Riah's Rainbow
This is the Riah's Rainbow logo we chose...
we will be putting a sticker on each item we donate.


Daddy please don't look so sad,
Momma please don't cry,
Cause I am in the arms of Jesus and
He sings me lullabies.

Please try not to question God,
Don't think he is unkind.
Don't think He sent me to you,
and then He changed his mind.

You see, I am a special child,
and I am needed up above,
I'm the special gift you gave Him,
The product of your love.

I'll always be there with you,
and watch the sky at night.
Find the brightest star that's gleaming,
That's my halo's brilliant light.

You'll see me in the morning frost,
That mists your windowpane.
That's me, in the summer showers,
I'll be dancing in the rain.

When you feel a gentle breeze,
From a gentle wind that blows,
That's me, in the summer showers,
I'll be dancing in the rain.

When you see a child playing,
and your heart feels a little tug,
that's me, I'll be there,
Planting a kiss on your nose.

So, daddy, please don't look so sad,
Mommy don't you cry.
I'm in the arms of Jesus,
and He sings me lullabies.

- Author unknown


  1. Excellent!
    I got the updates from caring bridge and I intend on assembling something as soon as things slow down here. God Bless you for posting this!

  2. I know how much my Ari loves to color. I'll be shopping in the next few day. Crayons are on my list!!

  3. Happy New Year to you and Casey and Greg and Punk, too!

    What a wonderful idea they have had and a wonderful way to remember...

    That poem had me searching for a new box of tissues..

    Hope you all have a wonderful day! and May today be the last Holiday that the Caseyface has to spend in the hospital!

  4. Hi All !!!

    Thank you so for helping...


    Casey quite ill today...

    And as I came on here (at the hospital I borrow Caseys computer).
    I see that she had tried to even read blogs today.

    ...And got as far as this one.

    But she had begun to write a comment also.
    And here it is.



    Caseys unposted comment:

    Whew! Now I really can't see... Tears are just coming down my face... This is such an appropriate program for the little angel they are modeling it after. I think Mariah is very happy to see what her family has thought and is doing in memory of her!
    Couldn't have thought of better items with how much Miss Mariah loved to color."


    That was far as she got-
    She has been "out of it" basically all day.
    Of course this is New year, and I shall have to stay on them to get a doctor here

  5. I ran out of Kleenex & am subbing with TP! Bless her heart to be thinking of someone else at a time like this in her own life!
    I have today off & will be checking in often to see any updates.
    You both will be in my thoughts & prayers all day!


  6. What a wonderful way to keep her memory going. Crayons and coloring books is one of the simplest and easiest things to obtain and most kids love them. Next time I am out I will get some and send them.

    I know Casey will have her good days and those days that are not so good. She is so anxious to feel normal again. Or at least, closer than she was before.

    My Prayers are always with her for a quick healing and to walk out of that hospital on her own steam very soon!

  7. Cool idea.

    sorry to hear Casey is not feeling well today.

  8. I have alot of the things Micki needs, I stocked up in the fall when school started so I will out together a big ole' box of goodies and send it to Micki. That is such I great idea. I am thinking about you and Casey everyday.

  9. I can't help but cry every-time I think of Mariah,
    and when I see her precious little face it saddens
    me in some ways, but knowing that she's now
    in Heaven with my Kenny, I know they both are
    not suffering anymore and in a better place.
    That poem made me cry harder. At first, I thought
    perhaps Micki wrote it. But, it is still a wonderful poem.
    Micki has a wonderful idea of keeping Mariah's memory alive.
    I already have some crayons and coloring books that I will
    send out right away.

    Sorry to hear about Casey, hope she's feeling better by now.

    Love, hugs, thoughts and prayers going your way ~ Susan XOXOXO
