[My] Life in Wisconsin

CLICK! Send a note to Pass Obama's health care plan


President Obama pledged to seek common ground between Democrats and Republicans, and assured them all: "My door is always open."

Republicans responded by heckling, booing, and hissing. Our President defended his health care plan against false right-wing attacks.

We can't afford to let right-wing extremists hold health care reform hostage. As Obama put it, "the time for games has passed. Now is the season for action." Let's send a message to Congress, demanding swift action to pass real health care reform.

A compiled petition with your individual comment will be presented to your senators and representative.


  1. The " Pass Obama's health care plan " campaign is brought to you by MoveOn.org Political Action™.

  2. Oh my Gosh are the halls of Washington filled with bratty 10 year olds. Would be great if they could play nice, and maybe really accomplish something.
