[My] Life in Wisconsin

"The great advantage of universal, government-provided health insurance is lower costs. Canada's government-run insurance system has much less bureaucracy and much lower administrative costs than our largely private system. Medicare has much lower administrative costs than private insurance. The reason is that single-payer systems don't devote large resources to screening out high-risk clients or charging them higher fees. The savings from a single-payer system would probably exceed $200 billion a year, far more than the cost of covering all of those now uninsured." ~Paul Krugman~


  1. Ahhh but then why do so many canadians come here for treatment that they can't get there either because its not timely or its unavailable? There must be some happy inbetween...


  2. For the same reason that Americans go to Thailand or other provinces.
    To save money from our high cost specialists.

  3. LOL when I read your comment it read as if the Canadians come here to our specialist because they are less expensive than their government run specialists. Which of course made me laugh and then say ... "see I told you so".... then I had to stop and second guess my own assumptions... that maybe the media is playing the whole they can't get treatment in a timely fashion and could die thingy so they come here rather than wait for the review board thingy. I came across this: http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/view/119483
    interesting... I wonder if we will ever really know what the truth is since the media is not truely unbiased.

  4. ask anyone from a country with socialized medicine

  5. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just keep tellin' yourself that.. but.. I'm not paying for it.

  6. hehehe
    That's not what I was thinking.

    But I did go to the link you enclosed. A wonderful read about the differences! And quite 'right on' too.
    It almost behooves us to pity ourselves in the face of such wonderful medicine available right over the border!

    Damn sad, isn't it?


  7. Right on!
    The article that Cab mentioned told ALL about the lies that were spawned in those commercials 'against' the healthcare plan
    I will enclose just a few of those paragraphs...

    "Due to the many lies and myths that have been spread by the GOP about the Canadian and some of the other European health care systems, facts are apparently remarkably "unimportant" in American health-care debates. Since President Harry Truman, every incoming Democratic president has quickly learned this fact about any "real" US health care discussions.

    In Canada, the situation is exactly the opposite.

    While most conservative Americans politicians loudly proclaim their opposition to the so called "socialist" health care, the "right-wing Canadian politicians" are the quickest to pledge total opposition to any possible "privatization" of their health care program. When American Republican´s do their ranting against Canadian health care, it gets big play in the Canadian media because it reinforces the Canadian´s sense of a positive difference between Canada and the United States."

  8. You should be laughing now...

    Are you really ignorant enough to believe that just because you aren't personally writing out a check for un/under/insured Americans every month that you aren't paying for it now? (Because if that's what you think then it's MY turn to heartily laugh at you).


  9. Tried to go to your page and leave a note in your guestbook. But you have it all hidden...
    Still laughing tho...
    See, In the 4 years I have known you, you really have said some pretty lame things. This was just another added to that list.

    Do feel free to stop by anytime. My pages are always open because I have nothing to hide.

  10. WELL...as a CANADIAN I must say that I am well pleased with our health care system. There is a shortage of doctors, but that happens and there's nothing we can do about it.
    When the young doctors come out on their own, they think "money" and the US or big cities are what they go for. When I go to a doctor, specialist, have blood work or any
    test or procedures...I don't get a bill. I say, thank you, and go home. If I have to spend time in the hospital, have surgery, or have a baby...I go home and I don't get a bill.
    For me, this is a great system! I do have a Blue Cross plan for drugs because I have many health issues, but I cannot imagine having anything else for health care but what
    we have. I know they had a woman on "Fox TV" telling everyone in the US not to have a health care system like Canada, but I can only imagine that she was well paid for
    doing that!! Some people do go "over the border" for things like Weight Loss Surgery and pay big bucks for it. These things are elected surgery and not emergencies so yes
    they will have a longer waiting period.

    Just my 2 cents worth....wish everyone would just support the President and give him a chance!! At this point, if I was him, I would pack up and leave the country!! LOL

  11. Sweet Sweet Bev-
    If I could stand up and applaud what your comment just did to my heart, I would.
    Instead I shall just thank you.

    We have our own shortage of doctors.
    And we seem to have a mindset that if 'they' do not get paid "X" number of dollars that they will quit.
    Personally I don't want a damned doctor that is in "it" for the money!
    But that is me only?
    Man, I just don't understand why anyone would care to deprive their children and grandchildren this way.

    You are right. We need to let the President just do his job.
    Guess I hate the hate that is out there. Nor do I understand it.
    Nor has anyone stepped up to tell me why.

    I admire him. And until he does something, other than take a few more of my $'s, to make me not believe uin him, then I am happy to admire him.
    People are p*ssin' and moanin' about their taxes.
    For Gods sake, that is the price we pay for being able to live here.
    Methinks if they don't like it, they can just go elsewhere.

    I thank you again for your honesty and support.


  12. Well let's hope he doesn't do that. Personally I wish he would fix focus on one major thing at a time, its a little overwhelming and the information being thrown at us about, the economy, healthcare, the wars, banking, credit card companies, DOMA etc is convoluted. Then again, if he wasn't working on EVERYTHING at once people would complain that he wasn't doing anything. LOL - I have no idea why anyone would want to be President


  13. Such a mouthful you have written!
    No wonder I love ya coming and commenting. You are so right on so many levels.
    I wonder where all the logic falls with everything else that you have written so rightly about The President.

  14. I wanted to ask where all of his voters are?
    But most of them are truly afraid to write much.
    I believe the "Town Hall Mentality" definitely throws many many decent people off.
    As for myself, I don't believe I have EVER written anything that cannot be proven or verified- (Even my comments back to Cherei) hehehe

    Thank you again.


  15. I voted for Obama for his health care reform promises. I sure hope he doesn't let me down. I need health care and can't afford it, just like millions of other Americans. I have literally thought about moving to Nova Scotia, pretty area, AND socialized health care.

    I agree with all of your wise words Annie. Interesting point, when I was taking Economics in college (back in the early 80s) we had to write a thesis on some major economic topic that could / or would effect the economy of our country in the future. I picked socialized medicine. It was a 50, or so, page thesis that earned a grade of 100. My Professor told me I was the only one out of over 100 students that had picked that topic. I spent 100s of hours doing research (in pre-computer days). When I started doing my research I didn't know anything about my subject, but by the time I'd finished, and ever since then, I've been very pro-socialized medicine. And if people don't believe, or understand, how wonderful it is - just talk to a Canadian and they will convince you.

    It seems all the town hall meetings have had a lot of screeching about Obama wanting to turn our health care into socialized medicine and what a bad idea that would be. These people who are screeching are not well informed. That isn't what Obama's plan is about at all. Personally, I would much rather have Obama steering us toward socialized medicine than a government option plan for those who can't afford private insurance. It would save time, because I think eventually we will have a system that is much the same as Canada's.

  16. Good Morning Deb;
    Know that I would stand and applaud your thesis today! ...if I could. hehehe

    I could have written those very same words... (highlighted ones)
    ... And late last year to have even asked people that if they hadn't yet made up their minds, to vote for him on that premise alone.

    But you are wrong if you think he will be letting us down. This experience of hr3200 tells us it is not him, but the assholes in DC that are "responsible" for passing "ObamaCare".
    And I truly wish they would just pass it and be done with it. ... The Dems can you know. And it has been done on a few other 'shifts' as well. And we said "Oh wait a dang minute that was a fast one they pulled"
    But at least this one IS important enough.

    Love to you. Always. And a hackles pat for Madoc.


  17. Cheers for Deb (reconstitutedteen) for understanding our system and saying something positive about it. These days I wonder if it's safe to say I'm from Nova Scotia..LOL
    A woman on Facebook (that I never heard of before) really gave me a talking to for liking Obama. She said I could have him and our system too. Says she heard the lady
    from Canada on Fox tv and she told everyone not to accept a health care system like ours...ohhhhh boy, she got me at the wrong time!! I'm sorry about that...but I'm sick
    with this flu or something....I call it the "bitch flu" cause I've been grouchy and not very nice!!! haha Well I gave her a talking to right back and I never heard from her again.
    The nerve to come out and do that when I wasn't talking to her and she didn't know me!! LMAO Have a good night everyone!!

  18. I think that we have a wonderful system here I really do, I have sent http://www.medicareaustralia.gov.au/ to a lot of my friends in the US to read and compare with the system Obama is trying to set up maybe if you wish to look it over, For me being a Vet my medical is all taken care of, but I still have Julie my wife and I did have my three girls


  19. Thank you for the link! (I know you do not know me--- suffice to say I am a link addict! hehehe (I have been there for the past 2 hours too


  20. Any good !! ?? Is your system is sick and need care ?? LTLC

  21. I was wondering when you did this topic did you look in to Australia's Health Care System at all http://www.medicareaustralia.gov.au/public/index.jsp because it seems to me that people are not really making up their own mind but rather listening to whatever some reporter will say ??
