[My] Life in Wisconsin

Focal Points and I~Oh~Dots...

CaseyFace, 10/21/09- Ready to leave the hospital...

Good Morning All;
And to thank you for your kind words from the last few days... I'm alright today.

As you know, Casey was twice to the hospital on Monday. 
Plus, once last weekend too. She has a hard spot that seemingly comes and goes where her pancreas pain once was.  It gives her much pain and nausea.

Suffice to say that there aren't too many doctors around here that even want to guess at this point.

This note I had sent to Kelli yesterday pretty much tells all about Casey and I...

Dearest Sick Kelli;
Should you be at work?
Or are you just getting everyone there to feel as lousy as you do?

Since I had been up since 12:30 the day before I came home as they wheeled her back to have her Cat Scan. 
I slept til almost 11:30, after having gone to sleep at 2:30. Too wired from the day at hand...

Casey called a little after 1 AM- Greg and her were once again heading home.

Dr Sutherland's assistant emailed me earlier- Casey will go to Minnesota next week. Will have to keep an eye on the forecast too.

About the soup. (Tim is weird. I didn't like it at all).
I d
ropped some off at Randy's too. As I set it on the sidewalk, I jumped about 5 feet in the air when he came out of the garage! (He was supposed to get it when he woke up, being so sick and all).
But I stayed about 10 feet away. hehehe

*** If I get sick from anywhere, its going to be from these damned hospitals and clinics!
And I am scared;  ~not of being sick, but of fracturing any more of my spine from coughing. They (PM) told me that coughing and sneezing can be responsible for my fractures...

If I am ok come Friday then I'll be good to go from yesterday. (Incubation period being 1-4 days).

Let's see... Where was I? hehehe

A week ago, Casey had this rude ("know-it-all"), ER doctor.
You already know the kind; ~with
NO bedside manners at all 

She'd asked Casey, "Do you want something to be wrong?"
Now what the hell kind of question is THAT?
(No, you idiot, she wants only to know what IS wrong)!
no I did not say it- (I should have). It will be onr of the regrets I hold when I meet my Maker.

When we went in
on Monday (the 1st time), it was a long wait to see anyone. They were 40 patients behind at 4AM, but were only 10 behind when we got there.
Needless to say, even waiting an hour was good work on their part.

The PA (Physician Assistant), came in. A very, very, nice gal. To ask what Casey was normally given and at the very least to order something for Casey's pain and nausea.
She listened closely, asking and answering- She was also very straightforward about their ignorance of the procedures Casey has been through. Very kind. Very honest.  Very rare, unfortunately.
Casey even told her that she was much nicer than how she had been treated that previous weekend

Casey's bloodwork came back OK.  She was given more zofran for her nausea and we got back here a little after 4.

An hour later, she was vomiting all over again...

Knowing that Minneapolis has always been more than helpful, I told Casey to try to call there.
She did,
between bouts of nausea, and spoke to the transplant surgeon on call.
He ordered Casey to go right back to the hospital for more appropriate treatment of her pain and nausea.   -He also called to St. Mary's In Green Bay and ordered a Cat Scan for her. (They were unwilling to do this earlier; not sure of it is costs, or out of any medical concern for Casey).

When we returned, as luck would have it, she got the same raunchy doctor that she'd had a week ago.   The Dr. (and I use the term lightly), came in.

The first thing Dr. Zero wanted to know was what Casey had said about her earlier.  Hmm...  How's that for treating an obviously sick patient?

When no answer was forthcoming, she went on to say that she had heard from Minnesota, but wanted us to know that "all the doctors in the world could call, but it wasn't going to change her own course of treatment." 
I promise this condescending bitch will be reported)!  ..."Grrrr" ...

She ordered Toradol (which is one or two steps up from ibuprofen, Advil).  Yeah, like that's going to help...
After Caseys bloodwork came back, Dr. Z. very begrudgingly ordered a Cat Scan.

My email to Dr. Sutherland was answered yesterday-
Casey will be seeing him next week. Seems like a long wait, but he will only be in Mpls that one day...

We will be taking the reports from the hospital, the scans and the xray to Minnesota- Also the copies of her visits to the clinic.

So how would YOU treat this young lady with the brave face?

Lord only knows she's seen her share of clinic ceilings with their random focal points.
She has peed in too many cups...
And still, she braves it out as she waits for answers...

.Wanting to entertain her, I told her that Punk was wondering why Casey's seat was empty for so long?
.But I didn't offer toradol... hehehe
I told her it was warm~ish outside; and to get better so she could go out and enjoy it!
I set the camera down while I blew up a medical glove....
Then I huffed and I puffed, and I blew it up even bigger!.
Didn't make her better, so I did the Macarena for her....
OK, so I can't do the Macarena anymore.
But I would have if I could have
And it's suppose to be the thought that counts anyway-
Still didn't work...

The other doctor came in and even joked around about me getting a new camera, (which is not true by the way)...
I am not that ugly..
Nor was he-

Even Greg was there to add levity and love..
"Smile, Honey!"
But the real smiles came when it was time to go home.
I'd better close for now-

Trash day today. I have decided that my entire house will have to go. Getting it to fit into the dumpster is the problem.   hehehe    

Love to all.



  1. Glad to hear everyone is home and an appointment made for the doctors in Minn. Hope all goes well with that.

    I have heard that the H1N1 can travel 10 foot easily.. so be careful.

    Big hugs

  2. Wonders how come her hair was blond if her head was in those nether regions of dark nefarious and stink?

    Speaking of stink... I have to get in the shower now. hehehe

    "Alright" really I am...
    i think.

  3. Glad Casey is home and glad she will see Dr Sutherland next week .. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers and hope everything will be fine ..

    I would report Dr ZERO too , what a bi*ch

    Take care

  4. Wondering how that quack is still practicing with the horrible bedside manner that she has... Hope you report her and hope some type of action will be taken...

    Glad Casey will be seeing Dr. S next week... He seems to be the one with the magic to fix her....

    Your hair looks nice... Thought you went bald. hehehe

    Feel better than better soon!

    Love Ya!

    Slurkie :-)

  5. It's a wig from a cabbage patch kid. hehehe

  6. Wow... You have a freakishly small head then!


  7. Hi Mommy,

    I'm surprised those pictures didn't turn out too bad! Although I look pale, I don't look as bad as I felt... The ones of you are cute!! Glad you could pass the time keeping you and me entertained! Punkie looks so sad peering up at the front seat... Awww... My honey looks gorgeous as ever! Although he looks mighty worried in that second picture... Guess that goes along with me dragging you and him to the ER without a clue as to what's going on... Sorry about that...

    I found something interesting:

    Ketorolac tromethamine (TORADOL) can cause peptic ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding and/or perforation of the stomach or intestines, which can be fatal. These events can occur at any time during use and without warning symptoms."

    Great, awesome... Also found this:

    TORADOL is CONTRAINDICATED in patients currently receiving aspirin or NSAIDs because of the cumulative risk of inducing serious NSAID-related side effects."

    So, like it says on my medication list which they copied TWICE, I'm supposed to be on aspirin 325mg/day. I guess it's a good thing that I haven't been taking that!!!

    Sounds like she made just a spectacular decision on which medication to give me. She dasn't give me the dilauded which wouldn't interact with anything. Oh no, that's what the patient said would work so therefore we give her beefed up ibuprofen that could cause serious complications...

    At least it wasn't an opioid, right?

    GRRRRRRR.... Friggen idiots!!!

    Also, the transplant surgeon on call in MN told me that she was going to instruct the ER to send me home with stronger painkillers so I can try to get by without repeat trips in to the ER... But, Dr. Dumb~Arse decided that she was smarter than those doctors in MN and she saw me for what I really was: an obvious drug~seeker...

    I just want to know what the heck is wrong right now... Would be nice...

    I'm glad we're going to be dealing with the best of the best on Tuesday! He'll get down to the bottom of things!

    **I've got the Macarena song stuck in my head! And visions of focal points from the ER... Sounds like a bad parody of the Night Before Christmas... Oh, I'll have to write that one too! Hee hee hee...

    Love you MUCH MUCH!

  8. AMEN!!!

    Wait, should I write that after a cuss word?? Oh well, it's how I feel about the subject...

    There is no other descriptive word for her... She didn't even listen to my abdomen with a stethoscope and only did so the second time around because Mom said something about that... When she did the pushing on my belly part she pushed hard, and when she found a spot that hurt, she didn't push lighter, she went back there over and over and pushed harder on it... There was much wincing and holding of the breath... (She kept asking me questions, too, and would look at me funny when I was holding my breath and not answering right away... Duh, it's because you're increasing the pain that you're going to decide not to treat anyway...)

  9. As an added FYI; I believe this is the first time I have ever called anyone a "bitch"-
    ...And spelled out the word proper.

    After the link I just posted about the recall, and Caseys info above, she will rue the day she mistreated her.
    She has met her match.

    ME (a much bigger b*tch).


  10. The lady (again, I am using the word in error), is going down.

    Madder than hell now...

  11. Ever get the feeling that doctors these days just Don't care much for actually "being" doctors anymore. If only THEY could FEEL what WE feel within our bodies they would be demanding for someone to help THEM. Now wouldn't they?

    Oh...saw the photo of that stuff Casey got injected with. Hmmmmm.....Hope there are no side affects for her from it.

    You look simply wunnerful in your photos while trying to cheer up Miss Caseyface!

  12. I haven't had my computer turned on in a few days, apparently I missed quite a lot. So sorry to hear you and Miss Casey have been sick. Hopefully Dr Sutherland can get her fixed up when she sees him next week. As for the Bitchy Nurse - report the Hell out of her Annie! I can't believe she asked Casey if she wanted there to be something wrong with her. Why do people like that even go into nursing?

  13. you need a phone with internet. Everytime they try to give you something, you questioni t on-line...failing that, start to travel with PDR.

  14. Ya'll seem to be havig the same luck with encountering rude Drs that we are having. In fact the rude Dr we had to endure(for about half a heart beat) kicked Bruce out of their practice. The Dr we see normally was overseas visiting family...it was his arrogant a**ed partner that took it upon his self to release Bruce. (So I also removed Drew from their practice as well).
    This"Dr" wouldnt let Brue explain the chest pain he was having ..just heard "chest pain" and started demanding we go to the ER. We have already been to the ER ...he has already hada 2nd heart catherization and was told by his Cardiologist to see the "primary" care Dr to follow-up on checking into what else it maybe causing the chest pains...like his stomache possibly.
    After this Mondays trip to the ER and a day at he hopsital..they believe it maybe his tummy. So we are being sent to a GI specialist.
    But believe me...this rude "Dr" is going to wish he'd been off that day...as I am going to report him to the State Board...let him deal with an investigation into his practice.
    Hope everyone gets better...till later Denise

  15. So very sorry Annie that with everything Casey has been through she has to have a mean dr also. You were brave tryin gto perk her up and poor Punk looked pitiful looking at her empty seat. Bless both of you and I know you will have Dr Rude's guts for garters.

