[My] Life in Wisconsin

There should be a law against migraines that make you barf. Going to try to sleep now... Love to all. XOXO, Me


  1. I hope you awake well and without the Migraine Anna

    Terrible things I know


  2. Thanks you two! it is still there. Not as bad.
    And sometimes it is one the way out when it improves like that. (Other times it is just a godawful sense of humor)
    And way too much work to be done today to feel like crap.


  3. wow daughter has a barf migrane today to so sorry for you I to get them--and I understand sleep a little my friend --

  4. Uuuuuuuug I agree, I just got over one that lasted four days, I hope you feel better soon hon xoxoxoxoxoxox

  5. Oh, hon - I'm sorry.

    I dated a girl for a time who got those - trust me; I've held more hair back than I care to think - and there's nothing anyone really *knows* about their origin. It's a neurological mystery.

    Take care of you today.....

  6. Have you tried eating Brain food?
    Don't ask me what to eat, but there are loads of natural foods that will do it.
    There is a dry joint somewhere and a dozen oysters might cure it, or make you barf. lol

  7. no way hose food doesn't cure a migrane nothing does you can only control symptoms !!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Hanging in there- Hair is tied back...

    Pam, the last one I had was that long- I finally went in and got a few shots.

    Bless you Astra, for stickin' with that girl as she puked. You are an angel.
    By comparison, Randy goes outside or turns the tv up. (Though he did bring me a cold washcloth once when I was laying down).

    Bill, thank you for the advice- even the thought of oysters right now is sorta bad... hehehe

    Heidi, you are right. Migraine is a disease. But what is 'hose food'? hehehe

    There's only 3 little entries there but kind of important.


    Casey and Marsha will be here soon-
    We are working out in the old shed today. UGH. But it has to be done.
    I also have to finish mowing lawns, or pretty soon I will have to bale them...
    *double ugh...


  9. There are about 10,000 different triggers for migraine.
    Find your magical combination of those, and you might be alright.
    Vary only slightly, and you start from square one.

    That said, then there are 10,000 releases from migraine too.
    Just you try to find and then figure that one out...
    True though.



  10. And then throw in a hormone or three...

  11. does is what it was suppose to say--my migrane spelling inside out lol

  12. I am so sorry you are always getting those migraines, do you think certain foods or caffeine might be bringing it on?

  13. omg, I sound like a parrot here.....guess I should have read everyone elses comments before putting mine in! sleep well and wake up feeling wonderful!

  14. I've not had a migraine that was that painful in a really really long time. (Yep....I'm knocking on wood!)

    Once its gone....does your head feel fragile as an eggshell? Well....that's sorta what I remember mine to have felt like after it finally went away. Eggshells or very thin fine china. Whatever it was, it did feel like if ANYTHING touched my head it would have shattered.

    Hope you are feeling better today.

  15. Nah bugger that Suzy if I bother about reading all of the other comments I forget what the blogs about mate so just write whats on ya mind::;
    I usually write something like "Sorry about Sex, Sex, your Mig Sex, Sex, raine Anna hope it Sex, Sex gets better soon

  16. Nah bugger that Suzy if I bother about reading all of the other comments I forget what the blogs about mate so just write whats on ya mind::;
    I usually write something like "Sorry about Sex, Sex, your Mig Sex, Sex, raine Anna hope it Sex, Sex gets better soon

  17. I see you have sex on your brain today.

    Have a good one.
    (And thanks for the giggles).


    I do agree though, so I try not to read comments either.
    I am quite easily sidetracked.

  18. isn't that always how it is? on days when you have absolutely NOTHING to do, you feel fine....and on the days when you have a million things that need to get done, your body decides to shut down...sucks! lol

  19. I'm OK.
    More of a migraine hangover right now than anything else.
    But am still afraid to eat.
    Gosh and I am starving too-
    That is always the hardest decision...


  20. You are SO right. What is that all about anyway?

    And I didn't get the lawns done, but we did make a little more headway in the shed...
    Slowly but surely... (Or so they say).


  21. You had better be knocking on wood. hehehe

    I always feel like there is a huge day old tender bruise on the inside of my skull.
    And that t would feel better if I had a hole drilled...

  22. These past couple of weeks on days Drew has a migraine he is living off (sugarfree) popsicles. He likes the Edy's brand...but right now is working on a box of Popsicle brand. I let him eat them as he feels like it ..so he's getting at least some hydration. That and he will live off of ramen noodles when nothing else will stay down.
    Hope by now you feel better.
    Hugs me!

  23. I am sure you are right with all your experience and skills---but.
    The powers that be have always assumed the brain has two halves and interconnected.
    Today, well last week, I read the brain is multi connected up and down as well as across.
    I fact there are so many connections, wires, they have a long way to go before being able to make up a circuit diagram.
    Hence my dry joint quote, the name given to a unsoldered wire.
    When this circuit is completed they will know what causes anything and in some cases the nerve connections might need stimulating.
    Around 1924 there was a comb sold where above the teeth was a battery.
    Switch on and used, it discharged a low voltage into the hair follicles to make the hair wave.
    I bet if you could buy them today that would sort out, or make, a few problems.
    Just three months ago I had diarrhea, sickness and deafness.
    With raging tinnitus it has haunted me ever since.
    Verdict? It's your brain.

  24. Bill-
    I did giggle at your diagnosis!

    Won't you please take a moment to read this?


  25. Very interesting!
    Sorry about your tinnitus too. I cannot imagine such an ongoing distraction!

    Add to your notes above, the fact that I cannot wear a watch unless it's an old wind up one.
    Not for more than an hour or so. (If you see me with a watch on, it is for 'decorative purposes' only).
    They simply stop working on my wrists...
    Go figure.

    Something electrical?


  26. I was just thinking (lookout) maybe sex does have something to do with migraines....too much of, not enough of....you know, that sort of thing!!!!
    LOL LOL I can see you shaking your head Anne....haha I think food has a lot to do with it and these days we are all too busy to keep a journal.
    I hope you will feel better soon. I can still remember those migraine hangovers....sucks for sure.

    I hope you are not going to work now. Rest until you are sure it is gone. I will try and write tonighte.

    Love big hugs`,
    Bev xo

  27. interesting... that is the third time I have heard this in the last month....

    as I told the others, it is simply your magnetic personality.

  28. Sex DOES have something to do with migraines. It relieves them! (Only if done properly that is).
    Now YOU don't laugh, that is fact.

    i did not shake my head either.
    Well, except for the obvious... hehehe

    I napped earlier today- Wish I could tell you that I feel better, but I don't. I did not accomplish anything of significance or importance. (I have a vague memory of Casey calling, and will check my called ID to see if it wasn't a dream).

    I did at least eat last night- Am happy to say I kept it down too.


  29. the 3rd time this month?
    Who keeps telling you about Bills tinnitus???

  30. glad you amuse yourself....


    love you anyway.


  31. Sweet "Hugs Me"-
    Maybe it is the sugar substitute in them that are keeping Andrews migraines going? I know that, personally speaking, I can tolerate saccharine- (the pink packaged stuff), but NONE of the other sugar subs.

    Ramen noodles have msg in them, don't they? (That is another no-no for me).

    Pork will set off Berta's migraines, but not my own.

    Oh, I have cooked around my head ever since I knew how to cook. At first I didn't know why I wanted some things and not others. Now I know it was just my body telling me NOT to put that stuff in my mouth.
    The same goes for my sodas. I know when I have had my share of caffeine for the day. Vary that, (more OR less), and I am in big trouble.

    Chocolate I can only eat when I have a migraine, and it helps to offer relief.
    I take a bit of real chocolate with about 1/2 cup of mountain dew and aspirin.
    Sounds awful. Works like magic. (For a little while anyway).
    Sadly I am out of both those items right now.



  32. You spat upon my screen!

    Love you too!

    Mama D.

  33. *wipes screen*

    that over there... this is dog snot. I will wipe it too.

  34. Well thank you- But it's probably cat snot...


  35. The cat was in the house-
    The dog has her allergy pills. (Which I faithfully and happily give to her- Nothing worse than a dog sneeze- even if it is only wet)...

  36. could have been from my side.... my dog can't hold her likker....

  37. "Add to your notes above, the fact that I cannot wear a watch unless it's an old wind up one.
    Not for more than an hour or so. (If you see me with a watch on, it is for 'decorative purposes' only).
    They simply stop working on my wrists...
    Go figure.

    Something electrical?"

    EXACTLY right!!! It's been postulated that migraines, like epilepsy, are triggered by poor electrical connections in the brain. If you can only wear a wind-up watch, it follows that your electrical system is out of kilter.

    Sorry you're this miserable.


  38. I'm OK now!

    Ever try to find a short in your bike? hehehe
    Ever try to find one in a car? HAHAHA
    One in the human body???? Huh?!

    The why will never be found out-


  39. I find a short in my car every time I get in it....

    Not hard to find one in my body either, need only look.


  40. HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I AM an electrical gremlin!!!!



  41. Gremlin? No.
    Short? Yes!


    Mama D.

    You got that from the mailman by the way.

  42. hahahaha... I thought it was the milkman?

  43. See, I had to reply to DeeAnne first.
    Now I can't agree with your words- only your concept...


  44. I am old.
    I forget easily.
    Neither one of them... (well, heck YOU know).


    ...and you KNOW I hardly ever "hahaha"

  45. OOo.... I would have thought THAT might be more memorable... guess not!

  46. Do you often have to remind yourself not to put certain things in your mouth???

    giggle giggle giggle....

  47. Yep, those nasty sugar substitutes ALWAYS set off my head and set my guts into overdrive... Nasty stuff...

    Some pork will set my head off, but not all types of pork. Pork is also hard for your body to digest, really is the hardest meat on your digestive tract, so I rarely eat it... Ramen noodles will sometimes set it off if I eat them multiple times in a row, but one packet won't ALWAYS do it... Picky picky... My migraines are quite random, but then again, they all are for everyone...

    MSG in Doritos and other bagged chips will also set it off sometimes... I know for a fact that the TGI Fridays brand of the cheddar bacon potato skins will always set it off... Shame, as they taste SO GOOD!!!

  48. HAHAHAHA!!!!!

    I so LOVE the side conversations that happen in these blogs/notes!!!!

    You guys are HILARIOUS!!!

  49. It's okay honey, we love you! Electrical shorts and all! :D

  50. Mailman?? Milkman??? Dial-up man???

    Now I know you're joking... My mother's a virgin....

    Figure that one out! :D

  51. Hiya Sis!

    She does have her moments...

    Just kidding... She's a WONDERFUL woman and an even BETTER MOTHER!!! One of the bestest!!!

    Love you!

    P.S.: Was telling the story about your friend at your work that was so confused about where in your family tree I fit in:
    "From your dad?"
    "From your father, then?"
    "So she's Bonne's?"
    "No, she's Anne's."
    "Who the heck is ANNE?!?!"
    HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Bet he was wondering how on Earth you were related to a pale-white, light-brown haired, twig of a thing!!!! So amusing!!!

  52. Speaking of sex, Mom is correct, it DOES cure a migraine! One of the best treatments for it... It's fun too!!!

    Of course I would NOT know personally about this though...... ;)


  53. OMG! My sides are hurting from laughter!

    I do love my little Bobo

  54. How many words can you make out of the word "Bobo"?!?!

  55. Two: BOOB!!!!

    hee hee heee.... Get it? Oh, I'm so punny!

  56. hahahaha......

    Yeah my family tree is more of a bush.... or hayfield i can never tell which.

    There are whiter people than you in my familybush too.

  57. You know she cant hold her likker!

    She was here just seconds ago... at my elbow, lick, lick,lick...

  58. My shorts are not electric..... they're cotton.


  59. OMG, I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard!

  60. I take it Fair Lady that you are as vertically challenged as I? And I love your sparkling personality, BTW.

  61. She must spread the love!! Everywhere!!! NOW!!! And furever!!!

  62. Good thing, too! Or you might be walking around with your hair standing on end and a sudden perm to it!!!

  63. I DIDN'T do it!

    Okay, maybe I did.... :D

    *snickers and giggles*

    Stop crying or you'll get your keyboard all wet and it'll have electrical shorts on!!! Hee hee hee....
